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Fuck, who's cutting onions We miss you so much RJ


How great would it have been to hear him absolutely lose his shit if we’d won a cup before he left us?


A literal dream come true.


These videos never get old. Pure goosebumps. Thanks for making this a happy Friday already


Greatest play by play announcer in sports ever!


"It's true. . . All of it." - any Sabres fan over 40


“The top shelf, the stuuuuuuubarnes, the where momma hides the cookies… all of it” but, the buffalo curse returned, somehow.


I was at the Delmore game where Biron made that absurd save. My then-gf and I were the only two Sabre fans in the place it seemed. It was jaw dropping to see live as well! Fun story: we wound up losing in OT that day. As we were filing out, a middle aged dude with his wife and two teenagers started heckling us…apparently for having the audacity to cheer for the Sabres. They had been sitting 3-4 rows in front of us, but we sure weren’t causing them any trouble- we were not the least bit loud or confrontational. We also were not drunk. We were there with another couple who were flyer fans so it was a lot of good-natured back and forth between us. Just fun among friends. Anyway, this guy kept running his mouth, telling us to beat it back to WNY and some other even more unfriendly stuff, when my gf- the most meek & mild-mannered person you’ll ever meet- called down to him WHY DON’T YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF? The guy acted all aghast and like he was being assaulted or something and she just yells it louder: I SAID, WHY DON’T YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF!?? The whole area got real quiet and, contrary to the Philly stereotype, no one said another thing to either of us. She just seemed too psycho to mess with ! 😂 Which, she sort of was. We broke up not long after that. But go Sabres!


Damn, I miss RJ


Same, so much. I wish he had just one cup for him. A god damn tragedy that the Sabres sucked so bad


That date was oddly specific.... I just marked it on my calendar.


Campbell just destroyed umburger


Greatest check I’ve ever seen or ever will see. The place was bedlam.


“Ooooooooh what a hit by Campbell!. Holy mackerel!” https://youtu.be/YWpgTAUmPPE?si=I5-rQiWPMJBK_dc9


RJs voice is classic in his call “OOOOOAAAAHHAHHOOO WHAT A HIT BY CAMPBELL!!” 😆


If you’re old enough to remember the Sabres when they were good you’re too old for the draft.


That Danny Briere goal at the beginning is still the best sports moment I’ve seen live. The arena was deafening.


Just had the no goal anniversary, i think yesterday...my fear, T Peg cursed by mother nature for fracking...we are never going all the way... ugh


That's adorable that you think you're gonna be part of invading mainland China.


He's fallen victim to one of the classic blunders!


but only slightly less well-known is this: 'Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


I wouldn’t get your hopes up too soon
