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The more you look into it, the more you'll notice Sailor Moon has tons of plot holes 🤷‍♂️


5. Sailor Pluto’s arc really confused me, too, but I agree w. u/hero_of_crafts on this. Pluto’s power itself is time/space travel, so her consciousness would have to be able to spread across multiple timelines/realities. When she was reincarnated again in the 20th century, it was later in Sailor Moon’s subjective timeline, but really would have just represented another “present” for Sailor Pluto, who’s consciousness is the guardian of space/time, and technically would have to be present/conscious during every time, everywhere, all at once, forever (as long as her incarnation is “awakened” to her Guardian powers).   6.        Sailor Saturn isn’t just the Senshi of Silence/Destruction. She’s the Guardian of Death and \*rebirth\*. Part of why the other guardians were so afraid of Saturn’s role is because they didn’t completely understand it. Yes, it is a nuclear option, but the purpose of her powers is also to make room for new life. Her job is not only to bring about ruin, but to make space for new birth/growth and help it thrive. I personally love how she was reborn and got to play out her role in building a new future, because that is an equally important part of her role as a guardian. Her death/rebirth itself mirrors her guardian powers. When she awakened a second time, it was her job to guide the other guardians toward rebuilding the world from the ashes of the old one. Her second incarnation also had a major role in bringing about the demise of the spellbound Amazon Quartet, as they were manipulated to channel evil by the Dead Moon Circus. In bringing about the demise of the Amazon Quartet in that perverted incarnation, their true identities as Sailor Guardians (the future team of Sailor Chibi Moon) could be reborn. Sailor Saturn was the only one who could recognize the Amazon Quartet for their true identities, and request that NQ Serenity use her Silver Crystal power to transmute the dark energies for good. (Even though Michiru & Rei have the ability of foresight/intuition, that wasn’t enough - Hotaru’s power is able to hone in on what needs to be pruned specifically in order to make room for new growth).   https://preview.redd.it/4qjj4bu0it9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650b8ca0004c97a9696e56914cf484b29ade0dfa 7. & 8. Let me get back to you on the last two questions, because I’m rereading the last volumes right now hehe.


You know, that's one of the many reasons Sailor Saturn is my favorite Senshi. She is just amazing!


Sorry, I had to put this in multiple posts, becaues reddit wouldn't' allow it all in one..


4.        Neo-Queen Serenity’s powers being stronger or weaker than Sailor Moon’s powers is also a confusing topic. I have a bit of an outlandish theory, but hear me out.   Neo-Queen Serenity says in Vol. 6 that “Ever since I became Neo-Queen Serenity, I lost almost all of my ability to fight as a guardian.” She then explains that she didn’t have the strength of heart/courage to defeat Death Phantom and it’s all her fault etc. ... BUT, then she goes and grants Chibi Usa more power in the form of her first battle item (the Chibi Cutie Moon Rod) and Sailor Moon continually draws her power from Neo Queen Serenity in later battles, as well… the other Senshi in earlier arcs all describe the incredible awe-inspiring power of Neo-Queen Serenity, and we know that Crystal Tokyo became a kingdom of the gods (*i.e.* ppl living 1000 yrs etc.) because of her and the Legendary Silver Crystal. Sailor Moon often takes the form of the Queen/Princess, when her powers are at their strongest (*e.g.* her Moon Jesus moment we see during Vols.8/9). In that sense, I think these incongruencies are explainable in one of two ways: (A) Neo-Queen Serenity was \*just being self-deprecating\* in that moment saying that she lost all of her power/ability to fight as a Senshi, and that she’s just ashamed that she did not lock away Death Phantom as she wanted to. Usagi does have a history of being self-deprecating. Or (B), Neo Queen Serenity “split off” from Sailor Moon in a kind of timey-whimey-wibbly-wobbly sense, and there were two Usagi-consciousnesses roaming the universe serving different purposes. NQ Serenity’s role was to lead Silver Millenium/Crystal Tokyo in an era of peace, while Sailor Moon/Eternal Sailor Moon/Sailor Cosmos’s role was to continue transforming & fighting evil throughout the universe, because as Nehelenia & the original Queen Serenity said, “light cannot exist without darkness.” This “splitting off” may be explained by Sailor Moon & NQ Serenity’s decision to see and thank each other in person after the Black Moon Arc (Vol. 5), despite knowing that it would “change history.” We know that two of the same people cannot exist in the same space/time, and so it’s possible that their consciousness was split in that moment, and that rippled throughout their respective timelines/altering their powers. Anyway, the manga leaves everything open for interpretation, but I like to think of it like Usagi’s self-love (i.e. she just HAD to express gratitude to her past and/future self) meant that she got to live both of her dreams – the dream of a simple life with Mamoru and Small Lady – peacefully on Earth every day as NQ Serenity, and her dream of protecting everyone she loves as SM. I think maybe, both dreams were just SO BIG that her consciousness had to be split off, and that’s also why her timeline gets weird/she doesn’t always have linear or connected memories like the other Senshi do, as between each of her incarnated forms (NQ Serenity, Sailor Moon, Sailor Cosmos). NQ Serenity seems to have most of Sailor Moon’s memories, but not necessarily all of Eternal Sailor Moon’s memories, and certainly not Sailor Cosmos’s memories. I do admit, though, that this may be because NQS only had like 100 years left to live after the Black Moon Arc (we know Chibi Usa was 900 years old at that time, and so Usagi was at least 922, whereas the lifespan of a Silver Millenium Native was only 1000, according to King Endymion). I still like my split-consciousness theory, though, because it could be that NQS passes away to let Small Lady reign, but Sailor Moon is still active as Sailor Cosmos, protecting the universe into eternity. Again, I have to reread the last two volumes, but I think this theory holds up with Sailor Cosmos as well. Sailor Cosmos appears to have some but not all of Sailor Moon’s memories, which may be explained by Sailor Cosmos’s decision to violate the space/time rule of not occupying the same space/time as your former self, and going back in time to ask Eternal Sailor Moon for guidance/support. Like the NQS/SM interaction, I think this SC/SM interaction may have split SM’s consciousness again. Does that make sense? Or am I totally out to lunch https://preview.redd.it/yb43vpepht9d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd8ce3064be92ae462033b62844402e7632ed5c5


Your theory about splitting Usai in two makes a lot of sense.  Not only because of your explanation (that was really good in itself), but I always wondered: If Sailor Cosmos is indeed Usagi from the future- how much into the future are we talking here? She said a very distant one, so I assume the Chaos fight is not happening in the next 100 years. But if it's not- what about Chibi Usa? Wouldn't she be queen by then?  If the people from the silver millennium live up to 1000 years, Usagi would be dead by then.  And if not, she herself said she's not a Senshi anymore. I don't think you can switch being a Senshi on and off, as she would have done so when being attacked by Phantom.


Yeah! I totally agree about the switching on/off thing - I don't see how that's possible... especially because ones powers as a guardian are generated by their sailor crystals, which are like their hearts, so you can't just take your heart out... honestly that still isn't entirely explained by my split consciousness theory, but idk it's the best I could think of to make logic of the magic lol.


YAY!! This kind of discourse is what I’m here for!! I’ve also had a difficult time grappling with all of this, but here’s my take: 1.        I agree with u/hero\_of\_crafts. Minako’s mission at that time was to protect the princess by acting as a decoy. I think the fewer people who knew the better because telling more people could mean risking the princess’s proper awakening (we know that sailor senshi can be awakened improperly – e.g. Chibi Moon as Black Lady; Hotaru as Mistress 9; the Amazon Quartet as Dead Moon Circus gallies). The girls were just starting to become a team and build trust, after all. It was Minako’s job as leader to bear the burden alone until the princess woke up on her own. 2.        Agree w.  u/hero\_of\_crafts. Most of the lore in PGSM seems to be drawn from old stories about gods/goddesses including Greek & Roman mythology. PGSM also primarily draws from old Japanese folktales, including the buddhist tale of the “rabbit on the moon,” and the Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (captured beautifully in the award-winning Studio Ghibli animation, “the Tale of Princess Kaguya” – highly recommend!). In the latter, Kaguya-Hime is a god who chooses to incarnate on earth because she wants to experience the heartbreaking beauty of what it means to be human. When Princess Kaguya returns to the moon, though, she loses all her memories of the earth, except for a lingering feeling of grief and longing, which can only be explained by having experienced great love so (assumedly) the cycle repeats again, where she reincarnates back to the earth to experience humanity again and again. There’s so much more to Kaguya’s story, though, I’m really only describing what’s relevant to PGSM here, so please do watch that movie – it’s stunning. 3.        I have to reread the last two Volumes of the manga, but I don’t believe the point of transition from Sailor Guardian to taking up the role of Earth’s Queen (Silver Millenium/Crystal Tokyo) is ever completely explained. She did become the Messiah/ “Moon Jesus” (this killed me haha) during the Death Busters arc (Vols. 8/9), when all the Senshi pooled their power into the Holy Grail for her to channel their energy against Death Phantom. At that time, she temporarily took the form of Neo-Queen Serenity. Still, she continued to be a Sailor Guardian/Super Sailor Moon after that. Her magical coronation as Neo-Queen Serenity happened shortly after her transformation into Eternal Sailor Moon (Vol. 10) during the Dead Moon Circus Arc. Once she’d reached that form, her powers as Eternal Sailor Moon were the “closest to the Queen’s” per Diana. At that time, though, Sailor Moon was only 15 years old. This is a little odd because Usagi’s magical coronation doesn’t coincide with her Earth-Kingdom/Silver Millenium coronation (when the ppl of the earth actually accepted her as their Queen). We know from King Endymion’s explanation in Vol. 4 (Black Moon Arc) that Usagi actually took the throne when she was 22 years old (roughly 7 years later). The PGSM story doesn’t follow Usagi that long, though, so we never get to see how she is actually accepted as Queen by the denizens of the earth beyond the Sailor Senshi. One can assume that Usagi’s acceptance as the earth’s Messiah has something to do with the cumulative effect of her acting as its Messiah/Moon Jesus over the course of her last few years as Sailor Moon, because she appears publicly as the Messiah multiple times, but we can’t know for sure. I think Takeuchi left it open because she wasn’t sure if she would write more/expand the canon manga later. https://preview.redd.it/mxmgni1tft9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e84e78aa07ed8798d900ba2152e090e2fd456720




Ok, in order: It’s not terribly well explained but Minako was going to act as Serenity until the actual Serenity awakened to keep protecting her. The lore changes over time. Serenity and Endymion as a romance is an adaptation of the Greek myth of Selene and Endymion, that’s why Earth has a prince. Naoko didn’t know she’d get more than one volume of the manga and didn’t go deeper into the lore at that time. In the future there is a great catastrophe/ice age and Neo Queen Serenity saves the Earth with the power of the silver crystal, ushering in the new silver millennium on Earth. She’s basically moon-Jesus by that point. Again, Moon-Jesus. She’s not a senshi for the same reason her mother wasn’t, the power of a queen is different than that of a senshi. The Pluto who died in the 30th Century was still guarding the door of time in the 20th. Technically speaking depending on how you conceptualize the rules of time travel, there are 2 Plutos: one guarding the door who will die later on, and the new Pluto who is reborn in 1990s Tokyo to be a senshi and free from her lonely burden. This one is tricky. The circumstances of her awakening are highly glossed over the second time, Hotaru just kinda becomes a senshi again, but she does much more than reset the universe. My take on it is that the other outer senshi wanted to prevent her awakening the first time because they knew she was the nuclear option if they couldn’t handle the Death Busters. She may have used the nuclear option again if the rest of the senshi couldn’t stop the Dead Moon Circus. Sailor Cosmos is highly debated, but she seems to be the ultimate ascended form of Sailor Moon. Again, moon-Jesus stuff. The ultimate good to face off against the ultimate bad that is Chaos. Luna and Artemis are aliens from the planet Mau, same as Sailor Tin Nyanko. They can be humanoid or cats.


>In the future there is a great catastrophe/ice age and Neo Queen Serenity saves the Earth with the power of the silver crystal, ushering in the new silver millennium on Earth. The ice age stuff was only in the 90s anime if I remember correctly. But that would make more sense, saving the Earth and everyone knows who did it. That's another thing that bothers me with the manga, everyone has this much loyalty towards serenity but what's the reason? What did she show or do to earn that much unlimited respect?


Divine right of Moon Jesus Queen? It’s not explained because it’s not relevant to the story Naoko Takeuchi was telling us, just like the political upheaval on Earth during the Silver Millennium that saw Beryl, the 4 Generals, and the rest of the Earth attack the Moon Kingdom and kill everyone they came across, including their own Prince. Do we all want to know this? Yes. Desperately. But we’ll never actually know because the author didn’t deem it that important. It’s one of the things I’ve had to accept about the whole franchise.


ROA!! 👏


Thanks for taking time to answer all my questions. It does become a little bit clearer now! But some further questions:  - If Luna is not originally from the moon (kingdom), why does she have a crescent moon on her forehead? Can anyone simply "join" the moon Kingdom? -  Oh and it kinda seemed as if Artemis was a little bit into Minako. If he can also be a human, why was he never trying to hit on her? (I know he should father Diana so that Chibi Usa can have her own cat, but I always thought that was kinda lazy) - If, technically speaking, there are two Plutos in the 20th century, how can they share memories? The present Pluto seemed to remember her death in the 30th century, as she remembers Chibi Usa. Timey wimey, wibbly wobbly?


In order: The cats were advisors/assistants to the Moon Kingdom royalty and the senshi. This is a retcon after Naoko Takeuchi gave the cats human forms and came up with the idea of Planet Mau. Artemis’s job was to assist Sailor Venus as leader of the inner senshi and head of Princess Serenity’s guard. It might be inappropriate to hit on your charge, as well as the fact that Artemis knows Minako’s destiny is to be a senshi. Never mind that in the Sailor V manga that is a prequel to Sailor Moon, Minako’s love life is given some mystical handicaps. The Pluto who died is still alive in the 20th century. She is guarding the door of time and has not died to be revived yet.