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Honestly, face-only rework would be more than enough for me.


Kindred Spirits' cutscenes where your character tries to convey emotions through facial animations is.. special yes.


Seriously, my character’s body hasn’t been visible from the head down so I wouldn’t care about reworking that, but faces?? Come on Jagex plz


The body actually matters a whole lot more than you think. The body is the template that armors are built/designed on. If you have a shitty body, youll have shitty armor. This is why outfits don't usually look the ads that ARE avtually built on the OPs models. They get converted to the shitty model that we use.


The body mesh/model is usually deleted/cut up underneath armor, so while it’s built on top of it? It doesn’t remain after that. So long as you use the same skeleton / model dimensions it should work just fine.


I actually think they first design outfits to the new model that you'll see in the ads. Then they convert it to the game model. Otherwise proportions might be off. I get what you're aaying but I don't think that's what actually happens. I used to make outfit mods for another game.


We got to remember Runescape has unique game code. You may make skins for other games but RS is 20+ years old and made with Runescript or w/e it was unless they completely rewrote it all it a one point.


I used to for morrowind/oblivion/Skyrim/fallout, and making the model and then cutting the body out was the easiest way to do it to keep performance good.


Yes but you still convert it to the body of choice....cbbe, unp


Correct but those should line up already if you so it correctly, and then areas that are covered with the armor/clothes are removed to avoid model clipping etc.


My friend, it wouldn't line up. Ive ported hundreds of outfits for skyrim. Outfits made for cbbe wont work for unp etc. They need to be converted cuz the models are different


I think we’re misunderstanding each other tbh because the outfit itself is rigged to the same multi skeleton that everyone uses on Nexus, so if you do it right it would work with some small adjustments. Obviously taking fallouts Warhead bodies and trying to slap that over unp wouldn’t work but with enough adjustments it could; as long as the same skeleton is used it would be fine.


100% agree.


The face is the most difficult part, because most head slot items have the face as part of their model, and they would need to manually update all of them. And they can't just update only SOME head slot items because of how male character jaws/beards work; while female characters just have a single head model (which sometimes has an additional model added on top of it for head slot items with visible hair, like partyhats), male characters have two to accomodate for facial hair. Every male hairstyle, helmet, ect (including NPC-only ones!), has to remain consistent with the relatively small number of jaw models, or there'll be cases where a character looks like [Shanomi](https://i.imgur.com/MrjDPC3.png), with an old face awkwardly connected to a new jaw. They did manage to update them all in 2008 and then twice again in 2012, so it's not an insurmountable issue, but there were significantly less items back then, and they would need to dedicate a lot of artists to doing it again now.


Face and female legs


I like to be fat and become fit as by training agility or combat.


I wish being fat was an option. My name is Fat Old Fool and people are always saying "dang that's a great six pack for a fat guy" 😭


What's annoying about the "fat" option is that you're not truly fat. Like, I just want to make my character heavyset, so that I can feel like I'm a real tank/warrior class. I don't want an overly buff character that's big. I want a character that's built like a strongman is. Which is how real warriors would've looked like, and not the romanticized buff action hero body types. That, and the animations would be kind of funny to watch depending on how ridiculous you make your character look.


Well, now that they nerfed The Raptor's sweet sweet girth, I don't think they'll be making heavyset characters anytime soon. :(


instead they'd rather focus on making crappy cosmetics that nobody uses for a battlepass nobody ever wanted. Great job, jamflex.




Come on man, you gotta remember that RS players don't care about logic. They just want to be angry for the sake of it.


Make the new characters purchasable


While I suspect it may complicate things, they could always do the same as with the skillcapes.. choose whether you see the new or old versions in the settings :) I just want the games models to progress with the times and not stagnate like osrs


Tbh WoW did this when they updated their models, and it’s still an option. Jagex response would probably be engine work, though.


WoW-as-well player here, I don't thiiiiiink it's an option? If it was idk how it'd work with all the new customisation options they've introduced since WoD.


It might not be now but it was in WoD. Maybe they’ve since disabled it but it was just in the graphic settings with a check box


Interesting, I don't remember that! I'd totally toggle it on every now and then if I could


It was really helpful because at the time my computer couldn’t handle the better models lmao


WoW "did it" but not really. Even if you used the old models you were still forced into the new animations which were awful.


New animations didn’t come until legion, they did it first in WoD and even then a lot of the new animations didn’t work so they would play the old ability animation


You're confusing running/emote animations for combat animations. The former came in WoD. Blood elf which was the most egregious animation downgrade went from the best running animation in the game to weightless floating on ice skates with the model "update". Dwarf started bouncing like a bunny while running. So did trolls. It just sucked and still does to this day.


Ah yeah, well that is true. It’s been a little while since WoD


I feel sooner or later they're gunna need a new engine.. that's coming on 10 years old and wasn't exactly the most cutting edge back then either lol Albeit a new engine is a huuuuge amount of work no doubt


If a battle pass is a major content update a new engine is RuneScape 4


To be fair, a new engine probably would be RS4. For most games, transitioning to a new engine isnt even a thing, it would be a different game at that point.


Classic to rs2 was a new engine but rs3 came before the html5 engine, but I sort of agree


Fix the female legs please, I look like a deer on its hind legs in shorts


Came back to runescape at the beginning of 22 after years away because I heard about the avatar update, few months later it gets official shelved 😮‍💨 Mod doom did mention in a Livestream after months back that after Necromancy is out and settled they want to bring up the subject of the rework tho... So maybe there still hope? 😭


I'm in the same boat. I would definitely play again if the rework got released. I play on and off every now and then but the rework might get me to stick around longer


I kinda have a similar story, I came back shortly after archaeology, and didn't experience much invention or divination, but the avatar rework livestreams where some of the best content they made, even mob blkwitch reworks and that stuff makes me feel something inside, I love good models, especially when they are effectively used in games, some of the reworks to animals like unicorns and rabbits felt like they fit in the world, and even seeing POH animals it just enhances the experience and the fantasy of the world, I honestly think that despite the graphical upgrades we have, runescape looked wayy better about 10 years ago, it was more consistent with visuals, and things were less of an eyesore compared to today's jumbled artstyle across the world, I don't care what artstyle the choose, but as long as its consistent and clear it would be easier to play, but the avatar right now looks so bad, that most people just hide it with an override not to see the character, but that leaves the game with a bunch of weird god-like armour sets walking around instead of players. With different armour sets being visially from a different era of the game, if we're gonna have 94 something new cosmetics for each hero pass, at least rework 10-20 armour sets reworked, this process is long and requires a lot of trial but I believe they should just release it in smaller batches instead of doing a massive overhaul, and right now we are seeing nothing from them.


/u/JagexDoom give us hope


You came back because of an avatar update? Is it really that impactful of a change?


I think it'll absolutely happen at **some point** but whether that's next year or in 5+ years, nobody really knows. It'll definitely happen though.


Someone should do one of those “Posting about the avatar refresh every day until Jagex responds” until they do lol. I’d be happy if it was confirmed for 2024




Probably the bandaid solution is to just make a mask that looks like that face.


Mhmh, yes, a band-aid solution that will likely instroduce more problems and weird edge cases down the road. Sign me up.


Edited because yuei2 provided a better reason for why the project hit a wall. Although, they should just do a face-only rework and 99% of us will be happy.


This is great backstory, thanks! I think RuneScape is RuneScape, and we’re never going to have graphics that blow your mind. Most of us aren’t playing RS for the graphics, I mean their most successful game has graphics from 2007 that were dated for 2007 lol. They should stop trying with hyper realistic models for things, and stick to their own design style, but just polish it. The elves are a great example of them trying and failing at being more realistic. I like the cartoon-y feel of the RS graphics.


It’s not an accurate one and it leaves out details. Mod Iroh was not the man behind the avatar rework, he was the overall lead for the entire art direction of the game so he was also the front facing guy for the players. It wasn’t his project, anymore than any other art project at the time was. Giving him credit for the avatar rework is like saying he was behind the Wen front environment (he was not, that was Mod Blkwitch’s baby) or Mod Jack was responsible for Necromamcy. Overall guys aren’t overseeing individual projects, they are big picture and Iroh’s job was specifically the overall art direction of the game. Before they embarked on the rework former Mod Warden had people do initial testing and research on if it would work, this would allow them to also get a preliminary scope. All the items they tested the approach on worked and the art team were told they were good to go. What they didn’t know, because the sheer number of items you can wear in this game is extensive, is that scattered about and not in small numbers (but small enough to miss showing up in initial testing), is there are a lot of assets that were built inconsistently across 20 years. It was an easy enough thing to miss but it’s also something that shouldn’t have been a thing to begin with, it’s like….someone who fixed their car engine with bubblegum and paperclips. Without proper practices in place people were basically doing whatever. Simply put the art team received bad test info and then as is normal, issues started to crop up later in the project. That’s not unusual in development at all, but in this case the sheer amount of inconsistent implementations were insurmountable in the scheduled scope. They tried to revisit it, to see if there were ways to get around it, but it’s just too much of a mess that tackle in any reasonable time frame. The issue is not the model, it is the legacy mess. The project stalled a long time before Iroh left, because it was again not Iroh’s project, and he left because he was an extremely talented art director who got talent sniped. Which happened in software/graphic/etc… dev a lot as COVID created huge gaps and shifts in the job market. Finally they not only have not scrapped the model, they still actively use it when designing new stuff we wear and when creating new human NPCs. Because the new stuff doesn’t have the issue, they are compatible and consistent in how they are built. So if they ever do revisit and roll the model out, it already works with the items. So the work didn’t go completely to waste, the model itself just didn’t make it into our hands directly.


That's rather informative, I learned a few things too!


Could Jagex just delete unnecessary equipment and cosmetics to reduce the work needed?


Or maybe revert to the old model when you equip janky cosmetics


That's a worse experience than what's currently in game, honestly. Imagine equipping some boots and the rest of your body and face go to shit.


According to yuei's comment, the amount of inconsistent assets wasn't too significant, so it'd be a matter of fixing what is actually used by players first. At least we'd get an avatar rework soon rather than in 5 years


Agree to disagree, I guess. Rework it all at once or not at all.


My horny ass could NOT deal with the hyper realistic feet model


I too wish my package was more realistic.


But if we updated the player models we wouldn’t be able to push out the rune pass


Pleaseee work on this, it really takes you out of the game when you have characters like lady Ellamaria that have updated character models and look great but then us THE MAIN CHARACTER look so blocky and bad almost like she is in 4k resolution and we’re stuck in 240p


This would be huge for the game imo. I wish it didn't get shelved


Shelved project, but will probably be available in 5 years on TH or Solomons store


My GPU is older (an RX 480), but I'd like to think it's stronger than a mobile phone.. and with my current setup any amount of "traffic", other visible players, on Rs3, creates tons of "ghost model" characters from my PC hardware failing to load the same-old current models. Might have some to do with my graphics settings (mostly-lowest to cut down on heat-generation) and/or my not-great satellite net "service", too.. I think they should invest in unique longterm "grind" content and more rare-rare drops, more color and customization options (I always thought "Character Name Dye" would be cool so players could color their usernames 1 letter at a time, with options to disable the feature for colorblind folks etc.) instead of graphically trying to "keep up" with the games that make my bedroom so hot I can't play them during certain weather, haha.. Mostly some "me" problems, but I imagine Rs is favored by many low-requirement MMO gamers, and upgrading them to 2010-quality graphics-standards might conflict with that (as a large portion of the rest of the game remains older models, as well).


Face only update lfg


I'm more of a fan of the male model rework than the female model rework.


I don't care about the player model rework at all. Fix the damn movement! Why are true tiles always 2 tiles ahead. Movement is so clunky.


Hot Take: I think the New Avatars are ugly. I'd rather have a Low Poly Version of my Character.


Nice try Jagex :-)


agreed, 0 character or style to these, just basic unrealistic bodies, moving on


what style or character does the old one have? I wish I was this good at lying to myself


His avatar is probably a girl in the beach bikini outfit with no shoes and hipster glasses. Only plays content he can afk with one hand


lol project more


So I’m right then, good to know


[ok babe](https://media.tenor.com/xCc58fEqFREAAAAd/nerd-nerdy.gif)


Acceptance is a part of healing it’s ok


my point is going from not good to not good isn't worth this hype or this much effort the title of the post is "what could have been" and i'm saying that what could have been is not something i like


How are these unrealistic? My character runs thousands of miles a week carrying a rucksack that would hurt a marine fighting everything that moves. My character would, realistically, be ripped.


your character would be bloated because he never takes a shit


When you log off, your character does shit/sleep/shower, then runs back ready for you to log on Unfortunately there isn't a single toilet I can think of off the top of my head... perhaps he just goes round the back of the rune essence mine. Or better yet, makes a private instance in whichever boss is giving you a hard time, drops wise. Any time you're 400KC dry, rest assured that the boss is regularly trapped in an instance with a log of hatred, for the entire 1hr instance duration.


Nah my character is versed in the magics of many realms. My shit gets teleported to Erebus.


I prefer the idea of solak stepping in shit and trying to get it out from the wood grain of his toes.


Now we know why gregorovic poisons so hard...uses our own shit against us


Agreed. I'm glad these specifically got shelved, I prefer a cartoony, more stylized look.


Idk I get Fable protagonist vibes


I just don't care.. this is what I see of my character https://i.imgur.com/N2ihRYj.png. What difference does a model rework do for me.


New boobs are lame tho


No thanks. I feel like player avatar assets make up for the grand majority of all assets in-game. If they going to redo thousands upon thousands of assets, they may as well rewrite the game in a modern engine at that point. A player model rework in of itself would take up a few year(s), and by that time they updated it, it will be already too late and look outdated to other compared to other game titles seeing how far tech has come. Ideally this player avatar rework should have happened like 10 years ago. The player avatar rework as how it was promised to us is nothing more than putting a fresh coat of paint over rust. For instance they even had to made compromises. Stuff such as body type is outside everyone's control and not everyone likes to be a jacked up athlete. Meanwhile if you look at newer titles, these do allow for more in depth customization of one's character. Stuff such as BDO character customization is the gold standard in the industry, meanwhile people here want to only settle down for this? Crazy. "Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be"


>Ideally this player avatar rework should have happened like 10 years ago. By your own logic this would have been outdated several times over by now.


In it's current state, yes. Since the player avatar is coupled tightly to the core of the game it will take a lot of time to update it. With emphasis on *time*, more or less years. It's kind of like building a new game, when building a new game you have to forecast what people want/expect into the future, not what they want **right now**. I believe the player avatar should be treated as such, otherwise you get the same issue of people wanting to compare it to something newer, different engines, newer tech, something more realistic looking in other games that may be impossible with the current tech RS3 is facing. Personally I am also not a fan of the shine they use on the player model. It looks unnatural and makes them look like plastic, but maybe that's just me, but I digress.


Personally not a fan of these models, a rework would be nice but these look awful in my opinion.




I think avatar refresh would be a huge waste of dev time, i consider the way player characters look as a part of the charm of the game, not ugly and outdated. this is such an unimportant thing and i wish people would stop asking for it and acting like it would be some huge improvement to the game


For the millionth time, Jagex *wants* to do this, they just *can't* right now. Be patient.


They're busy making MTX?


Be patient lmfao wipe the brown off your nose mate


they CAN. They just don't care to put enough resources into it. They literally have enough money if they truly want to do this.


Oh? Have they confirmed to be worked on whatever is stopping this or?


In a nutshell, the reason they paused work on the avatar refresh is budget. They realised that redoing every piece of armour and every bit of animation to work with with the new models will take up *a lot* more resources than they anticipated, and apparently there's some engine work they'd have to do behind the scenes as well, which is its own kettle of fish to deal with... It's one of those "we'll get to it when we can"


Also jagex: "Let's invest money in a "Major" update which is basically Yak Track 2.0, but we call it an overhaul for the core gameplay." ​ If only they'd invest money they received with mtx into actual content or game refreshes like the avatar rework. The game was p2w already, but this battle pass is emphasizing that.


I *clearly* outlined how this isn't a money issue, but sure, blame MTX...


do you even know what you replied before? I quote from your post: " In a nutshell, the reason they paused work on the avatar refresh is budget. " And now you're telling me that it isn't a money issue? ​ It definitely is a money issue though. The work needed to fix the engine work requires devs, time and money. I get that it can be complicated and might cost a lot of money, but what I'm worried about is that they invest money in the wrong aspects of the game. I get that they can't give us updates like necromancy every month because it takes a lot of time to create such content, but promoting MTX as a major update is just terrible PR. It basically means that September has an MTX update, paired with even more MTX promos in Treasure Hunter.


Budget refers to a lot more than money when talking about dev. There's things like time and manpower to account for. In this case, it's time.


So what is it then, budget or time? Because you're just talking shit at this point. Jagex is making millions upon millions in profits each year. They have plenty of money to hire a team to do this rework. They just refuse to do so as it'll mean less money to carlyle.


Time is money tho.


Budget almost exclusively means monetary value. Time and manpower are wayyyy other categories


As much as I disagree with this guys argument, budget in tech is absolutely not just money. Budget in tech is dev time, resources etc. that’s why old code is called technical debt. This guy is absolutely delusional for thinking he’s correct about most of what he’s saying, but the one correct thing he did say was budget in tech isn’t always monetary


“A budget is simply a spending plan that takes into account estimated current and future income and expenses for a specified future time period, usually a year” Quick online search will define budget


Lol time and “manpower” are both money 😂


That serving dude looks like a Creighton reject from red dwarf




Huge short-term win would be improving face, and improving the standard idle/walk/run animations.


Since this is a big update.. in the mean time can we get current hairstyles that are used as head options to be added to hairstyle section? so they can be used without compromising the head slot giving more options to players. [https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/15qhvyb/unlock\_new\_hairstyle\_possibilities\_introducing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/15qhvyb/unlock_new_hairstyle_possibilities_introducing/)


The necromancer armor looks so good EXCEPT Rasial's armor purely because the player model looks so bad. It's real disappointing.


They never will at this point it’s just mtx after mtx with some quality things sprinkled in.


I unironically prefer the 2009 player model over the current one.


What if Jagex just deleted most of the cosmetics in the game so they have less work to do when remodeling equippable items onto the new models?


pixel man good


If it ain't MTX, Jagex ain't interested in doing anything about it in a hurry. I can't even be bothered with this game anymore, I liquidated my bank before Necro released and bought rares from the sweatlords preparing for Necro. If someday Jagex decides to prioritise the game over MTX maybe I'll come back, but like that's ever gonna happen


Its not that easy they literally would have to do the entire coding and redo of all the outfits in the game.


I think the player model rework is the most requested update in recent memory I was actually expecting that to be the September announcement, not the stupid battle pass


Those are actually the same number of polys? How tf


Treasure hunter face token incoming...