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Feel like GMKA kinda dropped the ball on this one. A 2nd for Mangiapane who had a down year last year but is still very good analytically is really cheap. Especially considering we just got an extra one. Edit: Hearing he has an 8 team no trade list. Sabres were most definitely on there.


Very possibly one of the trades he was referring to being close on but having it fall through from a player blocking it


I think this is what Adams meant when he said some trades fell through. People assume it's him not being able to close out deals but I'm thinking it's the players with trade protection making these trades fall through. I don't blame Adams going after Necas and honestly now, I'm for that move. Necas is young enough to grow and I wouldn't mind his projected cap hit. Must be insanely frustrating to be Adams right now.


While I agree with you, he also helped put us in that position. Last summer he probably could’ve gotten players to come here as we were a team on the rise and ready to win, but he sat on his hands and did nothing. They took a big step back last season and now it’s back to the status quo and players aren’t interested in waiving their NTC to play for a losing team


Definitely no trade list


If he was so good analytically I’m sure wunderkind Sam Ventura would’ve let Kevyn know. Either Sam is clueless, or publicly available analytics are garbage and not used seriously by teams


It’s okay we’ll just get Marner or something, and everyone but me will hate it


Incoming Market, Rantannen, or Tkachuk


I have no idea how to get out of this hole. I think every player with a no trade clause has buffalo on their list; without exception. Maybe some guys will waive it, but Buffalo is on every list. And they deserve it frankly. But how do you get out of that if you can’t get via a trade?


It's why we are linked to players like Necas and Zegras who don't have a NTC or NMC. To get out of this curse you start to win more and make the playoffs. Then we'll be on less lists.


It's a fair thing to ponder. Chances are better than not that, given just our age curves and likely having two 1A tenders, we're going to start being a playoff team. (Hopefully starting next season!). This will undoubtedly help. But there are some factors that will never change. I love WNY, but it's never going to have the same nightlife as LA, Vegas or NYC, or the lower taxes and or nice winter weather that a lot of other places have. Maybe lower cost of living and being close to some players hometowns in ON can eventually be selling points, too?


I don’t think players care about all that as much as they care about being put in the best position to 1) win 2) get a big contract. We were having the same conversations about how no one wants to come to Buffalo when the bills were terrible. The bills turned it around and suddenly have no problem attracting free agents.


Nobody wants to play here because we are the most incompetently ran organization in professional sports


Pending ufa wingers are cheap. That's one off the board and certainly a deal I'd make, but still plenty of time to find one with a no trade list we're not on


Meh, he was a one year wonder who got overpaid


This sucks. He’d have been a really good fit.


Hoping it was because he wouldn’t waive because if so adams really missed big here


No doubt no-trade clauses are holding the team back. But Adams and Pegula have earned that. Who wants to come play for a bad team in a dumpy arena that is full of opposing fans? But yeah Zemgus Girgensons is the irreplaceable fabric of the team.


This is a corner Adams has painted himself into. No player looking to win is going to come to a team with the lowest average age in the league. Adams traded a 25 year old forward for a 22 year old D man at the deadline last year. Adams has already said he's going with a 24 year old and 21 year old goalie tandem this year. Ignore for a second that the majority of fans are smart enough to see this is not the strategy of a GM actually looking to compete.... Players obviously see this is a roster built purely to do nothing other than just exist for the next couple of years. Strap in y'all, we are going to be here a while.. Assuming of course that Adams is done getting younger. There's no quarantee that there won't be more 25 year old forward for 22 year old Dmen trades ahead for us




I'm a little confused. You think we're on players no trade lists because the team is young? You don't think it's because other places have really nice winter weather? And or elite nightlife? And or lower taxes?


His anti-Adams narrative doesn’t work if you use logic and facts.


I don’t think the city factors into the NTC honestly. This organization is just horribly run.


That would be naive, then. You can throw a massive bag at a player, and they can look the other way if the Sabres are a top team in the NHL. However, suggesting that the 32 locations for NHL players are equal from a lifestyle perspective, especially for people making over $1M per year, is the same, is just naive. I think most people here either live in WNY or grew up there and have a love for the area, which creates a blindness to what the area is. But the reality is the sales pitch to come to Buffalo is difficult.


How come the bills don’t have this problem?


The same problem exists for both the Sabres and the Bills. Buffalo is Buffalo. The difference exists with the variance between the two leagues. The NFL has like 10 players with trade protections in the entire league. It's much more common to have trade protections in the NHL. So that's one thing. Mangiapane is like a 3rd string LB in the NFL but has trade protections. This is the primary reason. From there the NFL pays a lot more for the type of players we're talking about. Many NFL players maintain two homes and only live in Buffalo during the season. It's much more common because it's much more affordable to do. Most NHL players don't.


The bills have no problem getting free agents though and it used to be a huge problem. Then Josh Allen and suddenly guys like Von Miller are choosing Buffalo over LA. I know free agent isn’t the same as no trade clause but it’s the best analogy.


I’m getting pissed looking at this one. He really dropped the ball here. We have two seconds this year and could have given up one of them. What’s the endgame here? Like talk out the ass and not make moves? How long is he going to sit around and not be active? It’s such crap


He has a NTC. Pointless to get mad about not trading for someone who has a 8 team NTC. Always assume we're on everyone's NTC.


Wouldn’t it have come out if we had tried to trade for him just like it did when Matt Murray refused to come to us?


The trade literally just happened. We don't really hear about that kind of stuff until later on. Just like Tanev having us on his NTC during the season.


It's a little frustrating when people just assume the worst. Obviously we would easily beat a 2025 2nd round pick and Mangiapane would be a Sabre right now if we weren't on his no trade list. Adams isn't perfect but always assuming the worst and acting like the sky is falling is a little frustrating.


The Sabres can't get guys with any sort of NMC because the player will most assuredly reject any trades to Buffalo.


Like i edited in my comment, he has an 8 team no trade list. Sabres are on there 100%. Not much GMKA could do at that point.


He better do something superior imminently or I’ve just about had enough of this guy


I’ve had enough of idiotic fans like you not comprehending how trades in the NHL work


Big “Fuck Beane for not drafting Worthy” energy


It's a little frustrating when people just assume the worst. Obviously we would easily beat a 2025 2nd round pick and Mangiapane would be a Sabre right now if we weren't on his no trade list. Adams isn't perfect but always assuming the worst and acting like the sky is falling is a little frustrating.


Why say “obviously”? The guy is from the outskirts of Toronto and playing in Buffalo would be a chance for him to play close to home. Skinner waived his NTC to come to Buffalo for very similar reasons. He’s also played on a few World Championships teams, including this year’s which featured Cozens, Power, and Byram who likely could have helped persuade him to come to Buffalo. I’m hopeful this is more signalling bigger moves. Mangiapane is fine, but the next 48 hours should tell us whether or not he would have even fit.


Longest drought in sports but needs to have the utmost patience and benefit of the doubt for the front office ok bud When the comment was made there was nothing about a no trade and even then guess whose job it is to make the place desirable? The GM. Still his fault


the GM needs to make the city of Buffalo desirable? get real even if we were a good team we’d be on plenty of no trade lists. smallest market in the league with bad weather and high tax. it’s always gonna be like that.


TY lol. Re longest drought in sports, keep in mind that KA is 0/1 in expecting to make the playoffs and missing. Re Buffalo, I love the city and region. But I don't see how you can blame the GM for not having the nightlife of LA, Vegas or NYC, or the lower taxes and or nice winter weather that a lot of other places have.


Don't give the excuse "we'll at the time the comment was made" as though it's something we're looking for. Use this as a learning point for you to consider all the facts and circumstances before spewing your thought vomit nonsense.


Come on, guy. There are a lot of legitimate gripes about Adam's tenure, but with his NTC, it's clear as day he had Buffalo on it. I think it's fair game to voice displeasure about the work any GM does; it's part of their job. But at the same time, any reasonable fan is going to handicap being the GM of the Sabres, knowing the challenges that come with that other GMs do not deal with.


It’s always going to make our trades harder given the sabres last 10+ years, but when it comes to trades and guys with clauses there just isn’t a whole lot the GM can do there


Why is it clear as day? Also, assuming Buffalo is on the NTC, why is it an absolute certainty that he wouldn’t waive this?