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Simply the fact that a Duros can wear a clone trooper helmet is infinitely stupid. I would also like to nominate Hondo as a stupid character. He doesn't act like a pirate at all. He acts like a child pretending to be a pirate. Movie Dooku would have filleted him like a swine.


Hondo is that way by design. Cad Bane feels more like they wanted him to be this badass antagonist who at the end of the day is often saved by the plot. I don’t complain about it because literally everyone in Star Wars has plot armor until they don’t.


Hondo is a stupid character but at least he was funny


Hondo is literally Don Karnage.


Hondo is a combination of charisma and seems more stupid than he is. we see him have issues with his pirate band because of his personality and we see him pull tricks within tricks. later he loses everything.


I hated every Hondo episode because of hoe nonsensical they all ended up being


Hondo reminds me of the villain Don Carnage in Tale Spin, just without as much flamboyance and flair.


I keep getting him and Tabor confused


Respectfully speaking, in the Star Wars EU comics a Duro Rebel operative named Mouse was able to wear stormtrooper armor just fine while conducting a raid on an imperial base, maybe perhaps it was a nod to that reference.


All non-Force sensitive characters who can fight Jedi or Sith on equal footing have plot armour to some degree. Yeah, Cad Bane is one of them. Boba Fett is another. General Grievous is the most egregious example by far. "Just Force grab/push him lol" is something you could say in regards to any of these characters. You're right, it does get annoying, but that's the price you have to pay to get varied antagonists. Without these characters, Jedi could only ever fight other Jedi, Sith, or armies of nameless mooks who can overwhelm them with sheer numbers. If it helps, a popular headcanon people have about these characters is that they're untrained Force sensitives. It doesn't really work for Boba, since Kaminoan cloning technology doesn't work well on Force sensitives, but most characters like Cad Bane can easily be headcanoned as Force sensitives who for one reason or another didn't get picked up by the Jedi, and their extraordinary skills and/or luck are the result of them subconsciously tapping into the Force, like how young Anakin did to become an expert pod racer even though he didn't know anything about the Force.


The OG Clone Wars Cartoon showed exactly how Grievous dealt with force users and it was glorious. The CGI one is the exact opposite.


He goes from crushing Jedi Masters on 2D to losing to Jar Jar Binks in 3D and people want me to take that show seriously.


Even led to moments before the third movie, and we see why Grevious is weakened.


People are mentioning this but Legend Grievous, especially from the 2003 2D Clone Wars was shown to be extremely effective due to how physically superior he was to basically every other character. He was basically shown to be faster than a lot of Jedi reaction times and was able to physically move through basically every force push/pull that wasn’t trying to outright crush him (which is how he’s shown to get his cough), not to mention crushing things with the force is kinda against what Jedi philosophy says the force should be used for (since it’s basically force choking applied more rapidly to a different area). Even then, Windu got him by surprise as he was escaping Coruscant pre-Episode 3 with Palpatine. TL;DR: Grevious pre-3D Clone Wars was shown to be a massive threat to Jedi due to his immense physical superiority. Obi-wan’s defensive style and luck with the blaster at the end of the fight being the only reasons he eeked out a victory.


I will say that master force users like Windu could’ve also beaten grievous. In 2D with a wave of his hand crippled Grievous. I also don’t really think it was luck with a blaster that Obi wan killed him. Obi wan was still a very good shot. I still wholeheartedly agree Grievous got smacked by the nerf hammer into next dimension though


Fair. Windu is also considered to be one of the best combatants in the order. I mean, we’re talking about the guy that almost beat Palpatine after Palpatine easily killed 3 other Jedi masters.




There’s a reason he’s a quasi cyborg death cultist


IMO Grevious was far better in Legends in that regard where he was fast enough to keep with Jedi and used fear/terror tactics to fuck up their mind-state and weaken their capabilites in the Force.


I was under the impression most people just agreed the jedi had an aversion to such a vulgar use of the force as taking telekinesis and using it to directly attack another sentient being's body because it felt like an act of the dark side. Which is why they are happy to make use of it on battle droids, they aren't people they are just machines so it doesn't count.


General Egregious


Even Han Solo had plot armour to an extent. Sure, Vader didn’t want to kill him because of debts or beef with Jabba and Boba’s involvement in that or whatever, but before RoTJ came out it was very much just plot armour.m I imagine if Han’s story were told today, plenty of SW fans would complain that he’s got “plot armour” because “we don’t even see this Hutt guy at all, he only exists so that Vader doesn’t just rip Han’s legs off with his Force Amputate powers!!! Vader should be able to turn Han into Lobster al Forno served with wholewheat crackers and a Mediterranean light lager, without even batting an eyelid!”


I'm not so sure I'd go that far as describing Solo as someone with a lot of plot armour. If you ignore the Special Edition inclusion of CGI Jabba, Greedo explains the situation with the Hutt fairly enough. At the Death Star, it eventually becomes clear in film dialogue that Vader *allowed* the rescue team to escape because he had placed a tracker on the Falcon in order to discover the Rebel base. Which basically excuses to some extent why the Stormtroopers didn't kill everyone despite their abundant advantages. Han also attempts to abandon the Rebels at the end of ANH in order to pay off his debt but comes back for the final climax. Subsequently staying with the Rebels for a further 3 years until Hoth where he mentions that bounty hunters have been making blazen attempts on his life despite his proximity to the Rebels. This catches up to him by the end of ESB. Vader doesn't give a shit about him other than his value as bait to draw out Luke. He happily hands him off to Boba Fett for the bounty and gives him nary a second thought. And Jabba is very happy to hang Han on his wall to serve as an art piece. The major plot armour aspect is felt where a mostly blind Han accidentally wipes out Boba Fett. And there I will completely agree with you. It's a gag moment at the expense of character who was treated rather seriously in ESB.


I don't know man, Boba was a fan favorite after ESB thanks to his rocken costume, but I'm not sure he gets enough run to be beyond a wack of his jet pack away from death. The whole of the OT has some goofy moments from Han, this is no different and a very minor character died. You are literally the first person I've every seen complain about Boba's supposed death (until D+ needed him again).


Me personally I really enjoy the character and think he was very well executed. Cool design, voice acting and entertainment value definitely elevated the 3d clone wars for me as I think its a pretty mediocre show, however I hate the fact that they brought him back in TBB and BOBF. We were robbed of great and perfectly fitting conclusion for him as he was supposed have a final arc where he would train young Boba and ultimately be killed by him in a western stand off surrounded by bounty hunters. There's an unfinished scene on youtube where all this is shown. It was very fitting because it was symbolic of one era of bounty hunting ending and another beginning with Boba now being on top of the food chain. Sadly Filoni undid all that and made him survive through the clone wars all the way to BOBF, effectively ruining his character arc and redoing it again in a poorer fashion.


He was great in most of his scenes, he often felt like a genuine badass who got by using clever thinking in situations where you'd think he had no business getting ahead but managed to turn it around in ways that felt earned. But on a couple of occasions the plot armor was strong with him and his feats just felt ridiculous. Like when he somehow managed to fight off two of the jedi orders strongest combatants in a close range fight at the same time and overpower them enough that he was able to escape the scene even if he didn't manage to kill either of them.


As much as I hate him, I’m never going to attack someone for having a different opinion. More power to you. I agree with your view on his story. I’ve never looked at it that way


Do the Jedi really seem the type to force crush peoples esophagus to you as a first resort or even tenth? Sure they do some questionable shit over the years, but even in war they opt for the least forceful options firs like peaceful mediation and maybe capture/imprisonment. Also if I remember correctly they attempt to use the force itself as little as they can, unlike sith.


This. Cad Bane skates on the fact that the Jedi aren't supposed to use the Force as a weapon against living opponents. A Sith would trash him without breaking a sweat. ![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms)


I could be wrong but there’s a further implication that “frivolous use of the force” may be unacceptable to their teachings as well. The floating pear scene in the prequels is ambiguous and I’ve seen that line interpreted a couple different ways.


Yeah, I don't think that's relevant. The problem here isn't frivolity, it's got to do with what the Force **is**: using the Force as a weapon means perverting something that is symbiotic with life into a weapon to **destroy** life. But droids don't count because they aren't biologically alive and therefore have no Force presence.


No I completely agree with you about why it’s not used with bane first and foremost. I was just adding onto that point beyond combat because it’s so closely related to the idea.


Somehow, Filoni would write him so that he doesn’t get pasted by Sidious lol


Anakin has shown to use darker force abilities when pushed. So when facing Anakin, yeah I can see Anakin using choke or crush when he’s threatening his padawan. They also mind blitz him even though there was risk of permanently damaging his brain. Sure, if it was a first encounter, you’re right. But after enough of his shit, there’s no reason the Jedi and/or clones keep using methods of least violence Jedi aren’t always kind.


Yeah, but they were under some pretty heavy extenuating circumstances by the time they got fed up enough with his shit to start being willing to justify frying his brain 'for the greater good' of saving some babies he had kidnapped. And notably, they still weren't willing to do it without a pretty big excuse of immediate need that absolutely could not be meet through any other methods they had at their disposal. So to translate, they would probably have to be convinced that they had absolutely no choice but to force crush him because there were absolutely no other options left that might possibly deal with him.


By the time they reach the mind raping they definitely wouldn’t be crushing his airway either though, and the fact that they have him in custody is proof to themselves that their “restraint” in apprehending him was indeed the correct path. Added: none of this is useful to your argument though, because now we’re just further discussing the plot of the CW and how it’s used as armor for bane from time to time most likely due to the writers “favoritism” of the character and desire to use him in the future.


The entire argument is that the plot and favoritism is why Bane relevant


I understand, I was just pointing out that my whole last comment and that discussion is just rehashing the very plot armor, so it wasn’t helpful to your original post in a meaningful way Edit: sorry I think I’m losing the train of thought, it’s proof of what your post is saying. But there’s no one who’s denying filloni would want to use his original characters more and thus needs them alive, I feel the important question is whether that’s worth it or if it’s even present more for his characters than for other characters in Star Wars being written by and not by their creators, if that makes sense.


Ah I gotcha. I was going to say, that got confusing


Clone Wars and Filoni are just dumb in general


maybe he keeps an ysalamiri under his dumbass hat?


He has a cool hat tho


Its the same case with superhero fights. Remember the flash? Fastest man alive who can run the entire planet in the blink of an eye but a dude with a freeze gun is an actual threat? When characters are too op, bad writers will just give free plot armor all around


Dave Filoni plot armor. His characters survive longer than they should. If Dave had a character that was on Alderaan when it exploded, trust and believe that "somehow" they would survive.


It might be unpopular, but to this day I think force powers were a mistake, especially combative type ones. There really is no reason for force sensitive users to not just spam them and completely wipe the floor like the example OP gave. inb4 It's because using powers drains their mana or whatever it's explained in the novel The Jedi Resharts, idk idc it's never explained in the shows or movies why this shit prevents them from using it other than plot convenience. The only characters I ever liked with powers were Yoda and The Emperor because it shows they've gone above standard lightsaber shit. Idk.


I think the basic powers shown in the OT are mostly fine. Being able to jump a bit higher, toss small objects, and with a ton of concentration, slowly lift big objects. The problem is that the force underwent some pretty insane power creep and now you have people like pulling ships out of the sky lol


Spot on 


I always thought Embo was cooler than Cad Bane.


Not to mention *any* Force-user worth their salt would realize immediately it’s not Denal under that helmet. I think that’s one of the worst aspects of TCW, the Jedi don’t use the Force!


The "tubes that prevent Force choke" thing is particularly ridiculous. Vader could crush durasteel into a tiny cube if he wanted to. Those things aren't going to stop a Jedi if they tap into their darker impulses. Both HK-47 and Fett have shown how a non-Force user can hunt/fight Jedi. Stay in the shadows. Avoid direct engagements with a blaster. Poison gas/mines/electrocution are your best bet. Ambushes are effective, but planning too much can alert them if your intentions are clear enough. And when in doubt, blow up whatever ship they're on. But anybody who shows up against a Jedi with a blaster and a lot of confidence should get instantly steamrolled.


Yeah, but no force choke so 🤷


He’s a cool charecter with a cool design, voice, and is clearly a skilled threat. But yeah too much plot armor. Like against Obi and Vos: they just need to hold him in mid air with the force, end of story  It’s not in charecter for them to kill Jim right away but just freaking arrest him after that. He cannot counter the force grab thing  And all the other times hd constantly evades the heroes gets grating  He should not be used against Jedi; he was so much better when used against non force sensitives 


You realize jedi aren't generally in the habit of force choking people, right? I really don't understand the little rant about how the jedi should have used the force to break him in half like they otherwise made a habit of going around using telekinesis to break people in half and he was some weird exception to their habit of leaving broken telekinesis twisted bodies in their wake. And if I am remembering the scene you are talking about right, Ahsoka got cocky, dropped her guard, and paid for it when she was fighting him. IIRC this was still pretty early in her training when she was pretty inexperienced. She hadn't even switched over to dual wielding lightsabers yet. So that scene is fine to me. And it makes total sense that Anakin wasn't willing to gamble his padawan's life on him being able to break that gauntlet faster then Bane could push the button on it to open the airlock. Him throwing the kids listed in the holocron under the bus to save a loved one was perfectly in character for Anakin, he is not known for using cold hard logic when people he cares about are in danger. In fact he is pretty famous for having poor decision making skills under such circumstances. That scene where he fought Obi-Wan and Quinlan 2 vs 1 was pretty stupid, yeah. Though again, not for the 'why don't they just use telekinesis to break him in half' reason that you have brought up. Seriously, jedi don't like using the force in such an overtly violent manner on other sentient beings. They basically have some sort of religious objection to doing so and consider it dark sider behavior. This is not hard to understand. But why the hell did he even know how to use a lightsaber? Let alone get good enough with one to fight some of the order's best duelists. At least Pre Visla had weird religious reasons that justified him taking the time to get good with a lightsaber when thats usually a terrible weapon for someone with no force powers. Bane just kind of randomly knew how to use one just because.


First, I never said specifically Jedi should force choke him. I’m calling out that his tubes to prevent that is stupid and just lazy plot device to add to him to explain more of his ability to fight force users. Second, I never said that a Jedi would break him in half, even if they could. I specifically said that Anakin could break his gauntlets or other gear. Or even break his hands. Breaking hands would not be out of character when we see Jedi dismembering combatants. Or why not force pull Bane’s hand that was about to push a button and cut off that hand? I also have no doubt that Anakin could use force abilities way faster than Bane could react. Someone as powerful as Anakin could use force with some thought. All very plausible and very doable at the time. Addressing Ahsoka, I did say that force pushing attacks seem to KO every combatant, yet Bane here is fine. Yeah Ahsoka got caught here. But even after that, how are cuffs supposed to stop her? Are they some force stopping handcuffs? Again I never said Obi wan and Vos “break him in half”. They could grab him and yank his gear away from him. Maybe use the force to break his thrusters. And I’m gunna say it again, they could throw and KO him like many Jedi before have done to others. Agreed that his odd ability to use a saber is another dumb plot device. His ability to keep up with master force users physically is just dumb in general


The vs obi wan part: they don’t need to kill  him just freeze him in mid air and arrest/ disarm him. 


A lot of the OCs and plot lines in the Clone Wars was done because it looks cool with no thought about the ramifications of it. Handcuffs that completely stop the ability to use the force sure would have been great to use at some point during order 66, but they’re literally never brought up again, or the technology to perfectly mimic someone’s voice and make complete facial augmentations in an instant has terrifying implications for the world, but again it doesn’t come up again A lot of the animated stuff is built upon plot armor and contrivances that work for the moment because the writers couldn’t think of anything else