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Should’ve just been this: Former Jedi padawan, Qimir, struggles with fully submitting to the dark side as his master, an unknown entity, takes him through Sith history to show him how powerful he can become. Meanwhile, current Jedi master, Sol, is constantly trying to pull his former apprentice, Qimir, back to the light while also struggling with his own dark side that tugs at him from within. Boom. Done.


that’s cool but could you put a chick in it and make her lame and gay?


That is exactly what Star Wars fans are looking for and needing is what Kathleen Kennedy has going through her head....


Easy. Put one into the mid season for Qimir to kill as his point of no return.


This power…does it come from one? From two? Perhaps even from…many!?


It does come from Manny… Jacinto.


I’d watch this shit


Ding ding ding.. exactly. They just had to focus on that boring Mae/Osha plot.


>Former Jedi padawan, Qimir, struggles with fully submitting to the dark side as his master, an unknown entity, takes him through Sith history to show him how powerful he can become. tbh that just sounds like kylo ren and snoke


I think that played out in the comics more, very surface level in the movies


Why would you do this to me? To actually show what an interesting SW show could be?


Their best characters are background characters so they can create more spinoffs. /s


The monkey paw curls so now we will end up with a Reva *(Moses Ingram from Kenobi)* spinoff.


With KK and DF at the helm, this almost isn’t /s


Qimir and Sol carried this episode so hard. The first 20 minutes of this episode were legitimately engaging imo. And then we dove right back in to awful writing with discount parent trap


They’re the most interesting characters, the best written, and the only two that can remotely act. Amandla is one of the most bland actors ever. It’s surprising. Get some damn coaching. Sigh.


I feel bad because in all her interviews I've seen she seems like such a genuine fan but she's one of the worst parts of the show for me. Granted the writing isn't doing her any favors and the twins just suck as characters, but her acting just makes the problem even worse


Genuine fan is not a qualifying characteristic of a good actor. A combination of raw talent and training makes a good actor, couple that with good writing and compelling story and you have a good character. 


I don't even think being a fan of a property matters for an actor. Sure, do some research for the part if you want, but all they need to do is act. The showrunner/director and the writers are the ones who need to understand the properties and be fans.


Exactly. It’s just a job.


The twins are brain dead dude I can’t tell if it’s bad acting but it’s 100% bad writing


It’s the worst combo, both. The dialogue is shit, and she can’t act.


I feel bad because she’d at least have a chance if they didn’t write her to be two of the worst characters I’ve ever seen


Writing is only part of it, she could have added some expression and emotion with the existing script…. But she didn’t. I agree the writing is bad, but only a portion of it. Maybe she didn’t spend the time to really digest what emotions Osha would be feeling to be able to portray her. She could take a page out of Heath Ledger’s book and really live the character. Or maybe she did and didn’t have the skill to show the emotions.


Can't rap either, that song she put out is embarrassing.


It’s not a song, I can’t call that a song. Not sure what I’d call it, but it ain’t a song.


The way they had Mae running in that episode? Purely bad writing.


That and like she just doesn’t respond when she’s confronted with anything she’s just like ahhhhhhhh and fights and loses


"Genuine fan"...nah, I don't buy that. There's a little interview where she's sitting with Headland where she says she'd go dark side if she had a choice. Any genuine fan invested in the lore knows that's a terrible idea, but I'm not going to get into why. She's a casual fan, at best, who only looks at surface aesthetics and the feel of Star Wars tropes rather than their deeper meaning. It's a problem with a lot of new Star Wars fans.


You must be the kind of person that thinks that Karate Kid is about Daniel Larusso (Ralph Macchio) instead of Johnny Laurence (William Zabka).


The Karate Kid is about Keisuke Miyagi, an immigrant who fought against his own people in World War II, while his wife lost a child in an internment camp! Noriyuki Morita was nominated for an Academy Award for his performance! Ralph Macchio? Showed up.


I've never seen it, so I legitimately have no idea what you're talking about. I know Johnny gets coerced into sweeping the leg by his evil sensei, ends up rightfully losing the fight anyway, and that's about it. And wax on, wax off.


That's a joke from "How I Met Your Mother". Character Barney Stinson is a fan of Karate Kid villain, have the plot twisted, while criticizing the others for their lack of understanding. Here, I was being Barney...


Seriously - I can't understand how Disney allowed someone to "act" in a series like this, who clearly just isn't connected to the character or can't appear to be emotionally invested. Staring blankly and talking awkwardly is not professional level acting. This should have been pretty obvious in auditions, so like who did they reject for this role? Because man, they must've been a real disappointment.


I find it interesting that she can convey so many different emotions with the same expression.....


Now that’s skill right there. She’s essentially as good as Vader. https://preview.redd.it/u5qtbfipky8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c2137616d690572d6ab9f38d6fd71756a7c0a7a But seriously, how did Vader, in a full suit with mask, convey more emotion just through tone and small posture adjustments???


All jokes aside you're 100% right, Vader showed far more emotion compared to most of the cast in this series.


I like how she portrays Mae.  I don't care for Mae constantly flip flopping, but that's a writer thing, not an Amandla thing.   Osha, though... she makes my knuckles itch. 


Right? OP's opinion isn't unpopular. The concensus I keep seeing across the internet is that this show would be great if you removed Osha/Mae completely and ran with it.


Why couldn’t Sol sense that wasn’t Osha?!?


It’s possible he did. When he asked “Where is she?” Mae asked “Who?” And rather than committing to saying the name, he said “Your sister.” He might know it’s Mae, and is willing to play along for now.


Why leave Osha behind though? He can easily subdue Mae if he has to. He didn't even try to look for her and risk leaving her alone with Qimir Edit: if he didn't know, that is


So that he doesn’t have to face his darkness?


Seems kinda cruel for him, no? Like he definitely did something shady in the past but everything we've seen in the present has shown him to be a good guy who's compassionate. Doesn't seem like the type to knowingly abandon Osha and leave her with the sith that killed Jecki in front of him


I'll bring you up to speed on the script. People making bad decisions to drive the story line is part of the series formula. The series will conveniently end when someone stops making bad decisions.


That bold of you to assume this show will end. If we have to rely on characters making well thought out decisions and actions, this may as well be a daytime soap.


Yeah he definitely didn't look sure it was her, besides he needed to get back to the ship so he can call Ki Adi Mundi and tell him that there's Sith knocking about. 😬


Why didn’t they give her a haircut day one-anything to make a simple change in appearance we gotta have one of these twins wear a hat or something I can’t tell whose who


What bugs me is that the Evil Twin has a giant spiral tattoo right above her eye on her FOREHEAD. How is anyone getting confused when there is such a massive and clear difference between them right in plain view.


Also convenient that the sisters have the same hairstyle despite not seeing each other in 16 years. That's . . . unlikely.


Quality black haircare is hard to find in a Galaxy Far Away.


Apparently not at the Jedi temple. Yord’s hair was on point.


He did, thats why he didn’t kill her and notice her tatt from the previous episode from his shop


Guy just saw his whole squad get merked his mind is a little clouded


Osha watches Yord get slashed with a lightsaber to the point of stepping into the fight. LESS THAN 5 MINUTES LATER "Your hurt!?". I swear no one put any thought into the dialog.


discount parent trap Love it


From my point of view he is the protagonist ![gif](giphy|bA0ZgRipQxzP2)


Then you are lost!


Aren’t we all? Just a few flakes of stardust floating in an infinite void. But at least we’re lost together.


From my point of view this is the real protagonist ![gif](giphy|l3fZBXlQfKQ0Ku0ta)


![gif](giphy|xT9DPATDFcOjRWf56M) From my point of view this is the real protagonist.


Darth Bortles


Nahhh Disney only writes good characters as backround characters so that when their poorly written lead faces off against the cool side character, magically the main character becomes cooler somehow


Are you saying that you think Qimir is a good character? We practially don't know anything about him. I don't think simply being a Sith aficionado makes a good character.


That’s what makes him good, it’s all up to interpretation, aka Disney left us a blank slate with this guy 😂 anything else and we would’ve hated him for good reason, because Disney can’t write


We know more about qimir than we did for 22 years about Boba Fett. Didn’t stop people from liking Boba Fett.


This arguably applies to Andor, and yet I really liked Andor. :D


Kinda agree. Everything just happens *around* Cassian. He's almost an observer in his own show. Which is fine though because the ensemble cast is incredible. Cassian adds to it but doesn't detract like Osha/mae. Also tbh, Luna doesn't have very many facial expressions either. Was never too impressed with that aspect of his acting.


For some reason Disney has no idea how to write a main Star Wars protagonist. Not one single show or movie has had the main character be the highlight. There are good side characters occasionally, sometimes decent settings, but not one single new main character has been anything special. In fact, they've more than often been the weakest parts of their shows. Qimir is a solid and unique character, that I know I have wish we got more of. But then if we did I don't think he'd be written as well...


Osha is an extremely bland MC. Not much to her that is unique other than she’s a former padawan. The backstory with the fire is so underwhelming and the relationship with her sister is uninteresting. Give me more Sol and Qimir


Amandla is wooden and unfocused. She seems to be more concerned with how she looks on screen versus actually acting the part. The script doesn't do her any favors but genuinely think any professional actress who auditioned would have done a better job.


That's a good way to describe her performance. I agree. Unfortunately, Leslye didn't do much auditioning. She selected people solely on how they looked based on their appearances in other shows. She did not do auditions for Mae/Osha or Sol. She said she went straight to them with a job offer because she "knew" they were perfect. I think it worked with Sol, but not with Mae...


The actor is not doing that great, her facial expressions don’t sell anything. I had so much more respect for her before her music career kicked off with cringe


Cassian Andor carried his show. There were plenty of fantastic characters along side him, and I don’t mean to detract from them, but he was there through every arc and was a key point to each and every one and never took a back seat. And that’s saying something with characters like Luthen, Kino, and at least half the crew of the heist.


Using Andor is cheating. I’m not sure there’s a bad character in that show.


I agree! OP made a blanket statement that Disney has not made a good character at all so I felt it was fair to mention one of the best pieces of Star Wars media ever made.


They write 90% of their women as Mary Sue, and 90% of their men as complete idiots. They don't know how to write characters, period. Some side characters end up being good because actors carry them and there's less exposition dump of them.


The power of one. The power of two. The power of Mannyyyyy Jacinto.


Why have Juan Jacinto when you can have Manny?


I'm really hoping at some point Qimir tosses an improvised weapon that's just a bottle of alcohol with a lit cloth on top.


Well, considering he already has metal that's better than Cortosis, Beskar, Phrik and the many other lightsaber resistant metals, yeah fuck it pass him a molotov cocktail.


The Power of One, The Power of Two, the Power of Beheading


He’s honestly the only part of the acolyte I’ve enjoyed so far, although I wish it was less obvious it was him


We knew from the start! No surprise.


I suspected but in episode 4 when he comes down from the tree scene you can see his hand holding the lightsaber and it’s obviously his. I went back and compared forearms from earlier scenes.


Dude was reciting the Sith code in the trailer, from then on I was pretty suspicious he would turn out to be a Sith.


See that would be a good story and Disney is determined to milk SW for its worth while simultaneously destroying the IP for previous and future generations.


If they made a show about Sol investigating a lead on Qimir it would've been so much better than this. They carry the show HARD, though Jecki and Yord are also cool side characters for me


Sol investigating with his Padawan Jecki would’ve been pretty awesome too. Akin to Qui & Obi.


>!were also cool, rip!<


I saw in an another episode discussion thread that you could basically do Star Wars Death Note where Sol and Qimir are doing the cat and mouse dance around several murders of Jedi.


Is that the actor from The Good Place?




The fact that Jason Mendoza is in this makes me want to watch The Acolyte now


He was in Tom Cruise Maverick too. There's one scene in the Top Gun briefing/ready room where Rooster is looking all focused and concerned and Manny's character is in the back looking like he's gonna fall asleep.


I’d like one about Sol and qimir where it’s this cat and mouse game of soul trying to figure out who the sith is and then halfway through he figures out it’s qimir but he needs to find solid evidence 


We could’ve had Death Note but Star Wars and it would’ve been awesome. Should’ve gotten Tony Gilroy to write it too, since he’s the only competent writer involved in Star Wars.


For what it’s worth, I’m hoping “the acolyte” is referring to him, being the apprentice to a greater Sith Lord. If there is a season 2, I hope it focuses on this dude. But I don’t think Disney is that smart.


No way in hell this show gets a season 2 lol


No way, fam! Unless they have no taste at Lucasfilm. Based on their output, though, it seems likely they can't tell what's good or bad anyway. Might as well greenlight trash.


Yeah who tf knows. I doubt it as well.


It would actually be hilarious if he is the sith acolyte, and he's just been manipulating May and OSHA into doing the kills that he was supposed to do to prove to his master that he was worthy lol


I think he’s just trying to find an apprentice strong enough to help him kill the real Sith master. I think he’s already “knighted” as a Sith. He’s clearly powerful since he pretty easily smoked half the cast in one episode.


I wonder if people will forgive all the sins of this show if the final episode features him attempting to overthrow his master with Mae and they both get slaughtered in an instant and it turns out to be Plagueis who is in fact in the early days of plotting against Tenebrous. As in Mae is an Acolyte to Qimir who is an acolyte to Plagueis, who is not the acolyte but a true Sith apprentice, to Tenebrous.


He seems more than capable of doing whatever she was supposed to do.


I like to believe his master is Darth Tenebrous.


Hopefully. We know they have the balls to kill main characters so I’m hoping the show ends with sol killing smilo ren then darth tenebrous shows up and smokes sol, to later reveal a young plagueis. Sol has die. I think that’s a stretch but I can hope.


If he has a Master, than The Master will wack him in the last episode(maybe post-credit)


I've been waiting for the show to have the baddie as the protagonist. That's what this was billed as, no?


Yes, it was. But then again so was Battlefront II and we all know how that turned out.


Don't be silly, he's a male, and not black


I mean, they massacred Finn …


Finn is a male


Isn't he going to be the guy in the gimp suit?




Agreed. The sisters are awful and I couldn’t care less about their arc. Manny Jacinto is electric in this episode. Just straight killed it (no pun intended). I was skeptical he would make a good sith, but boy was I wrong. He was absolutely menacing and is the best live action antagonist since Maul in Phantom Menace. I thought this show was pretty lame up until now, but credit where credit is due. They didn’t pull any punches this episode and I hope they keep going in this dark new direction.


a show about literally anyone else in this show except for Mae and Osha would’ve been more interesting


This episode (5) was…not awful. Still full of tropes…but the lightsaber fights (finally!) were pretty legit, and Manny was great as Smilo Ren. However, episodes 4 and 5 should have just been a single hour long episode… Also, as the dad of twins…the “switcheroo” is stupid. Parents (and proxy parents like Jedi/Sith Masters too…I guess) know their kids…even when they’re identical… ![gif](giphy|X5i2BoQeD9kWY)


I disagree. He is an OP, an uber-strong character that had no place in that period of time. What were we promised? A story set at the height of Jedi power. Okay. Does anyone, anyone feel safe when you have these bumbling morons from the show around? One Jedi even murdered himself! Trinity is drinking in bars, one is doing some weird meditation, another is so stinky that he went into an exile and died from a lightsaber cut, and the Consul is so impotent that a green director's wife denies them any information. Compare it to the trilogy. When Mace Windu was on the screen, you got the feeling that Palpatine could not win that easily. Yoda and the rest of the Jedi inspired confidence. The two main heroes of PM did not lose instantly to Maul; it was a battle to a standstill, the Jedi are shown doing diplomatic missions and evading traps to kill them. Acting like professionals. The Jedi from the Acolyte lost their guide several times in the bloody forest, and they didn't know not to touch random growths on a tree barehanded. And this douche waves his hand and sends 8 or 10 Jedi (who are specifically made into a team to take down a dark-side force user) flying and then kills most of them. WTF am I even watching? He comes off as stronger than Vader, and yet, for some mysterious reasons, no one knows that the Sith are back. The fundamental premise of the show is incorrect. This is not the period when the Jedi were at their peak. This is the time when they were incompetent and pathetic.


I don’t know as much about the High Republic era as I do other eras. But I think during this time, the Jedi really weren’t prepared for anything like the Sith, but I could be wrong. So when they ran into Darth Smily they had no idea what to expect and were clearly not up to the task. And because the Jedi are always depicted as being arrogant, these poor souls expected to waltz in, subdue the bad guy, and be back to the temple in time for Jawa juice and cookies. When he started hitting them with the cortosis they knew they were out of their depth. They were sent to apprehend a young girl who had some skills, not a Sith. The one thing that did bother me about the fight was Jecki. She handled her business but as a padawan she was out performing several knights. I found that a little hard to believe. Not impossible to believe but it felt a bit off.


I agree with your point on Indara, her death was lame and unbelievable for a Jedi Master. However, to be fair to the show: — The Jedi going on this mission, save Sol, are pretty 'mediocre' as far as Jedi go. Yord's just a knight and he was probably the 2nd strongest there. Jecki's a Padawan and she gave him a pretty good fight — The Sith of the Bane line are all *pretty* powerful as far as I understand, from the books I've read at least. There being two the master doesn't waste time with middling talent, he needs a *very* talented apprentice All that said I didn't like that Qimir felt it wise to confront that many Jedi, at all. It's a plain dumb decision. He could've stayed in the hut and killed Mae inside, then fled before being seen. I find it unbelievable that he's so brazenly risking discovery of the centuries-old Sith plan


We have a situation at hand. A dark sider had killed two Jedi masters and escaped from the third. First, we have a Jedi who blocked this information from getting to the Jedi Council (on what authority and why is everyone listening to her? I have no idea). Next, she sends a team after this dark sider. A team of Jedi who apparently can't fight? Are they trying to force feed Jedi to this enemy? This is a clearly inane situation; why is no one objecting to her? But maybe the team is competent. What do we have then? In the novel, Palpatine tricked the coming Jedi, attacking from surprise; he did otherwise in the movie but was overpowered by Mace Windu. He does not simply lift a hand and wave all opposition away. Palpatine paid for his hubris of taking several Jedi at once. Neither did Darth Maul; he, on purpose, lured the Jedi into an area where he could separate them in the movie. What does this OG character do? In episode 3, we are introduced to the concept of blocking force push. In episode 4 he pushes everyone away. What does this tell us? That the Jedi are too weak to block it. How does this paint the Jedi in a favorable light? Even Anakin had a massive army at his side when he took on the Jedi, George Lucas went on great length to show that the Jedi are dangerous and that the Sith need elements of shock, surprise, or area advantage to win. It is all thrown out of the window here. With all due respect, I can't accept your point. If this OG character is stronger than Palpatine, then surely he would've been recorded. And how did the green director's wife conceal the deaths of over ten Jedi from the records and the council? Way too many Jedi have already died in the show. This situation should be the council's first priority to solve, yet they are held utterly in the dark by a lower-ranking Jedi who apparently also controls the entire order as she easily forms teams and conceals their deaths. I don't understand how this is the height of Jedi anything, aside from stupidity.


I'm not saying he's stronger than Palpatine, or actually anywhere near as he's probably the apprentice, not even the master. I agree with your points on the larger plot being bad I'm saying for a trained Sith Lord (and apprentices ARE Lords too) some mediocre Jedi are really nothing much. You can't compare what Palpatine went up against, those were four of the strongest Masters at the time. These Jedi are nothing compared to that Only Sol, the (to my knowledge) only Master there, was a match for him. And actually Sol completely kicked his ass towards the end of the fight and would've killed him if not for Osha The Force push, I just don't think they were expecting that to be honest. I get your point, but you have to realise that the Jedi of this period are just not prepared for a fully-trained dark sider. They had faced Mae before and didn't have any problems with her, Sol especially dealt with her easily But like I said I agree with your points on the plot, neither the Jedi nor Qimir's actions make sense. Vernestra is wildly irresponsible and like you said the extent of her authority is unclear— she's not even on the council apparently. As for Qimir, he had no reason to expose himself the way he did and for all he knows Sol's on his way to Coruscant to tell everyone and their mother the Sith are back


It's truly funny that this show is supposedly taking place at a time when the Jedi were *"at the height of their powers"* yet clearly this seems like their lowest point where they have in a short span of time had at least half-dozen Jedi murdered honestly without much difficulty by the attackers nor without any retaliation.


Just make a series about young Watto


Watto Jar Jar buddy cop spinoff please


Darth Jacked


This definitely should've been Sol the Jedi detective investigating a series of Jedi murders that leads him on the trail to Qimir. Then once Qimir reveals himself as a Sith it should feel like a ticking clock for Sol to race to get the information to the Jedi while being hunted. Basically a gritty Noir detective story that turns into a tragic horror thriller by the end.


He's also a massive hottie. Which is like... important. To me.


His arm muscle and action scene were cool! Sorry I had made joke about him calling Dollar store Ezra Miller.


It's okay, we were all thinking it ![gif](giphy|sx6Tlo7xrzF2m24mNs|downsized)


An unpopular opinion with Disney maybe, he's still a man


I’m pretty sure that won’t be an unpopular opinion I’ve heard he’s the most interesting character in the show


It seems pretty clear that he is still an acolyte. “I have no name.” He feels the need to prove himself to become a Darth.


Yeah, if you replaced the show runner, writers, directors , most of the actors and focused on this guy the show could be pretty good


I think it could’ve been interesting learning from the bad guys point of view for a change. This show just can’t be saved. Lightsaber fights were the only good part of the episode


Mainstream western media is allergic to east asian males.


i hear ya, i hoped for acolyte to be good. my support for it is conflicted. it has 2 asian males playing some important characters, something rarely seen represented in western media let alone star wars. it's just too bad the show is eh i've come to accept that star wars is no longer for fans who want to be immersed in its established lore and universe. it's consumed for those who are easily impressed with space battles and light sabers—cool for the sake of cool—not to say that's an entirely bad thing, but there are battles that aren't even done well. *cough the throne room scene cough* personally, once andor s2 is out and done i'll also be done with the franchise.


What if this story had no Jedi in it? What if, instead, it revolved around a Sith who discovered a community of witches who had learned to manipulate midichlorians to create life? The Sith proceeds to try learning of (taking) this skill by force. You could have left all the same overtones of oppressive patriarchy, but the source of evil would have been Sith instead of Jedi.


Not an unpopular opinion at all! His character is actually cool


Does he have a Star Barber? Or does a droid cut his hair? Wookipedia needs answers!


Somehow he will be the antagonist I bet




This guy was great.A true psycho, he snapped a Jedi's neck. Some next level Chuck Norris shit. He's hyper lethal and his saber moves were really cool.


Yup, he is the best part of the show.


Sol and Qimir are carrying this series, period. I would like to see them fight again and again for the next three episodes and be totally happy.


Agree completely. Here's the thing for me - the biggest gripes about Mando S3 and Kenobi is that the shows weren't about them. And the shows were more concerned about "side questing" - focusing more on different characters other than Mando and Obi-wan. In this show - it took 4 episodes but writers have now done it again! You have "two" characters - Mae and Osha - who we thought the show was going to be about and once again, we now have a side quest. Only this time - the side quest is better! Honestly, I have zero interest in seeing how Mae and Osha reconcile. And its gonna happen. To me, the compelling characters are Sol and Qimir. No question. No debate. No rebuttal. Focus the 3 remaining episodes on them!!


If the show's main characters were Sol and this guy and the twins were secondary, the show would have a lot more potential. This episode actually showed flashes of potential but was really bogged down by this goofy twins switcheroo main plot.


Episode 5 just showed how pointless the story about the sisters was. It’s The Last Jedi all over again with trying to subvert people’s expectations just for the sake to get peoples reaction. This episode was bad all around. The fight was great but sometimes I just felt it was lacking something. The lightsabers look like toys, they don’t clash like they have before. They bounce off each other now which is horrible. Good character are taken out just like that is crazy. The main character doesn’t even react to it or cries.


I thought his character and acting was as bad as the leading actress. Master Squid Game is the only one putting some effort, everyone else in this show can't act their way out of a paperbag to save their lives.


Especially that lady with the green body paint.


Shes the producer's wife. You can tell.


Get ‘em! It's wild that we have that in this show. Her acting is lazy and low-effort. She cozy, knowing sugar-mommy got her back.


🤣🤣🤣 really? Believable!




Rule of Two means all Sith (except at the top) have a Master and Apprentice. The whole point is that every apprentice is supposed to get strong enough to kill their Master. This in turn keeps the Master on his/her toes to stay ahead and remain powerful enough to still be of service as a Master so they don't get killed. Apprentices in turn get apprentices (I think he's referring to them as Acolytes) who serve the same role for him as he does for his Master.


Would have probably been a more focused show instead of this mess. Only reason he's even in this episode is because Sol and the Jedi crew let him off with a warning for helping assassinate Jedi after they had said it was important to make examples of those responsible. Now they let him off again and leave it up to bugs to determine his fate just so we can have the Parent Trap in Star Wars.


I would have watched that. That sounds like an interesting premise.


He plays a charcter well well. Both a goof, and meanecing Sith persona are acted amazingly


This episode is proof of the long standing adage: it’s far easier to write a compelling antagonist than it is to write a compelling protagonist.


Manny Jacinto is a good actor-he did a great job in The Good Place. I haven’t seen the latest episode due to my antipathy towards Disney, but if people here praise parts of the series once it’s all out, I might go back and watch his scenes (especially the action parts, as I’ve never seen him fight). I really want to enjoy Star Wars content but so much of it has just been abysmal lately, and this show is definitely the bottom of the barrel.


that would have been amazing as originally fans were told that this show would be form the perspective of a dark side user


That would be perfect. I tried giving this show its fair chance and I bought into the hype but it's not good. I read from Headland herself that the show would explore how the Sith infiltrated the Republic underneath the noses of the Jedi, having a show be Qimir as protagonist and explore THAT, would be monumental compared to this dumpster fire of another family drama.


Well he isn't a straight white guy....so he does have a shot at getting a leading role in a Disney project.




Nah. The acolyte should never have been made.


We didn’t even get any sith eyes.


Manny Jacinto Bothans ???


In before they try to make this guy a young Pleaguis so they can say he got all of his ideas about life from the force from the lesbian witch cult and that all of Star Wars lore starts with the lesbian witch cult.


Master reveal. ![gif](giphy|3oxHQBNQoGLhacrEB2)


I haven't even seen the episode yet but it was obvious from early as episode 2 that this guy was Smilo Ren. The way Headland talked about this show I was under the impression that this show would be about the Sith, but it seems 4 or maybe 5 episodes in and there hasn't been any meaningful exploration of them.


Totally agree. Show would have been way better if it focused on him and Sol/Jedi. The entire Mae/Osha plot is so wildly uninteresting, badly acted, and dumb.


Honestly, might still happen. Mae has been a red herring, she's a spoiled brat that's failed a number of times to reach her masters expectations. It wouldn't surprise me if Mae's dead by the end of the season while Qimir lives on with a new apprentice. If they get a second season, then it's Qimir and his apprentice paving the way for future Sith actions. I mean people loved the shows Dexter & Breaking Bad so going full villain protagonist (and apologetically so) could work.


Watch Disney give him some sort of redemption arch when he’s the only popular thing to come out of the show and Sol dies at the end so they can’t reuse him outside of „The Adventures of Young Sol.”


Him playing this whole thing as "Jason" from The Good Place would have made this show better.




The entire premise was pitched as a look into the training of the Sith. That's what people have been waiting for for decades. They couldn't even fucking do that for 1 episode. It's ***immediately*** the same cookie cutter good guy Star Wars plot. Like they blatantly lied about the premise.


I want him to be a Marvel superhero so bad. The entire cast of The Good Place should be in the MCU. He'd make a cool Daken.


Honeslty he gives me the vibes of a 90s slasher villain once he removes his mask and starts talking. Which is kind of cool I suppose.


I mean, he probably was the main character originally, and then you what Kathleen said.... Say it with me now....


Any time I had a problem, and I threw a thermal detonator… Boom, right away, I had a different problem!


Oh dip, it’s Jason.




I'm hoping we explore his motivations more in the remaining episodes. I totally get the whole "why should I hide my gifts or be forced to use them in the dogmatic Jedi fashion". But how he found Mae (and when) or why he's encouraging the revenge plot so hard, I want to know. I think it obvious there will be one flashback to Sol at the witches' coven, but yeah, I'm more interested in what Qimir has been doing the last 30 years.


Qimir is a lot more interesting than the "force twins" who so far have shown no reasons why that backstory matters.


150% agree. When it isnt about the stupid twin storyline its wayyyyyy more interesting, and i hated the first 4.


Star Wars can't be about a MAN!




There are too many uninteresting characters in this show. It would be one thing if we'd get long episodes that fill out them, but what we've got are very short ones. They should have slimmed down the "main" cast quicker and if Kate Moss or the mom is important they should have had more screentime already. Honestly, Sol is the only character I care about, but that might have more to do with the great actor.


Would have been a much better and more interesting show.


Most obvious and useless twist ever


Aren’t space witches in like every show though? Isn’t that dathomirs whole gimmick?


Yeah I felt like they lied about the show focusing on the dark side


The Asian fellas are THRIVING on this show. They’re my reasons to watch it


Something as fundamentally broken as Disney Star Wars cannot be fixed with casting. The casting was never the problem.


I think Mae could have worked as the protagonist too. Effectively make the show entirely sith focused as opposed to this weird 60/40 Jedi focus where the sith are supposed to be 'mysterious' but everything is well telegraphed.


When I opened acolyte (a sith rank), I expected the show to star a sith.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion at all. Should've been him and Sol the whole time.


I was thinking this as well. At the least I'm hoping by the end he becomes like Darth Maul and "dies" Then falls off his master's radar as well as the Jedi and becomes the leader of multiple pirate ships establishing his own small empire and legacy in the outer regions.