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I couldn't help but notice you used "are" in place of "our" in 3 separate instances. That is all.


Can you also keep an eye out for people saying “per say” instead of the correct term “per se” and people who say “loose” when they mean “lose”


And could of/would of/should of in place of could've, would've, should've. \*\*Shudders\*\*


Prepare to be underwhelmed.


At most whelmed - nothing more.


Take it easy Mr excitable. Nobody is getting whelmed tonight


That’s what she said


The fans wanted all 5 of the players gone that just won a cup with Florida, so I'll trust GMKA before I trust ANY armchair GM


This doesn't make sense as GMKA was the one that traded Montour, Reinhart and Okposo or Florida. The other GM moved on from ERod. The fans had nothing to do with it. Not saying I don't trust GMKA but your sentence doesn't make any sense.




But the fans weren't the moves that moved them. The GM did...


You mean the same gm that didn’t do anything to replace those players that got traded and he hasn’t brought in any player via trad or free agency that has made an immediate impact on this team.


JJ Peterka isn't anyone?


Jack Quinn? Zach Benson?


UPL? Levi? Tuch? Byram? Power?


How many Stanley Cups have you won?


13 year playoff drought and btw the Sabres have zero cups to show for it.


Adams hasn't been the GM for 13 years!!! 


First of all no shot he hasn’t been here for thirteen years but he’s are gm so everyone looks to him to get us to build a roster that can make it to the playoffs and be competitive but if not making the playoffs is fine with you then you should hope nothing changes.


He didn't replace them with anyone? 😂😂 I didn't know Cozens, Power, Byram, Quinn, Benson, Tuch and Levi... we're nobody


Alright let’s look at those pickups Cozens And Tuch good pickups Power horrible pick up Levi ok pickup Bryam to early to tell Quinn to early to tell So they only good returns he got was cozens and Tuch and clearly not good enough as we just hit thirteen years of not making the playoffs


You’ll trust the guy who let all of those guys leave town? It sort of seems odd to think the fans are dumb for wanting the players gone, but the guy who was actually responsible for them being gone (in 4 out of 5) is some sort of savant?


Adams is trying to move the pick. But he's also not going to move it for the sake of it. And if we make the pick, it can always be traded in the months to come. Adams is imperfect obviously but one thing I appreciate about his tenure so far is that he's been a net positive and hasn't saddled the team with hurtful mistakes. As opposed to say the Yzerplan: - signed a goalie for $4.75Mx3 (0.896 SV%) - traded a 2nd for Leddy - Holl 3.4x3 - Chiarot 4x4 - traded Walman and a 2nd for... nothing! lol - the team hasn’t made the playoffs in his 5 seasons


Ok the Sabres fans just want to see the team make the playoffs and adams hasn’t done anything to make that a reality sorry I’m not a fan of adams right now but if he makes trade of some sort I’ll change my mind. Trust me I love the Sabres and I want them to succeed more then anything getting playoff hockey back in Buffalo would be a dream. Go Sabres


I appreciate their fervor. Genuinely and seriously. This fan base cares, which is great. But KA hasn't done anything terrible. Yes, he's 0/1 in expecting to and missing the playoffs. But with age curves and Tage and Quinn being healthy alone, we're probably a playoff team next year. Add in UPL now being a true 1A tender and a better coach, personally I'm excited for what's to come.


I see what your saying if Kevyn doesn’t do anything this off season I won’t have a ton of hope but I will have hope in lindy. God pleas let this be the year.


If Sabres make a pick at 14, I don’t know why we traded 11.


What difference does it make? He gained another 2nd


And what difference does a 2nd rounder in this year’s draft make?


It’s free real estate. Helenius would’ve been a great pick at 11


Because we got a top pick in the second round to move down 3 spots which is mostly meaningless at this point in this years draft.


If we end up drafting in the first 3 rounds, i will be pissed. We have too many prospects as it is, We need to start adding now before our good players become washed up.


Kevyn Adams has no plan


When Sabres made a selection, this pick is gonna lose most of its value


I'm less confident as the day goes on, it'll just be disappointing as hell if we can't get a trade done, whether that's because asking price is too high or players just flat out don't want to come here if they have a NTC/NMC