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[Hell on Treads](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/144522)


That sounds cool! I could see running something along the line of a Kelly's Heros plot...!


A tank crew rpg? That could be such an unique game! DM: “The tank comes to a grinding halt in the middle of the inn. Behind you is the smashed wall you just drove through crumbling down. In the far corner is a mysterious old man sitting alone at a table. He seems to have a big map in front of him and is looking hopeful in your direction.” Player 1: “I order 4 of his finest beers from the bartender!” Player 2: “Is there a cute bar maid? I’m going to chat up a cute bar maid.” Player 3: “I start a bar fight!” Player 4: “ Wait, what happened? I was checking Reddit on my phone.”


War Stories is a relatively new YZE ww2 game. I’d start there.


What’s YZE?


Year Zero Engine. https://www.firelockgames.com/war-stories-world-war-ii-rpg/


WW2 RPG by firelock games, I’ve looked through the rules and the tank crew options should work pretty well. though like many other crewed vehicle RPG scenarios it is probably best to have a decent amount of time spent outside the vehicle as well.


Achtung Cthulhu, maybe ? If you want to use your tank to fight elder gods. :D


Um.... SWADE Weird War 2?


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There was a short (one page?) rpg that make players parts of spaceship bridge - pilot, gunner, engineer, etc. - a reskin spaceship->tank should be easy. Ask at /r/onepagerpgs they will remember the name.