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Hey that's me. Thanks for reporting the issue. I'll get my bot fixed straight away.




Why would you want a copy of a broken bot


Of the new updated one, duh


It break once it break again






>They only care about OSRS botting Since when????


good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.88021% sure that NationalTrain9353 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


good bot




I am 101% sure whynotcollegeboard is a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


They do eventually, but more subtle ones need to be reported sometimes.


5.8b xp players won’t be punished. I’ve been reporting a player with 5.8b xp that I have witnessed botting several times, even breaking their bot and getting them stuck in a loop for hours. Documented events, sent in all evidence, and for 3 years, the botter is still going strong. Ridiculous.


Yeah it's a 24 hr slap on the wrist


Be sure to send evidence to the tipoff email


Someone posted a screenshot of their bot on /r/2007scape. You could see everything, even the name of the bot in the chatbox cause it was a runelite plugin. I sent the image to tipof, username was fully visible. The bot was never banned. It's still running cg.


Don’t be discouraged. Reporting and tip off is simply the most effective thing


My main is pretty much close to true trimmed and I quit the game after my alt just got permad for RWT (probably because VPN, the wealth on my alt is like 5% my main) because it doesnt feel like its worth the risk. The accounts are even linked. The ban system is really off kilter.


I already reported few people who clearly bots (random walking for hours, standing in doors for hours, stuck in bank for hours, etc..).. some accounts even 24/7, with many 200m skills and they are still in game going strong.. and Jagex don't give a f\*\*k about them.. just look how many mining/arch bots with 200m are there going nonstop for months..


And Divination bots too. Incandescent wisps is rampant with them. Some with level 1 stats but 200m divination.


I get stuck in the bank all the time. Stupid fucking ADHD


1. they ban in waves so don't be disheartened if they don't get banned immediately. 2. Often they follow the bots trail and look at other attached accounts, and ban them as well in the banwave. 3. If the ban waves aren't pretty often, yeah accounts will get to 200m xp, if something is going 24/7 for weeks yeah it will get 200m pretty quick. 4. I remember jagex mods talking years ago about why they don't say much about banning bots because its a constant back and forth of each party trying to outsmart each other. It is what it is, hope that helped


One of the most satisfying things I've experienced in game was reporting bots in grot cave, then one day as I'm heading through on a slayer task, see one of the bots get whisked away by a giant hand. It's not always immediate that accounts get banned for botting, just depends on how easy it is for the system to pick up on, but they'll get them eventually. Dealing with bots is a problem that plagues a lot of online games and there's no perfect solution to getting them because of how much they're always improving. And given that there is money involved, by people paying for botting programs, there's a constant incentive to improve said programs.


One time as a kid I was chopping yews behind Varrock palace together with the classic goatee bots. I reported them and some time later a JMOD "Mod George" logs in, bans them and talks to me wishing me a fun time. He disappears and I had the yew trees all to myself for a bit. I added him to my friends list (still have him on today which means his account still exists) but never seen him go online since then. Thanks George.


Giant hand…?


Yup. Back in the day they had [Botany Bay](https://runescape.wiki/w/Botany_Bay), and when an account was found cheating they had a hand literally grab the bot from wherever they were at in the game, and drop them off at the bay, before the account would get banned. I was lucky enough to actually see an account get grabbed in that manner.


O.o knowing what Botany Bay was originally that sounds terrifying…. I hate that I started in 2003 and stopped for 18years. I miss this game and its lore.


[Here's a clip that shows it in action](https://youtu.be/7TeeqIyfikg?si=9RDhVJYJxl6qmrRt). You can see the hand come down around 3:20. Kinda wish they'd bring stuff like this back. Good PR for the mods, fun little event for us.


Thats imo just what jagex fanboys say. The high end bots are in the game for years.


I wonder how many times I was reported for bank idling while I was wasting time in clan chat. Just fletching stuff here and there when I remembered about it.


I get accused of botting a ton on my mining alts. You can't do much game interaction for 10 minutes afk skills


To be fair I've spent hours walking randomly plenty of times. I used to walk back and forth between 2 squares for too long of a time just because I could. Also bank standing while talking in cc and watching YouTube when I couldn't be bothered to play the game anymore. Idk what it would look like to anyone else. Lol


High level accounts rarely get detected for botting on RS3, let alone banned. I’ve auto-clicked/macroed several skills on one account with over 2500 total. Sometimes for 6+ hours at a time. I’m honestly jaded to even the threat of repercussions, because it seems like detection for very simple, repetitive actions is nonexistent in RS3. Simple alching macros, potion macros, fletching macros, etc. I have probably 100+ hours “botted” on that RS3 account, without so much as a warning. It’s like RWT detection. A fresh account receiving 2B cash in a trade looks kind of (very) suspicious. That’ll probably set off some alarms. A 3k total account receiving 2B cash in a trade generally flies well under the radar.


My low level alt got RWT banned simply for using a VPN I've used on my main for years because I had to submit two different types of account recoveries (one had old info, one new, so it probably looked bought). So yeah checks out. It's linked with my main (still fine there).


Yup I botted most skills to 99 that were to boring to train and made 10b fishing up bik troves with a bot. Bik troves are only 5m/hr so just using it for bik troves was at least 2000 hours of an autoclicker


They get banned like once a month just report him and move on


How could they amassed that much xp if that were true?


Good question, everyone I've ever know that has actively botted in RS3 has had their account banned. It's just a matter of time until this account gets deleted Maybe they were initially someone who got 5.8b exp and hasn't played in a while. Recently got hacked and is being used to bot.


They’ve got 200m necro there’s no way this account has been collecting dust


A lot of 5.8ers grind 200m and then quit/play on their iron once they "lock" in a rank. It's not out of the realm of possibility that the account got hijacked and is suicide botting and since it's a high lvl account the detection system takes a while to realize. When my first iron got hacked they botted OSRS (didn't add 2FA on the new iron yet and didn't think anyone would hack a noob iron, didnt realize the OSRS loophole). I noticed it within a day and locked the account, still got perma banned with appeals denied. So they do ban accounts, just high lvl ones end up being harder or require a manual ban.




Nice to see the botter who "hijacked their account" also customized their 120 all cape with the new particle update that released yesterday


I took 2 weeks vacation time and got 200m necro in around 2.5 weeks without skipping out on sleep and really going hardcore. I also did 90m to 200m by doing combat instead of rituals, which would have been 3x my exp/hr. Necro is probably the easiest 200m in the game.


I'm pretty sure this dude didn't get 5.8b XP legit if he's botting now. If you think people don't successfully bot on main accts in RS3, you have no clue what you're talking about. EDIT --> Jeez sirzup I am just speaking the truth, why are you replying to me and then blocking me? > How do you know it’s not a hacked account that got 5.8b legitimately? If people are botting on their main accounts it’s only a matter of time before they get banned That's a nice statement to put out without anything to back it up. How do you know the dude didn't autoclick his way to 5.8b when botting in RS3 is trivially easy? Archaeology with porters could be botted for hours with a script that just clicks every time you find an artifact. Or even just clicks at random intervals every few min. And other skills are similarly easy to bot. Today you could bot crafting indefinitely with a script that just stops you from getting logged out every 15 min.


How do you know it’s not a hacked account that got 5.8b legitimately? If people are botting on their main accounts it’s only a matter of time before they get banned. Everyone I’ve ever observed who bots gets banned in under a year. It’s only a matter of time


You assure completely wrong. Anything other than suicide bots just don't get permabanned.




I've seen years and years of maxed bots that get a 48hr ban every few months and then go right back to botting the exact same thing. Edit: you know someone is chatting nonsense when they ask for proof and then instantly block you at the same time to pretend you've ignored their request for proof.


It doesn't matter how long it took players to get 200m necro, it's still a fully maxed account botting... chances are the 200m necro was a botted skill anyways let's be honest, it's very easily botted at the ritual pad. Nobody here has even hinted at botting being okay from what I can see, all I see is people wondering how this guy's **not** banned. And 12 months? Do you not see the problem? It shouldn't take jagex 12 months to catch on when you see the acct for a few min and notice...




Yes it could have, but you acting like you know everything about bots and when the account started botting is absurd. Yet meanwhile osrs bans bots constantly pretty much every day or few days 🤔. Why not give them a month so they can afford 5 or 6 more bonds... I wonder what set off the anti-bot. Couldn't have been that bots are very easily noticed in general... and you do realize that necro is still one of the most heavily botted skills, right? Almost every world has a necro bot at the ritual circle.


Is it only bots who RWT that get perm banned? If the botter only bots for xp but never RWTs, will JAgex be more lenient?


No idea


This is the most likely situation


I know people who botted 16-18 hours a day for 5-6 months on their main and never caught a ban. And yes I reported them multiple times but nothing ever happened lmao.


You only know cause they got banned and told you. People that don't get banned would have no reason to tell you that information. It's selection bias.


No they were accounts I tracked after finding out they were botting. They aren’t people I know they are accounts I’ve reported


Or maybe their bot is just better than yours?


It’s every account ive ever seen botting eventually gets banned


It’s like dealing drugs. Don’t do it in broad daylight and you probably won’t get caught


> every account ive ever seen botting The only one you can be sure about botting is either a really bad bot or a bot you're running yourself. > They’re all people with 200m in skills I’ve seen and reported and watched as they get banned over the years So then "really bad bots"? If you've seen them and know they are bots, it's not that good of a bot. The good bots you'd have zero way to tell.


They’re all people with 200m in skills I’ve seen and reported and watched as they get banned over the years


You don’t know the right people then.


It's entirely possible that they are a 5.8b player who is doing some random grind for something and decided they didn't want to do they would rather bot it. That's a pretty frequent idea amongst voting communities is that "I bot to skip the parts of the game I don't like and only play the parts I do like". So it's just as likely they only bot skills/grinds they find boring and actually play the rest of the time, which I imagine would make detecting them harder.


Do we know what the current punishment is? Couple of days of vacation and no more perm bans?


A few day ban / perm ban to anything in-between Many perm bans happen go to the forums youll see many people complain about their account being perm banned. So yes they definitely happen


They have a botting Reddit for RuneScape. Sometimes they get a temp ban and sometimes it’s straight perma ban. Even the mod said the accounts he has had perma banned has never had a successful repeal. Sometimes they don’t even do the temp ban and will straight perma ban an account.


It's a permaban. I saw someone who had 200m exp in several skills permabanned recently


First time offense is not a permaban.


it is if they've botted/auto-clicked on other accounts before


What happens if you get caught but the first offense has expired?


It still counts against you.


it's almost always a 48hr temp ban for botting, even if you've had multiple 48hr temp bans for botting before.


My guess is that account has a few MTX transactions, and thus not eligible to be banned for botting


And here i am… getting banned for botting while ive never even botted… 👋🏼👋🏼


Same I got a two day ban when I was doing hellhounds for xp


Only 2 days? I got a perma ban


It’s because their automated (whole ass system) is a joke


Same, banned yesterday.


Same. I guess some asshole reported me fishing outside Croesus because I was farming an event currency there once upon a time while playing another game on the side or watching movies, with zero proof or reason other than "*hey you've been grinding this for a while*" as if the whole game isn't about doing exactly that, and apparently it was still enough to ban me for a couple days or something. It made no fucking sense. Those same kinds of losers in this thread who just report everyone they see grinding.


They won't ever get permanently banned. No way Jagex is going to lose a person already addicted to the game, even if they are botting to do all the work for them.


Just to clear this up I have a 5.8 account that auto clicked for about 4 years I’ve had 8 bans. 24 hour up to a week. But from what I’ve seen if you go a year without getting a ban it kind of resets you back to the 24 hour ban


Jagex is trying to sell rn, no time to be banning what looks like good player numbers


Nobody been getting banned since the hero pass fallout. Can’t afford to lose player count and paying subs right now so they’re not doing shit to cheaters.


Tbf, arch is the first 200m xp skill I got. I found it enjoyable to afk. Make money for sure with a small chance of getting Tonys if you farm tetra pieces. I would afk while i do other things and at times when i was more focused on whatever i was doing than afking rs, id randomly click on the screen just to prevent log out. Not saying he isnt botting but definitely saying he is 5.8. He doesnt have to take afk that seriously and may just be randomly clicking on the screen in between farming. Who knows unless youre that person or have video proof of his actions that look more bot like than random clicking to prevent logging out


Full transparency, I used a macro to make elder rune bars for a while and after an 8-hour run, my account had a 48hour ban. There are tools for mobile that are much harder to detect since they function similarly to finger-press. This is how tons of alch bots avoid being banned. Truth be told, I have a feeling bot bans are only done to give off the impression that jagex is doing something when its just the bear minimum. I have a feeling botting and macroing is going to be unbannable in the same way multi-logging, account sharing, and even explicit language all got lifted from "against the rules" to now "not recommended"


When they handed the ban out, were there any messages indicating further offence will result to a harsher ban or even perm ban? I do think that they still work on tackling botting gold farms to stop some of the rwt, but I do not think that we have any numbers regarding volume of bots banned?


If you bot to rwt, you get banned for rwt, if you bot just for personal use without rwt then no further offences don't result in harsher bans or perm bans. You can have dozens of 48hr temp bans for botting on a single account, they don't ban for botting unless you rwt or suicide bot.


How long did you bot for before getting banned? Did you RWT anything before the ban?


No RWTing here. Just tried to make some gp while I slept. It wasn't very long. Used Tiny Task on my pc a few times but an 8 hour run was banned over night


This is an interesting one. When I’m at work I’ll usually take my iPad and completely ignore everybody in game and just tap the screen and when I’m bored I’ll tap around just so I don’t log out. Does that make me a bot? No. But I wouldn’t want to be reported as one. I’m sure if you report them jagex can check the inputs and determine if it’s a bot or not, so just report and move on. Not much you can do.


When I'm on mobile it's actually such a PITA to send a chat message, I basically never do unless I got a real zinger


> just tap the screen and when I’m bored I’ll tap around just so I don’t log out. For 4 hours straight?


I work 12-18 hour shifts. Sometimes I’m documenting, checking labs, and approving requests for 6+ hours at a time between rounds. I’ll literally just sit there and do archaeology for hours at a time.


Are you missing the part where they're walking into a wall for 4 hours straight? Of course, doing archaeology and such at work for 4+ hours is understandable. but that's not what this person was doing.




>Ya I doubt they’re botting, prob just on mobile at work How did you come to that conclusion? OP said they were randomly walking around for 4 hours straight. It's definitely a bot, your theory makes no sense.




>without actually investigating? That's Jagex's job. This person didn't post the username or anything to start a witch hunt, so I don't see why I wouldn't believe them. Also: > You sound smart irl You know IRL intelligence and online intelligence are the same thing, right? You don't have to specify irl in this situation, genius.




You've gotten a lot of information about me from this tiny Reddit exchange. That's super impressive, bro. You're so damn intelligent, please teach me your ways.


I literally do this all the time. Botting in rs3 is high risk for low reward (comp takes way too Fuckton of hours to risk over afk gains) and just because they weren’t doing anything doesn’t mean much. Mobile gamers aren’t always paying attention


>Mobile gamers aren’t always paying attention For 10-20 minutes, sure, but 4 hours straight? Nah, I'm not buying it.


I’m not selling anything, so that works. I often will have the game up purely for the chats (clan and DMs) for the majority of the day without paying any attention to what my char is doing. Everyone always assumes bots but they might just be chillen.


LMAO why r u so mad bro 😂😂😂😂😂


Why are there legions of bot apologists who explain away botters with “probably on mobile” or “just an alt.” Botting is obvious, and this person is obviously botting


Yes I will take my greaper and bot on it, giant brain move when I need no xp. Caught me red handed!! Lmao


>Yes I will take my greaper and bot on it Who said anything about you or a greaper botting? Nothing in this pic shows that the account is a greaper. Is this you? Or do you happen to know the person in the pic?


This happens to me a lot. I afk at work, but my phone is in my pocket. Sometime i fuck off to nowhere and find out a few minutes later when I have time to click again


You have yet to explain why you're convinced it's a bot. It's much more likely that it's just someone on mobile or afking on a second monitor. This is complete bs.


I have seen it move back and forth the same spot for 5-6 hours, at the door, not at the excavation spot. The possibility of someone afking for that long without looking at the screen (using mobile or second monitor) is highly unlikely


so you're telling me you've had the patience to sit there and watch someone else....for 6 hours? Kudos because I don't even have the patience to watch for 6 minutes


i would assume hes hacked. Why bot arch at 5.6b?


Porter buff


Infinite porter buff and lazyness remember online "prestige" such as comp cape, wealth, total exp on a game doesn't equate to intelligence hence why people with phats even got lured in the past for bils and even people well near 5.8b exp botting


Two days ago on OSRS I found two broken bots behind Ape Atoll agil course in leagues (competitive gamemode). One was a mid account, the other was ranked top 7k in the maingame OSRS. I reported them both, watched them for an hour walking back and forth between two tiles (probably ghostmousing) and then reported them to tipoff at jagex. Today I check the high-scores, the mid account is banned but the top ranked account is not. I think we all know this, but I'm not convinced Jagex wants to ban real players who macro with 10s of thousands of game hours because they're funding their bottom line.


If Jagex's bot detection is anything like their lost item detection I'd say it's non existent.


Just wanna say that there have been days where I randomly click on tiles and walk aimlessly while bankstanding for an hour or so


How do you know they weren’t just playing on mobile?


I think it is quite unreasonable for them to move back and forth the same spot every now and then without clicking the excavation hotspot and without looking at the screen for more than 5/6 hours




She has been there for at least 4 hours without clicking on the excavation spot, just standing at the door, and walking couple of steps from time to time








Just visited, I think there might be something else going on, but that's just my opinion. Bit weird for a 5.8 player to be botting.


you'd think so but alot of 5.8's just wanna fully afk stuff now after getting like comp etc to deal with burn out. I've seen alot of previous 5.6 players get banned for botting before necro came out. I'm 5.8 and would never risk a ban like just use spirit attraction potions with reservoir and leave a heavy item on space bar for artifacts and check back once every 15 minutes


it's not unusual, maxed bots are common.


Can confirm, stood there like a useless potato


Sometimes I'm trying to keep myself logged in and just click at a random spot every now and then. I'm also suspicious that somebody with maxed exp would risk botting. Makes no sense at all.


>Makes no sense at all. It also makes no sense to be tapping randomly for 4 hours straight to stay logged in. I don't know why some people in this thread are so adamant on defending an obvious bot.


Because if one bot gets away with it whatever, but if one dedicated player wrongfully loses their account that really sucks. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.


Dear lord, how naive can you be? The person was randomly walking around for 4 HOURS STRAIGHT. Nobody does that, I don't care what random excuse you all come up with.


You’re very naive then.


That's not a bot, that's Durial321 with another glitch.. \~ Warforge Massacre


I've been banned like 8 times for macro usage. None of them were nore than 2 days ban.


It's my theory that Jagex is incredibly reserved against banning in RS3 because of their dwindling player base.


Why hide the name?


its probably a hacked account. bot runners often hack accounts to run bots on cuz its faster than training their own accounts to the skill reqs and unlocks (like quests). happened to a friend of mine on an account he hadnt touched in over a year


I also think its partially because people dont care anymore. If achievement is tied to how you personally feel, and not measured against others, the barriers preventing someone from not wanting to bot kinda disappear. Games valuing time, and gamers valuing their achievments different, definitely cause this. I am WAYYY past the point in caring if people bot. But tbh, I also barely play anymore.


Might be hacked by a botter.


So what your saying is you saw a player who happens to be 5.8b! excavating sites and every so often changes to another excavation hotspot? Jumping to a big conclusion calling this a bot! Potentially a anti-social gamer!


Please show me a functional bot. Not macro auto clicker on random timer intervals. You cannot bot on the jagex client




Well I was perm banned for macro and I didn’t even so theres that


Bots just don't get punished. Occasionally they get a 48hr temp ban, and then go back to the exact same thing they were botting before.




I wouldn't doubt a botter. I did it on an alt way back when divination was released and they actually cared more about bot busting. I ran it in 6-9hr increments and didn't have a issue at cursed energy farming it for gp. It didn't get busted until about 110 because I let it sit on over a 48hr session which is what busted the account when I was gone for the weekend. Was still running when I got back on Sunday. Passed out and let it run more then woke up Monday and it was banned lol. I had enough alt accounts I wanted to test how much they actually banned bots and it wasn't a good system. Fun experiment tho


There is one at the forge in the Fort on W23 most days.


They are just too good for chat.


This bot going none stop but when my account gets hacked and used for botting they perma ban it.. Learned my lesson to never use public WiFi again even if it’s at the local gaming pub but damn I had 3 years on that hcim..