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I wouldn't trust Disney with a fucking cactus. Their ability to kill anything they touch is insane. Marvel, Indy, Star Wars, Willow, Pixar, and even their parks. Watching Disney die after what they did to Star Wars is so fun to watch.


Never stopped to think how many IPs they bungled over the past decade. They even botched their own movies with those soulless Disney classic remakes.


This is the only acceptable answer


I'm still waiting for Darth Donald Duck to make an appearance.


Can you imagine HK-47 with peak cringe dialogue?  Hard pass.


Point taken😂


Inquiry: he's right behind me, isn't he?


I wouldn't trust Disney with my coffee order, let alone any IP I have even the slightest attachment to.


What would it take for me to trust them? Fire Kathleen Kennedy, publicly acknowledge that Star Wars has been grossly mishandled under their watch, publicly apologize to George Lucas and the fans, decanonize at minimum the ST, Kenobi, BoBF, Ahsoka, Mando S3, and the Acolyte.


I never thought of the second one…. that would definitely bring a lot of people back. (If they actually mean of course)


It’s actually one of my biggest issues with their handling of everything. It’s one thing to screw up, but rather than acknowledging when they’ve screwed up, they blame it on everyone else. “Must be the fans’ fault, you’re all bigots”, etc instead of just saying “hey guys, we screwed up and we’re going to try to do better moving forward.”


I’d agree with all except decanonizing BoBF, Ahsoka, and Mando S3. I actually enjoyed Ahsoka and Mando S3, and BoBF is needed in order for Mando S3 to make sense


Fair enough. I wasn’t a fan personally, but I’m glad you were able to get some enjoyment out of them!


Hell no


In Disney's current shape, no way. These comments are very entertaining though.


Yeah. I’m enjoying every last one of them


Can’t wait to have Revan not walk between Light and dark but between genders and ofc have a lesbian relationship with Malak


What a great day to be literate lmfao


lol walking between genders by canonizing the character creation sequence at the start of the game


No. The Old Republic should never be made into live action unless it’s a side story unrelated to Revan. Worse off, Disney has shown they fundamentally don’t understand Kreia as a character. A lot of their “The Jedi were ackshully bad” and “Gray is true balance” nonsense feels like it was loosely inspired by her or at least the popularity surrounding her as a character. However, Disney has misinterpreted this completely. Furthermore, Disney’s *need* to readapt content won’t work for Knights of the Old Republic. It’s a simple story, about good vs evil. It’s just done *well*. Disney would try to be clever about it and change things to be like, “you thought this but actually this!” and it would ruin the story. Don’t even get me started on the changes to the characters they’d make and the dialogue. MCU dialogue HK-47 would be horrible.


Absolutely not. The Old Republic era is the richest era of Star Wars, and the one most full of potential. In the hands of a truly skilled team, a series set there could get close to the brilliance of GOT, but you won't find that skilled team behind Disney Star Wars. The people working on it have proven themselves to be as painfully mediocre as it gets.


Sadly, no. I mean, they're gonna do it, of course. Everything else has gone up like the coven in a stone and steel fortress. So the next stop in the grand tour of screwing up is trying new content in the only era not mangled...yet. Which is...sad. because they had a couple of things that worked well and were like faithful bits of what had been. Rebels, Andor, Mandolorian seasons 1 and 2. Who knew you were the best of the offerings, rather than just the start of the good stuff.


Fuck no. Why would anyone?


You’d be surprised how many Disney apologists exist


Many of them are like, "I'm ready to give sw another shot *clown emoji*"


I don’t trust them breath without finding a way to charge people a premium.


Nope. Their SW shows are soulless cash grabs.


Fr. The biggest mistake they make time and time again with Star Wars is they prioritize money and their social justice checklist over the actual story.


I would say Disney deserves all the blame they are getting but only partially. The individual showrunners need to accept the majority of the negativity for their creation. Why? They also made Andor. Which means they aren't intentionally supporting shit, just that they're stupid and can't tell or don't care about the difference.


Eh, it's still Disney's fault, mainly for allowing it to happen. They are enablers.


They made Andor because they gave it to someone competent and left it alone because they didn't care about it. I doubt they'll make that mistake again.


Exactly, so that's a model that they have the capacity to repeat it.  They just have to pick better showrunners/writers, have a few guys (set dressers) who are super nerds to ensure congruence, and then disappear.


Sure, it'd be easy. But they're not going to do it. People high above them are pulling the strings.


Andor S2 would be the litmus test afaik. Did they fuck with it? Hopefully we can tell whether what you're thinking is actually standard practice. I'm my head, the blueprint or ideal is what happened with Rogue One, where the initial finished movie, their first Star wars story, was shit. They went through massive rewrites and reshoots, Gilroy applied for some guild credit which you can only get if you rewrote ~ over 40% (not 100% sure of the specifics), and Rogue Pne is now seen as pretty great. So the movie was shit, the execs got involved, someone tapped Tony Gilroy, and the movie turned out great. Probably every time after that, excepting Giltoys set, either through ambition or actual issues, the shithead execs have inserted themselves into th creative process and that's how you get here. Maybe.


It doesn't help that they hired activists instead of writers or directors. It's ironic, Christian movies have historically had this issue: message before plot, which why so many Christian movies are terrible. Disney is doing the exact same with a MUCH bigger budget, while crowdfunded Christian show The Chosen is actually really good.


I had falsely hoped the acolyte was somehow going to recanonize the Plagueis novel and throw a bone to people who wanted some legends stories made live action. Although I don't think it has conflicted with it in any major way, so far, that is obviously not what is happening. Maybe something miraculous will happen in the next 5 episodes but I'm not holding my breath. That being said. If they came out and said "we are making x old Republic novel a movie" or "we are making KOTOR a series" then yes, I think they have the resources and production capabilities to do so. If they just said they were setting a show in the old Republic era then I'd be a fool to get my hopes up at this point


No. Here’s a simulation for what happens if you hand Kathleen Kennedy a pot of chili. ![gif](giphy|cE9GVwn2mJwoSvScrI|downsized) Cue Rian Johnson arguing that this is subverting expectations of eating food.


Only difference is- she dropped said chili pot on purpose, and proceeded to blame the fans for the mess on the floor


I'd trust Dave Filoni to world-between-worlds Ahsoka into the story somehow and have her destroy the Star Forge instead of Revan. Maybe she could redeem Malak while she's at it because he was just misunderstood. Rachel Zegler could play Bastila Shan to ensure the complete demoralization of every problematic fan who once liked that character. This might be just what I need to finally break my Star Wars habit at once and for all. Bring it on.


If this somehow happens… Don’t get mad when you hear a knock on your door.


All they’re going to do is lobotomize all of the beloved characters involved with cringe dialogue and shit character development.


I wouldn’t trust modern Disney with a sealed jar of peanut butter.


Hiring Chris Avellone for the adaptation is what it would take


About the only thing I can think of at this point for them to regain trust, short of decanonizing everything they've touched, is to bring George back and put him in charge. That would probably still be bad, but it would be a good kind of bad lol.


Behold! Here lies the script to Disney's KOTOR TV series, telepathically pulled from the top minds of Disney: * Episode 1 * The pilot begins on Taris, with the player character waking up in an escape pod in the Undercity. He is rescued from a pack of rakghouls by Mission Vao, who is searching for Zaalbar. They manage to evade the various patrols and enter the Vulkar base. There, they find Bastila and Zaalbar, who worked together to kill Brejik, and are currently looking around for a way to leave Taris. * Episode 2 * After finding their way into the Upper City, they encounter Mandalore bullying Carth, who is a cowardly guy in this continuity. Mandalore suggests a way offworld by stealing the Ebon Hawk, and offers to personally assist the group in assaulting the Sith Base for the launch codes, but Bastila refuses his help. After acquiring the launch codes, Bastila leads the team into invading Davik's Estate and stealing the Ebon Hawk for herself, but leaves Carth for dead. Mandalore reveals that his people gave him a ship to get offworld, and promises to meet the team later. * Episode 3 * Upon reaching Dantooine, the Council there is revealed to be a bunch of incompetent losers who feel that Malak is no threat whatsoever. However, Bastila takes her team to the ruins, and convinces the droid there to give up the Star Forge's location after it recognizes the player character. They then go on the Ebon Hawk to visit the Star Forge despite the disapproval of the Council. * Episode 4 * However, the team is intercepted by the Leviathan. They are interrogated by Saul Karath, who reveals that he found Carth on Taris, and has recruited him to be under his command once again. Carth tells Bastila that he won't forgive her for leaving him for dead, and that he will see Coruscant destroyed like Taris. Mission finds a way to help the team escape, and then fight their way to the hangar before being ambushed by Malak, who reveals the player's identity. However, they are interrupted by Mandalore's forces, who help the team against the Sith Lord. Carth catches up with the escaping team, but decides to let them go. However, he is swiftly executed by Karath. * Episode 5 * Through the use of a "hyperspace override", the Ebon Hawk somehow jumps to Dantooine. It is revealed that the Council did this is order to kill the player and imprison Bastila. However, when all hope looks lost, the Sith enter the battle. Many of the Jedi Masters are killed, and the Ebon Hawk escapes. * Episode 6 * Bastila's team reaches the Star Forge. As Bastila faces Malak in battle, the player activates the Star Forge self-destruct sequence. Mandalore's forces then join the battle, blowing up the Leviathan and Karath himself, while also providing covering fire for the Ebon Hawk's escape. Once Malak is slain by Bastila, the crew of the Ebon Hawk is personally congratulated by Mandalore for a job well done.


I'm confused. Shouldn't there he lesbian space witches in KOTOR?


Ah, that would be the sequel, where they use their spontaneous baby creation powers to nuke Nihlus in the midseason finale.


Real question: does HK still go around calling everyone meatbags? Because that's about the only way I'm gonna be able to get behind this.


He does, though other parts of his speech were somewhat changed. Request: Pardon me if I am being too bold, Mister Meatbag, but may I ask that we proceed to the Star Forge so that we may negotiate with Malak with all speed? Statement: Several miniature meatbags appear to be gathering about you, Master. Such a beautiful display of life...Sigh. Praising Statement: Yes, Master. Those copies of me treat meatbags in the best way I can fathom. I would like to ask them to join us, so that they may lend their mighty legions to our grand mission.


I wouldnt trust disney and thier director choice, the issue disney has right now is everyone their hiring either has some agenda base design, or doesnt even know what SW is even about.


They are incapable of writing anything that isn't completely on the nose so no I wouldn't trust them with it.


Fuck no, I wouldn't trust them with a fucking washing the dishes.


No! I’m not sure it even needs to be adapted in a film format.


Absolutely not.


I wouldn't trust Disney to run the night shift at a Denny's, let alone make more Star Wars projects.


Under Kennedy? Hell no. She's proven time and again that she does not understand Star Wars and needs to be replaced. It baffles my mind that Disney's okay with keeping someone that's consistently releasing content that's further destroying the fandom and making Star Wars, the property they spent billions on, less profitable. Disney needs to finally remove her and put someone who actually understands Star Wars in control (and I do mean Star Wars since they're not gonna do much with the other Lucasfilm properties they have).


Actually though. How in the world is she still in that position???


Honestly, I have no clue. Like after the travesty that was Solo, she should have been fired then and there. Then as more Star Wars content, the last Indiana Jones film, AND the Willow series doing poorly in ratings and views, you'd think she'd have been fired for all those flops based on how her decisions has been losing Disney more money.




After to seeing episode 4? Yeah it’s either fire Kathleen, or selling the Franchise. Star Wars cooked beyond belief, and I don’t mean that in a good way


lol no


Fuck no




>would you trust Disney No




I wouldn't trust Disney to tie my shoes.


I wouldn't trust Disney to tie my shoes.








I'd prefer a comic run. They create higher quality product within the comic runs and books, novels, etc. Shows are tricky.


No, Disney clearly can't write Good vs Evil how are they going to write nuance?


Hell no. And it would require someone who loves the Old Republic knows EU inside out and would have creative control.

