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My 3rd run, 6 intervals of 1 minute zone 2 and 1 min walk. Keeping pushing.


Achievements: ran my longest distance this weekend: 29,7k in 5.40 min/km. Ran my fastest 10K two weeks ago: 44.27. (Am aiming for a sub 1:45.00 HM in roughly 2 1/2 weeks and hope I'll get there. My 4.27 min / km average on the 10K might transfer into a 4.50 min/km for the HM, but I don't know, we'll see! I feel confident to crush the 1:45.00 goal time, but wonder how much more I have left in the tank if I really pushed myself?)


My running fitness tanked two years about two years ago, when the osteoarthritis in my knee caught up with me. Ended up quitting running for a few months, and only picked it up on a sporadic basis since. Armed with a new knee sleeve and viscosupplentation injections, I ran a 10 mile race yesterday (my first “long” race since my problems started) and was able to do it without pain. Signed up for a half in June.


That's amazing- congratulations!!


At 58 years old and running somewhat steadily since 50 I set my best time for a 10K race at 54:08. I had 3 goals going in. Break 60 min, break my age in minutes, and break 55 min.


14.2km in 1:20 today! Working towards a sub 48:00 10km goal at the end of June.


I ran 6.1 miles for my 61st birthday. I try to do it every year.


Hey everyone, my name is Artemy. I am 23 years old, 6,1 and about 185 pounds. Back in high school used to run short distance races such as 200/400 meters and was never a long distance runner. High school was 5 years ago and honestly I haven't done anything active since then. Recently got into running 5ks just to keep myself healthy. My first run on March 20th took me 38:05 minutes and after comparing myself to what is the average for a male my age I felt pretty discouraged. Mind you that was on a treadmill so it felt like cheating. Since then I trained about 2 times a week and finally got my time down to 28:39 today (running outside). I felt super proud and wanted to share. Have you guys experienced quick gains like that when you just started out running? This is my first post on Reddit, so if this is not the right format for this group feel free to let me know.


Getting back into running after a long hiatus and health issues. Ran my first 5K since last year and felt pretty good, even in 100% humidity 😅


Ran 15 miles for the first time ever. And I managed to carb load properly since I didn’t hit a wall yesterday! 😀


I ran for 23 min during lunch break. No pain and good breathing. So I am going to extend the run to 5 km. My guess its about 4 km now. If I want more volume then il ad a long run on the weekend. And If that is not enough i will ad more tempo runs.


Completed my first 5K this weekend! No training, just did it.


Ran the same road race as last year, and managed to shave 1’6” off per km, and 10bpm off my average heart rate! They extended the route from 6.8km to 8km this year and I finished in 33:07 which is a new PR for me. 😄 Full disclosure, it’s a downhill race.


Ran the same road race as last year, and managed to shave 1’6” off per km, and 10bpm off my average heart rate! They extended the route from 6.8km to 8km this year and I finished in 33:07 which is a new PR for me. 😄 Full disclosure, it’s a downhill race.


Just did 15km in 1:14. Getting really close to my goal of a <20:00 5K.


First 12km run tracked in my app! Getting ready for 10km race by proving to myself I can keep going


Started reading chirunning because a coworker leant it to me. Excited to see how that helps me! Managed to do 1.9 miles today at my fastest pace yet…10’27”! Very exciting. I’m in office tomorrow and Wednesday so hoping to get to the 2.5 mile mark on Thursday after a few days of rest/walking/stretching only!


I’d love to hear an update with your thoughts on the book! I’ve seen it at the library and I’m curious


Completed my 8th Ultra marathon! My goal is a marathon or longer a month for 2024 and so far so good. November 2023 - marathon December 2023 - marathon January 2024 - 100 mile DNF but managed 38 miles February - Marathon March - 50k April - 50k


Started running with my dog. She does much better than I thought she would have and she seems to really enjoy it! People are much more friendly towards us than when I just run alone haha. She's a good girl. My gf also has been taking our German shepherd on her runs. She feels much safer to have the big boy by her side.


Running with dogs is the best!! We got my rescue to be my running partner and then later found out she has hip dysplasia so that kind of went out the window. She only gets to go on one run a year, it’s a local 5k that benefits 5 area rescues and there are always tons of dogs there. She gets her own race bandana and a finisher medal - it’s seriously the cutest


Poor girl! At least she gets that one race and all of the attention!


She loves it SO much! I am certain it’s not advised for me to take her to that race, but I also refuse to take away all the stuff she likes. She needs the joy too or what’s the point?


After being away from running for a few years I’m officially back at it and am doing some zone 2 training through Garmin Connect. Today’s workout put a 5 minute zone 3 segment between the two zone 2 segments. I am unable to maintain zone 2 without a tiny bit of walking. Could easily maintain zone 3 and was so excited to get to run for five minutes straight!


Finished a marathon without severe cramping! Last two marathons I DNF'd at mile 14 and had to drop my pace significantly at mile 18 (but finished) because of cramping. This one I knew would be relatively hot and humid going in and changed my strategy and goals to just run a complete race. It worked! I was only 5 minutes off my PR, finished 6th (out of \~60) in my age group. It was such a tough day weatherwise that I actually gained 47 places (overall) from mile 18 to finish despite slowing down! Mile 23 to 25, in particular, was uphill into a 15-20 mph headwind with a 65 dewpoint. So it wasn't anything significant timewise, but I definitely felt extremely happy and accomplished with how I raced.


Last week, I did my first 6-miler in a year and a half, but ended up having take a few days off after due to foot and knee pain. I ran a decent 4-miler on Fri without pain, so tried 6 again on Sunday, 100% on trail this time. I took it slow and have no pain today. Woo! Looks like it was the concrete rather than the distance that caused the problem.  Looking forward to trying 7 next Sunday!


Ran in a pump and run 5k this weekend. Got 1st in my age group and 4th in the race overall.


I PR’d in the half marathon yesterday with a chip time of 1:21:44. Feels good to be on the upper end of mediocrity.


I love & feel that sentiment.


Ran my 3rd half marathon yesterday! After 3 years of off and on running due to various medical reasons, I have been only running 5ks while slowly rebuilding to distance (first marathon is in October!). It was a hard, hilly course and all of my training was done in a flat beach area, so I was shocked to beat my goal time and finished strong. I’m really proud of myself.


Was finally able to run again after a minor toe surgery. Had some discomfort but no pain. I’m glad to be back!


ran my first 5k ever, 30 mins but i’m happy!


I took a rest day on my son's birthday! Hit the 26 day streak and really was thinking maybe I could get just a mile in but I did not. I enjoyed the entire day with him. That started at a dino 1K.


Exceeded 40 miles on a week for the first time in ages and 80 in a fortnight (38 last week, 42 this week). Feeling pretty good and don't have any lingering pain that makes me worried about injury so I'm tentatively planning on nudging the mileage up to 50 mpw by the end of May and then holding there for a few weeks before starting a marathon plan for one in late October.


I celebrated my birthday on Thursday and PRed in the 5k by 5 seconds on Saturday! I was shocked given how little speed work I've done over the past few months due to an injury. It was a really nice race - mostly flat and almost 2 laps around a lake.


Finally back into my running groove again after taking a break over the winter. Put in 14 miles this past week, and have a plan for 16 this week, with the goal of getting in 20-25 by the fall.


I ran a half marathon yesterday as a tune-up race for my goal marathon at the end of May, where I will be going for my first sub 3 hour result. My goal time was to break 1:24:00 and I crushed it in spite of the windy day! 1:22:28 chip time and I feel like I didn't leave much on the course. I managed reasonably even splits and feel like this was my best executed race ever! I'm over the moon about my performance and result. Next up is a 10k in 10 days!


Ran for the third time today! I started last week


That’s awesome!!


Congratulations! Keep up the good work!


Despite having a gnarly cold I managed to get a half marathon PR of 1'58". Had to dig deep that last mile after a hill at mile 12 threatened to derail it.  Congrats to everyone else who has accomplished goals!


I'm running my first half marathon next Sunday in Vancouver. Having dealt with knee issues stemming from ACL surgery a decade ago and repeatedly derailing previous attempts with injuries from CrossFit or rec sports, my biggest goal at the start of training was remaining healthy. I paused CrossFit and took a break from my sports leagues. I added a daily stretching protocol and focused on an anti-inflammatory diet. Yesterday, I ran 7 miles pain free in my final major tune up before the race. I'm hoping to break 2 hours on Sunday but regardless of my time, I feel like I've already won by just getting to the starting line.


Broke 100 miles this month for the first time


Omg same! I realized I was at 96 after my morning run and then did a second run to get to 100 lol. The second run was a struggle but I made it to 100.1


Same here. The run to get to 100 was a whole struggle, but I got there with 2 days left to spare lol.


Beat my 10k and15k PRs by a few seconds yesterday.


Ran 20 miles for the first time, I was short on gels and dropped two so I only had two gels for the whole run. Still finished and am now starting the taper!


Broke 100 miles for the second month in a row! Also, 5k race with my dog Saturday. Highlight of my year, even if she did sit down and refuse to move 1/4 mile from the finish. Got her up and across the line with an unofficial finish time of 30:01


Today I did a PB of a 6:30/km!


After blowing up to 103kg and not running for 2 years, I somehow just broke my PB on my 5k at 25:51. Bit confused on how I even managed this, but I am extremely sore.


Hottest day of the year so far in the UK, so dragged myself out of the house to run my usual 5k. Smashed my old PR by 20 seconds, now at 25:58! Couldn't bloody believe it!


Ran a comfortable 10k for the second time ever. The 10k race I am taking part in is in four weeks, and while my main priority is just completing and not worrying about pace, I'm happy that I am managing sub-80 mins, especially since I only completed Couch to 5K in August.


Ran a marathon on Sunday, which was a goal-oriented one back when I signed up in October, but life got in the way the past 2 months and my training went pretty non-existent. Told myself a finish is better than nothing, and managed to get sub-4 even though my legs feel like death today 😂


5 miles! And I did a little mambo dance afterwards. ---> 💃 Happy Monday!!


I ran a 1:24 half marathon yesterday. Last year my PR was 1:33.


Slowly keep lowering my 5k PB. Ran 21:23 at parkrun this week, down from right around 22. Goal is to get to sub 20 in the front half of this year. I don't have much 5k experience so my pacing was terribad. 


Did my first 10k in person race, and ran a PB! 3 minutes faster than the my previous PB for the course, which was pretty hilly (1:30 minutes slower than my all time PB, but that was 5 years ago before a 2 year break in running)


Finished my first marathon yesterday! Everything that could potentially go wrong became a reality so that the race was the hardest thing I ever accomplished. But I did it - and I couldnt be more proud!


Amazing work!


I did a three hour timed race and knocked out 23km.


first 10k in like 5 years coming up on Sunday and I'm all nerves. Skirted the borderline between tired muscles and injury over the last week thanks to some overtraining and my leg is still a little pulse-y. Did the park run on Saturday at a slower pace as a gentle run. Finished without issues, then kinda realised that earlier in the year I used to push hard for the time I can casually run now, one of those moments when you realise how much you've actually progressed.


did my first tempo run todat after a big block of only LSDs for the past months - felt great being able to up the pace 😊


I'm guessing LSD here doesn't mean you'vebeen taking the drug for months in a row!


First day of getting back into running today, only about a mile and a half with some inclines. I feel so good for it, though, and it's a beautiful morning!


36km "recovery"/tapering/maintenance/ week complete. Time to relax a few days before race on Saturday. The weather has greatly improved it will be hard to resist the temptation of running.


9 miles today. Second week in a row I've gone that far. Think it'll be one more week before I make the jump up to 10, but I felt like I could have done it today. Slow and steady doesn't necessarily win the race, but it gets you to the finish line.


Good for you!! That feeling of being able to run 10 consistently is the best feeling in the world for me. Hasn't been the case for a couple of years but I still remember it!


Thanks! I've always noticed a distinct difference going up from 8 miles to 9 and from 9 to 10. Obviously there's more physical effort, but I feel like there's a psychological aspect to it, at least on my part. In the past, once I've gotten acclimated to the 10 mile mark, adding miles on top of that doesn't really have much more of an impact until I get up to around 13.


yeah, 8 feels closer to 6, and 10 feels like closer to infinity & beyond!!


2 weeks into resuming of my training. Have done F all for 5 months and it took one good night sleep with some sleep aid pills to instantly boost my HRV and start running my easy runs at my "normal" pace. It's ALWAYS like that, 2-3 weeks since i start again my fitness switches on suddenly. I guess the body never forgets.


Woke up, got dressed, put my buds in and got my shoes just to realize I washed them yesterday and they're all wet So no morning run, maybe hopefully an evening run tonight


Just popped out a 4 mile run where my fully charged ear buds decided to die a mile in. From memory it's the first four mile where each mile was ran under 8 minutes.