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Dating apps are the absolute worst thing in fucking existence. Full of narcissists thinking they're the best thing ever


They are now. They used to be much less like this though. I used to get a tonne of matches on there for hookups, and even had a couple of long term relationships through them. These days though, basically nothing and a lot of the girl's profiles are just advertising their grift pages.


Yeah that's the issue. With the rise of OF and shit, lot of these dating sites just want you to visit the OF and sub. Catfishing is popular too now as well, it's really gone downhill. Also heard bumble and etc make it where the girl has to answer first, which encourages shit like this


Bumble made the change recently. Women complained about having to make the first move. And therefore that is being removed


Tell me about the old times before I had to have an expensive car in my pfp and had to say the RIGHT word or else I would get left ghosted....


They truly need to bring back them old school call lines where it was just random and you clicked with whoever you clicked with. You'd actually get to know the person


Until you see them and realize you might like the personality, but not attracted to what its attached too. Might seem shallow, but you have to be sexually attracted your partner too...


that's why i stopped trying to use them. just insane standards


Correction: dating apps are now the worst thing ever. They used to be good. You can blame one company for that, Match Group. The guys who own match dot com. They bought up a lot of any popular sites/apps, and then forced their predatory tactics into them, ruining them beyond repair. I was trying OkCupid, and through some inspect tool work, was able to view pictures of my likes for free. Over half of them did not fall in my list of criteria I want in someone, and in most cases were exactly what I didn’t want. Probably all bots too, or some foreign girls trying to get a free pass to good old US of A.


“But if you put a lot of effort into your profile it’ll show you have a solid personality” 🤣


Overwhelming majority of matches on dating apps are based on looks, but a good profile might get you that special small percentage ☺️


My girlfriend and I matched on Bumble when she decided to swipe right on some folks who... well... she might not have usually swiped on. That profile work paid off in my case because my lead pic was not a great one.


Same. Hope it’s working out for you two. We just celebrated our third year and got a place together.


When messaging on websites was a thing, you had to write paragraphs to get girls attention. Only to get back a ..."hey"


She stopped at a rich looking man for 2 seconds longer


I think my lowest low was purchasing a ‘undo swipe left’ function in some random dating app. My wake up call was when a girl I kinda knew via via sent me a screenshot of my account they stumbled across. Promptly motivated me to remove my account from and uninstall two swipe-like apps…


I'm confused - why would that freak you and why didn't you hook up with her?


Asked if she swiped right, her response: “No of course not.”


Respond with “good, could’ve been weird” Gotta just bathe in the confidence my dude. If someone gives you flak for having an account just hit em with “I’m lonely dawg it’s rough out here, just trying to find happiness.” Makem look like an asshole


True that. Somewhere later the switch flipped and confidence started flowing I guess. Other’s negative opinions kinda stopped mattering and started dating this girl I met at community college.


What? Why would they make you feel your account? If she saw it it meant they had the app too, and that she reached out maybe meant she had an interest in you? Everyone uses the apps these days and they're nothing to be ashamed of. They're shit yes, but tbh a necessary evil at this point. I've met so many people through them that I would never have had the opportunity to organically.


The apps are in my opinion an awful self-esteem crippling influence that are mostly for quick hookups. Most of the accounts I swiped past just blatanty showed their snapchat asking to add them and said “only hookups” Her messaging me made me feel like a less of a open thing, instead of finding new people it garnered attention of people I knew, and for some reason that made me think “what the fuck am I doing?”


It brought you back into their pool??


No thank you, she hooked up with a lifeguard when we went to a swimming pool. After that she constantly hooked up with random guys at hardcore festivals. She dropped out of school and even the common friend we had said that he hasn’t heard from her in a long time.


Man fuck dating apps overall, they have to be the shittiest way to find love.


Definitely a hard way if that’s the only way you’re trying. I don’t consider them dating apps they’re just “fucking apps”, or “hooking up apps” I guess I should say


Happy cake day


Thanks! What does it mean?


Today is the day your account was made. Think of it as a Reddit anniversary. That is what that little cake icon next to your name symbolizes


Oh cool! thanks that’s dope


You are welcome


Idk been with my gf for 7 years and will be proposing in a few months. I do understand that’s not the norm but it does work for some


7 years ago it wasn't nearly as trash as it is now


Try at the start of it, incredible times.


Not really. Sometimes your lucky, sometimes your not.


Most of the time not Hahaha😂 Maybe that’s just me


Been on multiple dating apps, paid for premium packages over the course of the better part of a decade. Though I can be incredibly picky, not once have I hooked up.


Either ugly or 0 personality It’s as simple as that.


Wow that pretty incredible. You are clearly doing something wrong.


Skill issue


You actually paid for them? I take it any of their “benefits” are actually as crappy as I imagine.




I found the love of my life on Tinder - going on 6 years


8 years dating, 7 years married here!


came here to say this! Tinder works sometimes haha


Of course it works for women


So it didn’t work for the men they got with? Like what are you even saying here? Lol


That’s what I was thinking lmaooo




Me too!


I've been talking to a girl who lives a state over from hinge for a while now, meeting up soon. Seems like she's got her head on straight and doesn't play any games so I'm hopeful but you're right, fuck dating apps, they desensitised people so much.


Depends on the person. This lady is not representative of every lady. And her swiping left on you saved you having to put up with her superficial ass. Of course... if you're superficial like her and you are looking for that shallow hot girl... welp... sorry to hear that. Work on getting a mint bio pic and maybe she'll swipe right.


Found my wife through Tinder. 😅


No one's on them trying to find love 😂


My wife met my former best friend through a dating app. She and I started dating a year after they broke up (after 2 months). That was almost 8 years ago.


That sounds sus. It looks like he's your former best friend because you guys had something going when they were together


Nope. They were broken up for over a year and only went out for a couple months. She and I started talking the year after they broke up. I told him (face to face) that we were talking and trying to be friends. He said he was ok with it. A month later, she and I realized it was going to be more. I wanted him to be ok with it, so I told him she and I wanted to try dating (again, face to face). I gave him the weekend, and a couple days later, I got the text "Go fuck yourself." She got a very vulgar text. We started dating the next day. Together for almost 8 years, married for over 2 years.


you find love on dating apps? I thought it is just for the hole


I found my wife on tinder and did relatively well when I tried. You definitely have to cast a wide net but it was a generally good way to go out on dates. Granted this was like 5 or so years ago lol


It’s a crap shoot, but trying to find love on Tinder sounds horrible. Try other ones like Hinge/Coffee Meets Bagel/Bumble where they’re more than just a hookup app. Have a few friends who had good luck there. But still is tough lol


I got (really) lucky. My first match is the mother of my child, and we've been together for 6 years now. It's A way to meet people. Not the ONLY way.


Found my worst decision on tinder


I have no other choice but them


Or the caste system? Or marriage in the time of feudalism?


Me and my girl met on tinder - nearly 4 years together now and happiest relationship of my life


When you match with someone, it should show average time they spend on a profile and how many people theyve swipped on


Oof. That's some chaotic energy.


Why though? They'd make less money. So they won't do it.


“Why can’t I find a decent man!?”


😂😂😂 true


*finds a decent man "you're too good for me"


Not really trying to find anyone tbh lol I would swipe like that because I’m bored not because I’m ready for a connection 😭


Fuck dating apps, and fuck this generation.


Unfuck this generation


No need. With shit like this, ain’t no one fuckin em


There seems to be plenty young adults "creating content" of themselves doing the deed online...so much so that it's now very saturated.


If only….


This generation?


The way most of this generation behaves, yeah.


Said every older generation about every younger generation for all of human history.


I’m talking about the obsession with instant gratification and not giving a damn about anyone


"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the laws. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?" - Plato (year 400 BCE)


TIL: what I think is "boomer logic" is actually Plato logic from 400 BCE


LMAO. Older generations have always been fearful and judgemental of younger generations. Like I said... it's been a thing throughout all of human history.




Fucking is actually at an all time low in this generation


I know


Lmao, fucking look at her, she gets to be that picky. It has nothing to do with dating apps or any generation. If it were 30 years ago and you found her in a bar she's still be turning down most of the chucklefucks that went up to her.


What are they doing… looking for a shiny?


Probably just a way to kill two minutes a day for them now.


They get a little hit of dopamine each time they see someone is interested in them… but have no intention to actually spending time with them. Just a big ego boost all the time.


Twist...she's lesbian!


Man that shit is like a whipping that Jesus got lmao. It’s like maybe you should’ve not wasted both of our times for a year and just straight up said what you actually were feeling instead of making me look like an idiot and you like a bad person because you were confused about your identity.




Bro I can relate to that one. Goddamn that hurt


Then she should set her settings to women


I kinda feel stupid, but what does pushing to the left mean? Is that yes or no?


it means "NO" which is also why the commentary as she swipes is to "Give them a chance!"


Thank you. I didn't have the sound on. Now I really feel stupid.


Their bios weren't good enough obviously.


Wish I could read as fast as her…


Lol at least all the boys now understand why we’re not getting any matches😂


She is most definitely a thottie 😂😂😂 The Infamous Wall Awaits her


Surely this is the opposite of a thot seeing as she’s being very picky


What about all those memes of men making robots to swipe right as many times as possible to get matches? Or a mate taking their phone and swiping right on everyone? Why do we needlessly gender shit like this, fuck anyone of any gender who does this.


Is it needlessly gendered? IIRC women swipe left on 95% of men while men have around a 50% swipe rate.   So most women swipe like the girl in the clip but most men are fairly balanced with their swipes.


Looks like alone at 50 with 8 cats and a side of crazy.




Voice over fake af cmon yall. If ya’ll gettin this many left swipes…well,


She does look like she could command a pretty “high price”, though, based on how she looks.


The other girl tips her off


Damn she's not even really looking. Why even bother with an app you're mostly wasting your time on?


She's scrolling so fast she's gonna accidentally skip over one she likes anyway. She's stupid.


Why even be on tinder just to swipe left on everybody?


She didn't swipe left on everybody.


Started a new test tinder. Set it to show me everyone. 46 likes in a few hours. Most I’ve ever had. 44 of them were men . I appreciate you bros. Re tested using show women only . Let it sit. 1 like in 72 hours. Then nothing for 3 weeks and on. 🙂


men and women have standards.. I'm glad that arranged weddings aren't a thing where I'm at


Sadposting is just fucking annoying now


I’m sorry but she’s probably been swiping all day and reached the dregs. I’m male and I’ve used tinder exactly the way she is in the video. You can tell if you’re attracted to someone within a second of laying eyes on them 🤷‍♂️


I used to swipe like this as a guy.


Yeah but we swipe like this in the other direction and then sift among the matches 😂


That’s bad for your “elo” and algo


I found that out to my own detriment.




Same. I was a super picky swiper. Just reached 3 years now w/ my tinder match lol


Always have and still do


People would probably find a tad more success on these apps if they actually cared about who they swiped right on. I swipe left on literally 95% of people and I’m a dude lmao.


it’s an issue of supply and demand. Women have a lot to sift through.


Aka women have it really really good. Perhaps too good. Women have all the privelage. Interpersonal relationships, are after all the greatest predictor of happiness, and women just be disposing people left and right.


GothamChess at 0.08!!


As a man I do the same shit on dating apps. At the end of the day, it's better to find someone irl. You can hear their voice, see their facial expressions, and get a real sense of if you like them


What’s with the dumb ass background music


Can't say I'm much better. Anyone with/looking for a kid (over 80% of women my age) nope. Anyone with a dog, nope, anyone with far too many filters on, nope. That's probably 95% eliminated immediately.


What’s this song called? lol


Omg at gen z parties they play viral tik tok background music. I thought I recognised the start of Past Lives - Born. An actually good song but only 60 seconds at the start is what went viral on tik tok


This shit is so depressing, yet somehow hilarious haha. I truly think, and I'd make a post about it, but I see no point. All you guys bitching about this stuff, if you just got mildly in shape (ignore if you already are) that already puts you into the top fuck idk...35% in NA, have a half decent career, create yourself a decent personality you would 100% find a woman. Also, and this is a big one...quit shooting above your paygrade in terms of attractiveness, be real with yourself, if you can do all that you'll find someone you'll enjoy sharing your time with. You don't have to be perfect.


Hell yeah…that shit funny asf! She swiping their asses away! Givem a chance 🤷🏾‍♂️🤣


It's like she had to swipe left to the next 50 guys cuz she just liked one


To be fair, I do this to girls as well, I don’t see anything wrong with it. If she’s not immediately attractive to me then I’ll just swipe no, if she is, I’ll look at her profile, see if there’s anything concerning and then swipe yes or no.


Yep, and I still use them I then vague hope of finding someone. Wasting my time but hey my life is a waste so it fits


Yet she looks different from her photos too i bet lol


Wow it had been a while since I saw this video again on this subreddit. Thanks for reposting it for the zillionth time!


Maybe you only have a limited amount of swipe right and she already used it. Also, are there any dating apps that don't cost a lot of money?


Skill issue. Just be handsome and rich.


And tall


This is how all humans act when given the chance. When we have options we become picky. And why not?


Because it's narcissistic. Not to me tonight completely pointless for her to be on the app.


Its not pointless. She gets to choose anyone she wants. Thats like saying its selfish to be on the steam store, or going to a walmart. I want as many choices as possible.


I've been together with my girl since 2013 (17yo) so I've never had any of these dating apps. I just totally skipped that whole thing. It seems so fucking miserable...




It's tinder, where you reallying looking for love? Made to find flings not commitment. So I think where some may have found something special, it's not gonna be the majority.


Where TF else are you supposed to find love? Men literally have their lives ruined for simply looking at a woman in public. Dating apps are supposed to be the one place where male sexuality is tolerated.


Idk about that. Gotta first understand what type of woman you want in your life. And then ask yourself where that type of woman would be? Better pool of selection at weddings, gyms, libraries, college. Dating app is suppose to take the find part out but tinder is really more for a fling imo. I wouldn't be looking for a life partner, a mother, a respectable woman on there. That's my own opinion. Back in the day you met woman at family gatherings, bbqs and congratulatory events. I think tinder is kind of a thirst trap and I really believe there's some success but in my own opinion and bias I see more bad coming from it then good


Difference between looking at a woman in the face and maybe smiling at her, and checking her out like she's a steak dinner


Idk what to really do anymore when it comes to dating. I work 6days a week so obviously my day off isn’t ideal as I’m dead from working all week. I’ve kinda accepted I’ll like be alone forever at this rate.


I didn’t see any quality men either so I respect the effort


I actually have like 3 friends that met their wife on a dating app/website. I still don't know how it's possible but good for them I guess.


I am a lady and not all of us do this…


Many such cases




Don't trust this woman. She doesn't even know who she is swiping for.


This is exactly what I picture when I think of people using dating apps.


i hate that app so much it makes me want to cry every time i use it


If it doesn't tickle, no pick(le).


I hate how pretty she is. Is there no way to turn off the bit in our brains that makes us biast towards pretty people?


So basically.... whats the point?


You swipe left on people you aren't attracted to. The point of doing so is to not interact with someone you're not attracted to.


She's swiping so fast she can't even see the dudes.... I wasnt asking the point of a left swipe I don't live in a cave... I was asking the point of using the app at all if you aren't even going to bother looking at the people.


What makes you think she can't see the pictures that are right in front of her face?


I’m not saying this doesn’t happen all the time everywhere, but this case looks like it *could* be a girl at a wedding perhaps looking to see which attendees are available. I did this once looking for someone in particular, just to swipe left on someone watching.


But swiping left makes you feel better than large swaths of people…


That's why Jesus died. If he was alive today and had Tinder, 99.9% of the pool would swipe left on him lol xD


I saved this the last time I saw it and it was taken down from that link. I have tried to search for it and could not find it so thanks for this!


She's probably looking for yacht pics.


Meanwhile guys swiping as fast as they can whenever they see a woman that has 0.000001% body fat.


The first lay is like the interview. Nail that one, a few more might h needed. Dating is probation. Engagement is eligibility for tenure. Married is pension. Crazy ones are like options plays. The one your exactly like but incompatible with is the 401k


I just keep swiping right till some fat chick finally sits on my face. Im not picky. 😆


I met my bf on hinge and we’re living together now with his son


To be fair i do the same thing


Why is this sad? Her viewing the picture is the chance... Also, quite dating apps. Tinder alone is a 70/30 split. It's such a waste of time. Learn to talk to women and go to the gym... YOU'LL GET WOMEN BROTHER


Giving “hey, can I have some cash for gas to get to our date” a week before the actual date energy


Incel vibes (and smell) in this comment section. You are bend so much into judging her you may generate some total internal reflaction.


She swiped right on the first one after .05 seconds. Boat, because he *maybe* has a boat.


How the turn tables, millions of years men did this with women, now it is their turn, even though no one is going to pick me, I will fight for this freedom for women.


“Why can’t I find anyone”


For all the homies out there, you'll find love once you find You're self-absorbed in something you love. It radiates, anybody that can put down someone that loves doing something and shows genuine excitement is no good.


The golden era of dating apps has come and gone in the blink of an eye


To be fair for most of the time it’s true. But I’ve met nice girls, some of them are my friends for few years. I actually met nice girl years back randomly on tinder and we been together for 3 years. But I agree 90% of them are just a trash. As with everything, there’s always some % of good genuine people.


Dating apps just show the world how horrible women truly are.


How is this sad? Jesus, if playing victim was a sport some of you guys would be in the Olympics.


Dating apps are the worst.... That being said I met my wife on one, so it's not all bad. Coming up to a decade together!


Funnier thing is guys swiping right on everything....


A female friend once told me while on there, "why do I need to look at the profile. I know what I want and I want what I want" I replied with "and what if the one you want doesn't want you?" She said "their loss" if that's not crazy and toxic idk what is