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So has anyone spoken to the DM about this, or...


Of course not, that would require communication, which is something that you turn to reddit for, not the people you're referring to in your posts. Duh.


Imagine having to communicate about things over a game that requires communication to play.


OP is something stopping you from leaving? Because I would’ve honestly left at the whole womb tentacle impregnation part. If not sooner.


If they leave the GM will put them in their tentacle-impegnantion dungeon I guess.




It will play D&D or it will be impregnated with tentacles again.


I may have found all that dumb and ridiculous, depending on how it plays out, but uh I def woulda left at the "our boss is some kinda alien pedo" thing.


no dnd is STILL better than 90s hentai dungeon dnd, ffs


Reading that sentence wasn’t on my bingo card for this year.


saying it wasn't on my bingo card this year either, but i went into the story expecting like "we're three sessions in" not "we've been playing for ONE YEAR" like goddamn


Yeah… at that point just fake jury duty or something


But isnt DnD like pizza? Even bad pizza is still pizza?


Technically true. But if a pizza is bad, you can toss it. If D&D is bad, you can walk away. It's just that you won't hurt a bad pizza's feelings by not sticking around to suffer.


Now I feel bad for the pizza :-(


Me too, friend. Me too. That said, I'd tough it out for a bad pizza. I wouldn't for bad D&D, though I'd do it for the friends I play with under a bad DM.


if dnd is like pizza, you can argue toppings and fresh / hot vs cold, but this game seems to be pizza left out in the sun for mold to grow on. don't eat moldy pizza, it's not that hard.


Nope. Not at all. Bad DND is worse than No DnD. Better to not live through a shitty experience rather than one you can control and agency over


Whaaat, I thought bad experiences harden your character! /s


Ngl, was not expecting to read "for fuck's sake" so close to "90s hentai dungeon dnd" so soon this year.


Uno reverse


I wonder if "no D&D is better than bad D&D" is the mantra that Hasbro is using to lay off its employees...


>90s hentai In defense of this, they actually have stories that make sense and a lot of craft into them! Whereas 2020s are just hamburger slaps day and night\*


I hate that I have to ask this, but did y'all have a Session Zero in any way, shape, or form?


Our session zero was just solo sessions with each of our characters and none of this came up. At all.


That’s not a session zero. That’s like. 0.5 at best. A zero is where y’all sit down and talk about what this game is gonna be and what you want to get out of it.


We've talked about it briefly after the fact and she said she couldn't tell us because it would've been a spoiler and wouldn't have been shocking anymore. Which. Yikes. But we never pushed it too much.


That, my friends, is the most bullshitty of bullshit answers. The ONLY time, IMHO, that a DM can ask the players to be totally in the dark (for example, to provoke character actions that are less genre-savvy) about the tone and style of the game is after that DM has demonstrable and hard-won trust from the players. I would think long and hard about asking folks who've been at my table for over a decade to trust me and not tell them anything about the expected tone/style of the game, and I KNOW what all of their standard session 0 objections are already.


The only thing I think would be acceptable re: keeping the players in the dark would be if you ask them for topics they don't want you to explore and or taboos and such. Even with players that really trust me, I still do this when starting a new game, and let them know that if they don't say now, but change their mind later and find something in game uncomfortable and don't want it to continue, to let me know and I'll work something out


Yeah my group is mostly people who've known each other since elementary school (we're in late 30s-early 40s now, so a long time) and we still do the session 0 check in, even knowing that we all have a pretty good idea of one another's boundaries and such, because even players you know well sometimes develop new ones as they experience life - while we have a pretty good baseline understanding of the big things (SA, explicit sexual content involving PCs, hard body horror, pretty common boundaries) there have been times that something unexpected has cropped up that genuinely bothered someone at the table. Most recently one thing that cropped up as a trigger for one of my PCs that had never come up before but he mentioned it in a session 0 was cruelty to animals, for example, which while not a game breaker by any means, did make me reconsider some of the ways I'd thought of to establish the antagonists as being truly villainous. It's good to check in even if you mostly know already anyway to avoid things like that, I'd have felt awful if a throwaway moment of "look how awful this character is" had genuinely made someone at my table uncomfortable and taken away from his fun.


yeah that's not a spoiler :/ its a basic content warning, you don't spring rape content for shock value because its too common irl. you wouldn't put on a horror flick and not mention its a horror flick because 'teehee thats a spoiler'. She needs to be confronted honestly, put your foot down and don't 'grin and bear it'.


>you wouldn't put on a horror flick and not mention its a horror flick because 'teehee thats a spoiler'. Unless it is >!Dusk Till Dawn!<. I'm not sure they even told the actors it was a horror movie.


I disagree highly. I'll use a really tame example: say I'm running a game for my absolute gentlest friends. I might ask in session zero if being betrayed by an NPC would be okay with them, or if it would make things unfun. They say they would be okay with it. I then, a year later, have an NPC betray their characters. They might have guessed *someone* would betray them, because I asked, but it wasn't spoilers for *who*, *how*, or *why*. If your DM's story can't stand up to the tiniest bit of spoilers caused by a *content warning*, then all it had going for it in the first place was the shock value.


I’m running a Curse of Strahd campaign that is full of twists, reveals, and secrets. I still had a Session 0 where I explained that it’s a gothic horror campaign that will have body horror, child murder, addiction, and cannibalism. I also explained that there might be implied sexual assault, but that it would never be explicit. I also told them that they can always message me privately to tone something down and I will. A content warning isn’t a spoiler. At the very least, during a Session 0, you should be able to tell the DM what you don’t want to see and the DM should be able to adjust around it. No D&D campaign absolutely NEEDS rape and sex stuff in it.


Nah man, call me old-fashioned but I think if you're going to have alien tentacle hentai in your game then you should give the players a heads up about that. I know, I know, I'm a no-fun prude.


I'd just be pissed I didn't get the chance to create a tentacle monster PC. Why should the DM be the only one to have fun. I mean... uhh... yeah, that's terrible.


Hot take: those weren't session 0s, that was just splitting up session 1.


Yo op I have questions. -you seem very to not like the game so why are you still playing after 3 act! - is the system played is mass effect 5e. I heard about it and just want to make sense of what is happening Finally I'm sorry you to go to this hellhole of a compaign and hope you soon run away or confront the DM because let me tell you. It will not get better


I'm very close to the DM irl and she is usually pretty cool. Plus I don't really get to play dnd otherwise so I just grin and bear it. Also no, its a custom homebrew thing that she made because "DND is better than all other systems" and she has weird hang ups about using other people's homebrew.


No DnD is better than bad DnD. And please just talk to her about it...


If you're that close, it seems like you would be able to bring some of this up to her.


Honestly, I can see why seeing someone you're close to show a side of themselves that's this outside of the normal boundaries of a friendship would make someone struggle to say anything right off the bat. You don't want to hurt them by potentially kinkshaming, maybe, or it's just shock. Still, OP, seriously, someone who is involving you in their kink without your consent (and let's be real here, that's what she's doing) needs to learn about boundaries as of yesterday. Either she apologises for making you uncomfortable and stops, or she gets irrationally angry and removes you from a campaign you're obviously not enjoying. Talking to her about it means you win either way.


I think at the point where you're anonymously kinkshaming them, to vent, for the entertainment of a sub, for advice, that's the point at which it's long past the talking point. At that point "oh no, I fear what happens next" is just sillyness-you think the situation is awful so talk and try to fix it or walk away. But at the point where you're talking about how one of the DM's friendly NPCs is an open paedophile and fending off rape tentacles in combat, you need to resolve your problems in an adult manner. Or you could just play an entirely nonconsensual game of Corruption of Champions, whatever.


You know there are other people playing d&d, right? Her game isn’t the only one there is. If you really can’t find another one to join, you can run your own. Also it’s fine to be friends with someone but not enjoy playing together.


>"DND is better than all other systems" If you're in a party with a DM that thinks this, fucking run.


Your "friend" is using you to play out sexual fetishes. Doesn't seem like much of a friend, just someone who's manipulating you to get what she wants.


Boo to complaining when you could communicate or leave


Well, either one of you speaks up about it, or latest by act 4 you'll all be LARPing these scenarios at the table.


Wouldn't put it past the gm to spontaneously sprout tentacles.


Annnnnnd you’re not leaving WHY?


A. Talk about it. B. If you’re not having fun, just leave


Well, since you haven't actually quit or hit the DM with pillows repeatedly, she probably thinks you're having as much fun as she is having.


I'd at least ask the DM is this a fetish game for her so you can at least gracefully bow out.


I think it's pretty safe to assume that a DND game with pedophilia in it that's about a pussy-infecting space virus spread by aliens that tentacle fuck people is in fact, a fetish game.


True. At least player didn't actually play with a pedo. That was one of my horror stories.


You can’t just say that and not tell the story


Why do you keep playing? Honestly, I see this so much. Players, and often GMs, behave as if they themselves have no actual agency. If it makes you uncomfortable, SPEAK THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT!!! Grow a set of fucking balls. Who gives a shit if you offend the offensive person. Stand up for yourself. If they refuse to make things right, stop playing with them.


So many nerds are just massive fucking bitches afraid of the slightest confrontation. If im not having fun im gonna talk to the DM about it


That and a good deal of stories are fake, and have wildly exaggerated events. I do not trust a story that says "we've had to awkwardly dodge their roleplay sexual advances over and over, and also they have inserted paedophilia into the game-I worry about what's next" That content is not a "worry about next session" content. "My friend has introduced a new joke character-half of his joke characters are legendary and become in jokes we love and create great stories-the other ones sink the campaign" that's a "worry about next session" situation. "My friend the first time DM had a rough session 1" is that situation. The content here is what comes out when someone cancels a discord moderator for being a closet paedophile and ends up dumping the logs into a 700 page Google doc. It is not "I am worried about next session" situation it is a "How do I tell this person they've crossed the line and need to stop" situation or a "Where can I find a new game" situation.




OP, have you tried, oh I dunno, telling her that you’re uncomfortable? Obviously you’re not to blame for this unbridled cataclysm of discomfort she calls a D&D game, but have you and the other players told her? Kinda colours the advice we can give you here because if the answer is no, the advice will be “ok so tell her” and if the answer is yes, the advice will be “leave the fuckin game”


Hi, fetish weirdo here. First off, I definitely recommend having a discussion about this with your DM. You've said this is kind of a new phenomenon with someone you've played with before, so you may be right that she just got too comfortable and pushed too many things in that she assumed would be alright(or assumed nobody would notice, which is also not ideal). If she's someone you would otherwise still want to try and play with moving forward, try to be polite and non-accusatory while explaining some of the aspects that are making you uncomfortable. A conversation will be better than a confrontation. While I am not personally into some of the stuff your DM seems to have included, there are people who are and it sounds like that's something she may want to explore elsewhere, with a group she had a discussion about it beforehand. I'm playing in a couple of fetish TTRPG campaigns right now with a group online that I have been for a while, and it's fun because we're all on the same page about what we're there for in regards to the themes and topics woven into the story. But it's not something that I would ever want to be surprised with by a different group's campaign.


Where did you find people open to more than just vanilla TTRPG? I enjoy it a lot but usually I like to get the game spiced up, U know maybe a bit of fetish (idk DM surprise us) or sex, not like all the time since I enjoy the game itself but sometimes I feel like my character would do it and its fun to roleplay, people usually shame this a lot on every game i find so I can never do it! Would love to know if you found this kind of people somewhere or if they were already your friends.


These were friends I already had from a small, private discord server community for our shared fetish.


This situation does NOT warrant delicate civility. The DM isn't in the wrong because they're playing horny pretend, but they absolutely are for TURNING THEIR D&D GAME INTO TENTACLE HENTAI without asking anyone. That's such a wild disregard for other people's boundaries it's insane. Especially considering the fact that they're literally flirting with people in the game via their characters which is borderline sexual harassment. I can't fathom how I would ever continue to be friends with this person. The fact that anyone is framing this like a simple misunderstanding on the DM's part is absurd.


Get. Out.


The extra weird part is that there actually is a 5e-based Mass Effect fangame that's actually decent? Like, as far as 5e-hacks go, it's probably as good as you can get. https://www.n7.world/


One of you needs to nut up and either - tell her this shit ain't it anymore and you're collectively out or - roll up some bestial hominid maledom alpha chad from a xeno-species with paralytic venom and floor dragging horse dongs who go into a breeding frenzy and forcibly propagate exclusively with other species' females and out fetish the DM at their own game


You may wish to have an open, honest and gentle conversation about boundaries and consent...


I'm not about to kink shame anyone, or suggest that it might not be fun for some people to play fantasy space hentai, but, uh, like why would you want to do that with people who aren't, you know, into it too?


some folks genuinely dont realize their fetishes arent universal. They make art with the feet very obviously front and center, and get shocked when people call it fetish art ("oh i was just drawing her comfy. Whaddya mean the feet are overly detailed? Whaddya mean i didnt have to draw the sweat on them?") ​ For tentacle hentai you'd think its the exception, but for dm maybe this is just a cool scifi adventure with hot monsters.


How can she knows that you dislike it if you dont speak about it? The game sounds a bit weird but I personally would enjoy it for example so Its not obvious that you wouldn't, speak to her, maybe she chills, or accept it and stops the campaign so both parts can find people with same taste!


Ok, some of y'all are being WAY too nice to the DM here. Any human being with more than one functioning brain cell should know that turning D&D with your friends into a pedophilic tentacle rape porn sesh is BEYOND the fucking pale. OP still SHOULD have said something or just fuckin left a looong time ago, but that doesn't change the fact that the DM is a fucking weirdo for doing that shit. And it wouldn't even matter what the fetish is. You just don't include other people in your fetishes who didn't consent to that shit. It's gross and horribly boundary violating.


Why is the age gap 19/26 weird?


I disagree with people telling you to run. Don't... until you talk with your DM first. You said you like her and have had fun before. This feels like something you can entirely work out no issue. Of you speak with her and she is being unreasonable or defensive or simply things won't improove then yes, it may be time to leave.


Mate, just leave.


If you are not okay with these things, **ask them to stop, or stop playing.** The red flags are more than just red flags when they are FORCEFULLY INSERTING THEMSELVES INTO YOU. You are not a sub in their dungeon! It is not your role to meekly accept whatever treatment your DM has to offer you! I know it might have gotten you confused because the word "Master" is in the title, but you do actually have a voice at the table! One that can be used to say "Hey, I would prefer not to play at a table with a rape virus. That makes me uncomfortable. Please don't introduce X-rated content into this game that the table isn't unanimously comfortable with." There are 8,091,833,188 other people on this planet. Try asking one of them to be your DM instead if they won't agree to your terms.


Gotta love a kid who will waste their time writing a full page screed about their DMs creepy behavior, but then won't just talk about it or even just leave.


>It's at this point the fetish stuff starts to crop up. Yeah that's when you quit.


Dude, *leave*. You don't have to stay in a shitty game. Unless you're trying to say that you're tied up in her basement Misery-style and this is a desperate cry for help. In which case, blink twice if anything you're saying is a lie and you really mean the opposite.


easy way to combat this, is to either make it extra weird and go along with it 110% to the point of her realising how WEIRD it is, or look up what people with these fetishes find turning off, and go full countermode, or just give me her number and ill have serious discussion with her about it KEK


A lot of this sounds horrible but 26/19 age gap isn't particularly problematic, both parties are old enough to be consenting adults


I think the issue is more that the DM is having characters flirt with the PCs and making them uncomfortable.


It's specifically that my character is the baby of the group. She's much younger than everyone else and very impressionable and it was explicitly a really creepy and predatory thing. Thankfully that character was only around for a few sessions but it was weird.


In fantasy it's kind of meh, but in reality even though the age gap is slender on paper and won't amount to much later in life, the power differential between a 19 year old who probably has no degree, no real job and lives with their parents and a 26 year old who likely has all of those things and their own place is HUGE and I've seen lots of stories about it not ending well. Within a 4 year age gap is ok, more than that is usually really weird unless both parties are firmly into the "capable of being fairly independent" stage.


My ex was 19 when I was 25. I wouldn’t say there was a power differential but there was definitely a maturity and compatibility differential. I’m 32 now and dating someone who’s say 25 would feel fine, because that feels more like we’re both in the same age bracket as adults with their shit mostly together. Younger than that would start to feel weird, and even thinking of dating anyone younger than 20 actively sounds gross to me. So while these things have a lot of flex to them and everyone is different, from experience I would say you’re definitely right that it’s often weird and a bad idea to have that sort of age gap when one party is as young as 18-20, and certainly more complicated than “they’re consenting adults, leave them alone”


Yeah, it depends entirely on people's plans and where they are in life. Obviously a 19 year old is free to date who they want to date and so who they want to do. But there is a significant risk of exploitation in their first adult relationship that can arise if an older more experienced partner leverages income or housing to control them. Really it's less the age gap and more the "just reached age of majority and has not completed schooling-has no career or life prospects" thing. Having a partner who has a cool place and money for dates etc is very cool until you move in with them without income.


So many people who subscribe to the infantilization of 18+ adults would froth at the mouth if someone told them who they should and shouldn't date. If they consent it's not your place to judge


Like I said, I've heard too many tales of it ending badly. If I knew a friend 25+ dating someone under 20 or vice versa I'd not be comfortable with it. They can do it, but I don't have to pretend to love it.


That's the same kind of statements that homophobic parents make when their kids come out


Holy bullcrap strawman, Batman!


Ahhh yes, because telling two people they should probably wait a year or two to date due to age differences I've seen end poorly is EXACTLY the same as telling someone they shouldn't date absolutely anyone of the same sex ever.


That sounds like the argument a 26 year old dating a 19 year old would make.


This is the most absurd false equivalence I’ve seen in a while. There should be some sort of award for that.


I find it weird that some people think 19 is a fine age to go off and fight, die or mutilated for your country, but not a relationship with someone 7 years older than you.


I don't think that you could find me a single person who would agree to those two positions. I simply don't believe you. Nobody thinks that a 19 year old is vulnerable to potential exploitation in a romantic relationship, and does not also think that they are vulnerable to being exploited by the military. Both of these positions arise from exactly the same place.


You've been playing this campaign a long time to suddenly take umbridge with the DMs weirdness. Why suddenly is this a deal breaker for you? It feels like nothing I would want to play but the set up screams fake to me.


I don’t know, I can see it happening. People who are desperate to play D&D are often willing to put up with a lot. Also, since OP says he’s known this person a long time, there’s probably some peer pressure to avoid causing any issues


Is there a reason you still haven left this campaign? Don’t you have better things to do with your time?


T.rials I.n T.ainted S.pace?


my biggest thing is that this is obviously a fetish thing for her and she's making you and the other players participate without your consent. OP you gotta leave this table, speak to the other players, if they also want to leave, it might be the breaking of the seal if you finally leave this thing.


I hate that my curiosity wants me to play in this group just to find out how bad it truly is..... Honestly sit down and TALK to the dm, tell them your not comfortable with the content of the game. Ask them if they would tune it down. Remember if they are comfortable enough to do this kind of game and no ones saying anything you can't really blame her for not stopping. In my game my players always speak up when things get to real or worrying.


Leave the game? Are the rest of the players weirded out? You guys keep coming back, you get that this is positive feedback toward your creepy GM right? Again, leave the game. But something tells me you kinda enjoy it and feel bad about that.


This isn't /r/DnDCirclejerk... I'm so sorry you're stuck in this.


Yeah, I feel like 5e is not the system to run for a sci-fi hentai campaign. You might ask them to see if GURPS, Cyberpunk, or even Death in Space is a better fit.


It's too bad you can't leave and are just bound over forever into her hentai game.


I'd suggest confronting her about the Magical Realm crap. Maybe talk to the other players about it, see if anyone else has the same concerns, and see if they'll back you up on it? At any rate: you're not obligated to deal with her weird kinks; and her inability to keep those under wraps is a "her" problem.


"Sci-Fi setting ala Mass Effect, but we're forced to play her weird homebrew DND game. She refuses to try another system." Obviously, this is FAR From the primary concern compared to the fetish stuff but... your DM does know Star Wars 5e exists and uses the exact same gameplay style as D&D 5e does while being sci-fi, right? Sure the classes and weapons are different, and reloading laser weapons is present, but still! Using that instead might save some braincells instead of trying to do homebrew mechanics without guidance.


I wouldn't want to play in this campaign, but I'm intrigued as to what absolute madness the GM has in store next!


It’s a testament to how fun ttrpgs can be that OP describes any one of these awful scenarios and is like “anyway we kept playing.”


Have you tried "Hey homeslice I am getting creeped out by the space-tentacles, can you dial that down a bit. I've hit my body-horror limit for the year..."


You can just leave. Real winners quit.


I'm not sure why people need to explain in detail the corruption/infection beyond saying your characters infected. Coming from a person who is fine with the grim dark rape fantasy games.


I mean it sounds like a fun campaign to me but if you're not enjoying it then you should definitely leave. Ed: insane how controversial this is. Tabletop roleplay has always had a weird horny side. Let people be cringy hormone gremlins. Just make sure everyone at the table is into it first.


What exactly about this sounds “fun” to you..?


I know Gen z hates sex or whatever but the issue here isn't the content, it's that it was sprung on the players without consent.


There is quite a wide range between “sex” and “forced tentacle impregnating disease somethingorother.” Or at least I sure HOPE there still is. And I’m an Oregon Trail era Millennial, for what it’s worth. 


I like weird shit. Why do you care so much?


This is either a fake bait post or you and other players are secretly enjoying it. Because I can't imagine for a single fucking milisecond, why would you stay in this game until act 3 (which I assume took more than 3 sessions to get to). Like, I could understand you wanted to see if it changes between A1 and A2. But complaining about it, but enduring it to A3 is just pure SM shit.




What? She’s cis




I can assure you I did not deadname or misgender my cisgender friend.




How can i join this group?


Hey, soooo you should definitely discuss this with the other players, see how they’re also feeling, and see if you can talk to the DM about it. DnD is supposed to be FUN, and this just sounds…gruesome and tiring. I had a DM who crossed player boundaries in ways somewhat similar to some you’ve listed and the advice everyone had was to leave. Ultimately that was the best thing to do and I wish I had done it way sooner too. I totally understand the feeling of “But it is fun when she’s not doing X, Y, and Z!” But are the embers of fun worth enduring all that? There are other DnD groups. There are other more ethical DMs. Phase out of that group. If she starts up something you’re uncomfortable with at a game, after you’ve expressed your boundaries, get up and leave. All in all this campaign just sounds gross and uncomfortable to play. I hope you find a better group. Best of luck ♥️


Can can you give me her number please....


what the dm wants is to get a reaction out of you guys. you need to one up her at her own game. Start getting really into the weird sex stuff, beg for more tentacles and snake rape and maybe she'll be so freaked out she tones it down




Yes, yes, Grimdark is when rape.




So many rational responses - I don't want to be rational, I want to fantasize about what you could do to crank that shit-show up to 11; no, up to 13! I won't go into my frenzied thoughts of all the disgustingly horrible things you could bring to the table - there might be kids here (and adults with weak stomachs). But it'd be a hilarious story if you found where the ***DM's*** threshold of pain was. And of course, you're playing with real people that don't deserve any of that but still, it'd be an awesome Reddit story!


> She refuses to try another system. DMing is a lot of work and with that work comes a few privileges like picking a game system. If you don't like the system step up and do the work yourself. >She is 26. My character is 19 It's fucking weird. No not really. Consenting adults over the age of 18 don't think its weird to date someone outside you high school class. >mommy, tentacle... tentacle ... implant ... tentacle .. pedo Ok now you are in the weird category. Have you talked to the DM about it?


Run away. Run far, FAR away.


Not directly relevant. But if you look up the star wars 5th edition. They got taken over by i believe delta games and they made a full mass effect 5e system before they took the star wars under their wing to keep tje site up and maintained.


“Not directly relevant” is extremely generous given what we’re discussing here


Indeed. And i appreciate the generosity given. But as it was a fully homebrewed mass effect game, that might have been the splinter that lead to the rot of this campaign to homebrew every aspect and let the plot run off the rails badly.


You should tell her that her system isn't very good, and that her involving you in fetish roleplay without express consent is disgusting.


It sounds like your GM has some serious personal problems that she needs to work out.


Well, this sure was a terrible day to be literate. If I were you, I'd bail on that shit so fast.


By continuing to participate in this game you are contributing to it.


If you are close to DM, just talk to her. Tell her that these fetish things makes you uncomfortable.


Just. Walk. Away. Be like, "Ya know what? All this shit, it isn't really for me. So, y'all have a good time, and if you ever want to run a non-fetish, mostly tentacle-free game, let me know."


Hear me out. Maybe you’re the odd one out and all the other players and DM like everything going on? That said, if you didn’t fuck with any of this at all, it’s kinda odd that you stayed for acts 1 and 2. I would have noped tf out of there at the first hint of tentacle porn. What’s stopping you from leaving?


I thank god everyday that the people I play D&D with don't do weird stuff like this


I don't know either.




Another example of the importance of communication, managing expectations and having a session zero using a consent form. If your DM still needs to vent her fetishes send her my way. I'll recycle her stuff for my Sunday games


Talk with the DM to tone it down or have someone else in teh group DM and ask them to not do a Space "Magical Realm".


So you are playing this shit for one year and none of you thought about.... Talking to her? You know, the thing people tend to do when the want to communicate? And if that doesnt work, just leave ffs. Or is she holding you guys at gunpoint?


Uhhh. That ain’t “poorly disguised.” That ain’t disguised at *all.*


I'm always baffled when DM creeps like this are women. Like, you're a woman in the TTRPG scene, don't you know firsthand how icky it is when something like this happens to you? But no, the moment you get in a position of power all respect for consent apparently evaporates from your soul