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Says that while wearing a sweatshirt that says “be the change you want to see in the world”… oh the irony.


I know right? Seems like it would be a scene from Idiocracy


What the fuck, with the look of her, she should really know that judging somebody like this is crap. She definetly also experienced such judgement and yet here she is and judges him like that lmao.


I was confused by your comment bc she’s pretty good looking. Then I realized there’s two hers.


He's talking about lesbian lil xan


That's what she didn't realize. When she spoke, she spoke about her and related insecurities, not his. Her face isn't the best looking that's why she values an haircut that much and her face is covered of accessories to distract from the face. Not that I personally value, judge or care about that, but she does and tries to imply the shit on the other guy. Funniest shit is the guy ain't even nothing special, he just looks like a normal dude man




I can smell her from here 🤢


She literally has the same haircit


they have the same haircut


Dayam...first woman/man better learn not to judge a book by it's cover...cos she/he'd get ripped apart by the same judgement #facts


If someone is infatuated with their looks like that, don't even bother talking to them past a greeting.


..... but they got the same haircut. How you gonna make fun of someone haircut when you got the same haircut.... the fuck!


Spiderman pointing meme


the idea that you have to work yourself to death for others to be a real man is really really shitty and toxic


The difference is whether or not it's an expectation or a choice. If you expect a man to work 90 hours a week then fuck you, but if a man consciously decides he wants to work 90 hours a week for the good of his loved ones then that commands a deep level of respect in my eyes. From how he worded his answer he appears to be doing this voluntarily in order to pay for live-in carers for his parents (could be his wife/sibling is also living off his money and taking care of them full time)


The respect comes from him accepting he has a choice and still doing the hard and difficult thing anyway. We can all agree he shouldn't have to do something so rough but that needs to be separate from the respect to the individual for doing what it takes to provide for his family. Very different to expecting someone to work that hard just because they're a man. Agree with you wholeheartedly.


Those who work themselves to death should really question why those at the top who gain the most from their labor don't.


No one should have to work that many hours




??? He looks really normal I dont get it


Right? Hair cut fits his jawline, can someone point out what's wrong with his haircut?


Oh lord. The title of the video is literally “guess who’s rich or poor” and the girl says she is a barber and can tell the haircut isn’t good. They clipped this and took it out of context as usual


You can pay a lot of money and still get a shit haircut. Any woman can tell you that. More expensive generally doesn't equal more experienced. My husband pays the same amount for his cut every time, at the same barber, and it'll look completely different depending on who did it. Some people just don't give a shit about their hair as long as it doesn't look a complete mess. He's also working 90 hours a week and is supporting 3 other people off of his wages. Far from poor imo


He’s far from poor in your opinion because you know he works 90 hours and supports 30 people. In this video they know nothing and are guessing based solely on appearances. Watch it for yourself if you care that much.


this video was taken out of context. this was a video seeing if people could guess if someone was "rich" or "poor" those 2 girls felt awful the whole time doing the interview because they didn't want to have to say someone looked poor. it was actually a very good interview and you should watch it


Rather have that posted than this misleading garbage. Wtf even was that end compilation? The agenda couldn’t be more in your face.


again, these girls felt awful having to even refer to someone as poor because, well, that's just not a nice thing to do. I don't agree that this video is making them out to be the bad guys. they actually had a lot of respect for the worked 3 job to support himself and his parents and had nothing negative to say about him. this video made it out, so these women were the ones I'm the wrong. this whole video was a social experiment to show people that you shouldn't judge someone based on what they have on o r what they look like. I wanna reiterate that everyone who was on the side that had to say if someone looked poor felt awful having to say that and didn't really agree with using poor as a way to describe someone. I don't understand why they added the compilation at the end, I think it was very much taken outa context to try and make people look bad, but the point of this interview was not to be negative to others, or to make fun of others like this compilation kinda makes it out to be. I definitely think that people should watch the interview, it was really quite good! here watch for yourself https://youtu.be/v3punujTweM?si=ZQX9aSFjEHmGxO5K


>Wtf even was that end compilation? Workers collecting the yellow stuff are actually collecting Sulfur in the Ijen crater in East Java. Most of them don't make it past 50 because of all the sulfur they inhale and how much weight they carry out of the crater on their shoulders


This is ragebait. I’m guessing the first set of women were on a show where they were asked to just look at some people and assess if they are rich or poor and explain their reasoning. So she used his haircut as an indication he might be poor.


Her cut is worse 😭😭


Damn this is some actual rage bait haven’t seen any this egregious in a long time. This clip was taken so out of context that it makes them look totally horrible.


Oh well


This is super out of context. They were both pretty respectful and this does not show the whole interaction. Fuck ragebait like this.




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Bro what's with people today and thinking the "crisp fade" is anything but a gimmick. Like no I don't want my head looking drawn the fuck on. Have some other friends telling me I need to get a fade like that I'm just like...why? Because I think it makes people look overly aggressive and plastic. It doesn't look like something that would naturally happen and has to get maintained all the fucking time and wastes your time worrying about it instead of just actually enjoying life.


"were you just dissin his haircut" her answer was "respectfully?" does she/he/it even understand english? That was the least respectful statement Ive heard in a long time. If we started to trash her/him/it/they in the cheap ass goodwill hoody i bet she wouldnt think we were being "respectfully" .. what a turd.


How are you gonna talk about respect while referring to another human as "it"??


didnt want to presume the identity... covering all bases


that haircut rocks tho, wut she on about?


All the while those two haven’t done 1 day of real hard work in their life. Pathetic.


90 hours a week is crazy. And my man looks good as well.


crisp fade =/= more money. if you had more money, you wouldve had better face tattoos.


No one should have to work 3 jobs just to support their family and or loved ones. That`s a failed system.


The messaging that "real men" work themselves to the bone and their labor is the only thing keeping their loved ones from ruin is pretty harmful to men, and untrue.


honestly, how can you even work 3 jobs? bro looks like he works out too, sooner or later he's going to get burned out. unless all 3 are part-time, I don't see how its possible. good shit if its true tho


> bro looks like he works out too Maybe one of his jobs involves manual labor


I made a mistake, in a couple of months I'll be marrying the girl that rejected me 4 times back in high school. I finally accepted this and moved on. Had other relationships after HS, but still feel inadequate of what could have been. Were together now and engaged, but cant stop thinking if I was not good enough back then, how am I good enough now. She had other relationships during high school while I had to watch from the sidelines. I can't tell anyone our past because it would make her look bad. I still can't face my inner child who regretted meeting her and promised himself not to accept her if she were to came back. It can't be true that I'm the best she could settle for. Anyone she wanted, didnt want her back. . I should have went with my gut reaction and rejected her She's a good person and I can see what happened back then was'nt her fault but I wished she had at least given me a chance. So far I have made sure that I didn't treat her differently because of what happened and it was a non-issue type of thing. Anyways now I am going bury this deep inside and marry her even though I will feel this way for the rest of my life.




90 hours a week, yeah ok.


Wealth should never be baaed on looks.


His haircut looks great to me.


Lmao that the one preoccupied with looks is the one who looks lame


Why is a lesbian judging a man’s appearance? He ain’t for you, sis


That's is real man ever I found


Dumb bitch wishes she was a dude


Modern women in a nutshell. Not all but a large majority.


This is taken out of context BTW. They were told they had to guess whether or not he was rich or poor based solely on how he looked. They were not enjoying it and felt guilty. Whoever trimmed it clearly had an agenda and wasn't going to let scruples get in the way.


If you think this is how a majority of women are, you need to outside and talk to someone outside of reddit, because you are clearly out of touch with the real world


"Disrespecting him respectfully"? That lesbian is trash


Lol she looks like an ugly, fat, short version of him


Fuck those two in the beginning. Also IT SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY


Apparently the video is out of context. Fuck the internet man


Get outta ma face with this “real men” bs. This has fuck all to do with gender.


Do you think that saying "real men" provide for their loved ones is saying or implying something negative about women?


Nope but do you decide to ignore the "Only you can save your family" part? That's cringe as all hell. Changes the whole message of the video.


Sorry man we didnt mean to get in your face, apologies




Gotta grind in the mines if you're a real man


His hair looked better than her. Literally nothing wrong with it🤷🏽‍♀️


You ever see the classic silicone valley tech guy? Sweatpants and a plain shirt. Those guys start off making $300k + a year


bro , are they even real ? or they are just reading scripts to pump the views?


What is this trash post?


damn that thing look like a goblin with the same hair cut as him but hee wears it better than the pale boglin. it look liked it took some sharpies and started going ham on their neck lmao


I like how she thinks that saying "respectfully" is gonna make it all good for what she said. She needs learn how to not be an asshole. I got a buddy, that I'm distancing, every time he goes out he would have stories of how some asshole start shit with him. Maaaybe you're da asshole here.


You just know if others talked to these trogs like they are, it would be the end of the universe.


She is jealous because he is not a fake man.


Shows what these dyke broads know about manhood. Better start doing girly shit again.


Not to say this isn't a good message, but they are doing a YT video.. you can find someone unattractive even if they are a good person.


Wtf is this video? "Only you can provide for your family" can't women work too? This is some high level misandry *and* misogyny shit. Good of you to hit both


I mean if the point of the original video is about guessing if someone is poor it makes sense they would be trying to judge how much he spends ok haircuts.