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Insensitive caption while quoting Mrs. Doubtfire? this is camp ngl


Unfortunately this is funny as fuck


That’s basically this sub’s motto.


Viv saw the Mrs. Doubtfire musical a couple days ago so I guess it's still fresh on her mind lol.


At least she didn't make a Deep CNN joke


I read it in MDF’s voice, how could you not?


my brain processed MDF as Mrs Dasha Favis and honestly? i'd trust her to rescue me


Maidyn Diore Fierce


Michole Dage Fuck from Aberconwy, Gwynnedd.


I just know she’d have a buoy with mocktails waiting up at the surface for us 🧉🧉


Medium-density fibreboard?


I’m sorry but this made me chuckle


me too, i giggled like a little girl


I *will* be quoting "It's not looking good bless them" very often I fear


Omg your flair


serving you 60 year old nan who tries


I can’t believe Viv was living while people were literally dying 😞😞😞 where was detox to pay for the funeral?


💀 jail for that Detox reference


please I forgot what was that about?? 😭


some tw*nk tried to cancel Detox for not wanting to randomly pay for his family member's funeral 💀


Giving very "I saw a man drowning so I sent him good vibes - RuPaul" teas


The doors Mama Ru has opened 🤩 🙏


*phil collins voice* well if you told me you were drowning… well i would not send good vibes




Maybe he was but that interview it's taken out of context lol If I remember correctly he made an analogy about gay business (I think it was gay bars) closing because of financial difficulties and how he can't help them so the best he can do it's send prayers.


I think the whole thing was an exaggerated analogy type story that everyone has been taking out of context and completely seriously for the better part of a decade now.


It didn’t happen, she was being figurative


This guy hasnt heard of jokes yet


she’s hilarious i’m sorry


The Viv broadcasted the following message via Emergency Radio SOS Broadcast: U ok Hun? Dm me, everywuns a snake x


Idc what u girlies say this is funny


I love her she’s chaotic camp for sure


one thing about scousers, they WILL get those jokes off no matter what


reading this in the Super Nanny "You're in a crisis, I'm on my way" voice


she was my g !!! ![gif](giphy|VJwfbqaEb15C4IipvS|downsized)


Actually hilarious, good on ya Viv


I low-key live for this considering we’re dealing with billionaires that spent enough money to feed thousands of poor families to visit the ruins of a destroyed ship


No seriously and the whole submarine was so DIY and they had to sign a waiver saying it wasn’t covered by approved by any regulatory bodies like I’m sorry why would anyone get in that thing.


It’s honestly such a stupid story that it almost feels like a comedy show sketch


I decided to browse the Wikipedia section just now and the “Prior Concerns” section is ridiculous. CEO said “industry standards are stifling innovation” when people tried to tell him it was dangerous??? Dude literally did not give a shit about safety. Like I’m sorry but why did anyone go anywhere with this guy there are much better ways to waste $250k Edit: I’m sorry but what the fuck is this > In a 2022 dive to the Titanic, one of the thrusters on the Titan was accidentally installed backwards and the submersible started spinning in circles when trying to move forward near the sea floor.


im genuinely stating to believe the CEO just wanted to commit suicide funded by ego


Everything about this operation is shameful but the part about having to turn the fucking controller sideways to fix the thruster issue is fucking me up. How is this supposed billion dollar operation acting like children dealing with malfunctioning third party peripherals? Actually baffling


They weren’t allowed to wear shoes, had to sit criss cross apple sauce, and had to be bolted in from the outside. Totally a great idea.


RuPaul to the pit crew.


Lock me in a small space with Bryce and Bruno any day


locked in an enclosed space with no ventilation with bruno? you have a death wish…


Could be worse. They got rid of the notoriously stinky guy


show some respect to mister musk himself, shawn morales


I’d take a wiff


it was piloted with a knockoff xbox controller 😫


To be fair love, it was a knock off Logitech Playstation controller x


I feel so bad but I’ve been glued to Twitter giggling my ass off at the comments. Honestly don’t give a shit about the billionaires. I do feel bad for the 19 year old. His mom must be devastated.


yeah that's my take‚ basically. and to anyone getting in their feelings about it‚ would you have this energy if it was trump and bezos and musk down there? doubt it. a billionaire is a billionaire‚ regardless of whether you've heard of them‚ and they've all destroyed countless lives to make their fortune.


Yeah, that part is very sad. I don't know if it's true, but his Aunt commented that the only reason he went was as a Father's Day experience present for his Titanic obsessed Dad and talked about being scared and not wanting to do it beforehand 😢


To be fair lots of advanced equipment is operated with xbox controllers, it’s a recognised thing even for the military


that's so fucking funny if true


the military has had legit contracts for xbox controllers in the past, at some point they also bought a shitload of ps3's to build a data center because it was cheaper that way lmao


Not really funny. Makes sense that it’s easier to use a controller than the dash boards they used to use, like, tad over reaction there sweets.


They went to see the Titanic during a season when icebergs are still common in the area and the CEO kept claiming the damn thing was unsinkable 💀 I'm convinced this was the intended outcome


I was thinking that naming it the Titan was already jinxing it but he really said "COME GET ME FATE, YOU BITCH"


To add on to this, as soon as I saw the name of the submersible I was reminded of the book Futulity, which was published in 1898. It followed the story of a ship, called The Titan, which was the largest in the world, dubbed “unsinkable,” and was traveling in the North Atlantic (roughly 400 miles from Newfoundland) in April, when it struck an iceberg on its starboard side around midnight, and sunk with roughly 2500 passengers (to titanic’s 2200) and didn’t have enough lifeboats. It was also traveling at roughly the same speed, was nearly the same size, and similarly, it could have survived a head-on collision but instead struck the iceberg along its side. So, let’s name it after a fictional ship that essentially foretold the tragedy of the shipwreck we’re going 2 miles down to scope out. Doesn’t sound like a jinx at all!


This is a veritable Jinx Monsoon


And they’re finding out it is, in fact, monsoon season.




Thank-you! Why the fuck did they want to see that anyways? So macabre, and not in a fun way


It’s not necessarily because it’s a site they want to go to, it’s because their ego can say that they can go there.


Wanted to add that The Titanic is also a working class grave site. Most of the 1500 people who died there were workers or the poor. 61% of the first class passengers survived while only 24% of the crew and third class passengers survived. It is a mass grave site now being rented out as an elite attraction to those who exploit the very types of workers laying there. :(


I'm not sure if this is a national or state thing but in the Great Lakes every shipwreck with human casualties is considered a gravesite and you're not allowed to dive to them under normal circumstances. Maybe this isn't the norm internationally or maybe the Titanic is in international waters or something. Even the bell from the Edmund Fitzgerald has strict protocols and when they removed it from the wreck they replaced it with a replica engraved with the names of the lost souls.


It might have to do with Titanic being officially away from international borders meaning it’s fair game unlike Lake Superior which is protected under two govts


I think the victims' families have major sway in everything they do with the Fitz so it could also be a factor that there are hardly any direct relatives of Titanic victims left. If any?


People seem to forget it’s not just a movie. It shouldn’t be a tourist attraction. There was a couple a little while ago who got MARRIED on it and re-enacted a scene from the movie. So disrespectful.


What the hell?! Ewww. What's wrong with people?


yeah, I don't feel any kind of sympathy for them at all tbh. billionaires shouldn't even exist for a start


I feel really sad thinking about the 19 year old kid, but the other ones I'm just kinda like...welp, it's unfortunate. I hope they find them, but I feel towards them the same way I feel towards people who die on Mt. Everest/K2 or into dangerous/unexplored caves. You took an insane risk to do something that isn't necessary to your life, it's just for your own fulfillment/enjoyment soooooo what is there to really say? It's sad but it's not like, a senseless tragedy. You fucked around and found out. I think it's fucked up that that one guy took his son. There's a difference between accepting the risk for yourself and accepting it on behalf of your son who isn't old enough to properly gauge the un-safety of the situation. Parental instincts completely failed


Not only that, if it's true (and I know people talk to the media for clout, exaggerate, etc.) that man's Sister and the Aunt of the nineteen year old said that he didn't want to go and was scared. [NBC Article with Quote ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/titanic-submersible-shahwood-suleman-family-tragedy-rcna90678) Only doing it for his Dad and Father's Day 😞


They chose to dive in an expanded Pringles can, they knew what they were getting themselves into.


And who amongst us hasn't gotten our hand stuck while greedily plunging in for the last three Cheddar Cheese Pringles instead of doing the tilt? We all know the dangers of a Pringles can.


I feel terrible for the kid at least, he’s only 19.


Yup. The kid and the French navy diver got me. I’m an ex-marine biology major, transfixed by the sea, got a book signed by Jacques Cousteau’s granddaughter Celine…and you could not pay me an appropriate amount of money to go down there BOLTED INSIDE with a CEO who just gave all safety measures the bird. Omg, absolutely horrifying.


Me too. Screw the rich who constantly trample on the poor.


even if they didnt do that, i’d have no sympathy for them as being a billionaire is inherently fucked up. they ruined many workers’ lives with their greed


You low key live for 5 people including a 19 year old suffocating in terror until they die? You low key live for that?


I love it when I click on the comment history of someone who is ostentatiously scolding others for a lack of empathy and see a bunch of weirdo bigot comments (trashing the trans-inclusive pride flag, shitting on Romani people, calling women "sows") keep being you babe 💕


the lurkers always show up to show their ass, and wow did they ever here


![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU) You buried lmao of course that type of person would only be up and arms when it comes to the cis white and wealthy men.


Irish travellers aren’t Romani?


Oh sorry about getting your specific flavour of racism wrong I take it all back you seem dead sound


I wasn’t racist about Irish travellers, they literally do not obey traffic laws lol they ride their horses through red lights. I kinda respect it but it’s also annoying.


That's literally racism


What do you call five billionaires at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.


19 bro


Your nintendo ds rhythm game username is so out of sync with your commenting


4 people Billionaires don't count xo


Your callous indifference to a terrifying, agonising death based on victim blaming isn't *quite* the progressive point you think it is. If I die on holiday, I guess I deserve it because I could've given that money to charity instead.


Well I assume you’re not a billionaire so if you die on a ship nobody will give a shit, as nobody does to all the refugees that die on the sea trying to leave their countries. And feeling pity for billionaires aren’t quite progressive as you probably think neither, the way they build their wealth has harmed much more common people like you and me anyway


I don't feel pity for billionaires, I feel pity for *people* - sympathy is not a finite resource. If you're apathetic, then *be* apathetic, but boasting about how much you're living for people asphyxiating to death at the bottom of the ocean is, frankly, depraved.


Does this morally superior bs make you feel better? What are you preaching here? They threw their lives away and they don't care about peasants like you feeling bad for them


Yes, I'm sure their great wealth and affluence will be such a comfort to them as they run out of oxygen. I didn't realise it was morally superior to *not* gleefully indulge in the deaths of total strangers you know next to nothing about - I thought that was a fucking baseline. I'm not looking for an award, I'm just amazed at how people don't seem to understand this. Is a label all it takes to get you to switch off your empathy?


It seems you want a cookie and a medal for being sooo pure and nice! NOBODY CARES about how sensitive and kind you are


Can't wait to receive my Nobel Prize for Bare Minimum Empathy. When you're out of school and not so tragically online, you'll realise that this Twitter-level psychopathy isn't cute and that the vast majority of people don't cackle and gloat over the deaths of internet strangers because it's really fucking weird, no matter what justification you stick on it.


It's gravesite tourism in the first place so tell the billionaires to get some sympathy - k thx


First, the Titanic isn't a gravesite, it's a shipwreck. The vast majority of its victims died in open water after the sinking, and after one hundred years no human remains are on the ship. Second, you can absolutely go and visit a gravesite - that's neither illegal nor inherently immoral nor disrespectful. People go and visit *Auschwitz*, for God's sake.


that's a lot of words for "I'm better than yall" 💀 girl, nobody CARES how many times do I have to say this, go write it on your blog or something


I doubt they were billionaires. Wealthy, sure. But a billionaire surely wouldn't take the cheapest sub option there is and cram themselves with five people in a tiny underwater minivan.


At least one of them was for sure a billionaire


Did some digging: out of the 4 (I'm not including the 19 yo for obvious reasons), the lowest net worth is US$ 12 million (the CEO of the submarine company), followed by US$ 130 million (the pakistani father). The other two are said to be billionaires, with the Titanic specialist with a net worth of U$ 1.5 billion.


This comment also needs to be on the cringe sub, it’s already been shown multiple times that people will say something when they aren’t in that position, then as Soon as they are they go back on what they said, 10/10 if you had spare money you wouldn’t be feeding families, I doubt you even do charity work.


Wow. While the son goes to a Blink 182 show, the Viv is actually saving people.


We need Priscilla in the rescue mission her shoulders are so wide her lungs must be enormous, she can stay down there for days


Counterpoint, I think after everything those people have been through the last thing they need to see is Priscilla's face emerging from the darkness of deepest ocean.


Where’s our in house gif maker? Gotta get her on this rn u/CandidateBudget8813


On it Edit: here's the finished product ![gif](giphy|tdTvpYNR82T9dS5r2k)


Ariel could NEVER


I love priscilla but this has me cracking up


It’ll complete the Iron Lung fantasy 😍


I live for this ![gif](giphy|1311f7YK2wcOCA)


I want viv to come help me whenever i'm in trouble


You know what could be said in this comment section AND inside that submarine? (Insert gif of Detox saying "the pressure is very high")


You know what, I am at peace with this post


This reminded me when the Ariana concert attack when Naomi tweeted “people died while I was living” 😂


Hamish’s stepson is already reply-guying OF girls and seeing Blink-182, IIRC…


Of course and apparently he stalked and sent out bomb threats before, truly upstanding people.


Also got a tattoo of Alison Wonderland and was making creepy incel tweets at her. Why are billionaires and nepo babies?


This is funny. I don’t hope that these people die. But also, lets not act like this is a similar situation to miners getting caught underground or children in a cave. I hope the people are rescued but they also went down willingly and come from great wealth. If there ever was a case where we can feel sympathy while also laughing a bit, this is it.


“It’s not looking good bless them” why did I SCREAM 💀💀💀


It's giving Courtney Love pointing out an oil slick in the Indian Ocean after that Malaysia Airlines flight disappeared in 2014


I'm sorry but this whole situation is funny af 😭 I'm not happy it happened but still giggle with the jokes


She looked for evidence.


I haven't been up on news for the past few weeks and the first thing I read about this was a headline that said "sub ceo fuels claims it disappeared because it was 'too woke'" and decided I'm out




I'm sorry that this is so funny


Must be a paid ad for Keeps or that hair doctor in Turkey bc even though she's in water she's plugged in oof


I read a tweet saying it's unkind to not be empathetic, girl why have empathy when there was a serious of reckless decision one after another that lead to the worst outcome. Having empathy would make \*me\* the idiot as well.


This is hilarious actually




Raise your hand if you’ve made an evil but incredible joke about this submarine fiasco somewhere on the internet in the last few days


Guys it’s a bunch of ultra rich people trapped in what is basically a metaphor for their own bullshit, it’s not like it was a school shooting


"Help is on da weeeee dear!" I love her references


But is Detox paying for the funerals?… that’s what I wanna know.


please stop making me laugh at this


She ate this idc


Nahh this is funny af


As bad as I feel for the submarine incident, it has sparked some of the funniest jokes I’ve read.


The Viv using the revenue from Drippin to help people


The political climate is not it for this to come from a drag queen rn


With every downvote, Kerri gains a new braincell


The earth is ~~healing~~ flattening


The people downvoting and not getting the reference lmao


should’ve put the /s thingy for reddit, tranos strikes again


Maybe I wanted the attention ok 😔


Me when people question anything I do


Girl, what are they gonna say? “drag queens insensitive to billionaires” “I love pizza and got shot by Yolanda?” Who cares!


It’s a reference to [Kerri Colby’s cringe post](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpdrcringe/comments/144qcx7/notable_prude_kerri_colby_takes_issue_with_cumdump/) lol


Oh haha I did notice the similarities, which is so weird that Kerri would suggest we should shrink down and be meek during pride month


instead of policing how queer people should act when their existence is constantly threatened, maybe you should be more concerned with the people who are constantly threatening said existence of queer people? edit: apologies to commenter above, i don’t know my kerri lore well enough—shame on me!!


This is a Kerri quote


oh thank god but also oh god no


I know right, I can't stop quoting it


As she should, fuck billionaires


I’m [emotional](https://preview.redd.it/7nngglqjohza1.jpg?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=f01912e175e0a2213eecaa3d5390731372c0095b) because… [I wasn’t sure how I’d be received here...](https://old.reddit.com/r/rpdrcringe/comments/13fibzn/mother_producer_back_to_feed_us_in_untucked/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure i needed to see this Viv.


HARRRDD CRINGE. Girl sit the fuck down 👇 😂 😂 😂


Oof Viv, maybe this isn't the time


Oh my Christ, what was she thinking


Those poor billionaires in their toy ship, WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE RICH FOR ONCE?


They’re humans and if that was your family I’m sure you wouldn’t think the same. Also a 19year old on there .


I dont think I have to worry about my family becoming trapped in an xbox controlled submersible exploring the titanic anytime soon


I mean same but these are people with families and friends, it costs nothing for us to be sympathetic and care about other people


Ok here’s my non sarcastic take, do I feel the smallest tinge of base level sympathy for them as people? Yes. Do I feel anywhere near the same level of sympathy I do for them as low income families, the disenfranchised etc. ? No. They all fully chose to do this and it is a situation so far beyond the realm of reality for nearly every other person in the human race that it IS comical to me in the same way viv interpreted it. Its not so much “f**k them” it’s more “you rich idiots sure got yourselves in one didnt you”


>Do I feel anywhere near the same level of sympathy I do for them as low income families, the disenfranchised etc. ? Literally no one asked you to. The bar is being set at "maybe we shouldn't be celebrating the potential agonising deaths of a group of people, including a teenager, at the bottom of the ocean" and y'all are acting like you're being asked to wear sack cloth and ash.


The bar is set at your missing brain cells bc did you even fully read what they typed? No one is celebrating or cheering on them to die, they just don’t have the capacity for more sympathy for rich hags paying to go into a (deregulated) death trap into the ocean than they do for people with less, suffering under circumstances mostly fully out of their control




I agree with you 100%, I’m just explaining to them what the other person said


There are people doing so all over this post, including directly in your replies. Besides, you gleefully referring to the victims as "rich hags" - including a nineteen-year old, you absolute ghoul - sounds a whole lot like cheering to me. You have the barest breadcrumb of information about the passengers but that's apparently enough to condemn them all. Again, sympathy is not finite, no one is asking you to feel *more* sympathetic for these people than people in other hypothetical circumstances.


>you absolute ghoul Camp


Hag hag hag old hag


Billionaires aren’t people though, they are scum. I do feel for the 19 year old though.


Yeah hard agree here. They may be rich but they're still humans.




bitch lets not go there


Oh god what did I miss


they basically said they were glad viv got hate crimed at mcdonalds




this sub is deranged quite often ![gif](giphy|KFJNiG60MYZ3qefVTH|downsized)


Y'all really just come on this sub and say shit


Thank you for providing the user cringe, diva!



