• By -


There’s a ton of information if I had to give a brand new player helpful advice it would be to play around and get familiar with the menus/ interfaces. My second piece of advice would be to let them know that this is a huge game and make sure the use the wiki. I’ve been playing for ~20 years and still use the wiki religiously (sometimes multiple tabs).


*laughs in Chrome using 6gb of ram* I too have ~18 years and use wiki religiously. Also, I discovered you can mute tabs which is super nice when I accidently use a Fandom wiki and IT PLAYS ADS LOUD A.F. RANDOMLY. On a side note OP. Use quick guides or video guides for quests. Hold space bar of you don't to read the quest dialogue, but i suggest it. Some quest lines are too good to skip


Use Firefox. It doesn’t maximize cpu/ram usage like chrome.


Firefox ![gif](giphy|xUNd9IMywss6NTIghO)


I'm guessing you use Brave?


I use chrome and very little safari ​ but it's sarcasm ofc, but I don't use brave, nor firefox


You're missing out on Firefox.




Also ​ ![gif](giphy|sy6waaLitpIAg)




There's an add-on to make fandom links go to normal rs wiki, you can look it up


Have fun and don't read reddit until you're 18.


But im 34... 🙁


Don't read Reddit*


World class Pro Tip.


D🍩nut read reddit






I'm 34 next week and have been playing since I was 14. RUN, IT'S A TRAP!!


They warned you, it's even in the title of the game, Run Escape


18 years into playing the game*


They have a specific rule for 34 year old runescape players going on reddit, look up "runescape rule 34" to get up to speed.


Don’t miss out on the free armor trimming opportunities


If you have a question you want answered, it's going to be much faster, more accurate, and likely more thorough to type "/wiki *thing you're curious about*" ingame. This will search the wiki for whatever you want and the RS wiki is incredibly detailed, just be sure to use the official wiki and not the deprecated fandom garbage if you navigate there through your browser.


In the chat box in game you will see a button that says 'wiki'. Tap the button and type a keyword like 'runecrafting' or 'essence' in the chatbox and hit enter. This will bring up a separate tab on your browser connecting you to the official wiki about the subject you queried.


Does this work on the Mobile game?


Yes, It works on my iPhone. Can’t vouch for Android.


Yes it does for android aswell


Run Escape


I remember when I first heard of this game, was when I was at a friends and his older brother was playing it, I must have read the name on the screen somewhere, and when I got home I was putting “rune escape” into the search bar, or maybe runeescape.com. When I finally found it, a journey began that I would forever cherish.


Take my upvote


R unescape.. rrrrrrrrrr


Open your quests menu. Changer the view option by turning on the timeline Filter. the quests will show up in a great order to knock out some really awesome rewards, skill xp, and adventure! Do all the pathfinder quests in order. Its a good ol time and you get a shit ton of rewards for it. Talk to Mey or whatever her name is near the Varrock Lodestone she has great rewards in exchange for quest points. Pay into the dog mule. Also she will give you a dice reward you can roll and win like 250k gold


this helped so much, by dog mule do u mean lorehound?


Yes lore hound! The dog can be upgraded using quest points at Mey’s


oh hell yeah I didn't even know that I got him and have started knocking out quests in a better order thanks to u, big ups my man


You can win a lot more. I think I got like 5M from 200 qp


Try the quests without using a guide first. Feel free to look it up if you get stuck but most quests are way more fun if you have to puzzle out what to do next.


Try any quest from the last 10 years without a guide. Anything before that definitely use a guide at least for gathering pointless crap you'll need or else it's gonna suck.


I'd say use a guide for anything released 2007 or earlier. 2008 onward is when the quests actually make sense.


best advice I can give you is to not read anything on this subreddit and use wiki


Don't go to the runescape subreddit


Rush 50 RuneCrafting in RuneSpan so you can start getting your vis wax made every day.


Im guessing you just said a whole lot of abracadabra to this guy


Considering I also just started rs3, i have no fucking clue what any of that meand except runecraft to 50


It's honestly not a big deal. They were suggesting a daily, but you should play how you want. No need to get into dailies before you have to.


Yeah i'm just doing archaeology to max while I study for the CPA. Will probably go to mining/woodcutting right after


Gl on your cfe


To elaborate on runespan and vis wax a little bit, from a recent returning player. Runespan is a new way to train runecrafting that takes place in its own little pocket world accessed through portals on top of the wizard tower south of draynor, you don't keep your loot but instead get points to use at a nearby trader instead. Vis wax once you've reached 50 runecrafting this daily activity allows you to use a "Rune Goldberg machine" to turn a metric ton of runes into up to 100 vis wax. The type and amount of runes varies day to day but 100 wax sells for just shy of 2m and the activity takes 2 minutes once you figure it out.


Oh shit. Thanks for the tip. I dunno how far 2m goes in rs3 yet compared to os but it still sounds like something I should go do


Highly recommend using the vis wax discord or there's a website to help you figure out the combinations. 2m isn't alot for end game but I'm currently around 50-70 stats and I'll never pass up a guaranteed mil profit in 2 minutes.


LMAO RIGHT? I was like Tf is he talking Bout 🤣


Said it to me too, I have 99 Runecrafting and I didn’t know where vis wax comes from. I know what it’s for, I’ve just never had any and never looked it up. I guess I’m off to the RS wiki now


Aw man, quickest and easiest daily for good coin you've been missing out on Somewhere in the ballpark of nearly a million a day average for about 2 minutes of work




I would recommend to not do it how I did. Do your achievement diaries, do your quests, don’t use keys to max a skill (it ruins the experience). But more than anything play the way that makes you happy. Efficiency is not everything. If you find a way to train a skill that you enjoy more than the efficient way than do it. There is no right way to play but the wrong way to play is anyway you don’t enjoy. Enjoy the adventure and have fun.


Ignore all the mtx crying on this sub.


It's a legitimate problem. OP shouldn't let it run their experience if they are having a good time, but they should be aware that the problem exists.


It’s legitimately not a problem at all for new players. They don’t have any past accomplishments that are affected by it. If anything some of the buffs and xp may be things new players find nice and helpful. Mtx is only an issue to veterans imo.


When im considering a new game, I always appreciate to be told that it has MTX so I can play some other game instead. Either they don't care, which means it doesn't hurt to tell them, or they do, and its better to tell them sooner rather than later.


A lot of these commenters give a “There is no war in ba sing se” kind of vibe. New players should know the problems and decide for themselves if it’s a problem for them or not, like you said.


Near every game has mtx now, it's up to the individuals to not feed the beast.


I've played exactly zero games beside RS3 in the past decade with battlepass and lootboxes or buyable power in general, and I genuinely can't keep up with how many games get released even though I play a huge variety. I think the "near every game" has to be wrong.


Yeah you're right. "Near every game" is hyperbole. There are certainly games that release without mtx/pay to win aspects. There are a HUGE number of gacha games out there that are blatantly p2w. I play Raid and it's so much more p2w than rs3 that the heros pass didn't really bother me. Imagine getting a pop-up ad to buy bonds every time you kill a boss. If you're looking at a list of all games across all platforms that are online multi-player games from the past 10 years, the number of games without micro transactions is drastically lower than the number of games with.


You clearly don’t know many new players. The temptation to spend hundreds of dollars to power level one way or another is real. Then after that buying bonds for the gear they need for the levels they bought. Then some more for fashion scape to fit in and look cool. I’ve talked to many people who join and three no the later spent $500 on mtx or more.


Ignore this comment while you at it.


1) Quests are actually well designed with a likable story and have SO MANY important unlocks, don't neglect them! 2) LEARN the combat system, don't use revolution till kingdom come, it WILL bite you in the ass 3) join a nice clan :)


I do have rev on but I tend to press my own skills.


Good! What I tend to do is set my basics to auto fire off, but anything special I'll actually key bind, so stuns, thresholds, ultimates, etc, I do have a revo bar for everything when I'm afk'ing something, I just say learn the combat early cause going into bossing or late game pvm without much knowledge of skills really hurts and prolongs your process and happens WAY more often then not


You can also resize your revolution bar in the combat settings. There are so many settings, pay attention when we say play around and learn the settings. Lol


Zelraths spotted


BlueSkies5Eva -spotted- !


Turn back now, before it's too late. (Seriously)


Why? 🤣




I see alot of jokingly toned replies here, but I can give some insights. (I sat at 5,7b xp out of 5,8b when i quit, so I would consider myself quite experienced at the game) * We pay a premium to play the game, but still get ads for MTX. You know if you got a spotify premium or youtube red subscription, ads are hidden for you? Yea, this is not a thing in this game. * People may say: you dont have to partake in the MTX, and that MTX doesnt affect you! This is false. Dev resources, despite Jagex denying it, are being spent on developing these concepts and implementation for MTX, taking priority over developing new content, or improving existing one. * For every update that take you one step in the right direction, the following updates brings it 3 steps in the wrong direction. * The most recent example is the release of necromancy, which was fun and very healthy for the game, following by the heropass drama. * Jagex constantly preaches that they take the community's feedback into consideration, but every time they say sorry, we know that they will attempt to come back more sneakily further down the road. They dont care about players for shit. While the game itself is actually quite good, it is content that is left to dry out, and basically, its only purpose nowadays is to milk out the player base for money, in every possible imaginable way, and for the most part, more to damage the game rather than improve the game. In contrast, where the business model for OSRS are to lure players to pay for subscription fees via seasonal gamemodes, but RS3 throws one MTX update after the other in your face when you are already paying a premium for membership. (Not that I agree with OSRS business model either, but its at least better than what RS3 gets shoved in their faces)


Dont waste time watching guides and reading up om.stuff online, play and enjoy the game blind we did


Turn back or suffer the curse


Log out


1. Join a good clan 2. Do quests to learn the map Hope you enjoy the game


Wish I could find a good clan


What are the benefits of joining a clan?


Being in a clan can be nice for the sense of community. If you’re not in the newest or most relevant areas of the game, the game world can be pretty empty of players roaming about, so it’s nice for some to have a clan they can just chat to anytime. More objectively though: the global 3%-6% EXP boost (as well as a bit of bonus + actually exp). You can skill at resource plots in your clan’s citadel to earn resources for the clan. Hitting the weekly resource cap (ie “capping at cit”) increases your fealty rank, which in turn increases the global exp boost, capping at 6% at rank 3 fealty. You can freely activate this buff at any time and it lasts up to 7 days before you have to reactivate it at the citadel (and while you’re there, might as well skill to maintain your rank).




Quests are your best friend. They offer guidance as to what skills to level next and they introduce you to the world of Gielinor bit by bit. The rewards can be pretty useful too! Do mind that some of the older quests are not as polished as newer ones and they may be frustrating to complete. They have little guidance and knowing what to do or where to go next can be confusing. Do not hesitate to use the wiki for guidance on those (newer quests do this much better). Generally speaking anything from about 2012 onwards shouldn't give you too many problems with the way the quests are designed. The quests predating 2008 are some of the worst offenders. That isn't too say they can't be good or interesting, but they certainly have issues...


Just enjoy the game however you enjoy it. Don’t get caught up in the reddit drama or the whole idea that everything has to be efficient.


If you want to have a good time, stay off this sub. Browsing this sub will just make you hate the game.


Nah more so just the toxic community that can’t agree. Arguing that irons aren’t meant to have the mtx cosmetics atm lmao




Unironically uninstall the game. There are tons of leagues better MMOs on the market.


Probably not since I've played a plethora of mmos from wow, gw2, eso, new world you name. It.


BDO, FFXIV, LA, OSRS, EVE, Albion? RS3 is an objectively mid tier MMO at best with no future to look forward to.


You'll never find a community more angry at their game than this one, but if you've played MMOs you're probably used to subreddits crying about impending doom and about how the game is dying. I've seen it here for years. Games still here. Honest advice though: don't rush to the end game or you'll get burnt out quick and don't neglect your support skills when it comes to combat, nearly every support skill can boost combat in some way. Find an active clan and don't be afraid to clan hop for one more active. No matter what all of the doomers say, it's a great time to start playing and the game certainly has its own charm not easily replicated by other MMOs.




They hated him for he spoke the truth


Stop playing immediately


Leave this sub


I've been playing since 2007, I wish someone had given me the same advice when I first started


Switch to old school RuneScape.


Switch to OSRS


There's another version of this game that is better.


Get a Grace of the elves asap


i would say run and escape away from rs3 is just a dumpster fire now just go to osrs atleast they get treated better


Do your best to try and figure things out yourself, use wiki as a tool, not a crutch. Most importantly, have fun.


If you're lost, do quests! They will help you set skilling goals, offer significant rewards, and make you discover the game but by bit.


Maybe this is just me, but I kinda wish I had molded my gameplay around quests more or less. So basically do the quests in the timeline order and level my stats to go along with the quests. That way you get the lore of runescape, the levels for everything outside ofnquesting, and since you're progressing in the lore/world it probably makes progession feel more natural/less of a grind at some points. ATM I'm near max (lvl 92 necromancy) and I'm running through the backlog of quests that I've never done so I can understand the lore behind the bosses


Exactly what I'm doing but some quests are too long for my liking lol not enouhj time but I do enjoy them. I'm level 35 necromsncy


Something you might see come up is that some quests will have necessary as well as optional quest requirements. I would complete those optional quests first for better understanding of the characters beforehand. That's what i did and I'm glsd I did, but the option is available to you if you want to rush the rewards.


I'd recommend training combat as you train slayer. Instead of just killing random monsters, work on tasks from the begining. You can train all four combat skills, but necro will let you tackle bosses probably a little easier than the other styles. Most importantly, enjoy yourself. Don't let it become another job. Easy to do lol


Where exactly do we go to train slayer? Or how do i do anything slayer related? Im a returning player and never got around to this


I think the lowest level slayer master is in Burthope. You basically are just given x number of y monsters to kill. Super easy to start, but get more challenging as you progress. I think Smoking Kills is the quest that lets you start earning slayer points. Can unlock some cool stuff.




Good luck! Reaper tasks are really worth doing too, even if you stick to the easy bosses.


Play to have fun. No one likes to complain more than the RuneScape community. This game is still a ton of fun. It has what I believe is the best quest system in MMOs, a different combat system which I enjoy compared to normal MMOs (FFXIV is a close 2nd), and a dedicated community that is (mostly) welcoming. If you need a clan, let me know and I can give you an invite:)


Id like to join! Im combat lvl 64 and re learning everything atm


Sure, I do not have a clan yet.


Do not be scared of quests, it really just prevents you from reaching your full potential


This is just one of those games where you need the [wiki](https://runescape.wiki) open at all times. If you’re ever curious on how to level a skill, I recommend searching “[Skill Name] Leveling Guide”, it’s a really useful tool! I also recommend finding a nice friendly clan that isn’t too large. It’s helpful for asking the more nuanced questions you can’t easily answer on the wiki and you gain some friends in the process. You’re going to want people to shoot the shit with when you’re chopping logs or fishing for hours on end, as well. This game is just one giant treadmill with requirements to unlock a thing to gain access to another thing, and so on. Don’t let it discourage you when things seem out of reach and remember you can always say fuck the guides and play however you like!


Lots of content ends up being complimentary of other content. It is better not to focus on one specific thing, but to do a bit of many things. Take the activity, big game hunter, for example. This is a late game hunter activity. Therefore, you'd think that you probably only care about hunter levels, right? Well, once you reach a certain magic level, you gain the ability 'surge' which lets you dash forward a long distance. This is extremely useful for the activity. Except it gets better - you can get "double surge"; you can use it twice in quick succession, by doing the agility course on anachronia. Then, as part of the activity, you need to cut down some trees to get resources. Therefore woodcutting levels are useful. Oh, also late game you can "augment" items which give them additional effects, such as reducing the cool down of surge. This is unlocked with invention which is a special skill which requires level 80 in 3 other skills to even start training. There's another dash ability too, called dive, or bladed dive. You can unlock this by completing quests/doing a combat minigame. There are a bunch of other things I haven't mentioned here too, but I hope you get the point. To do big game hunter all you _need_ are hunter levels, but combat, agility, invention, quests and more make that activity better. This applies to many things in RuneScape, and there are too many to list.


Haven't seen anyone else say it, but I recommend doing player owned ports once you've reached a relevant skill to 90. It's a timegated activity that people despise doing for whatever reason. It unlocks a lot of nice upgrades, especially for magic. Aside from that, necromancy is currently the most accessible combat style so I'd focus on using it to learn pvm. One thing that it helps to cultivate is using manual instead of fully relying on revo which is a good skill to have for late game pvm


Don’t play if you ever want to touch grass again


The best advice is actually just everytime you don't understand something or want to know what something does or is, just type /wiki \[thing\] , almost anything you'd ever want to learn in this game is available from the wiki.


Play the game at your own pace, set your own goals and do what you want


Behind the grand exchange. Next to the wilderness. there are dropped items that respawn. Collect your bag full and sell them at the exchange


Where? Lol if like to check that out.


Right behind the grand exchange wall... next to the low wall at the wilderness. There is a wooden shield on the ground. And farther up is a rune


Well that's neat lol


They respawn so stock up.


Wiki is your biggest ally in this game, like unironically


Don't take hand outs from other people. It could ruin your experience. Try to do it all on your own.


Honestly, take a look at some endgame content and decide if that's what you want to invest potentially hundreds of hours into. Non-mmo games like Elden Ring/Sekiro, Armored Core, Mario Kart, Call of Duty, the point of the game is basically available as soon as you open the game. Runescape has many, Many timegates seperating you from what you want to do in the form of skilling. Want to engage in arguably well written quests? Skill up. Want to engage in mechanically deep boss fights as a group or solo? Skill up. Want to pvp? Wrong game. Want to enjoy minigames? Wrong series for the most part 95% of all minigames have been abandoned due to efficiency or lack of pvp. Want a cute paper hat? Enjoy farming Runescape's endgame bosses for several hundred hours just to purchase the cheapest one. Don't want a cute paper hat and want to enjoy the game nearly mtx free? Take advantage of a gamemode that forces you to gather everything yourself and be unable to participate in the ingame economy, but at least you can still do certain content with other players. Realistically, ask yourself if you want a 2nd monitor game (something to occasionally click every few minutes to feel like you're working towards something while watching youtube), or ask yourself if you'd like to do the above for several hundred hours to engage in repeatable boss fights that range from actual afk to...basically just dark souls bosses molded for the game's engine. If yes to either? Welcome aboard! Want to pvp? Play the other version. None of that sounds good? It really doesn't, does it. There's literally an infinite amount of acceptable reasons to pass on this game. There's an infinite amount of games now. Baulder's Gate 3 scratches that runescape itch completely without demanding years of your life. Ffxiv as an mmo is a far better experience than rs. And there's so many games with so many unique combat mechanics that this game isn't even in the running. And this is all before the controversy going on that's resulting in another mass player exodus that I don't need to get into here. At least research the game first to determine if it's worth your time. I'd say it isn't but the only one who can answer that is you.


Do quests in timeline order as much as possible. There’s plenty of quests that have no timeline order though so feel free to do those whenever. You can sort the quests interface as you like. The story is split into two halves, 5th age and 6th age. Each quest will say which age. 5th age is of course the first half of quests on the timeline :) Other than that, just explore! Walk around and find quests, characters, dungeons, even get yourself killed. This is the time for you to just have some fun with the sandbox that is RuneScape.


Bro just explore... die a few times... go into caves... just roam for ages get familiar with your environment! Then start really trying to settle in with some training , explore further, train up. Repeat.. mix of quests Here and there, try some skills 👌


I created a new account a year ago and followed this https://runescape.wiki/w/Ironman_Mode/Strategies/Efficient_Ironman_Pathway_Guide even though I was main scape account it gave me a goal to work towards, was quite nice ticking off the tasks over time doing quests eta it mades you learn a lot about RuneScape over time


Use the wiki, don't use reddit (untill you're 2000 total level ish). Learn about possible scams. Read the game warnings (specially those about unsafe deaths).


Unsafe deaths?


Two kinds, one is you get your item from death, and just gotta pay a fee. Another is you lose all but 3 items (usually in the wilderness with player vs player turned on). Make sure you turn OFF player vs player when entering the wilderness. The scams/lurers would trick you to turn it ON somehow.


Necromancy is the best combat style by far right now. Train it up and use quests to level the other combat styles at first. (the just nerfed low level xp rates pretty bad). Don't worry about efficiency.


Best thing to do before even thinking about getting membership, is to level up all your F2P skills to 60, getting to 60 is really quick, 70+ takes quite a long time through F2P methods so if you go hard with at least getting all 60s you'll be right as rain! :)


Really? I was thinking about getting a membership but don't wanna drop over $100 on a year's membership for "premier" I did have the 14 day trial from prime gaming that's going to expire in 1 hour. I was using necromsncy


You can 60 majority of skills in about a week or two, especially if you use the Runespan (which is at the top of the Wizard's Tower) you can level up Runecrafting super fast and painless! The combat skills can be easily leveled in a place called 'The Stronghold of Security' just kill some goblins then move onto minotaurs then go deeper to harder mobs, rinse and repeat till ya get 60s in each of them, for healing, just level your fishing till you can fish for tuna/Salmon (which is 20 I believe) buy some feathers at the Grand Exchange to do fly fishing at fishing spots just right of the strongholds entrance! The gathering/artisan skills can be boring if you put all your attention to them, best way to level them is to multitask with something else, play another game on the side like Minecraft or something so your guy gathers/makes shit while your entertain yourself while they do so! Until you get high levels, I highly suggest waiting on membership till then, trust me, it makes doing member stuff a lot easier!


for the love of god please fix your UI you will love me in the future once you do it.


Fix it how? I moved the skills bar to the bottom middle.




Try to do a bunch of easy quests. They help you understand the game and sometimes give some useful QOL. It's also nice for understanding the lore, which I feel is a huge part of what makes runescape special.


Explore have fun and ask questions when your stuck, knowledge is power after all


I vote we make this game a communist community we must all put all our gold together and split it evenly to make things fair and then these people will never have to play with poor people again because we'll all be poor


Make an ironman unless you're an mtx enthusiast


Play however you like, but I'd advise to work your way through every single free-to-play quest and, if you're a member, get through most or all of the novice quests to start dipping your toes into the intermediate and advanced member's quests. Quests really open up the world and they almost always have charm, and they'll do a good chunk of the early leveling for you through rewards. Other advice is to not waste time figuring out the best way to grind for yourself. Others have done that for you. Just follow the wiki to minimize the XP grind.


There is only 1 rule and its to have fun!


Write that what you learn or what you want to learn Take advantage of learning tools, you have rs Wiki of course check that everytime you feel you might have a question. Then you have streams and discord. Get to know then settings menu and abilities and their descriptions "tool tips: Just try and experiment try to use each one once, every single one. Try to have a plan with your keyboard bindings where all the most used binds are on the left hand side and get to a level where you can use all 5 on screen action bars.


I use a mmo mouse for all mmos thst I play so keys aren't that much of an issue for me


Don’t start playing this game… we’ve all been here for decades. Years of our souls posts to the abyss


Turn back


Just play another game, this one is sadly dying more and more every year


Biggest one - RS is a marathon, not a sprint. Use revolution when using combat and use the wiki to know which order to put the abilities in (as you get more experienced, you can activate them yourself for slightly better damage over time). I promise, for the VAST amount of combat you’re gonna do, being “optimal” is not needed. I am a fully maxed player and almost always use revolution and have done a large number of mid-upper level bossing. In your quest journal, hit the box that says “can complete” or whatever it’s called. Quests are AMAZING experience early and can knock some of the slow, boring, early training out of the way. Do all that you can (there’s like 300+ quests in the game, so there’s lots to do :) )Quests are also very good for unlocking certain items. Things like the Sunspear and Excalibur are the bee’s knees and get used for a very very long time. Play the game how you want to. There’s nothing wrong about being excited about hitting level 60 after a month when someone else maxed the skill in a month. Everyone is happy with different outcomes. This last one took me forever (and becoming an Ironman) to learn. Invest your money into your account. Having a ton of money in your coin pouch is cool, but it doesn’t GET you anything just sitting there. Being poor and doing stuff to get money after you spent it to improve your skills is so much better than having lots of money and no skills. Having high herblore, summoning, and prayer help a crazy amount when it comes to killing things. They always stay with you too. An armor upgrade is great, but to go from level 80 armor to level 90 is a lot of money.. with not THAT much of an upgrade. Going from basic prayer to curses (once the quests are done) is ridonkulous. Going from super potions to overloads is crazy.


If you like it just enjoy it. Explore it. And do not bother with the Subreddit, its just negative vibes. Otherwise, hope you have fun.


My biggest piece of advice comes from helping another new player. Most of the guides out there are extremely focused on optimal play, and maximum efficiency. But most players didn't play, and don't play like that since they started. Take your time, enjoy the lower levels, and the starting quests, you'll never get to play through them for the first time again. If you need some gold, do some gathering, find some items you can get easily to sell for profit. Have fun above all else, we here on Reddit can be old bitter bastards, but in the end we all have played this game for years and love it. Oh, and people don't talk a ton in game, but are *mostly* good about helping out if asked honestly.


take your time, do not have to start members right away, find your path to do stuff and if you get stuck /wiki is a helpful aid and most importantly play to have fun unless your fun is pvp in which case osrs is more your boat


Have fun and don't spend money until you're done with the non member stuff


Don’t spend real money, find a friendly guild with a discord, and accept that you’re a master trimmed masochist or going to become one early on. Regardless of whether you get the capes to prove it. Your identity is no longer safe. Welcome to RuneScape.


Keep enjoying the game and explore it step by step.


Try all the skills to level 20 or so to see which ones you like the most.


Watch the old imp catcher’s quest.. romeo & julliet.. duel arena, demon flash mob, old holiday events (like pre 2015) on youtube.. not really advice. But what an amazing time it was back then. :D + poh (player owned house) party’s, random events, .. Goodluck on your journey. Don’t forget to claim your baby troll pet.


Take your time. It can be overwhelming sometimes but thats the fun. Finding new quests and do what u wanna do. Eventually u find a purpose in game like doing every quest or slaying every boss. Just sit back and take your time


Honestly, be careful reading through RuneScape threads on here or posts on Twitter. The community could get real negative at times, and force you to focus on things you would have never even noticed until reading about it. Do some quests, play around with all of the skills, and try to bounce around and cover as much of the game as you can so your account progresses evenly.


To all the people popping on just to say “find another game”; do us all a favor and unsubscribe and leave.


Study the elementary. "Baby steps to Giant strides."


Dont rush. Enjoy every moment


-Focus on whatever aspect you find fun, burning out is very real and if you hit it when you’re too early in the game you won’t come back -efficiency isn’t as important as consistency even though most of the community can’t ignore it -level 92 is half way to 99, not 50 -do some research and pick some mod-rang shoals to stick to. Lots of us with end game achievements have been playing for >15 years and have spent thousands and thousands of hours in game. If you set high level pvm as your goal for example, you’ll likely burn out before getting close. Set small goals on the way and enjoy the journey -ENJOY THE JOURNEY… the reason we all still play is because of the amazing memories we made along the way, if you just walked in and played end game content on day 1, it would be a terrible game any nobody would stay


Make your entire engagement of the game revolve around quests. Open your quest log and set the drop down menu to 'timeline'. Then do the quests in order from top to bottom. Level up enough to do the next quest. I know this isn't for everyone, but I think if you're new to Runescape, the raw grind isn't going to immediately appeal to you. Of course, if you really enjoy the skill, or want to make money for other purposes, then you won't hold strictly to this. But if you otherwise do, you'll enjoy skilling (and the game as a whole) a lot more. Skilling ***for*** something really changes the experience for the better. Of course, also read the text and enjoy the quests. They only get better the further in you get.


Don’t look at the complaining people on reddit and make the best of it yourself, it’s an amazing game. Also, enable battery saving mode on mobile


I noticed alot of people say "quit" or "run away" or play "osrs" but you know what I'm enjoying my time in rs3 and I have my own opinion lol, if i let people dictate to play or not then I would be playing no games at all lol.


Quit while you can.


1. Play as F2P until you have completed all of the F2P quests and gotten every skill to where all F2P content is unlocked. (Except dungeoneering; do that until you get sick of it.) 2. Get your first bond by producing a lot of something you can sell on the GE. 3. Do the member quests to unlock content, preferably content that accesses money-making methods. 4. When your membership runs out, go back to step 2. After a few cycles, you will have enough ways to make money as a member that you can spend a couple days from each bond raising the money to buy your next bond.


Play the game the way you want explore it, don't ruin the excitement about finding all the fun new things to do. And learn to wiki when you're stuck.


Stay away from reddit


Use the Wiki (a lot), Teleports; as many as you can get, Learn the maps, but mostly have fun.