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FYI this area is *mobbed.* A lot of tour groups meet right up there, and it's a prime spot for photos. Seems like a long shot to get a photo like this to me.


I appreciate the heads up.


set up a “romantic photo shoot”. they’re all over airbnb and other apps where you book experiences. they all suggest meeting at sunrise to avoid the mobs. then drop to a knee during the photo shoot! it might be a little obvious but it’ll be romantic and fun to do the photo shoot!


Yeah good call go super early. Rome is also pretty much empty in all these spots at like 2am


Do t walk around Rome at 2 am


I walked around Rome at 2 am and nothing happened


Agreed, I recall this exact spot and it’s crazy right there!


and it should be full of trash like most of rome


Women always ruining their proposal photos with a sneeze.


Go in winter…no problemo lol


Lol 😂😂😂


Nah bro do it at like St. Peter’s square


Or under the dome hole inside the pantheon.. very scenographic!


It's neither of those. It's to the right. You can use these coordinates on Google maps to get a better idea 41.890495,12.496488


They're standing on the path in front of fontana dei petali


Agreed. That column on the right side is the column in the fountain. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/4eFVa9aBoWiydC1GA?g_st=ic](https://maps.app.goo.gl/4eFVa9aBoWiydC1GA?g_st=ic)


Thank you! You and Prof.Daywalker are amazing!!


Thank you! You and Matt4319 are amazing. A friend of mine who lived in Rome got back to me and sent the exact same place.


Damn man.....


More like (41.8905550, 12.4956242)


It could be a nice shot in theory, but anywhere around the colosseum is very, very busy. This is no doubt a great picture, but my suggestion is to choose a few different spots around rome (or maybe Florence which IMO is 10x as romantic) and get down on one knee in the spot that feels the best to you. Just my two cents! Congrats in advance!


Agreed! This is a busy area, really not that romantic in real life because of the crowds. If you really like it, do it in the early morning like two hours before the colosseum opens.


I appreciate it. I was going to try either really early morning or near sunset. But the homeless I’ve been told about does worry me a bit.


I appreciate your advice. I am thinking the same. I’ll feel that spot out and if it’s crowd around sunset ( more than likely will be) and not romantic I’ll try other spots.


For sure Florence was way more intimate and enjoyable for me than Rome.


20 years ago I had this vision in my head of proposing at the Trevi Fountain, don't flame me here as I had no idea it would be so busy. In the end I noped out and did it a week later on a random bridge near our hotel in Venice instead. Today, I'd do it somewhere like Villa Borghese on a rowing boat or on a walk in one of the gardens at Tivoli.


lol yeah Trevi Fountain was on my list too but after looking at the crowds from the live cameras i noped out of that. I’m sure it’ll be the same for me though. It’s easy to have romantic idea but to actually execute it especially when you’ve never been there and have to rely on pictures is a lot more difficult. I appreciate the suggestions though.


Just carry the ring in your pocket and pick an appropriate moment in a nice spot, it's a busy place especially around the known tourist spots.


I wouldn’t carry the ring in a clothes pocket 🤷🏽‍♀️😅


Lol definitely do not. I don't think pickpockets are as common as some people make them out to be, but they definitely do happen especially in the areas OP is looking


Looks nice on Instagram, but when you're there do mind the drunks, piles of trash, and the dog shit. It's also where you'll find discarded wallets and purses that have been stolen elsewhere.




Yeah I was gonna say, these are likely staged after the actual proposal.


The first one's holding her nose because of the dog shit.


I appreciate the heads up. The more I read about it the less romantic it’s sounding. I was thinking maybe a quiet spot in Trastevere instead?


It’s still a magical spot even though, yes there is litter and drunks just like any city.


I mean, for a park in such a location, it's not quite like any other city.


Quiet in Trastevere? Do share if you find a location that fits the bill! I'd go to the orange garden of Santa Sabina (I have a person connection to the spot, but regardless it is one of the best views of Rome). It will be less swarmed than the Colosseum but it is by no means a secret so I'd go early to avoid crowds. Regardless, good luck!


Not if this is inside palatine mount area, where the entrance is paid. I was there last week, really nice and clean.


No that's definitely Parco Colle Opio.


It's not.


Not by far. Palatine Hill is almost a kilometre the other side of Colosseum.


If you look on Google street view, you can see those Cypress trees over on the side by the Domus Aurea. I believe the specific spot is one of the footpaths by the Fontana Dei Petali off of Via della Domus Aurea.


Yeah I think you’re right! Thank you


Lol that spot is crowded as an anthill in reality


Yep. Go at sunrise for some space.


Dont do it !


Ok you’ve talked me out of it. Thanks :)


I mean ask her !! Just not here…


Yeah I’m getting that vibe on here. Homeless and dogshit outside the frame doesn’t sound ideal.


That and I don’t know it’s always better to do you instead of trying to reproduce what others are doing Rome has been here 3000 years plenty of place to do it…


The Colosseum is an amazing and impressive structure, but it's essentially an abitoire - a place where humans and animals were slaughtered on an industrial scale for entertainment. Not sure that's the best symbolism for a marriage proposal. Also, that area is among the most tourist-packed areas of Rome. You might be better off finding another location, like the tranquil gardens of the Aventine hill, the Appian Way, or the Janiculum hill (on the west bank) with its fountains and views of the city. Or better yet, if the hills of Florence, which overlook the city and will provide a spectacular \*and\* romantic background, with fewer crowds. Ideally in the evening towards sunset.


Hey I really appreciate you taking the time to lay this out. All of these suggestions are great :) my back up plan was to propose on a quiet-ish street in Trastevere. Would you recommend that area?


First, I certainly don't want to talk you out of getting a photograph at the Colosseum, if you love the background. Plenty of Romans take wedding photos in and around the city, including the Colosseum or the nearby Arch of Constantine. It's just worth noting that the Instagram photos give the false impression that the photos were taken in a romantic and tranquil corner of the city. If you do a street view of the area, you can get a better sense of the reality. If you visit the Borghese, and you really should -- it's one of the most impressive collections of Italian renaissance statues in the world -- it has an accompanying park. At the bottom the park is an overlook: Terrazza del Pincio. One of the places on the Aventine is: Terrazza Belvedere Aventino. Also, the top of the Capitoline Hill, at the top of the long wide stairs for horses -- or the side with the Forum -- are other options. As for Trastevere, all of Rome contains countless beautiful nooks in its backstreets. In Trastevere, there's the Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere, with its beautiful church. But it's not well known or otherwise spectacular. Worth visiting, to be sure. But if you're looking for something that makes for a nice backdrop to a photo that you will cherish forever, you might want to look elsewhere. Above Trastevere there are several beautiful terraced overlooks on the Janiculum Hill (Gianicolo in Italian). Search for: Monumento a Garibaldi, then note the walking paths just to the north of it. On Apple Maps, you can search for: Busto di Fra Giovanni Pantaleo, which will give you a sense of the 'slightly off the main path' overlook. Caveat: the view may or may not be to your taste, and I don't know if the angle would work for a proposal on one knee. Also in the area is the Villa Doria Pamphilj, a palace at the top of the hill, the with beautiful manicured grounds. Florence is probably a better option if you want a hillside vista. P.S. Rome has a lot of rooftop bars and restaurants, some with spectacular views. Or if you leverage the jet lag in your favor, you could visit most popular sites (the Trevi Fountain, Pantheon) early in the morning, and have them mostly to yourself.


Local here! I know it exactly. It's on Via Nicola Salvi corner of Via della Terme di Tito https://maps.app.goo.gl/THuL4Rn1tBnXzx4X7


I'll say this: its one of the quieter streets around the Coloseo, but on a Friday or Saturday night, there will be lots of people eating/drinking at the cafe/bar on that specific corner, and lots of young people go there for the views and a place to drink in the streets. That being said, people go there to take photos from the higher vantage point view of the Coloseo, and they are very respectful giving everyone a turn at taking a photo. So go, but be prepared to do a little polite crowd control for your special moment.


This area is very crowded and dirty


I appreciate the heads up.


What you don’t see in those pics is that that park is an area where thieves left bags that they stolen, wallets, and is often packed with homeless and drunk people. Is not the best or safest park in Rome. I kindly suggest you to option for the marvellous “Giardino delle rose”. Is a rose garden with rare beautiful species open from the end of April until June. Is a magical quiet place, romantic with a great smell around.


I know this wasn’t the question, but my husband proposed on Janiculum Hill. It was very nice, mostly locals chilling, and some street musicians. But I also noticed him nervously searching for something in villa borghese. He later told me he was already looking for the right spot there, but since i was very tired from walking around all day, he decided not to do it there 🤣


How lovely. A far nicer spot in my opinion.


Honestly, if you want a siimilar view and to do it at sunset, get a reservation for apericena at one of the rooftop bars at the luxury hotels in that area. It will be a bit pricey as apericen goes- with like 20 euro cocktails- but if you let them know ahead of time it's for a proposal with the view, they'll get you into a table with one and help take photos. Your partner will just think you're doing fancy drinks.


In my head, I imagine a long line of couples, waiting their turn. Then another line of people in a “skip the line” line.


My husband proposed to me on Piazza Quirinale (just outside the presidential palace). It has a beautiful view of the city, and it’s clean and not so crowded because it’s a government property. Highly recommended!


Living your life for instagram is so boring. 


People took pictures before the internet too. Not everything is about social clout, people have always wanted to preserve important moments and make them special.


Exactly Thank you! :) I feel sorry for the miserable people on here. I don’t have Instagram. I just want to have a photo we can cherish and make it special.


Not miserable, just see tons of miserable people around me who only live their lives through their phones rather than seeing sights with their own eyes. Glad that's not you. 


That place really does not look like as in the pictures. It’s full of garbage and “interesting” people…  Want a very nice environment with a view for proposing? Horrible Farnesiani (with the tickets for fori imperiali)


Want an arguably better spot with almost no crowds? Giardinetto del Monte Oppio


Oh! Thanks I appreciate the tip :)


Tell me you’re american without telling me you’re american. Are you going to have a photographer around? Because the cool pic is the only thing that will make this nice. The area is always packed, and dirty, and…


Tell me you're a ton of fun at parties, without telling me you're a ton of fun at parties.


Italians trying to not sabotage their own tourism economy challenge: *Impossible*


If only I was italian, but I am not.


Oh, my bad, I made the mistake of assuming you would know what you were talking about. Forgot I was in reddit for a moment.


Your messages are getting more ignorant by the minute, congratulations!


No, yours are. Imagine thinking a country of 330 million all act and think the same way, all while calling someone else ignorant.


Bro came on vacation here once and thinks he knows shit lol.


He's likely Spaniard. Ironically, they are arguably most difficult and entitled tourist group that visits the US. 


Please don’t tell me you are an american talking about other people being entitled because that’s just too much irony… And yes, I am from Spain. I can tell you I feel quite ashamed of my fellow spaniards travelling because they can be quite noisy, but that’s about it. Never heard such complains as yours. If we are talking about being entitled there’s nothing like americans and israeli. And let’s not forget russians walking like they own the place.


You don’t need to be living your whole life in a place to see how dirty it is. That’s not sabotaging tourism, that’s reality. PS: you also don’t really seem italian even if you might live there, but hey, you know what you are talking about!


Oh my, all americans coming now! I’m calling him ignorant because you don’t have to be italian to know what I said. I’m sorry I offended y’alls feelings.


You’re so obsessed with us


Aaaanother one.


It's definitely in the bigger circle (or even further right, but definitely not in the small circle), but I don't have more information than this. Have you checked whether there is some view of the park on google maps?


I appreciate the help. Yeah I tried but had no luck. However a friend of mine who lived there got back to me and found it for me.


Why would you want to recreate this moment? People are so weird


It’s in Rome


I feel like there is a more unique spot you could take her too that hundreds of other people would not have the same proposal photo of.


What about an early morning (or sunset) gondola ride in Venice. It’s romantic and private. The colosseum is so crowded, especially during shoulder and peak months. And if you found those pictures, I guarantee every influencer and trying to take a picture there.


There’s a nice terrace/bar at the top of the Spanish steps. Good drinks, beautiful sunset. I’d propose there or while walking around the old ruins. The ruins are always busy but it’s so freaking huge that it’s easy to find a quiet area when needed. It’s also clean!


Please don’t propose there, Rome is so beautiful & I’m sure you could find a less popular/trendy spot to do it. And congrats!


This area is so crowded! I suggest going to the forum and up to the temple of venus, which isn’t as crowded but is overlooking the colosseo.


It's a beautiful but very very busy and crowded spot most of the time. I suggest to go early morning (5-6am). Good luck OP!


Just propose under the creation of man in the sistine chapel. Pope may swing in to bless it.


This is the EXACT exact spot from these photos (coordinates and map). The photographer is standing at the **fontana dei petali** and facing due west (to keep the sun in mind). As others have mentioned, this is a crazy busy area so the perfect photo will be difficult, but GOOD LUCK! Latitude: 41°53'26.00"N Longitude: 12°29'44.32"E https://preview.redd.it/2vlj75ti35wc1.png?width=1896&format=png&auto=webp&s=66c3d185467bed13768ab80a1967ce624e393c9a


This is next to a hop on hop off bus stop.


Suggest to up to the giardini degli d aranci border form here much quieter with a whole view of Rome.


That place it's very crowded. There is a little park near that spot, it is less crowded and better looking. Take a look: 3 Via del Monte Oppio https://maps.app.goo.gl/J55ArwgBYwivU29u6


Just do it outside the nightclub and fix it in post


Hi mate I proposed to my partner in Rome last week and like others have already said I'd avoid the Colosseum at all costs. I walked down those particular steps and the amount of people was obscene. My plan was to propose at the Giardino Degli Aranci which is a nice garden overlooking the city but when we got up there my partner said she didn't feel very well so I had to postpone! It was a little bit busier up there than I had anticipated so in the end I wasn't too bothered as I had another couple of days to find somewhere. I ended up doing it on Janiculum Hill which is another nice view over Rome but much quieter, I don't think anybody even noticed me doing it which suited me and my girlfriend much more. So I'd go for the gardens if you/your partner don't mind some other people seeing you do it and if you prefer a quieter location go for Janiculum Hill. Good luck!


Good luck with the two African legionaries lmao


We were just there and if you go around sunset it should be less crowded. There’s a little park on the backside up the hill. We took family pictures and the background is very similar to the ones in your picture. It was not super crowded


It's in Rome, I think.


Good luck with that… it’s packed af and full of muslims trying to sell you garbage.


https://preview.redd.it/ki269tupq8wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b411be10db984331cf3638c4ea9abf5d3dfb772a The spot your referring to is MOBBED by tourists. Tour guides use that area as the meeting point for tours, so it’s super crowded. If you want the colosseum in the background go to the Temple of Venus and Rome in the Roman Forum (marked on the map). There’s an area that overlooks the Colosseum. Much less crowded and a way better view.


It's in Rome


I thinks it’s by the coliseum


Nothing like waiting in line to propose lol


There’s a really nice spot overlooking all of Rome up the hills just before the big park. Just past spanish steps if you go up and keep following upwards and to the left. That would be nice. Colosseum area is usually rammed full of people


My recomandation is for you to go to Roman forum, then you go to museum on the right from entrence from Colloseum, go to temple of Minerva(not sure if its her temple) and there sou will have great site at colloseum with no people


Near palatine hill Rome- ip by home of domitia


https://maps.app.goo.gl/hM85LfPLR47CcDuh6?g_st=ic I was just right here. If you enter from the east rise of the park you have a view the whole way. Particularly beautiful at dusk/later sun set


Right by the skatepark


Another beautiful spot it the Giardino degli Aranci. The sunset there is very romantic, it’s not as crowded as the spot you chose and sometimes there are musicians there playing music.


If budget isn't an issue, there's a restaurant called Aroma and they have very scenic views and I think a rooftop balcony to sit at. It is expensive from what I've read online, I know it's not exactly what you're looking for but it's close to the coliseum!


I think that this spot (41.8906873, 12.4905019) has an even better view of the colosseum and is much less trafficked. See photo of hubs and I below. You’ll need to enter through the forum and it’s kind of tucked away which makes it much quieter. Plus you’re at the front of the temple of Venus so that feels like good luck for you love! Make sure to go up to the alter after and make an offering to ensure a living union. https://preview.redd.it/r4i6n6ermdwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36fe16a84e573fdbcb5262fb67245a70178c28b


Roma, Italy


Take her or him to Gianicolo o Zodiaco there's a better view and it's less crowded


Go in January at 5am! Rome was once not so crowded 😔


I’ve been here on a work night and not mobbed a there was a little jazz event but that was it


I suggest the Orange Garden (Giardino Degli Aranci) or Via Monte Tarpeo (overlooking the Forums) as alternative spots. If you go to either of these early in the morning there will be barely any people and a beautiful sunrise. What other people have said is true, the spot above is incredibly busy, chaotic even. Edit: Another thought - They've apparently re-opened [this path](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8896396,12.4898774,3a,75y,76.2h,94.77t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN96Aa52YFu24xmGRTg9D_-zVusN1PlvLF7FgFX!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipN96Aa52YFu24xmGRTg9D_-zVusN1PlvLF7FgFX%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya72.47906-ro-0-fo100!7i8704!8i4352?entry=ttu) along the front of the Palatine Hill. That would be a beautiful spot and probably pretty quiet. You'd need an entry ticket to the forums/Palatine Hill of course.


Adding my 2 cents...I was there twice last week (early May) between 2-5pm, the main path to the Domus Aurea has people walking by all the time (I wouldn't call it "crowded"), but the fountain is on a side path with much less people walking by (I took my time to take pictures and smoke, and people crossed by 3 times); the fountain itself is somewhat ugly, empty and graphittied, though. I saw no drunks, piles of trash or discarded stolen wallets lol. You could try to scout the spot beforehand and decide if its a good spot, and have plans B, C and D.


Good luck getting a photo like that without tourists, garbage or immigrants trying to sell you something.


Thanks for the heads up :)


You're looking for r/napoli


This looks like the colleseum in Pula Croatia to me.


I just looked at pictures of the Pula coliseum. It's very different to what is on the picture.