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When people say they grew up dirt poor I wonder if they know what dirt poor actually is.


I grew up dirt poor = I had to have biscuit for dinner maybe 4-5 times in 2008


actually she said she come come being dirt poor, get it right!


I’ve met college students who said they’re low income but their rent was paid and they had a new car 🤷🏽‍♂️


She didn’t have to say anything. By she, I mean both of them.


The most successful female comedian ever? I have to fucking laugh


She’s not even the most successful blonde female comedian named Amy in 2010s. Like the level of delusion


Take a shot if you CAN’T name at least three more successful female comedians


the way this would end alcoholism worldwide


Except for Amy Schumer, spotted downing a bottle of grey goose, because the only (allegedly) successful female comedian she knows is herself :( :( :(


I don’t think she would even crack the top 25? It’s astounding her delusion


In a world where Radner, Ball, Diller, Rivers, Fey, White, Poehler, Sykes, Burnett, JLD, and literally anyone else exist, Amy Schumer thinking she could ever be privileged enough to so much as wipe their asses is the most hilarious thing she’s ever said. And as is usually the case with her, it wasn’t because she was actually trying to be funny.


This is somehow worse than the feet pictures


Nina girl WHAT are you hoping to get from this 😭😭


zionist feet pics


Recognition from the cringerinas😍✨




The HILARIOUS ~~Ross Matthews~~ Amy Schumer


The ~~HILARIOUS Ross Matthews~~ Islamophobic Amy Schumer, welcome to the main stage


Ugh Jesus gross


Licking boots and sucking toes.


I deeply, viscerally, \*somatically,\* resent the way some people tried to claim we were being too mean to Nina for calling her an oblong shaped republican loser.


I remember a post on here a long time ago that showed her on ig liking some… distasteful gay art with a shirtless indigenous American alongside a pilgrim, and a comment that always stuck with me was “Even her spank bank is centrist” 😩


i was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt but then she came for susan sarandon during the 2020 election. full offense nina, you're literally just some guy.




maybe if you left barbie out in the sun


I eliminated myself, because I am you, you are me, and we are all one within. It has come to my attention that I am done for my mission here in Earth. I am veryianna thankful for my rollercoaster journey on @dragraceph Season 2. It haven’t sinked in my mind that this is the end of my visit. Thank you so much for all the people who helped me through my hardships HausOfM1ssJadeSo, to my friends who lend me their money just for me to fund my looks, my closest friends being my mentor and teacher about Drag, acting, dancing and more, to my fashion designers, photographers, videographers, shoes provider, nail tech, bratz doll artist, artworks, marchianna facilitator, wig maker who are really patient with what I want and most of all my family who was there since day 1 and really believed in my craft. To @dragraceph @worldofwonder @fullhouseph, Thank you for taking care of us, my mental health got played like dat but I will fight to experience things that I haven’t experienced so that I will experience things that has never been experienced by me. All the SuSos that’s here since day 1 and to the new Littlesu So, we are gonna take over THE WORLD, for now we are gonna travel the universe in our own world. Going to each of our constellations to SHOW DollShenanigans, PREACH DollDomination and SERVE the Dollification. I love you all! Let us heal for humanity’s maturity! M1SS JADE SO blasting off back to Venus. PURRiod. +tongue pop* The Esoteric Doll is taking a rest in my incubator SPACEDICC, Goddessa will rule THE WORLD. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I posted this but it got removed lmao


You also deliberately edited your post to make it look like Nina was responding to a worse post than this, when this one would suffice. Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were doing with that post, diva.




Gag them


I didn’t edit anything though


You chose arguably the two most uncharitable screenshots of the two posts at issue in an attempt to make it look worse than it is. You could have also just done the normal thing and you know, screen shot the full posts, but you didn’t. This specific post is barely acceptable as is because it leaves out the entire context of the interaction, if it can even be fucking called an interaction. This shit is fucking tepid and if you want to actually make a point you can provide more than a pic of a stupid Facebook meme Amy posted and then a random Nina comment from a followup “apology.”


Hey I didn’t see this users previous post so this is not a defense of them at all - but this isn’t just a meme Amy is posting, these are her full thoughts and she has been incredibly islamophobic for the past three weeks. She just finally turned her comments back on and now we’re seeing which “celebs” are fully showing their ass. I would hardly agree that it’s tepid, while again recognizing I did not see this users post that got removed


The issue at hand is not everyone is up to date on this has been moron, and the context of what exactly she did was either not shown, was specifically cropped down, or in this case wasn't provided at all. In my case I had to go look up the ensuing issue and it was indeed odious, and it would also have been useful here and in the previous post, but neither poster decided that was relevant, and here we are. On it's face this is a comment from an instagram post that's been cropped. It needs more context, as your own comment points out.


Understood! Got it and thanks for clarifying. From your initial response to the other user it did come across like you were saying the drama of the Israel/Gaza situation was tepid so I’m happy you clarified. Also happy to not be immediately banned just for questioning a mod lol


Regarding the Tepid label, that's me just using terminology from the drama sub. It was the flair on the post over there and in the grander scheme of drama in rpdr history this is a bit of a blip. I do realize it likely came off glib, regarding current global circumstances. Truthfully, I'm just a little wary of these topics here as I feel like I need to be a foreign policy expert to mod them when they get spicy and this is an unpaid gig, that and tensions are inherently high on this topic.


What happened to NW's posts with images of the Palestinian flag? Did I misunderstand a similar post I saw on a different sub?