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>**DM**: You have 30 seconds to play your role, or you'll be kicked. Honestly, I feel like it's completely understandable when people don't want to say certain things or do things like this. There are all sorts of reasons. Whether it being stage shy, or anxiety of performing under pressure. I don't think DMs should be forcing anyone to do anything like that. These types of things are meant to be games. They shouldn't be actively stressful for people.


He has a kink for things like this, so I've learned (give or take) before the end of the year from a mutual friend. And it's not just with female players. It can be boys too, even new players who curiously joined his campaign. I'm not the first person, but his third. Since the end of 2023 to present, I have no idea what his life is now, but I hope no one has to go through this. And I heartily agree- no matter who you are, we play D&D and other tabletops to have fun, not be put through stress and other BS.


Yeah, that person just sounds awful. I would hate to do a campaign in that type of circumstances. It's generally very selfish of them because they don't seem to understand that the game isn't just for their enjoyment; it's meant to be enjoyable for all the players involved. And that's why I feel like sometimes it can be difficult to find groups to play with. Sometimes personalities clash and certain people just don't understand that they need to be considerate of others. It's like that term I've heard some people use; "main character syndrome" (or something like that?). Some people just seem to think that they're the only ones that matter. But yeah, you definitely deserve to be treated better! I know that, if it were me, I would definitely be super uncomfortable having to perform like that.


Best response: "And you have 30 seconds before I tell everyone you know that you'te trying to make your players roleplay your rape fantasy against their will."


Yeah rp is supposed to be fun not a job


Recording the conversation without your knowledge/consent at the time can be illegal depending on what state he is in.


Yes, it is. He lives in Maryland, from what I remember off conversations in the past. I don't know if the players before me had to deal with this, but at the time I had no idea or I didn't think about it until the thought kept beating in my head. End of the day, I just wanted an out.


For sure! I’m glad you got out of that situation. Bad groups are no fun.


This is BEYOND out of order! That DM should never have been a DM if they're enforcing kinks on players. Kinks like this are a personal & PRIVATE affair; keep ones kinks to themselves! NEVER enforce them on others or trouble is a certainty!! Hopefully you're with players & especially a DM whose earnt your trust 🤞


Most importantly, kinks require consent. There was obviously no consent involved here :/


No kidding! If you’re gonna role play this stuff out, you’ve really gotta outline the scene with all participants first, and have a damn safe word. And respect that the safe word means the scene stops dead in its tracks right then and there!


I was about to mention this but declined as consent is an incredibly shaky affair as it truly varies from person to person. In this case due to the Kink; it's surprising that there were no red flags waving when this came up! & not only was the DM out of order, it was poor of the players to know when boundaries have been crossed! There's a story out here though not as serious as this one but had rather sexist undertones; a female player playing D&D 3.5 was turned into a side-character, was subject to butt-monkey treatment as she got rather lackluster abilities at best & completely useless abilities at worst while the other "male" PC's got really powerful abilities & to add salt to the wound, her Bard character got pregnant which she did NOT approve of but had to put up with it as she enjoyed the RP. Then her character got unceremoniously killed off by the BBEG & they didn't roll Initiative! & to make it a slap in the face for this player & I have sympathies for her.... It was a 6 YEAR LONG CAMPAIGN!


https://www.reddit.com/r/dndhorrorstories/s/TSvzLXfjOJ I had read this before so I took it upon myself to find it


That's the one! & man did the player get done dirty! But I'm hoping to be a DM & learning from these stories of what NOT to do


This is one of the sickest horror stories I've read on here - and that's saying something. Usually some communication would fix issues and wrongdoings presented on this sub... But this story of yours, OP, is predatory and creepy. And this garbage human being deserves to be called out for it especially because he is allowed to continue to prey on newer and who knows how young players. As for you, OP... I hope you found a safe table to play at.


Oh gosh, I can't imagine! As beforementioned, rogue was the only player who knew of the DM's antics and I didn't know why at the time, but she nor the DM said anything. I don't remember every single detail from S0, but I have heavy doubts that anything was said about "what are your ticks/things you don't want in the campaign?" As for my current campaign, yes, it's a whole lot better. \^\^


Holy shit. This guy was one of the most creepy assholes I've ever seen. I'm glad you're able to get over it, you're very strong! I got through similar problems, but with 2 players and a coward GM, that made me quit for a looooooooooooooong while. I hope you can enjoy TTRPGs without this bs, and that your games are horror story free.


I've had plenty of comments about the DM- and I've said the same thing: yes, yes he is. But yeah, my campaigns as of late are going WAY better. I'm on hiatus now due to life stuff, but yeah. The story before this was really what helped me grow, but that's a whole other story with a whole other problem, lol \^\^


Do these DMs that force their fetish into the campaign never feel any shame or embarassment? Im fairly vanilla and even I would die on the spot if I was accused of that. Im so sorry OP, this is messed up


I really don't know- not being in their shoes and all, but if I were in their shoes, I'd think before I pull this sort of crap on someone. But hey, it's all good, I'm over it. \^\^


I feel like their username should be put on blast in dnd online communities as a predator. Jesus christ. Thats a sick and fucked up person.


Gather the pitchforks, Dragon's Breath, Eldritch Blast, Dragons! XD In all seriousness, I'm sure someone sooner or later (might be me or Cleric, if we can find a way to find him again) will, but I think we're all learning to put this behind us so we can have fun with our campaign now.


Its just that the D&D community is always weirdly protective of predators. It gets under my skin.


Nerd Social Fallacies ahoy.


Ugh this made my skin crawl. I'm so sorry this happened to you. If it happened to me I would consider it straight up sexual harassment. I hope the rest of the players besides the enabling rogue left too.


Sorry, I'm trying to reply to as many comments as I can (lol)! Off memory, everyone did indeed leave. The rogue (far as I'm aware) has been in one or two of the DMs campaigns since after I left. I'm in a game with our cleric, but I'm not in touch with anyone else. Wish I got to stay in touch with Warlock though, because he can pull that "snobby kid" personality so well lol


>You can still move your mouth dear. How are you gonna be condescending and incorrect? Make it make sense. >leaving a trail of drool from the ball gag. PORN ADDICTION, PORN ADDICTION, PORN ADDICTION, PORN ADDI- >fatherly FATHERLY??? > I just don't understand why some men think that women in their dnd campaigns want to be their porn? They want to do a kinky D&D campaign, then find people who also wanna do it. There is a market for it, I promise.


They recorded you in order to get off to it later. Soooo damn gross.


Why do these GMs do this? Do they not understand that they’re doing that in front of people? People who never consented?


> Why do these GMs do this? Because they can, often.


So they just wake up and decide this?


It's not that they decide it at a certain moment. It's that it's a constant belief. They see the opportunity to take power and abuse a victim, and do it. They would do it whenever the opportunity arises and they think they can get away with it. That last part is really important. If they think they can't get away with it, they won't do it. But they might simmer, knowing they want to.


So the abuse in that setting is… part of the kink?


The DM in this case gets off on the abuse, but that doesn't make it a kink. It means they are abusive and get off on putting their subjects in sexual situations where they are not able to consent. That's not a kink - it's abuse.


That just...wow that's just bad


Yes, it is!


What, and I cannot emphasise this enough, the FUCK did I just read? Are you OK?


To make light of the situation, you just read "Screw Consent, 2.0 Edition." As for your question? Yes, yes I'm good. Thanks for asking.


I would find out where this dude lived and set his car on fire. That's the level of repugnance I get from this. Glad you're out of there and don't have to deal with it any longer.


No joke? Cleric said the same thing when we left the game, so thanks for making me remember that and laugh about it lol. And yes, I'm glad I got to close this story for good. My campaign is 20x better than whatever that DM can come up with, and I haven't deal with this crap since.


Contact Discord and let them know that you were coerced into a sexual performance, a recording of which was kept without your consent. I can't say for certain whether the DM will be permanently banned, but at the very least he's gonna face some unpleasant scrutiny for a bit.


Oh, and if you know of anyone in the BDSM scene where he lives, I'd ask them to put the word out about this -- if he pulls crap like this online, I'm terrified at the idea of what he might do in person.


I’m a pretty awful DM/person. But People like this make me sick. You did the right thing getting out of that.


Felt that. Yeah, I'm glad I did because I had a sickening thought what would've happened if I had stayed. He's done worse (apparently) with the players before me, but everyone except the rogue knew what he's capable of and neither she or DM mentioned it during S0. So yeah, as I said in the story: I wasn't expecting what happened at all until the last minute. I should've just listened to my gut and left sooner, but it's over now and that's what matters.


Gosh, there are so many comments, and I'm trying to answer as much as I can! Please don't hate me if I miss you- I'm trying to multi-task lol! I just want to say first off: yes, I'm enjoying the campaign I'm in now- though because of real life circumstances, I've on hiatus until early to mid July. The DM in the campaign is awesome and generous- so instead of outright killing my character or putting him through crap like this, he thought of two scenarios: I can put in a magical cursed sleep so that our group can find a means of reversing/ending the curse, or I can be an NPC. I chose the latter, though the group was really excited over the idea that they could leave me sentimental messages, and our druid would leave me with my character's favorite flowers. In the end, I'm an NPC that's strolling around the hub world, and if the players come to visit, they talk of what they experienced and will often hang out with me in the taverns/marketplace. So yeah, happy times! lol I got in touch with the DM and said things are starting to clear, but I'm still going to take my time getting back. He reassured me that when I come back, I'm expected to do nothing but have fun and take my time getting back into things. Secondly, I'm in touch with the Cleric of the story. He's actually in the current campaign, and both he and the DM try to message me when they can to check on me while I'm dealing with this heavy hand called life. As for the other players, I haven't really reached out to them since this happened (especially rogue), but I'm hoping they're doing just as good as I am (except for rogue) with their games, if they're still playing.


> I got in touch with the DM and said things are starting to clear, but I'm still going to take my time getting back. He reassured me that when I come back, I'm expected to do nothing but have fun and take my time getting back into things. Can I add, "Why?" The followup screenshot would normally be quite enough for a permanent delisting. He talks to you like that, and you go back why exactly?


Woops, sorry about that. It's a NEW Gamemaster. Probably should've clarified that lol.


oh! I missed that! good to know!


Referring to current DM rather than different DM than the one in the horror story?


Jesus that some kink stuff just dumped on you.


This shit is always in the online games. Fucking creeps like this hide behind a screen. Disgusting.


I like kink too, but my God people, consent is key. I’m sorry you got someone like this OP


No. Just no. This warrants a ban from ever being GM again as well as a summary kick to the jaw.


I admit, the Session 0 did not prepare me for the rest. Like my thoughts were "okay, this isn't a horror story, I don't think HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK AM I READING?!" If this was at all intended - \*applause\* That was a good lead-in to show just how...ARGH it was.


FYI, emotional blackmail is a shit move. This is a hard truth, because emotional blackmail is commonly accepted, and when it comes from friends or family, people will go along with it because of that close relationship. It doesn't change that it's a shit move that you don't deserve. Take this experience as a dry run for when someone more important tries to fuck with you or box you in by using it. Tell them to fuck off.


Right, any player sticking with that DM... especially after that...is probably just as bad or enabling his behaviour. Creepy as fuck honestly. If you want to play kinky D&D, that's fine. But this story is missing consent. And that's the issue.


>and she admitted to the DM recording me during the interrogation scene with the BBEG. I am once again reminded of flags that are the platonic ideal of the color red. Jesus christ, good riddance to that group. Here's hoping you're able to find sanity in other groups, or just avoid the nutjobs.


This goes waaay past gross and borders into assault. Sorry you had to deal with such garbage people (the DM and the player who enabled him) but I'm glad you're finding fun in better campaigns now!


Since that shit was all on Discord, try contacting their social media. I'm not saying everyone who has a kink or is a bad DM will try this shit IRL, but the fact he recorded everything and threatened you with SA sets off all my IRL Creep vibes.


... Fuck that DM, and not in the way he'd probably want. This is blatantly violating basic rights of players under the pretense of demanding to be in character.




Thanks for reminding me why I dropped the hobby. I hope your future tables are free from bad players and DMs. Godspeed.


Massive yikes all around, like actually I can't imagine how people like DM can even think that something like this is remotely ok. (Also not exactly related to story, but the fact that I recognize the anime character in the DM's 2nd profile picture is weird)


This is fucking sick. God, he's so fucking disgusting for that and I fucking hope, somehow, karma gets to him. What he did isn't just violating you but damn, recording that? That ought to be illegal since you didn't consent to ANY of that at all. It did remind me of an experience I had back when I first started and tried DnD, it also involves this sick DM wanting me to hear be realistically "choked" couple of times in a 1-on-1 session and fuck that, I was out and I didn't touch DnD for 3 years. But this? Bruh, this is quite literally illegal. God, I hope you find a good table, OP. You do not deserve that shit of a human being!


I can’t even imagine being such a creep. What goes through a dude’s head when he decides to live out some weird fetish shit with his players???? Sorry this happened to you. Hope you find some IRL homies to play d&d with. It’s no coincidence that the absolute creepiest horror stories come from Discord.


"And you can't just retain things in real life, so no!" Dungeons and Dragons,,, well known for being realistic,,,,,,


Wow, what a cunt of a man. I hope that Cleric, Warlock and Barbarian are still somewhat friendly towards you. The fact the DM was recording that session (without your consent, I assume) has got to be the most fucked up part of this story.


As soon as I read that he sent you a clip of a BDSM thing, I cringed. That is soooo awkward, and I don't know why or how Rogue would back him up. I have to know, was he creepy at all before session 6, or was he interacting "normally" with your character?


You could have started the story in the dungeon, and three of the characters you spent time introducing don't show up in the story.


DM has some fuckin issues


Hypothetically speaking; if someone wanted to join this kind of game...


Then that hypothetical person should only play it with people who consented to that kind of shit.




I'm sorry I missed your joke. It wasn't a very funny one


I swear I saw this exact post in the dndhorrorstories subreddit about a year ago.