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Please let Cozens be ok


What happened any video of it?


He stopped on a dime and caught a spinning back fist (with the butt end of the stick) to the chin. That's why Schmidt got a penalty and Olofsson scored on the power play. They didn't call anything on the ice but I think if there's any contact with the head (and/or if blood's drawn) they can review it.


They called a major on the ice, that's why they could review it


Marty said apparently they actually called a major at some point and that’s what justified the retroactive review and then they downgraded it to a minor. That’s lunacy I think. Should have been a major or 2+2 imo. Gotta control the butt end of your stick


Guy cuts his lip and has a single drop of blood, 4 minutes. Guy goes into concussion protocol for a "roughing", 2 mins.


Yea haha internal bleeding not nearly as bad as a scratch or two on the skin


If what my old man told me is true, that came about in the 80s when the HIV boom led to humans actually caring about bloodborne pathogens.


Got hit in the chin with the butt end of a stick and kind of collapsed forwards into the boards. Left the game after.


Coach of the year Donald Meatballs says he’s all good, probably would have come back in if there was more time


Phew! Nice to hear. That’s just a sign they are playing hard! Go Sabres!


That was terrifying. Let him rest up through the break if not longer. Hope it’s not too serious.


He’s ok. He wanted to go back in. Samuelsson is good to go too


Kind of a flukey thing. Definitely a concussion. Hopefully nothing major Edit: lol for getting downvoted for pointing out the most obvious thing ever


Not definitely anything. Could have easily been a broken jaw instead


If it’s a jaw injury that’ll be in addition to a concussion


Wow, unbelievable. Diagnosis from the broadcast feed?? You gotta get a job with the league in NY, they'd have to pay you millions if you prove you can just watch broadcast angles and positively identify head injuries!


You can be as snarky and and douchey as you want, it was pretty obvious. No one is happy about it. Cozens got a butt end stick to the head and was woozy, fell to the ice, got up, and was woozy getting back to the bench. Take your misplaced anger out on someone else friend, getting mad at me isn’t going to change anything.


Worst downvote in history man people are way too sensitive these days


Well you also edited your wording. It was more consistent with how he answered you. It sounded off


I 100% did not edit my wording. I changed nothing but the 2nd paragraph


Ok my bad on that. I thought I was being honest but I’m probably wrong. Think I saw a different post now that I look at it


It’s all good. It’s just frustrating that I’m getting buried over something that seemed pretty obvious to me. Poor guy wobbled to the bench. And the nhl doesn’t seem to take head injuries seriously so it’s worrisome


Unfortunately he is most likely concussed, hopefully good by end of all star break. If he plays before that it is probably a result of our medical team being as bad as lehner said it was.


who cares about snake boy


Yeah like Lehner is a former alcholic in debt for 50 millions in snakes. People shouldn't get too hung up he didn't like our rehab lmao


Yeah I see no reason to put him back in before the break


And that probably makes the Timo trade a for sure thing


Personally I don't think it moves the needle regardless how long dylan might be out. I'd put a meier trade at like 15:1


They’re not the same position….


They better bring back Jost next season. He's a solid depth piece even if he's not showing up on the points.


He completely resurrected Mitts and VO, so...yes. And Jost not scoring a lot means he might be cheaper to secure for a longer period of time.


would currently take a bullet for that guy


Another <4 goal win


The back-checking tonight was for real for real.


It really was. I think Joki had a great game as well, and I think it was one of Bryson’s good games this year too


I think it was both of their best games. Bryson looked confident and Clague made me not miss Samuelsson. Which holy shit, they were dominant without Samuelsson.


That’s because of Helleybuck. Most NHL goalies allow 4 or 5 the way the Sabres played.


I believe they were referencing the Sabres' inability to win games without scoring 4 goals. On the season they're 4-18-0 when scoring 3 or fewer goals for. 3 of those 4 wins came in the last week (NYI, DAL, WPG) so it's a promising trend.


My cardiologist hates the Sabres


I mean, he might also like the Sabres if you live in 'Merica.


or Belarus


I got this joke, I'm here for you buddy


Actually they probably love the Sabres


Man just sit back and enjoy it! Been far too long since we’ve had this kind of feeling and excitement just soak it in and enjoy the ride is what I say


It’s almost February and these games are so god damn important. I am stressed but also happy.


Comrie deserves a lot of praise for this game tonight


He is an excellent second goalie. He hasn't played enough to gel with the d and doesn't seem to make the awesome game saving saves like UPL but he is a good goalie. I am glad he is on the team and love that he beat his former team.


Why? He barely had to do anything. 19 saves on 21 shots. I’m not saying he was awful by any stretch, but he doesn’t need to be praised for an average performance. He’s being outplayed by a rookie and a 41 year old.


quality of saves, but there's no point arguing with people who want to dump on players even when they do well


He's had it rough this year and he got a win against a team that cut him twice. It's kinda hard not to root for that. That being said, I kinda wish people would focus on the fact that this team played 58 minutes of contender-level team defense. It was a group effort through and through.


Shot number is not indicative of shot quality.


Ahhh you are right. He had 0 difficult saves and still gave up 2 goals.


He hasn’t rly had a chance to respond to UPLs at cause he’s been hurt and just not played for a bit there. When both of them were getting consistent time comrie was the better goalie, UPL has stepped up but I think comrie cna too, just needs his rhythm back


Hey, I'm with you. He was good, but he wasn't really close to being the factor in this game. Fact is Buffalo dominated the play for the entire game.




Or my jaw


Don’t need our defensive defenseman if we don’t need defense. What a performance.


We played some of the best defense we’ve played all season. The back check effort was outstanding


And clogged the passing lanes. Great effort on D


They smothered Winnipeg. I would be so frustrated if I was on the ice, nothing was getting through any where. The boys wanted to win this for Comrie!


Best defense is a good offence


6/6 points already on this trip


Stack them dubs


5 in a row!!! Wish comrie got the revenge shutter but the W is poenty for me. Sabres record is 10-3 in games starting 8pm or later. 8-2 8:30pm or later and 7-1 9pm or later. Our final 28 games! puckdrop is 7:30 at the latest. Our final late puckdrop is in 7 games on February 18th


That's basically just saying we play better on the road. ​ Also, our record when the game has a good crowd is strangely good, and the games when we have had an empty barn the boys have struggled.


empty stats for sure, I just like any of em with that good a winning percentage I wonder what it is about this team that the crowd makes such a difference


So fill the seats Buffalo, this team needs your help.


When they come to my city - which is hockeyless - I will. Or when ticket prices stop being so astronomical when I’m in buff, I will. Unless you want to sponsor me…?


I’ll be honest I thought I’d be happy and I was until I scrolled down and saw Washington beat Pitt in a shootout. We will just have to keep winning tho


You should still be happy. While I think our odds of beating Washington for a postseason spot are better than Pitt, I wouldn't mind surpassing them both and letting other teams duke it out for the last wild card spot. So gaining on Pitt makes me happy. We also got another regulation win, which is good - though we are still behind Wash in these.




I try to, at every opportunity


Sabres good. BK commercials bad.


🎵 Eat like a king that's on a budget...


Ja Rule!


Too tight a budget for autotune, apparently


Most likely Cozens just got hit just right in that button on the chin that knocks you out and he'll be fine tomorrow. He skated off on his own and seemed to be in perfect form. ...hopefully.


Well, there’s really no such thing as getting knocked out and it’s nothing.


You can certainly get knocked out like that without getting a concussion. If so he may only be out for rest a couple of days.


Yeah but it’s never nothing.


Looks like it just might have been. Granato said in his post gamer that Cozens would have been able to come back if there had been more time.


I mean to say that it may not be a concussion, but it’s still not good for your health. But that is amazing news


Well yeah, getting knocked out is never a good time even in the best case scenario.


False. I know for a fact that you can hit a spot along your esophagus and it causes you to pass out. Why? Because my mother tried to take too many of her nightly pills at once and fainted. After a long ER trip all the doctors lectured her on taking her pills one at a time


That’s not getting knocked out


Getting knocked out is by definition a concussion, so I think you're right here.


-Three games in four nights -All on the road -Two very good teams (Dallas, Minnesota) and one good team (St. Louis) -Three different Sabres goalies starting And they win them all. You love to see it.


That’s the thing, we may be the first to EVER see it


Not really a fan of Skinner getting too comfortable and passing on an empty net chance but hey, at least we got the W.


On the TV they said they might be intentionally feeding Tage every chance they get so he can maybe get the scoring title. Who knows if that's the case in that exact moment but its interesting they brought it up as a potential possibility.


That's what I assumed when he did it. I can't think of any other reason why not to just put it away there.


Eh I don't think the angle for the backhand was as good as is assumed.


He had to and got hooked. Prob should have been a penalty tbh


Yeah, and the Jets played kinda angry at the disrespect. Led to a goal. He won't do that again.


Comrie FTW ... Good for him


Cozens is ok https://twitter.com/JourdonLaBarber/status/1618819969919365121?t=NTUOfbpCXLKerwqxImWEsg&s=19




Huggggeeee Buffalo






2 points back from the post season, baby!!!


Big win against a tough team on the road. That’s what you gotta do to be a playoff team. We can do it


Haven't seen the team this dominant in a long time, that second period was insane, Dahlin is actually generational


Gonna need an update on Cozens ASAP, and gonna need it to be good news.


Eh I hope they take the proper path. If it’s a concussion, we can afford to sit him 2 games so that he has a few weeks to recover.


Per Granato postgame, Cozens could have returned if the game had more time left. Cozens was itching to get back out there as well.


Looked like a textbook uppercut concussion. Glad we have the break soon. Guessing he's done til then.


Damn, that means he’ll miss the Wild and Canes. Those games will be really tough


We have been pretty lucky with injuries this season minus 8 games. Concussions are no joke. Let him heal up-- no rushing.


Oh for sure, rushing is a bad idea. Just hoping for the best


Inject Olofsson’s forecheck and battle on the boards during the last minute into my veins 😤


That's a really, really good W! Easily the most responsible the team played, and their aggressive forecheck gave the Jets fits. Loved seeing the East-West puck movement in the O-Zone, and the team not botching easy passes. I'm a little disappointed that when the Sabres were up 3-0 that Quinn+Peterka (more Quinn than Peterka) only received one shift in the final 10 minutes. On the other hand, I'm very impressed with Power and more specifically his usage. He was really leaned on heavily the last 10 minutes of the game. Also interesting to see that he faced Winnipeg's top line for nearly half of his 5v5 minutes.


I would be a lot of that was cozens being out.


Likely. Although it would have been a good chance to shuffle things around. Up by 3 with 10 to go, just seems like an excellent opportunity.




Would been basically a perfect game if it wasn't for those empty net goals at the end. They outworked them all game long.


Honestly did not expect this road trip to go this well so far. I'm not too worried about Cozens being out for the next 2 games potentially. I think Krebs could center the 2nd line just fine and Asplund centering the 4th line will be fine.


erie comrie presser got me officially emotionally invested in this team 🥹


Lake Erie Comrie


😂 didn’t even catch that typo til you pointed it out


Well, it's in permanent marker now!




i just saw it on spectrum. does youtube post the post game interviews? Edit: here’s a quote from it https://twitter.com/thechargingbuf/status/1618820754702995458?s=46&t=Dki546bYfXvNlv8V90Kcaw


Inject it straight into my veins


If we get into the playoffs Tuch is going to take that energy and just absolutely hit another gear. You saw it in that OT game against Minny. He's so big, strong and fast... when he wants to use all those tools without reserve and the refs are swallowing the whistle, he's going to be a terror on the ice.


I want to find out Cozens didn't even go to the room and just watched from the tunnel kind of [like at the ~~Winter~~ Heritage Classic last year](https://www.buffalohockeybeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Cozens16.jpg).


That was when I became a Cozens super fan


Honestly watching the other player leave and Cozens just stand there rooting for the boys by himself was awesome.


for a guy who played superb all night y’all being a little too critical of skinner at the end there


I mean we get why he wanted to get Tage another goal, but I'd rather have sealed up the two points there with Skinner scoring.


This is the dark side of Skinner caring so much about his teammates' milestones. He wants to dig Tage's 50th out of the net so bad


Nothing wrong with that, but we need Skinner to he shooting. A good portion of that lines struggles lately are because he's passing too much and not taking shots he usually does (not that they're not scoring but they've noticeably dropped in performance). Skinner shooting opens up Tuch and Tage to generate off their styles too.


Yeah I mean... I want to see a triple 50 goal season from the top line.


Don't forget about rebounds.


That was some sweet sauce by Skinner on the Thompson goal. All three of them have become better passers playing with each other.


They've almost undone their eight game losing streak twice now! This was maybe their most complete game of the season, at least up until the final four. Just suffocating defense without losing any pace on offense. If THIS can happen more consistently, they're not just fun, they're a force.


I love this team


Go Sabres. Long live the Thrashers


“Jeff Skinner, whose measured his entire career on not scoring empty net goals.” - Ralph Krueger (probably)


Dominating game, love to see them work this hard. What is that FIVE ia row?!!?. LFG


The Buffalo Sabres are a perfect hockey team that give me no anxiety whatsoever


I can't stop thinking about that Tage goal. Tuch straight up bought the deed to Hellebuyck's jockstrap with that pass. I love that man more with each passing game


That was one of the quietest best games from Dahlin you will ever see. 2 assists. 5 shots on goal. 3 blocked shots. Prevented a paper bag goalie from getting lit up. +1 on ice.


Did you see the "dahlin cam" during Iintermission? He's so good.


Pens Caps result sucks but we're now only 5 points behind the Rangers as well. 3 teams within striking distance just need one to slip up


Rangers don't matter if they're not in the wild card spot. Unless we can catch Tampa and battle for the 3rd spot in the Atlantic we're just fighting whoever is with us for the wild card.


Yeah but now we have 3 teams that could drop to the wildcard spot. If the Pens and the Caps are both hot the Rangers could still fall out


Yeah but until they do fall out they don't matter. Honestly it doesn't matter who's in the wild card spot, only whether or not we can get there. The only way to do that is to keep winning.


Yeah I agree it's too early to worry about that but we have 3 teams that can potentially choke instead of 2 most people are talking about is all I'm saying


Yeah I get you. Conceivably we could have Jersey and Tampa bunching up in that spot too. We're 8 back of Tampa and 11 back of Jersey, but Tampa isn't the world beater team of the last 4 years and Jersey has looked pretty normal since their big win streak. It's not a huge stretch to see those 6 teams plus us end up very closely bunched up.


Tampa not helping either. We did our part at least.


Awesome win but it’s two in a row now where we’ve had trouble putting a team away in the 3rd. Very happy for Comrie to get a win too. On to Minnesota!


We were absolutely dominating in their zone tonight, missed the third period though. They let up a bit?


Empty net chances paid off for the Jets and Skinner passed on an empty net goal. Also I jinxed Comrie by making a shut out comment on the game day thread so I’m sorry. Thought you should hear it from me.


you know, you're really owning this. thank you for getting out ahead.


It’s the least I can do ya know


Skinner dude wtf lol




God damn, this is fun


Also, who thought the Sabres would arguably have a brighter future than the bills?


If you think the Bills don't have a bright future you might need to dial down the hotness of your takes.


I feel like the bills have reached the future and are now just gonna (hopefully) be perennial contenders.


It's possible when you have the QB


The Sabres roster is looking like it could be the Eagles or Niners just loaded at almost every position in a couple years.


Well 2 games till the all star break, which is a week for samuelsson to get better and week off the Cozens injury. NHL needs to start just giving 5 and a game plus for any head contact resulting in injury, Players need to control themselves so reckless shit like that isn’t encouraged to take out an opponents star player.


That was a fluke play. If they didn't call the major, IMHO that was questionable if it was even a penalty. That kind of contact happens 10 times a game. It was just a perfect hit. There was zero intent.


Being reckless rarely has intent to injure, it means you aren’t controlling yourself and endangering others. Is exactly what Schmidt did there.


We must have been watching different things. I saw a guy quickly pull his stick closer to him in tight while guys are on top of him. That exact motion happens literally hundreds of times per game.


He got called for roughing, so it was the punch (albeit unintentional) that got him the penalty. There's some indication that they called it a major for butt-ending or elbowing at first and dropped it to a roughing minor after review.


It is my understanding of the rule that once a major is called, the review can't "undo" the call. It can only lower it to a minor.


Which would be what happened.


I watched a guy barley miss a check then quickly send an extended arm in the direction of the guy he missed’s head. I don’t think he intended to take out Cozens, but that is still a lack of control and a level of recklessness that shouldn’t be tolerated if the NHL wants to ever take head injuries seriously. Come playoff time accidental shit like this happens all the time but it is questionably a lot less accidental.


Nice dub. But I hope Cozey is fine. He seems to be concussed. 😞


Never in doubt


W, they fought like animals


Fat dubs, cozens pls be good, im happy comrie got a win (and a nice easy game for 57 minutes), and Greta work from the d without Sammy tonight, absolutely beautiful


I love/hate how Skinner doesn't take the shot with the EN and gives Thompson a bad pass. That's just playing with fire.


Joker looked fine but I was kinda hoping he would have tried to take that one shot in the body. Felt like he flinched a bit.


just finished on "tape" delay, woo fucking hoo!!! that second period looked like the globertrotters on adderall and cocaine. generally speaking, /WHAT A FUCKING CLINIC!!! that game was in little doubt from 5 minutes in, and was not closer than the score. god save Cousins, just let him sit a game or two, we want him here for the long term, so coaches, please take no chances, let the workhorse rest!


I'll take the win, but fuck Skinner for not just scoring there. This should have been a walk off win and instead we have to another clencher.




One of the great things about the Sabres young roster is they have the legs and finishing kick to finish games when the other team is more tired, to beat teams in OT and also to win 3 games in 4 nights while making the other teams look tired, when they themselves should be exhausted.