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No way I would put Tua at any rank less than #2.


Mac Jones literally had the greatest QB season of all time facing 11 SEC teams. Him at 2 is valid


The only thing that I will say about Mac, is that he played started during the COVID year. So, I’m not discrediting his year but there were limited fans in the stands


Everyone played with those same covid restrictions that year I personally think playing 11 SEC games that season makes up for it 🤷🏿‍♀️


You know that you can’t replicate a stadium full of fans, which could have thrown him off. We can all agree every COVID champion counted but it’s like an * because there were many limitations and restrictions. Mac is a great QB but is below Tua and AJ imo


You sound like /r/cfb


And by the looks of this thread you are trying to slander any take that disagrees with the list but to each his own 🤷🏻‍♂️




*He is a piece of shit, just ignore *him


Stay mad 💋


Do you know where Tuscaloosa is on a map?


This dude is a Tua hater. Even slanders him with the RPO bit. Boo this man! Lol




Maybe you should check both players stats against LSU then


Good Lordt Just say you don’t know ball my man 🤣🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


i can't get over the natty vs clemson and the two brutal turnovers vs lsu in 19


Tua was and is elite dude. Injuries plagued the man without question, but the guy is numero uno.




It’s ok to be wrong bud


It’s ok for others to have different opinions too. Tua and Mac were both great and there isn’t much separating the guys 1-5


Coker is #1 in my heart because he was QB in the two most satisfying games ever — 2015 @uGA and vs Michigan St. in the Cotton Bowl.


Coker isn't my #1 but that 3rd and 3 against Clemson in the natty with like 2 minutes to go was clutchhhhh.


Remember when he was definitely going to take a sack in the iron bowl and scrambled damn near around the entire back field and somehow launched that bomb to Stewart in the endzone?


I damn near fainted


I was so mad at him for not throwing it away and then BAM. Magic.


The beauty of football ❤️


Yet another time where Dominick Jackson chose to block nothing


Your comment reminded me of the GOAT [Jacob Coker tribute video](https://youtu.be/M9j04wmK4m8?si=vb7gzNIzpynOd_4r)


My god, man. WTF?!? lol this is incredible I want to play this before every Bama kick-off. Roll Damn Tide.


Tua and Mac should be swapped for sure imo I think you overrate Coker a bit (and I *love* Coker); the defense wasn't good enough to win in 2014 and Coker certainly wasn't enough to overcome it. I honestly have a contrarian opinion in regards to Coker vs Sims: I think we go undefeated with a 6th year Sims at QB in 2015.


I disagree with the coker vs sims, sims was more talented but he spammed interceptions vs ohio state


Sims' 3rd and final INT vs Ohio State came on a last second hail mary, so it doesn't even count. 2 legitimate interceptions is not "spamming." Was it Sims' fault Zeke had 20 rushes for 230 yards?


Not moving him over a guy who played better in bigger games


Tua #1. Not sure how anyone could argue that. The man had insane stats, and played in only 50% of games. Hell, he WON a national championship by only playing in the second half. If he didn’t get hurt, we would have had two more natties.


Being on the field is a key component to GOAT status


Tua at 1 for sure. FBS **career leader** in pass efficiency and TD rate. Plus he is responsible for the ‘17 title and one of the most iconic plays in the history of the sport. 2-4 is interesting because Mac obviously had that amazing 2020 that’s only been eclipsed by Tua’s seasons, but then Bryce does have a Heisman and is probably *better* than Mac, but no title. AJ is maybe the “worst” of the 3, but he’s got rings and his numbers being lower are due in part to it being a different era.


Tua is #1.


Coker way too high. Tua too low.


Bryce is amazing but you can’t put a QB with 0 nattys at #1. It will always be Tua


Bryce has the same number of Natties while starting as Tua does 0


Boo this man!


Why are you booing me, I’m right


McCarron for production. Tua for ability…and because he’s my cousin.


Hurts may not have been the best, but he will always be my favorite Bama QB. Loved that guy.


Rank how? Most accomplished (career): AJ Most accomplished (season): Bryce Most heart: Jalen H. Best (as in most talented): Tua


Bryce is unassailable at number 1 (pending future QBs). I think Mac and Tua and AJ are 2 and 3 and 4although I might put Tua 2. After that it gets pretty subjective.


Bryce or Tua are coinflips at 1 IMO. Tua made arguably the most famous throw in the *history of the sport* and it’s not even mentioned? How about the 44-6 TD to INT ratio despite not even playing in the 2nd half of games in 2018? Tua also had trash coordinators in 2018. Tosh was an absolute joke. And Tua dropped what like 320 and 2 TDs to go with the 2 INTs?


Bryce or Tua are coinflips at 1 IMO. Tua made arguably the most famous throw in the *history of the sport* and it’s not even mentioned? How about the 44-6 TD to INT ratio despite not even playing in the 2nd half of games in 2018? If you’re giving Bryce a pass for coordinators (you should) … well Tua also had trash coordinators in 2018. Tosh was an absolute joke. And Tua dropped what like 320 and 2 TDs to go with the 2 INTs in that disaster of a Natty? Can’t put that on him. And if you are, then you have to blame Bryce for the 2021 Natty debacle (which would also be unfair and ludicrous).


Tua is very good, love him. One of if not the finest grip and rip passers I’ve ever seen. It is also impossible to separate the fact that he was throwing to much better receivers behind a much better line. I don’t think we do any better in 2018-2019 with peak Bryce, but we may do worse with peak Tua in 2021-2022. From a mental skill standpoint, most of the stuff Tua was doing, especially in 2018, was easier than what was on Bryce’s plate in 21-22. Again, they’re both very good. But, there’s a reason he went #1 overall despite being undersized and not having an amazingly strong arm, and it’s because, especially between the ears, he’s the finest QB to ever suit up in crimson and white.


Love both guys. Agree with you overall. Both guys had amazing moments. Bryce 2021 Iron Bowl is just amazing. 2021 SECCG too (and we still own UGA despite that Mickey Mouse ACL trophy don’t get it twisted). Tua had probably THE moment in the history of CFB. And made so many wow plays. But it’s a bit like Trevor Lawrence in that what he did as a freshman he was never quite able to recreate despite all the accolades. There’s a huge probability Tua is #1 overall without injuries. Right now, he’s an elite or near-elite QB in the NFL by almost any objective measure. Coming off a Pro Bowl year where he lead the NFL in passing. About to get a huge bag. I mean zero disrespect to Bryce. I’m hoping for a big year 2 and going forward with actual coaching and talent around him. Because I understand football is not a results thing. It’s a structure thing. Bryce had none. Tua did (eventually). The OP here doesn’t understand the sport. Period. (If I said McElroy was better than Bryce because he won a 🏆, you would - and should - dismiss me as a fool lol). Making claims like AJ is better than Tua are just outlandish and result driven by people who don’t understand the complexities of ball. These are “box score fans.” They see basic thing, react to basic thing, see other basic thing, react to it… and the cycle repeats itself. Don’t usually comment on here but couldn’t stay quiet lol.


Daboll (2017), Locksley (2018), and Sark (2019) were all better OCs than BOB was. Tua also had the Rydeouts, Damien Harris, Josh Jacobs, Najee Harris, Irv Smith, and a significantly better OL. I love Tua. I think he's absolutely #2 on this list, but Bryce had *significantly* less help around him and still made magic happen.


I agree Bryce had less help, and that certainly contributes and needs to be considered, but at the end of the day the circumstances are the circumstances and Tua was just better than Bryce. I mean, what was it, a TD every 7 dropbacks? Yes, better weapons, but *still* it’s insane. And it’s not like he just handed it to guys, I’ve *never* seen such picture perfect ball placement as Tua routinely had. Like Daboll said, some guys hit the door, some hit the door knob, Tua hits the keyhole.


>better weapons The fact Tua was throwing to 5 different First Round draft picks as his targets while Bryce had to throw to a bunch of recruiting busts in their respective championship losses deserves far more mention than a simple “better weapons”


Sure, but then we’re pointing to one game each. I do think it’s fair if someone wants to go Bryce 1 and Tua 2, I just, as much as I love Bryce, struggle to see it when I religiously watched every snap both took numerous times each. But it’s not necessarily a matter of fact, so my perception of this ranking and what I hold in high regard when evaluating guys can differ from someone else’s. For me, here are some of my reasons for Tua: Tua’s Completion %: 69.3% Bryce’s Completion %: 65.8% Tua’s YPA: 10.9 (2nd all time in FBS) Bryce’s YPA: 8.8 Tua’s TD%: 12.7% (Fairly certain 1st all time in FBS) Bryce’s TD%: 8.43% Tua’s Passer Rating: 199.4 (1st all time in FBS) Bryce’s Passer Rating: 165 Tua was just way more efficient for me. Yes, Rydeouts, but again, it’s not like Tua just didn’t have to do anything. He was pinpoint to a degree I just haven’t seen before or since. But stats aren’t everything, so even just watching them play I lean Tua because he’s honestly the QB I would create in a lab if I could. I wouldn’t create some 6’6” 240lb guy with a huge arm and wheels. Give me *accuracy*, give me *anticipation*, give me a *quick release*, give me *decisiveness*, and when you put all of that together you have *execution*. And that’s why Tua is 1 for me, he was the excellence of execution. Snap, drop, throw before it’s open with a release faster than they can react to with ball placement that can’t miss and **enables** the talented WRs to make plays after the catch. /TuaGumping


>Yes, Rydeouts Bro, that’s all I’m gonna say in response. As soon as Metchie and Williamson went down, Bryce Young was throwing to: Slade Bolden, Traeshon Holden, Agiye Hall, Jahleel Billingsley, Christian Leary, JoJo Earle, and JaCorey Brooks. Literally all of them transferred out by the end of 2023 (besides Bolden who went undrafted), and only JaCorey Brooks was remotely valuable to the team after 2021 (and even he fell off a fucking cliff in 2023). When you’re throwing to 4 first round picks at WR and a 1st Round pick at TE, that’s too much of a asterisk to hand wave away when the opposing player played with a bunch of recruiting busts and future training camp cuts. That’s not even getting into how injured the RB room was in 2021 season, how godawful his offensive line was, or the fact that BoB was his OC (I’d absolutely take Locksley over BoB, though neither was particularly great). Tua played hero ball because doing so is hard coded into his DNA as a football player. Bryce Young played hero ball because he had to. Both 2021 and 2022 are 4 loss teams at a bare minimum without Bryce. The only QB who had a better setup than Tua was Mac in 2020


I don’t disagree with your points about Bryce carrying the teams in ‘21 and ‘22. I believe Tua could have done the same thing, but I can’t prove that because we didn’t get two seasons of a sample size. In contrast, one could argue Bryce may have been able to put up Tua numbers in the ‘18 and ‘19 offenses, and I definitely think his numbers would have obviously been better than they were, but just like the previous point I can’t prove if he’d have looked as good as Tua in that situation because it didn’t happen. But ultimately I’d say we just disagree on what matters more to each of us, thus our rankings differ. Nothing wrong with that.


Yeh that’s fair


Bryce is at best #4. He got so much credit for digging out of situations that he caused in the first place. AJ, Mac, and Tua actually completed routine plays to keep drives alive and win games in the second quarter that Bryce had to come back and win in the fourth because he didn't execute for half a game.




Not or best qb by any means but Milroe's 4th and 31 or gravedigger or any of the other perfect names for it will forever be my favorite play in Bama history even over the Tua game winner in the ship and I watched both moments live idk why it is but it was sweeter too me.


There is no way in hell Milroe, or Sims are ahead of McElroy


Why is that 🤔


Two of the worst nights of my life have been Milroe starts. Greg was the perfect system qb


Greg was the perfect QB to get carried by his system. McElroy had far more bad games in 09 than Milroe had in 2023, but the defense and running game were god tier enough to cover for it.


You have your opinion and I have mine. No need to insinuate things, be a man and say what you want to say


Don’t worry, I’m calling you stupid, not racist 💁‍♀️


Oh no, some random larper from the internet thinks I’m stupid, now what will I do?


Same thing you were gonna do anyway. Your wrong opinion is yours to have 🤷🏿‍♀️


It’s AJ and honestly for Bama QBs he’s in my top 2 right next to Namath. Always got the job done, was the winningest qb in school history, is the all time passing yards leader in school history, won back to back nattys, could’ve very easily gone undefeated in his Bama career if not for 2011 LSU, 2012 A&M, and 2013 Auburn which we should’ve won if not for the Kick Six which would’ve taken us to the Natty against FSU where he would’ve had a chance to three peat


1. Bryce 2. Tua 3a. Mac 3b. AJ 5. Jalen 6a. Coker 6b. Sims 8. Milroe 9. Greg 10. JPW


Formats screwed on mobile lmao


1. AJ 2. Tua 3. Mac. 4. Greg 5. Coker 6. JP3 7. Hurts 8. Sims 9. Milroe


I mean you didn’t list Bryce, but I’m noticing something interesting about the bottom of your list. Only one reason you’d have JPW over those 3 specifically 🤨


My bad. I meant to have Bryce at no. 5. My reason for having JP3 above Hurts and Milroe is that he helped drag Alabama out of irrelevance and did more with less.


Because he was a better QB would be my guess


Yeah, so much so that he never sniffed Heisman votes or the NFL. Sims rewrote the record books, but I’m sure that’s because he wasn’t as good as jpw. Hurts was literally the first freshman SECPOY since Herschel, but yeah, probably not better than jpw.


1. Bryce 2. Tua 3. McCarron 4. Mac 5. Hurts 6. Milroe 7. Coker 8. Greg 9. JPW 10. Sims I think you have debates at 1/2 (Tua could easily be #1) and 7-10. Milroe could jump Hurts depending on how this season goes.


You’ve got two clutch QBs with rings below Hurts, a guy that was “one read, bail right, throw it away.” Sims at 10!? Milroe above GMac!? 


This is a fun debate, and I like that we’re all on the same team in here and I respect everyone’s opinions. However, in your ranking post you’ve got Greg above Bryce Young, and I just don’t think I can see that one


I hate your list, but this clap back is 👌🏿😮‍💨


I think it depends on what you think a QB should be. CNS always said “distribute the ball to the playmakers.” GMac did a better job of that. Bryce has better natural abilities, but likely limited by height and weak coordinators.


He absolutely did not do better than Bryce at distributing the ball lmao


His team carried him, so that means he’s better than Bryce, clearly 💁‍♀️


Imagine putting sims below someone who had a career completion percentage of 52% lmao


No issue with your rankings. I can see how some might want to adjust things here or there but it’s a fair ranking.


I think it's hard to say because of how they were utilized. A game manager can be fantastic in the correct system but not as flashy as QB letting it sling. I am not sure I have Tua above Mac or AJ. AJ was doing the job he was supposed to with almost perfection. Mac games were over before halftime phenomenal I can't rank them but several non flashy ones were excellent at their job as were the gun slingers. The OC makes a difference as well.


Tua has to be top 2.. you mention he would struggle against good defense. Which games are you specifically talking about? His two losses Clemson and LSU he threw for 300 and 420 yds. The dude just always balled out


These comments are all fun to read but man... This has given me anxiety about our upcoming season with Milroe.


Blake Simms should be at #9 at least


This is nonsense. I love Mac but let’s not pretend he’s the second best QB Saban had. He sat on the bench for 3 years for a reason. Yes he had a great 2020 season but he’s number 4 at best and prob 5 behind AJ.


I think JPW is a little uderrated. He had some really nice arm talent. He was just stuck in the era of dinosaur offense. Pluck him out of 2008 and put him in with Sark or Kiffin and the opinion of him changes radically. McElroy though.. we got every bit of juice out of him we possibly could. He was simply not a very talented player at the position.


Rollbamaroll.com is doing this- seems like a copy cat article- But all folks can go over their and vote their list


Bryce and Tua 1a1b Mac Mccaron Hurts Milroe


Lane Kiffin had way too much confidence in the Blake Sims to Amari Cooper connection. If we were a little more balanced we probably would have won the title that year🤷‍♂️ Also DH should have gotten the ball a little more.


DeAndrew White was hurt most of the year, OJ Howard was awful that year, and Christion Jones was just awful.


Its AJ McCarron at the 1 spot, and its not even close for the teams he was on. Comparing these guys in a vacuum can't be done since Saban builds the schemes arounds the overall team strengths. The McCarron era teams were the most "consistent" Alabama football in the Saban era and cemented the modern Alabama dynasty.


I think people forget the job of the QB is to distribute the ball to playmakers. Not supposed to be flashy.


You hit the nail on the head. Flashy is obvious and easy to gravitate to for comparisons, but doesn’t always get the job done.


I liked those teams. Powerful made the other team quit.




My guy… 1. AJ McCarron - multiple natties. Put some respect on his name.  2. Tua - the absolute most gifted QB we’ve ever had. “The best ability is availability” though. 3. Mac Jones - baller. Distributed the ball. 4. GMac - Perfectly executed the job of a QB: distribute the ball. 5. Bryce - probably hindered by coordinators, but I think he’s over-hyped. 6. Coker - Vanilla Vic. Fucking clutch. 7. Simms - great dude, limited QB ability, Kiffin is a genius. 8. JPW - did what he could, but didn’t have the raw talent for himself or his surrounding cast. And, Applewhite. 9. Hurts - very limited ability in college 10. Milroe - refuses to use his strengths, huge weakness where he can’t do the basic QB job: distribute the ball.