• By -


He's breaking free :(


Soaring 😭 flying 😭


Truly I’ll miss the steamed hams the most


Same 🤝🍔


His name was Jeefff


You will always be the Steamed Ham Connoisseur. But when the next dish of choice comes around, don't hesitate to order, friend. We got you.


Thank you so much, Mr. Tailwagger 💙 It truly has been so much fun doing this the past so many years. I hope our sub can find more fun little traditions to keep the energy alive! I'll definitely take y'all up on that order when we find something hahaha. Much love, man!


If you find a guy, and you find a meme to run with, I'll find you. You'll always have a place in /r/sabres lore as long as you want to be.


[Me right now](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/6b/e5/f86be55d702c0697b9231a26aaf52397.gif) Thank you so much, man




I’m way more sad than I thought I would be 😔


Skinner has a great chance of winning the cup next year. At least that seems to be the trend happening the last couple of years! I wish him the best. I enjoyed seeing him play in Buffalo.


I think hell be happy to just make the playoffs lol


It's super bittersweet for me 🥲


Yea, I’ve been totally on board with the reasoning behind buying him out but now that it’s a reality I’m pretty bummed. He brought a lot of swag to the team which isn’t always necessary but will be missed. His play style may not be the fit we need anymore but no doubt the dude is a competitor. Plus, the way he creates opportunity with his skating is really impressive.


We shall miss the teenage girl goal song next season


Every year I love how much it pissed off Craig Rivet lmao


Someone needs to step up and keep that tradition alive. Benson should do it


Monkeys paw for my wish for him to make the playoffs…….


Appreciate your work OP.


Thank you for putting up with the same silly meme for years 💙


How do I agree this is right but still be sad at the same time? 😞


I’ll miss that big smile.


I appreciate your service. Skinner was an ultimately flawed player that got more hate than he deserved based on his contract, but he was one of the only fun players in some really dark years. I hope he goes to like Colorado and wins the cup


I’m gonna wear my $70 Skinner goathead jersey I bought in honor of him next season.


I will miss all of the streamed hams and the bangers of the goal songs.


I’ll miss him explaining his excitement over the new season of Emily in Paris: “She gets bangs!”


I am not saying this in any type of combative way - If we don’t get close to the cap in free agency, what benefits do we have to cut him at this time?


Good thought. For this to make sense, at least two high end players must be attained that equal $12-16M


Pegula saves some cash


How is that saving cash?


It’s horrible to see this day come. I wish you best of luck in your future endeavors, Mr. Blubbed One. Part of me hopes that another player will pick of a goal-scoring meme of some kind, but I know deep that that it will never be the same. Nothing will ever be the same.  Adieu to the one, the only, the PrinciPAL. 🫡 


Thank you, Mr. 007!! The Steamed Hams truly was a special meme. I always told myself one day it'd end, but damn it still hit hard hahaha! Jeff really did put the *pal* in Principal, man...Hopefully we can find some new silly memes soon to keep the fun alive! On a side note I really hope they do a weekly radio show with Ruff during the season so we get more of your write ups!


I remember Lindy Ruff doing radio appearances when I was a kid, and that being when those started.  Granted, he may not want to do that anymore over a decade later, but I would love listening to that. They may need to get a censor (never a problem with Donny 🤣🤣) I’m holding onto the slim possibility of no one signing Skinner in the first wave of free agency, so we just sign him back at a 4th-liner salary. I know that won’t happen, but still, one can dream 


RIP Between 2 Stalls☠️😭


Cole has to be a mess right now 😭


Noooo! I didn’t think about poor Cole! Now I’m crying


153 steamed hams later.


I’m genuinely bummed. I want him to get to the playoffs because he deserves it but man, am I gonna miss him so much. I forgot that I get too emotionally invested in hockey players that there’s always the chance they’ll move on to better teams 😭😭


He was great for vibes. We need to stop paying 1st line prices for 2nd/3rd line players.


Eagerly awaiting what KA's plan for goals will be for next season.... Both Goals For and PP were in the bottom half of the league. Ahh, Jeff... he had his moments... He was a passionate player, top 10 in chirping for sure..but his best years are behind him and that contract now seems hard to live up to... Good luck Jeff!


This is actually the worst part of the buyout. I will never forget these posts. Thank you for your service


That was a huge tray of ~~burgers~~ hams a couple seasons ago. Thanks for putting in the work to make a it a little more fun around here.


He played a huge role that one time we won 10 straight games in October. For that I will always remember him


It was in November-December 2018. I remember it well. I was just finishing grad school and seemed like everything was on the up-and-up. Boy, was I wrong. That streak was a big reason why he got paid what he did. Everyone was shouting, "Pay the man!" Myself included. Well, be careful what you wish for. Like everyone else here has said, I am sad he is leaving. He was such a fun player on and off the ice. But that contract was stupid.


Well, it's going to be awkward wearing my Skinner jersey in Prague and he's not there. He's one of my favourite players but his contract was just too much when you have so many players to sign so I get it. R.I.P steamed hams, between 2 stalls and fun goal songs.


Should have made him captain for a day so that he wins the cup next year.


We’ll miss ya Jeff! Good luck in the future!!


I'm so sad. That is all.


I hope he gets the Cup next year.


Conn Smythe inbound


Damn. I wonder who my new second favorite team will now be.


Wonder what Cup winning team he will sign with


I fucking hate Granato and Krueger for just absolutely mismanaging this man's career.


I hope he goes and joins casey in Colorado so that I have no doubts about who to place a bet on to win the cup next year


He’s my favorite Sabre and I’m so sad to see him go. It’s completely taken away any enthusiasm I have for next year. Hoping the best for him, including lots of goals, playoffs, and a cup!




So, do they have a use for the money, or is this just gonna be saving a little scratch?


o7 steamed hams. Will miss the entertainment Skinner brings to the team




I am not joking I’ve been a sabres fan my whole life but was pretty uninterested in my teens because… they were ass. But during Covid I was so bored I decided to watch the sabres again because hey! We just almost made the playoffs and signed that Taylor Hall feller who was supposedly pretty good(haha) Anyways surprise surprise, me and my dad start watching and they’re playing like absolutely bootycheeks to no one’s surprise but we noticed that for the entire season, the man, the myth, the legend… Jeff Skinner would have the best opportunities and ALWAYS miss. It was simply hilarious Jeff Skinner soon became a household name as me and my dad would come inside from the garage making fun of him every day they played. I remember how sad I was when I missed his first steamy ham of the season on my way to work. We loved making fun of Jeff and still do to this day but it was truly out of love and support. I only bought one adidas jersey throughout their tenure as my bootleg Ryan Miller jerseys from my childhood were always better; but the day I saw the goat heads revealed again I knew that a Jeff Skinner jersey was sitting in the keybank waiting for me. This is a big thing because I absolutely despise the modern day jersey market and think the prices are absolutely ridiculous(because they are) Jeff Skinner is my favourite player of all time and most importantly, my favourite sabre of all time and I will absolutely cherish the steamy hams and the privilege I had to attend his 1000th game. This is a sad day in my sabres history but hopefully it will lead to winning years and we’ll be able to look back at it with a smile.


Thank you for sharing that happy story about you and your Dad that's hilarious hahaha!! I hope you're right that this could be the start of something good moving forward! I'll always cheer for Jeff he's just such a fun down to earth guy. And yeah Jeff's ability to miss a wide open net was something at times 😂


It's not his fault he had a bloated contract. I'll miss Skinner a heck of a lot.


Thank you for all your hard work presenting our favorite principal's steamed hams. Hope he gets to fill lord stanley with his steamed hams soon




Jeff is a good rat. I'll miss his smiling face and high voice, always chirping. I'll miss his distinctive skating style and his pinpoint shots. His passing has improved too and he had good chemistry with Thompson and Tuch. I don't know the ins and outs of it but I can't figure out why they have to buy him out, as opposed to simply trading him and getting something back, another outsize contract like a Trouba. The Sabres are really stupid.


I will not miss putting newly drafted 20 year olds in a room with a 30 year old making $9m a year who does not believe in doing anything that isn't fun and is contractually unpunishable


No wonder Tage didn't break out playing all those minutes with Jeff :(


Tage only became the player he did with hard work and dedication to *his* game. Jeff skinner is one dimensional. Jeff is a skating style away from being olofsson. What a ridiculous take.