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Sars concert in Toronto. huge festival.


Toronto Rocks So many crazy memories of that show. Most of all the fact that I saw Rush, AC/DC and the Rolling Stones for $20. It was an amazing show. I managed to work my way to the front by the time AC/DC were on (I was a bit further back for Rush but still probably maybe 20’ from the front). I would have been to the center right of them. One little thing I remember about Rush was Neil hit the button for a sample early and they had to hold up for him to sort that out. I remember thinking it was funny and humanizing to see such a flawless band make even a small goof.


I've seen Rush 30ish times, and my favorite time was when I saw them in Cleveland on the Time Machine Tour. Geddy's club with the lyrics to Presto and their flawless recovery was an amazing thing to witness.


I remember seeing a clip of this show on CNN. Anderson Cooper used it on his show for things to do that night in NYC. They was playing at Madison Square Garden that evening. I want to say Vaper Trails Tour. Rock on Rush!!! Rock on!!




haha. i also saw RUSH and AC/DC for $20 at that show the stones? fuckin AC/DC rocked so hard the stones following paled by comparison they fuckin sucked hard; we left after first couple of songs just like 150,000 other ppl


I definitely don’t remember much about the Stones performance. I was pretty exhausted. I sat up on top of one of the security fences near the PA system and chatted up some girl. AC/DC though, holy shit that was crazy! The crush of the crowd for them was insane. At one point my feet weren’t on the ground but I stayed upright because I was that crushed between the guy in front and behind me. I was so glad I left one dude in front of me instead of being stuck against the barricade.


I believe it’s the biggest crowd Rush ever performed for


Yup. 450,000 people I believe


Well what's the size of Rush In Rio?


40,000 for Rush in Rio vs. 450,000 for the SARS festival


Those 40k Brazilians equaled 450k Canadians in terms of intensity. The were singing to YYZ!!


my favorite story from this show is neil had his earpieces in, getting ready to go on stage and a frail old man approached him (neil extremely dislikes stranger confrontation, especially before going on stage) neil looks at him with disdain and the the man says "I'm Charlie watts and I want to see you play". the demeanor in neil changed immediately when he figured out it was the drummer for the rolling stones, a drummer he looked up to as a kid. there are pictures of the before and after that show his change of emotion.


I just read about that in Geddy Lee’s autobiography. That struck me as a very cool moment if Geddy thought enough about it to include it.


I didn’t like this excerpt because it made me feel there is irony in how Neil is warm and enthusiastic when he meets one of *his* idols, but didn’t reciprocate when it came to his own fans.


the things that disturbed Neil were _idolization_ and _fanaticism_ he is on record saying that he is/was the biggest fan of Keith Moon, but never felt the need to hang outside the hotel he was staying at to catch a glimpse or chance to meet him, or whatever. the meeting with Watts was two respected, and respectful, individuals in the same profession and industry trading pleasantries no idolatry or fanatic behavior


Sars Stock. Or something along those lines.. I want to say AC/DC was there too ....


July 30 2003 Downsview park Toronto Molson Canadian rocks for Toronto Rush, rolling stones, Ac/DC, guess who, Justin Timberlake, Sam Roberts, flaming lips, Kathleen Edwards, Isley Brothers, sass Jordan, la chicane, Dan Ackroyd, Jim Belushi Tickets 21.50 Attendance 489, 176 sold out Setlist.. tom sawyer, limelight, Dreamline, yyz, freewill, ctth, instrumental cover of paint it black, spirit of radio


It was amazing... I was working the show, monitoring the broadcast video feeds. Nothing like getting paid to watch an amazing show!


The instrumental of Paint It Black sounds interesting. Edit: Found the video. It is!!


I just wasted 5 minutes of my life thinking what the hell does ctth stand for. Doh!


And the Rolling Stones. It was a bananas line up.


B a n a n a s ! Lol yes. My memory is failing me.




Crazy that they mention Kathleen Edwards but not the Tea Party?!


Was there, it was amazing. Every band was so tight


I was gonna guess the SARS show.


SARSSTOCK BABY!!!! Downsview Park, just minutes away from where the boys grew up in Willowdale.


What a great picture! Just two school chums doin’ their thing. 👑


Looks like this. [Molson Canadian Rocks for Toronto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molson_Canadian_Rocks_for_Toronto)


Rush was the last band to be added to the lineup. According to drummer Neil Peart, "When we were first asked to play Molson Canadian Rocks For Toronto, it seemed impossible to say yes. We had been off the road for 8 months, our gear was in the warehouse, most of our crew was out on other tours, and even we were all over the place - Geddy with his family in France, Alex working in the studio mixing our Rio de Janeiro show, and me on my motorcycle in the California mountains. However, when we thought about everything Toronto meant to our lives, to our work and play, our homes and families and friends, it seemed impossible to say no!" [5]


A performance that changed so many lives starting 2 hrs afterwards 🤘 Gah! Remember that feeling leaving the shows? Having been entertained more than you ever knew you needed to be entertained until you finally were? Truly other worldly / out of body experiences I’ve heard tell.


SARS man, I’m in that crowd


One of my favorite live performances by Rush with their paint it black instrumental going into spirit of the radio and Alex really put some special sauce on his solo at the end of the song. Geddy‘s voice was really good on that performance as well.


Fantastic show. Every band was immense and perfect. Rush was well received by the hometown crowd. With that being said, AC/DC stole the show. Best live act period.


Remember Justin Timberlake getting pelted with water bottles?


I may or may not have thrown one of those.


The yellow one?


I’m not an animal!


Had to ask


No less a fantastic one.


SARS concert where Charlie Watts told Neil, right before going on stage “I’ll be keeping an eye on you“. Jeez!


Sars stock




I'm in this photo . . . and I love it!


SarsFest. It was so fucking hot!


sars festival which the stones headlined


Sars-stock for sure. I was there. Fucking massive


I was rehearsing with my band in Toronto at a big rehearsal facility near the waterfront. We had a small room but the big room at the end had all these amps going in with "AC/DC" on the front. We stayed and watched them set up their stuff in between our breaks and were lucky enough to be there as they rehearsed their show set list. Met a few of the guys in the band too...nice group of people.




haha ASS


Yep, a Rush one for sure


It is a live performance…see all the people?


There's a hilarious picture in Geddy's book MEF, of the stage deck where it's got tape laid down for AC/DC's guitar riser, Keith Richards rack, and Rush's dryers. LoL