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Lol Trinity in this episode was definitely in a fighting mood 🤣


The last few weeks with her on the podcast have been great. She speaks to my daily confrontational nature lol


I absolutely love Trinity. She's one of my all-time favorite queens.


everytime she is mentioned i have to mention how TINY she is irl just a slip of a thing!




I love hearing her laugh. It’s just so childlike and makes me smile.


The way she went from zero to “what girls do you hate?” was so good


I love that she was like, “I won’t give drama this week cause I actually liked the episode so instead I’ll start drama now who do you hate and why? please cite sources”


Monet tried to give a pageant answer and Trinity was like "nah who you HATE" 😂


Loved it lol. They have such great chemistry together.


This is not even 5 min in to the ep. It’s like she heard Willam wasn’t going to be on race chaser so she brought extra heat


Trinity the Tuck didn't choose violence, violence choose Trinity the Tuck 😝


she doesnt BS and this is great.




"You can come stay with me to get away from your situation, we even don't have to interact" basically just saying take care of yourself and get well is unbelievably generous. I'm not saying that Farrah therefore has to approve of all of Trinity's personal choices, but to publicly send people after someone who clearly cares about you and has extended themselves so kindly towards you instead of calling them up and saying "I love you but I found it this really upsetting can we talk about it?" is just fucked up Edit: so apparently Farrah is tweeting that the real issue that happened between her and Trinity is that Trinity was openly transphobic. I have not seen enough and don't know enough to know which person is telling the truth. But that sucks


Sarah Moan for S17


Hahahaha I'm disabled and to use a voice to text program. I keep trying to teach it the names of drag queens but it isn't catching on.


Well now I have to start watching regularly because I’ve gotta know who’s on Trinity’s shit list lol


Every episode with her is *so good*. I have notifications on for SR/SW and I run to watch lol


I’ve only seen snippets here and there but it’s definitely a much-needed reminder of how much I love Trinity


ugh i missed bob and was really glad they took some time, but it was so nice to have trinity and i love how the twinners/sibling theme rings true for her. i… i really do in fact live.


“Girl, you have rolls all on your back! It was disgusting! 🗣️💦” - Jade Jolie probably




This is actually my wallet right now 🤣❤️


During the Patreon-only untucked, she spills that Shea threatened to quit AS7 over the badge inequity.


most of the behind the scenes AS7 rumors ended up being true omg they really painted this season in a different light based on what she saw.


Well now we know why she won 99 badges in that one challenge


I hope Shannel threatens to quit


and that's why she made that face and finger wag recently!!


It’s always annoyed me how most of the AS7 queens were bitter that AS7 was rigged in Jinkx’s favor because they were all so used to production rigging things in their favor on their original seasons. With Shea in particular I think her placements were fair. Her issue is that she is one of the most well rounded queens but the format only rewards queens for being in the top 2. I want to say she came in 3rd or 4th in challenges more than anyone else.


except for Jaida, they never rigged shit for her. She didn’t even deserve her only btm2 placement


I’ll say it time and time again; Jaida did not win thanks to or with help from production, she won against them lol


I don't think Jaida won against production's wishes. It's more like she won because she was left alone by production, if that makes sense. All her wins felt earned, even the makeover one (though Crystal admittedly had the stronger concept). She wasn't "robbed" of any wins to benefit somebody else. Her bottom placement made sense too, because even without the 13th queen going overtime her set just wasn't delivered well. There was production tomfoolery at work, but they were targeted for and against the other girls. Her S12 run played out as fair as it could get on Drag Race.


While they didn’t actively work against Jaida, she was kind of sidelined in the edit and the favoring went Sherry and Gigi (and even slightly to Crystal) and it just didn’t feel like they had any intention of actually crowning Jaida. I guess I’ll rephrase and say that while Jaida didn’t win against production, she won in spite of production.


Definitely with the favoring. I still think it should have been Gigi in the bottom for the political challenge over Widow. Not only was her Maria the Robot redux not effective, she completely missed the mark on the runway cosplaying a redcoat on the American patriotism category, with nary a star or stripe to be found on her garment. As for the 13th queen, she might have been funny in person/the original edit, but I feel she should have lipsynched in a Bottom 3 for not following the time limit.


Agree on both of those instances. Sherry should’ve lipsynced for the one-woman show and not Heidi. Queen Jaida would’ve destroyed her, though, and they knew that. Also, they needed someone to send Heidi home and none of the others could. Gigi could’ve lipsynced for the advert as well if the panel didn’t hate Jan. She 100% was the worst in the political challenge week in every aspect and they were too scared to put her in the bottom. I think the favoritism for Crystal is constantly overlooked, though. Crystal should’ve definitely lipsynced in World’s Worst instead of Nicki, tbh. She did just as badly and she got bad critiques on her makeup and her runway was absolutely not as good as Nicki’s. She got the high placement that should’ve gone to Jaida for the Rusical and she absolutely lost that lipsync against Jackie, but people just glide past it because we all love Crystal.


Ehhhh, Jan's was by far the worst advert, but I agree with everything else, except maybe the Crystal/Jackie lip sync. I don't remember that one particularly well even though I rewatched the season a month or two ago.


Wait, she was going to quit because she didn't get enough badges? That's so petty. They basically gave her badges for the talent show cuz she complained?


Shea being petty is nothing new lol. But yes that’s basically the gist of it. But in fairness, everyone except Jinkx was going to quit AS7 at some point.


This doesn't come as a surprise after she acted like queens voting for her during AS5 was this huge act of personal betrayal and disrespect when it was just them playing the game. As if she felt almost entitled to win AS5.


She did imo. I used to be such a huge Shea fan, especially during her original season, but I keep hearing more and more about her arrogance and entitlement, and it's just not a great look. I still think she's an incredibly talented and charismatic queen, and deserves recognition for that, but that doesn't really justify behaving like the world owes you something.


Remember during COVID she did a maskless party to celebrate her win on AS5 and people online told her it's inconsiderate to everyone who were at risk and that are sick and almost dying and Shea responded by "I can do the fuck I want and you don't get to tell me shit + Blocked". Someone even told her she lost someone to COVID and it was harsh to see Shea being so disrespectful by doing a maskless party with people and other Drag Queens (I think someone said Vixen was at the party and someone else). And Shea litterally said "tough shit but I'm still alive and breathing I don't get why you're coming at me, blocked." She is that petty and arrogant.


Shea is somebody who is very confident in herself and isn't shy about it, and I think that makes her very admirable. I also sympathize with the disappointment and pain she must have felt when she got screwed over by the format change on S9, but yeah, on AS5 she absolutely felt owed the win but also like she was owed arbitrary respect from the other queens as if she was above them. Like, it must have been lowkey condescending towards India and Mariah when Shea tried to act like it was out of pocket that some of the queens even *considered* voting Shea instead of them, as if it was disrespectful to Shea that people dared to see them on an equal level to her. Besides, Shea shittalking AS5 before it aired because she thought that she wasn't winning also says a *lot* about her feeling like she's owed something and feeling disrespected when she's not getting special treatment.


Totally agree. I loved Shea in season 9 but lost a lot of respect for her in AS5. I get she felt robbed for losing season 9 (but Sasha won fair and square based on the new lip sync for the crown format), but she walked into AS5 acting so entitled. She didn't deserve that win. Cracker had a better track record. Should Cracker now automatically win her next season of Drag Race since she was robbed on AS5?


I have small kids and I’m triggered because that is my very life.  “I didn’t get enough badges!” “She got more badges than me *it’s not fair*!!” “Here take some badges and leave me alone I have to make dinner…” <- production team hit me up I could use a career change! 


Well to be fair she should've gotten a badge for Titanic and potentially the Tik Tok challenge too. I think it's also unfortunate because there were only three performance challenges on AS7 and one of them was at the start while the other was at the end of the season. If the challenges were more evened out and had been ordered better, Shea's track record wouldn't feel so egregious. It's a blurry line between petty and knowing your worth.


Titanic, I can see it; she did great there. Her runway was bad, though. Even if they had picked someone from that group to win, it was MonĂŠt, hands down. The only way Shea wins is if they had picked both winners from their group, which was never going to happen since this was the week that Yvie won her only challenge and she had to be one of the winners. As far as the Tik Tok branding/dance challenge thing, Shea had a strong idea and executed the dance part wonderfully, but her video was boring af compared to most of the others besides maybe Viv and Raja.


ehh. It’s giving I’m mad I’m losing and want to ruin the game for everyone else because it’s not rigged in my favor.


These girls that came in as winners are getting the treatment the other girls got on their season, so they're not used to being "the other girl". Some of them probably came in thinking they'd be the main character, just like the season they won. Which is why there was so much behind the scenes drama.


It was very obvious at the time that the bonus badge scheme was meant to serve Shea. I just thought it was production’s doing—not Shea’s. Whatever, her sanctimonious ass lost anyway.


She already had a season set up for her to be given a crown, like my god girl what else do you want lol


Oof that's not cute...


Sore loser. The AS7 complaints are so bratty and ungrateful- frankly, very unprofessional as well.


Which is weird cos they rigged badges for Shea in her favour lol


To be fair, there were a lot of comedy / acting challenges, while she still good at them, there were other queens like Jynx, Monet and Trinity who were infinitely better at these stuffs than her. Or maybe the whole inequity thing is just because she hated being in the lower half of the competitors because Raja, Jynx, Monet and Trinity completely ATE the competition. But does that mean that the last challenge with the 3 badges twist was given to her because of that ? Because I recall vividly people being mad that Raja wasn't Top 2 with Monet this episode and rightfully so, and they all hated that she wasn't in the Top 4 because it didn't felt right. Could also explain why Raja won the prize despite Yvie clearly being better than her. Perhaps the original plans was a Jynx / Raja Top 2 but Shea hated that she wasn't the best and threatened to leave to get the 3 badges and get to the finale. It's anybody's guesses and we'll never know. But it is odd that between that and the fact All Stars 5 was litteraly made to have her win (despite Jujubee deserving to win too) and the fact she thought Season 9 was her to win (rumors were she didn't bothered learning the lipsyncs as she thought she had already won but was taken aback by the rose petals which somehow lead to her All Stars 5 storyline being all about this) ... Perhaps Shea is just a little ruthless when it comes to Drag Race shenanigans / Production stuffs ?


[guess the rumors were true](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/gpK8FKQgxz)


Giiiiiiirl, I listen to race chaser on repeat all day and never clocked this! 🫢 I need to listen back to the later season 7 episodes apparently


Looking at the comments it was edited out and reposted so it's kind of an archive now lol


Well this is wildly different framing of the events. 🕵️‍♂️


I mean for all we know Trinity is just repeating this from what Willam said on the podcast. Wouldn't be the first time Trinity repeated "tea" that she just heard a queen say on social media or a podcast just like one of us


Or hear me out they both work there so Trinity was there when it happened or one of her coworkers showed her the video of it happening


Where is the video of Jade?!?


When I was 16, I had a giant man spit in my face for no reason whatsoever. Apparently he just didn’t like me and was waiting for the moment. I find it to be one of the most vile things one could do to someone. That being said, my life has been fairly drama-free lately and I want to see the video so I can fuel this Jade hatred.


I thought you were reading Jade there for a minute


i wish a giant man would spit in ma face


Flair checks out


This podcast is helping trinity's image a lot lmao I like her a lot more ever since they started reviewing this season


It’s about time she gets her 10s again. Like, she’s literally just being who she’s always been. A hardworking, honest and fair queen. It’s sad that she’s been tarnished over a such petty things when she’s one of the most consistently top-tier queens both on and off the show. 


YES I feel like I’m listening to the exact same queen I fell in love with on season 9. I could listen to her talk until the end of time and never be bored, and I want to her to take me to finishing school and teach me how to be a productive member of society lol


I really feel that last part. I need her to gather my ass.


I need her to *tuck* me in at night, in a manner of speaking.


Get Miss Tuck to Vegas, I’ve had it


I always feel bad shedevil was pinned on her but then I think of one super specific comment shedevil made saying “In season 9 trinity was wearing the rat rodent earrings because her real initials are R.A.T.” which is crazy specific


This is who Trinity has always been, though. She’s a pretty level-headed and straight-forward person who’s also funny af. Monét isn’t even helping her shine here, she just does it on her own. Monét actually gets to chill and these 2 have a relaxed discussion with good chemistry unlike with Bob. That’s not really to come for Bob, but rather that their constant off-topic bickering can get draining for Watchery. Regular Rivalry videos are obviously different. Anyway, it seems almost every video that gets posted on Reddit recently about Watchery for this season is something about Trinity giving legit criticism and feedback and just overall being one of the best reviewers of the show ever. Even her off-the-cuff sidebars, such as this, are so good. She goes into details, doesn’t just try to be negative or positive about anything or anyone and has so much nuance. It’s been a pleasure watching the twinners do this and a shame if they never do it again after AS9.


I love Bob and I love Monet but I can’t consistently watch because together they have too much sibling energy. Just like very meandering with a lot of little squabbles. I lowkey prefer the Bob/Thorgy chemistry and the Monet/Trinity chemistry.


Me too! Bob and Thorgy together are hilarious. And Trinity and Money just get along so well. Right now I’m needing Trinity anything. She’s just such a good talker.


Thorgy brings out the best in Bob, makes Bob seem like the even-tempered, rational, good-natured voice-of-reason, and Bob feeds Thorgy great openings to bring out the whackjob in Thorg. They are so good together. Much more fun than Bob with Monet, no disrespect to Monet.


I love Thorgy with Bob because she is the only queen who can consistently exasperate him - basically, she gives him a taste of his own medicine. And I would like further updates on Thorgy's ghost.


Thinking about the one person who got a Cameo from Thorgy for their friend who is a principal of a school and Thorgy completely misread the prompt as “their friend who is a president” and just went with it for like 5 minutes.


It’s the same reason No Gorge hasn’t hit a stride. Bob and monet (and even more so, Mik and Violet) are too similar. Podcasts with more of a ying and yang work better like the bald and beautiful and race chaser.


i’m awful but i just can’t listen to mik and violet talk to each other for too long. i tried but the LA vocal fry no like but literally way of talking x2 - can’t do it. but i love violet paired with others who are more ‘yin’ to her ‘yang,’ as you say - her and katya ripping apart taylor swift on fashion photo ruview? chef’s kiss


violet was such a treat on mistress’ youtube channel !!


I've never thought of it in these terms, but I think you just caught why I can't listen to either of these pods


Bob/Thorgy >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bob/Monet I said this in another comment just a day or two ago, but I still to this day cannot believe WOW didn't give Bob and Thorgy an Unhhhh-like show after season eight. I think they could have been bigger than Trixie and Katya. They're frankly my favorite duo to ever come out of this franchise.


Sibling rivalry needs to start a brand like MOM and have regular podcasts with Trinity, Thorgy, and (in my dream world) Naomi.


And Kim Chi!!


I miss Bob and Thorgy together. They should definitely collab again!


Same! They can be exhausting to listen to when bickering. Love them individually tho


I was a Patron since 2021, but stopped some time last year because the regular podcasts were draining me. I used to love their podcast and still love them both, but my life got more stressful in the last few years, and I needed to listen to something to help me decompress rather than get stressed or even annoyed over lol. When they’re both in a good mood and stay on topic, they can be very funny and have great synergy. But their podcasts recently more often devolve into nonsensical bickering over nothing lmao.   And I find this a common problem with drag podcasts, whether it’s Bob and Monét, Trixie and Katya, Willam and Alaska, Jaida and Heidi, etc. They rarely if ever speak in complete sentences, or finish their sentences, even if uninterrupted. They’ll just break off from one thought to another without actually finishing their prior thought. And especially if you have both co-hosts doing this and also interrupting each other, it gets irritating to follow their conversations. And it also prevents them from having prolonged discussions on a specific topic that’s particularly interesting or funny, because they’ll just leave their thoughts and opinions incomplete and then completely switch over to an irrelevant topic. It’s like they have extremely short attention spans or something.


I’m exhausted by Willam lately, she never has anything positive to say that doesn’t turn into a backhanded comment, and every episode turns into her whining about WOW or ru or Michelle. I was elated today to hear Naomi on the pod, the energy change was soooo good!


Naomi is everywhere on pods, even her own, saw it yesterday on youtube, She was on Bald and Beautiful too and it was great.


Naomi is back in SoCal and letting the podcast Dolls know she is ready, willing, and able to elevate their shows with her presence


I always loved how unapologetic she is.


Yeah honestly I've been enjoying her so much in this review context. But I think I've just generally noticed that I enjoy Trinity a lot more off of drag race than on it. No shade but her style of humour and stuff on the show just isn't my cup of tea, but for whatever reason the side of her that comes out in these contexts is so real and enjoyable.


Trinity had always gone through this cycle where Reddit hates her when she’s on a season, but then loves her when she’s not actively competing but posting content. Same thing happened back when she did her Winners Tributes


Wut? It’s always been the opposite lol She was litterally only reffered to SheDevilByNight by like 90% of the people on here before going to AS7. What kinda revisionist history are you teying to pull 🙌🏻


What I’m talking about predates SheDevilByNight


You mean her feuding random people on twitter after her season? She’s always been a fan fave while her seasons are airing, with the fandom turning on her afterwards because of how she acted on social media. The only time she was shown love between the seasons was her photoshoots where she was doing an homage to other drag queens


Why do they hate her when she’s competing? I didn’t think she did anything that awful or bad on her seasons??? Unless I’m forgetting something?


Personally, I’ve always liked Trinity and enjoyed her on the show. Idk why it happens, but every season she’s been on if you go through discussion threads she’ll be heavily critiqued/hated on


Me too! This is a DRAG QUEEN.


Tbh I don't even remember why I didn't like her in the first place so it mustn't have been a huge deal to begin with


same! I was always neutral on her in the past but I'm loving her on the pod. (still love my girl Farrah tho 🥺)


damn trinity with the CLAWSSSSS out LMAO


Now THAT is great marketing!


"Okay quickly" and then its a 2 and a half minutes of a full rundown lol


Was about to add this saaame comment 😂


Trinity’s brand of tea is so cutting without sounding offensive. She’s been excellent on sibling rivalry.


Trinity knows how to work a crowd URL, and IRL


If I remember, this subreddit was against Trinity performing during covid, but the fact Farrah didn't follow the guidelines while Trinity was following the guidelines while performing really flips the perspective. Trinity's image's been improving, so that's a plus.


title was very descriptive to the video. thanks


Why is MonĂŠt wearing a Jags jersey? #DUUUVAL




Where is this gif from??? i totally forgot where I saw this character


The Good Place


Star Wars acolyte /s


Video taken right before he murders the entire jedi graduating class of 132 BBY


The Good Place!


She said she and Trinity did an event and they got these pride Jaguars jerseys with their names on the back. They’re cute for being pride wear by a major league team.


There was a big pride event at the amphitheater owned by the jaguars (it’s attached to the stadium). When the lineup came out everyone was like “ok there is definitely some gays working for the jags” bc it was Trinity, Monet and like Aly & AJ.


cause she's pussy bitch


Bless you, Trinity


I remember her and valentina are close for some reason till today, maybe some people percieve trinity mean but behind the scene she is one of the kindest drag queen out there


Honestly I didn’t really vibe with Trinity on her original season - the edit made her seem kinda bitchy when she’s actually just blunt and honest. She won me over in her All Stars season though. Her ethics while voting who should go home, her drive, her insane artistry - she’s one of my favorites now.


Yes! They edit her to be the villain in top four but failed miserably in as as she displayed professionalism all through out the competition. She may have ups and downs but bitch is helpful with other dq


"now who else do I not like?" what Trinity is gonna do is deliver. ☕️


Trinity is that bitch . No one else ever says names !!!


I still generally love Farrah but it has always bothered me that she went so hard on Trinity but didn’t have shit to say when her bestie through a whole damn party with like 50 unmasked people indoors during Covid. Either keep that energy for everyone or don’t have it at all.


Her bestie probably didn't compare herself to an essential worker like Trinity did.


Shea might not have called herself an essential worker, but she did say all other kinds of fucked up shit when fans called her out. Nobody talks about it anymore because she changed her tune after her cousin passed from Covid but she was literally being more problematic then Trin and Farrah didn’t say shit.


That's probably it. I remember seeing the fight in real time and Trinity absolutely called herself an essential worker, which rubbed everyone the wrong way. IIRC that was the tweet that made Farrah tell her it wasn't okay. It felt like laughing in healthcare workers' face to call drag essential.


Yeah, I don't get this revisionism cause you're right, it was trinity doubling down and then claiming she was an essential worker that got people mad at her


Both Trinity and Monet conveniently left that part out during that conversation, and it's deeply frustrating that such context isn't there (especially as it implies that people's anger towards her at the time was offensive and came from nowhere - it didn't).


Well the good news is that clearly people in this thread remember.


Yeah like I live for Trinity as an artist and I like seeing her interact with others but I won't forget about that. I think it's kind of shady on her part to throw Farrah under the bus and talk about some witch hunt when she was making those statements, which were what actually started the "fight".  I can empathize with Trinity thinking that she was being really generous but I don't think Farrah is ungrateful for calling her out publicly. It speaks more about Farrah's integrity than anything else.


The fact that I was still processing all of this mess when about two min later, Monet said Roxxxy calling Angeria dramatic was “pot, meet kettle” and Trinity then said “it’s like the pot calling the kettle Raven” 💀😭😭😭  She ain’t holdin back a thing and I liiiiiiiiive 


So much respect for Trinity. She is genuinely a good person.


She's honestly so endearing to watch , Season 9 top 4 were one of the most sensible mature queens i have ever seen 


this was so random to me but I live for the tea lol


I live for this bitch


![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs) The tea is delicious today


the Tuck be letting the chopper ring on the microphone. I used to like the brief little podcast she had with Ginger and Roxxxy. She needs the become an official part of the Sibling Rivalry Network. this our cousin from that uncle the married that white lady.


Trinity is top tier content, one of my fave queens. She and Monet have such great chemistry I can’t wait to see more of them together 🥰


Having her on the podcast has completely made me fall back in love with her. She’s kinda like the drag terminator.


I only was able to watch like 5 minutes but in that short time she was so ready to be messy 😭


I hope Trinity and Farrah can talk things out now that Farrah is in a better headspace. She was going THROUGH IT in 2020 and I think she expressed some regret over this incident. I was always on Trinity's side during that whole debacle. People starting insinuating that she was a Covid denier and was deliberately putting people in harm's way to make a quick buck and it was WILD. I understand why Trinity is so bitter to this day.


Everything Farrah said on Twitter about gigs during the height of the pandemic was spot on, sorry Trin x


Trinity comparing herself to an essential worker is what did it for me. Obviously Farrah was in a horrible place at that time and came at every girl online, especially trinity. But I still think her heart was in the right place.


Trinity didn't listen to Farrah's GITMS episode, and it shows.


That was my favorite of Maddys. Not for entertainment value but for the rawness of it. This girl painted herself with so many layers beyond just a powdery pink confection. A perfect example of let someone truly open up and you won't recognize them anymore. That when Monet brought up the dog walking story I was like... she deals with stabilizing her mental health. I can't say I should chuckle at her having an outburst like that


Shame to hear about Jade's behavior, that's not okay. Farrah I've never completely understood the love for so I never formed much of an opinion on her.


People forget that she was performing at a brunch and yes, food workers were considered essential workers. Everyone who worked in a restaurant (even as a performer) could and should be treated like an essential worker. Personally i don’t like this “oh well you weren’t a medical professional” dig bc to me the guy from Instacart was braver than any us marine to go get my shopping from target.


Wha? How does working as a performer in a restaurant count as an essential service? She wasn’t bussing the food, was she?


Essential means, we need it to survive. We needed the people serving the food. Cooking the food. We didn’t need the drag performer while the food was being eaten to survive.


So hilarious that on the first episode with Bob (just dropped) Monet jokes how Trinity never came for her. I was worried that Trinity was done, but I think she’ll finish reviewing this season with Monet. They should think about hosting their own twinner pod.


Honestly... the industry is so big and theres so many queens, that inevitably youre not going to like some of them. Inevitably you will disagree with some queens or have different points of view. I think this is perfectly normal. If I dont like you, I dont like you, and thats that, and thats fine. We dont all have to be kumbaya and ah we're one big happy family. No, there are queens that aggravate me and that I dont like. Now mind you, Im saying this in the context of one queen saying she doesnt like another queen. Im not talking in the context of "fans" dragging queens left and right because they told a story that they misinterpreted. Im not talking about "fans" dragging queens with obvious mental or other health issues. Know your boundaries.


I remember when Trinity did that show. It might have been “within the law” but I think we all know that laws around covid were WEAK! Fact of the matter is, shows were getting cancelled and pulled left, right and centre because the medical findings were indicating that they were unsafe. Trinity trying to rewrite history now and really play it down is wrong IMO. I remember a LOT of people being very pissed off at her for doing shows and putting others at risk.


Legality ≠ morality. Farrah was right.


I love trinity


* Claiming herself akin to being a server is WILD during covid era.


Yeah idk about Trinity’s claims about Farrah’s hipocrisy in this clip but I do remember agreeing with Farrah about this. People forget that Trinity equated drag performers to essential workers like grocery store employees. As a medical professional this really ticked me off at the time. We were all struggling with work during COVID, why did she deserve special treatment?




I hope this doesn’t start too much drama. I like queens to speak freely.


Narrator : it did, in fact  start a lot of drama..


Yeah, no. I expect tweets from Jade and Farrah within 24h xd


Who did jade spit on though? Is that known?


Karmen Kazzi.


[Tell me again about the women you do not like](https://youtu.be/7EMIXRoHl4o?si=jOU_8e26gmdxeWeC&t=22)


I have been team Trinity on and off the show throughout all the controversies because I knew she had a good heart despite what everyone was saying and I feel like everyone else is finally realising!


Urgh I was not listening to watchery this season but now I feel like I need to


You do! It’s better than the actual show!


It actually is. So is the Pit Stop and most other recap shows. I don’t mind the season, but the review shows are much better.


Not that it justifies it at all, but didn't jade come out that she was recently diagnosed with BPD at the dragula reunion?


Jade has bipolar disorder (BPAD), BPD is a different disorder (borderline personality disorder).


My apologies, I always get those two confused.


She also had a horrible upbringing in a cult environment. Doesn't excuse her behavior, but definitely contextualizes it. As someone from Louisville who's seen her antics, I sympathize with her, but she is certainly a lot.


omg a fellow person from around/in Kentucky? I'm from the Kentuckiana area also!


Fellow Louisvillian checking in 💕


Why bring it up if it doesn’t justify it? I’m bipolar and have never been violent with anyone. There’s no real correlation.


Rude of her to not also flick their Vagina


Jade and Coco’s podcast is about to be *interesting*


We've been eating good lately


![gif](giphy|4eUS3qjhRpjPO|downsized) This is Alyssa's redemption story.


Trinity & Monet = BEST DUO Bob & Thory = BEST DUO


Monet is giving straight football fan trade and I'm not mad at it.


Listen I like drama as as the next fan of this show but I find it really tiresome when someone like Trinity just starts a conversation just to go after someone and put them down. I'm not familiar with the drama, maybe Farrah really was as dishonest or unhinged as Trinity is suggesting, but I feel like from all we've learned about Farrah in the past year (especially what she was going through in 2020/21), and from the fact that it was in pandemic times when there really was a lot of confusion and fear about what was and wasn't okay to do, I feel like Farrah of all people deserves at least a little benefit of the doubt.


I thought we were against trinitiy for the COVID performance. But now the attitude has changed with this new information being brought to light. But why didn't Trnity say any of this before?


>I thought **we** were against this is the problem right here. folks here don't assess a situation for themselves and form their own opinion, whoever the dial lands on as Public Enemy #1 for the month is just what everybody runs with whatever explanation the person has won't matter until the tide turns to someone else


I wonder if people are gonna go after Farrah now. I wouldn't be surprised if that happens.


Online mob mentality is terrifying.


I LOVE Trinity. Genuinely one of the best ever at competing on Drag Race. And always keeps it real


Back rolls was a warning. Also how she hates fat people but made nazi porn


Monet just seems over it and I hate how she just dissociate and gets disinterested when Trinity is spilling tea bc she doesn’t wanna catch strays or be involved but it’s literally her podcast and she is posting it online for everyone to see.


Wasn't that spitted on girl like, being mean on purpose and recording Jade to get her in trouble? I remember hearing that side of story.  Not saying spitting on someone is right answer lol


I mean...Trinity...there was low key a reason 😂


I love me some trinity!!!!


Never cared for jade. Farrah seems to be a drama magnet.


Gosh, Trinity is just such a good person. She’s direct and to the point but also really kind.


Jade Jolie is a garbage can of a human


This is an observation of mine not just pertaining to this clip but generally speaking of when I see Monet do podcast stuff. I want Monet to stop being a side character. So often I feel Monet is playing the supporting role. Monet deserves to be the Prima Ballerina. It doesn't have to be all the time, but I just feel Monet never gets a turn to have the attention and is always differing to whoever else is on the podcast. Am I wrong about this?