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"It's not trained or learned" Except it is. Everything we do or believe is trained or learned. This guy is dense


Imagine getting so deep into your misogynist rant… > Maybe you don’t have that, then I can’t explain it. … that you accidentally flirt with self-awareness.




No, it’s primal, he said so! Seriously, that shit is so sad when bigots try to say it’s science when they hate stuff. Like “the little mermaid should be fuckin PALE because she lives in the ocean, that’s the only reason I don’t like it!” Like, okay, eat a dick pal.


>Everything we do or believe is trained or learned Saying "Huh?" isn't. That's a primal human sound, and there's very few languages that have overwritten it with a different meaning.


Primal? No, this is like the most direct example of behavior being learned and trained. **It’s language.** And a variation is found in many languages because it’s easily learned and replicated. Like how mama and dada are similar across cultures. Because they’re easy syllables for babies to sound out so parents can teach them to say that without too much trouble. The meaning is ascribed after the fact. Just because saying “huh” is an easy and *natural* sound doesn’t mean it conveys any specific meaning without the context people gave it. And even with that context, languages still have unique uses for it.


given that we are obligate tool using sophonts there is very little inherited instinct left in us save stuff such as that, the point being most of the guy in the image perception is learned behaviour rather than natural instinct so he has a choice in perpetuating it.


So wrong.


WTF are you talking about? In the languages I know that aren't English, none of them use huh. They use other sounds that don't sound like it at all and are also learned.


Even stuff like nodding our heads in agreement is cultural and learned. Go to Rome, and a flick of the chin upwards means the same as shaking your head "no" does in Seattle.


Yes same man, huh is only something I’d use in English, I wouldn’t use it when speaking German (Hochdeutsch or tyrolean dileact), Spanish or Danish, though I do sometimes use it here in Austria, and as nearly everyone my age consumes some kind of English speaking media they know what it means, haven’t tried it in Spain, or when I was in Ecuador, and haven’t tried it when speaking danish, or struggling in Dutch lol. So yeah it is not a primal human sound at all, though I imagine a lot of people that speak English as a second language will understand even if used when speaking in their language due to the cultural bleed of English into other cultures


we have the same vocal cords and mouths. ofc there’s gonna be similarity in sounds we create. and if you didn’t hear someone and want them to repeat do you think you’re gonna make a big complicated word? or you’re just gonna make a short noise? japanese say more like “eh?”, korean is more like “awh?”, french is “hein” which is pronounced like “awhn” (trying to type the sound isn’t too easy. but yeah it’s not at all universal. it’s similar across languages with the same origin and close geography like the romance languages, but it’s simply not true to say it’s the same


Actually huh is still learned you know the tone is inquisitive and the sound is just a grunt I.e huh Hrm hm and mhm?


Very confident very incorrect


This is not correct. Lots of things humans do are innately known. Smiling for one is universal across all cultures and languages (although there is some variation in stuff like how intensely and how often people smile from culture to culture). I'm not saying that the guy in the image is right because he definitely is wrong. But saying everything we do is trained or learned is categorically untrue.


I was being *slightly* hyperbolic, I'll admit. Most of the things we do and believe are learned, though. The argument the guy in the pic is trying to make is absurd, men and women very often can and do like the same things... Apart from extremely specific instinctual inclinations, men and women will act more or less the same when there isn't much societal pressure to act a certain way.


It's interesting that his entire problem is based on assumptions and stereotypes. Note that when he talks about what the male characters do, it's "things exploding" and "lightsabers cutting rebels in half" but when he talks about the female characters it's "the touchy feely stuff" and "a lesbian space colony".


Even tho it’s been all explosions and stuff . These ppl are always telling on themselves lol


"But my preconceived notions say women don't do the explodey violence things, therefore this is unrealistic! Also it's the show's fault and I'm not being sexist"


"I do not see what I'm seeing because what I'm seeing is impossible"


Because that's clearly the case in a show about... (checks notes) A force-trained woman assassinating Jedi.


“My preferences cannot be changed because they are hardwired into me so I don’t introspect at all.” This is when you just politely exit the conversation since it’s irrelevant whether they are right or wrong, they are telling you they cannot/will not stop being what they are. All you can say is: “My preferences cannot be changed because they are hardwired into me so I need lesbian space colonies in everything. Sorry I’m apparently a more lucrative demographic than you.”


As a lesbian who likes swords, a sword lesbian if you will, this guy is definitely just sexist as fuck lol.


Lmfao I will, sword lesbian is an excellent title


Please, name a duelist who isn't a lesbian, and I include the men in that.


i feel so called out as a former male duelist and trans girl right now...


In Chile we have a famous singer who is a lesbian, Javiera Mena, and she has a popular song called "Espada" (Sword).


Basically saying, "I'm not sexist, now let me list all the sexist ways I view the world to the point I can't even conceive of a non-sexist worldview."


ah yes, the 'men can't be emotional' thing on top of sexism.


Hey remember in the first movie where the only character that was consistently competent was Leia? Because they sure don't. The destruction of Alderaan was going to happen no matter what and she didn't sell the rebellion out and the closest thing to a "mistake" she made was blow open the garbage chute and turn an impossible situation to a difficult one, along with assuming that a smuggler would have some kind of signal jammer or system for detecting tracking devices that would prevent tracking devices but she just met Han and had no idea that Han is a cocky idiot with one hell of a lucky streak and is actually a terrible smuggler. Obi-Wan was unable to sense that they were being allowed to escape so the Empire could track them to the rebel base and sacrificed himself to allow something they were being allowed to do to happen, as if the rebellion couldn't use the help of a Jedi that was one of the finest generals during the clone wars and has more insight into the two men who rule the Empire than anyone else alive.


Once again we find the obsession with dismemberment. This. Is. Not. Healthy. Also, if this guy ever got involved with the touchy feely parts of life, he might change his tone. If he's offended by a lesbian space colony, wait until he learns about the Cult of Lesbos.


Dismemberment and Star Wars go together hand in severed hand.


Way to take the high ground.


If you give me the high ground, I’ll throw in a pair of legs with the arm.


Also why specifically rebels? Like he could’ve just said anybody but he specified rebels lol.


Idk why this guy just cant own he doesn't like women in lead roles in action focused movies. You are able to suspend ypur disbelief for all the other things, star wars is not hard scifi, most of what happens doesnt make sense. Own your sexism regsrding media. Dont watch it no one is forcing you. But there's alot more people that dont have an issue with it so the creators will continue to make the products. Theres plenty of stuff thats been made since the invention of cinema to watch with male leads...


there was just a post on critical drinker sub saying that people who need o see themselves in the media they consume need help. at the same time they dont want to see other people in their media


The level of irony/lack of awareness that what they're asking for is literally representation in media; the exact thing they're also complaining about is breathtaking.


I will say that this is the first thing that went through my mind and that OOP does seem to be getting maliciously misrepresented. Don't get me wrong, they sound like an absolute chud, but accusing them of saying they can't *empathise* in spite of their clarifications is intellectually dishonest. And I feel like almost everyone here can say it, but he's getting piled on because he's a dick and from there, anything goes. People like to self-insert with media. The reason representation is such a big topic is because massive chunks of society are underrepresented and thereby unable to enjoy this particular part of mainstream entertainment, so the increased diversity in recent years has been a total boon. I mean I can enjoy stuff with white male leads no problem, but there's something nice about being able to watch a film about a brown dude who isn't yelling DERKA DERKA with an AK-47, you know? And no doubt white dudes enjoy that too. Not the feeling of 'ah, finally', but just the enjoyment that's at the core of the experience. And people like OOP feel like their toys are being taken away because room is being made for the other kids to join in. But I can't justify the leap from a completely fair criticism to declaring they can only empathise with men. They're a sexist twat, just not for the specific reason being asserted. Men can't *self-insert* into women. That's different to empathy.


Except thats not a fair criticism. A piece of media isn’t bad just because people can’t self insert into the main character of a different race or gender


I agree that it doesn't make it bad at all, I said that too lol


I guess those folks should stop playing videogames then, huh? If people shouldn't see themselves in the media they consume, might as well not engage with any videogame ever except puzzle and abstract games, those that lack any playable character.


> there was just a post on critical drinker sub saying that people who need o see themselves in the media they consume need help. /r/selfawarewolves moment


So….he’s mad that while everyone around him, as well as Star Wars, has gone on to learn and grow without him, and he’s stuck in some sort arrested development at the “Boys rule, girls drool” and “Eeew cooties” stage. This upsets him because it makes him realize he doesn’t have control over everything around him and that makes him feel small because he can’t reconcile the fact that maybe he never understood his precious IP in the first place? That’s what I just read there, right? That’s what he said?


Yes, quite literally a man who never had to grow beyond the mentality of being a child


Assuming he’s not an actual child I suppose….honestly I don’t know which would be worse. Adult sexist man or child being raised with such views in this day and age.


The child is better, because there’s a chance for the child to grow, learn and realize that their parents were wrong But the adult pollutes the lives of everyone they interact with


Also their obsession on using word DEI is making me uncomfortable and disturbed by it.


Saw a comment somewhere else that they’re saying DEI with a hard-R




Seems like they are speed running through euphemisms - PC lasted over a decade, SJW was at least 6 years, now it seems like there's a new one every other year


Constant perceived victimhood requires staying fresh and new, lest you realize what a choad you are.


CRT happened for a few seconds lol.


You know they could even praise the episode on this The hatred of the Jedi that Mae picked up from her elders is what dorks think CRT instills in their kids about whiteness


Hahaha for real and it’s cause for serious side eye 😒


Thats deliberate. They're using it in place of the slur they *really* want to say.


It's such a lame whistleblow slur, anyway. Doesn't sound at all threatening or dismissive, even worser than "woke" or "SJW". Atleast those two could be used to signify a type of person, *Diversity, Equity and Inclusion* is more of a vague concept and is thus much harder to antagonize.


Its funny because I guarantee NONE of the people saying DEI even work at a company that has a DEI program and do not have any understanding of what it entails. DEI is good and doesn't exclude anyone. Using it in this way as a slur is gross.


They’ll have a new word next week. Remember critical race theory? They stopped using that. Woke, BLM, DEI, ESG, etc are constantly used interchangeably to mean the same thing. They don’t like women and they don’t like POC. That’s it.


What? Are the queers now the Gen X of marginalized groups?


Always have been. /j In all seriousness to be fair they rarely use DEI in relation to the queer community, they’re very openly homophobic


Im Sorry! I wasn’t trying to ignore the LGBT community. Those are just the 5 most common phrases I’ve seen online. like the other commenter said, they are extremely openly transphobic and homophobic.


I hear it more as usually LGBT-aligned folk don't really have DEI as a slur against them. It also doesn't have a bit where they only have a problem after the people offending with it don't actually know what it means. We also don't necessarily have a slur that's outright taboo to say on the level that it would need to be replaced like the N word would.


Yeah, cause they've turned it into a slur.


Because even subconsciously you get that it's just replacing slurs that would get them banned.


Had a brief conversation with someone who was complaining about DEI and I asked him if he realized that it’s just the new PC/CRT/woke scare phrase by the right. He tired to say he’s against it because people are being hired based on DEI. He literally thinks it’s the new affirmative action.


https://preview.redd.it/lj7tbacws66d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a37be8bad70fd4188d7ffdefa6bc873bebe6496f How does someone unironically say something like this? This is just straight up sexism. I genuinely do not understand why these (I assume) straight men can’t watch something that has women in it.


It’s like debating flat earthers or any other cult . They don’t care about the truth or the facts they only want to be right . You can’t win an argument with ppl like that cuz they don’t value the same things we do , like facts and stuff lol


So fucking true!


You nailed it. People are making a mistake in assuming that every human naturally cares about objective truth, objective reality, fairness, equality, etc. No, some people really are just hairless apes who want the banana even though they're almost full and it's not right to take it from a starving ape who hasn't eaten it yet, and their concerns go no further than "But, I want it".


I'm a man (a gay one but still) and I had a hard time reading Foundation because there are no woman characters whatsoever. Wives (and children) are literally referred to as "not counting" towards the number of Seldon's supporters in the very first chapter. I stopped less than halfway through it to be honest because I just could not get into a world where women were totally ignored, like it just made it impossible for me to suspend my disbelief. Galaxy spanning civilization? Sure. Mathematics being used to accurately predict future human actions over the course of millennia? Well I'm sure weather forecasting seemed impossible not that long ago. But all women just sit around at home and we never see or hear from any of them? Now you've lost me. I really don't know how anyone can think "Ugh, I wish this piece of media didn't reflect the diversity of the real world, every character should just be a flattering reflection of myself!".


Seriously, what the hell is up with (self reported) straight men hating anything with women on it that isn't some variant of pornography?


No way those chuds are actually straight. No truly hetero man is acting so extremally aggresive, offended and disgusted seeing girls and women in movies and shows. These guys must be very deep in the titanium closet.


There might be some truth to that, as I've seen some of them call women gross while having a suspiciously high level of adoration for the male body for guys who claim to be straight. This is something a lot of incel/redpillers do


Andrew Tate had been xitting that having sex with women is gay.


Not only that, but they go *waaay* beyond that, too. Not being interested is fine; screeching hate because everything in the world doesn't cater specifically to your interests, isn't.


"everything doesn't cater to their interests ANY MORE" These dicks have been on top for so long, they just can't bear the thought of it.


Yeah they're missing out on a lot of good stories with that approach. And it seems to be far less common in the other direction of women not enjoying male leads.


Obviously being reminded that women exist and have agency reminds him that none of them will go near him.


Imagine if a woman said that? Imagine if a woman said she isn’t into male leads because she’s a woman? These chuds would go ballistic!!


It’s narcissism


Ah but they aren't sexisrs, sexisrs are bad people and I'm not bad therefore I'm not a sexist. This is the level of introspection at work.


> I genuinely do not understand why these (I assume) straight men can’t watch something that has women in it. As an OG SW (cis/het) guy, I don't fit the suggested mold being posed here. The sexist d-bag "man" in these posts is nothing but full-on incel'ed sophomoric energy -- and I vehemently pushback on *everything* he is/was preaching.  There is clearly a Sithspawn subset of knuckle-dragging toxic "men" who fit exactly into what you describe but I suspect there are *more* - not unlike myself - who adoringly embrace women, from *all* walks of life, not merely *being in* SW narratives but in pivotal and MC/heroic **leading** roles (e.g. Leia, Ahsoka, Rey, Padmé, etc). In other words, with the utmost respect, please *don't* foment a monolith of "straight men" being automatically associated with this kind of misogynistic trash-human. When I see takes like he bangs on about, I find it vile and repulsive and the fandom cannot be permanently rid of such grievance-humping dimwits soon enough....


As a straight man who has never had a problem watching shows and movies with a woman or women as the main character(s), even during my most problematic days a tween and teenager with a mindset of mild to moderate patronizing/paternalistic "benevolent" sexism, I've never understood other straight men with this mindset. I wish I could tell you on a deeper level than just an intellectual third person analysis but no first person insight. In my experience it's because those men either think it's "gay" to identify with a woman if they're a man, and/or they're the type of people in general who mentally struggle to put themselves in other people's shoes. The more unlike themselves someone is the more they mentally can't shift to their perspective. Like a fraction of humanity is genuinely neurologically incapable of understanding a hypothetical example. I'm being serious.


if the lead is not a man, he can't pretend it's himself in that role. it's that simple lol


These people say this shit and turn around and play as a female character in video games at every possible chance lmao


Why do they have to find such weird hills to die over all for some brand show? You don't have to like pretty much anything, but you don't have to go on weird 'woman not scary' rants about it.


Seriously. His whole bit is "let me not like things!" Sure. Just shut up about it. No one else cares what you don't like.


These people are starting to learn what every other non-white person has had to deal with in the US for a long time. What it’s like to not have “yourself” represented in a story.


If I was attacked by Mark Hamil, I'd be terrified... what awful thing would I have had to have done to get *Mark Hamil* of all people *that* mad at me? Be as brain-dead as this guy?


Dont like ToUcHy FeElY things? Fine, go watch Topgun Maverick or Expendables or Fast and Furious. I swear man, repressed men are a danger to themselves and others. They should be encouraged to be in touch with their feelings, not told to put a lid on it.




Haven’t seen the other two but Top Gun: Maverick has several touchy-feely scenes, especially the one with Val Kilmer!


The original Top Gun is one of the gayest "straight man" movies I've ever seen. Lol


Not only that, but the two female leads - Phoenix and Penny Benjamin - had agency, didn't rely on the men for success, and were their own people. Agh! DEI! Woke!


I stopped inserting myself into characters from the thing I watched by the time I was 14. Even before that I had little to no issue self-inserting as a woman character or someone who was of different ethnicity than me. I come for the story, not for the power fantasy.


If "I have repressed emotions that I do NOT want to deal with because I both fear them myself and I fear being judged for them" was a person.


I don't want to get in the habit of giving Gina Carano money but I WOULD pay good money to watch GC beat the crap outta this guy.


Honestly it makes me wonder how they would've responded to her cancelled show. They pretend to care about all these things but they're constantly doing mental gymnastics to support their ever fluctuating "opinions"


Well, she was in a movie (a western, iirc) produced by none other than the Daily Wire. These ass hats called if woke.


"Why woman kill man, woman should be in kitchen, barefoot and pregnant...!"


I'd bring snacks.


This is the part that's so odd. As a man I have no difficulty empathizing with, or even relating to, female characters. It's such a non-issue to me I find it hard to understand how it could be for anyone. Women are perfectly interesting. I just don't get it.


Because at its core, empathy is about caring for someone. You can't empathise with someone you don't give a dam about. It has to matter to you what happens to that person / how they feel, etc. The guy in those comments undoubtedly BELIEVES that he is not sexist and that he's a "good guy." And yet is declaring to anyone paying attention that he doesn't give a dam about women.


What really stands out to me is that even if you could surgically remove the sexist bullshit from this rant, this dude is just... dumb. Like "Box of rocks" stupid.


Jedi mind trickable. Or maybe his brain is vacationing in a jabba’s palace spider monk


"I can, I just don't want to" that's not how empathy works.


Huh. I’m a woman and I have empathized and gladly put myself in men who are the heroes of movies shoes all of my life… because it’s a movie. Yes, I love it more when it’s a woman, but just because Indiana Jones had a penis doesn’t mean I couldn’t grow up wanting to be like Indiana Jones when I was a little girl. Holy fuck. I am so sick of these idiots.


They've never had to do that and it shows. Being catered to all their lives has killed their imaginations.


💯💯💯 I just watch a show and I can be there with whoever the characters are. And I can write stories and just be in them without worrying about who I’m writing for, because I’m writing for me, but I’m also writing for everyone. I’m watching Deadpool right now. I love Deadpool! Am I not supposed to love Deadpool because I’m a woman? I love Monica Rambeaux aka Photon. Am I not supposed to love her because I’m white and she’s black? Like, if that’s their criteria for enjoying anything no wonder they hate everything. The rules they’ve made up for themselves suck. They can only enjoy cis white male things?!?! That’s so stupid and they’ve done it to themselves! I’m here and have ALWAYS been here for the characters, the story, the world building, the imagination, and where it might all lead us together. Either they need to get on the train or get off the tracks, because we are moving forward and they are trying to drag the train backwards.


I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks old Mark Hamill is scarier in a fight than Gina Carano is pathologically stupid.  edit: Also, if a woman can't "sell being a knight or Warrior" then explain Xena, Brienne of Tarth, Arya Stark, Ciri Lion Cub of Cintra, Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, Diana of Themyscira, or Boudica.


Nah, screw fictional people. I was once in a small room with Janet Reno. That woman intimidated the hell out of me. (Context- it was a small convention center kitchen being used as a waiting room for the lunch/reception where she was going to be speaking. The event organizers made a few gaffs and she was visibly annoyed)


I mean, 6'2" woman who is the attorney general is pretty intimidating.


I would also include some of the greatest film protagonists of all time in there like Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor. They aren't knights, but those ladies can kick major ass.


You don't even need to go fictional, these dudes are terrified of just actual real women. To the point where they can't even watch a show with a woman lead without feeling directly threatened by it. 


I fucking LOVE Brienne of Tarth she was such a badarse and Gwendoline Christie is a stunning woman.


I don't understand the part about men putting themselves in the shoes of their heroes? It's a story...it doesn't matter who it's about, as long as the characters are interesting, maybe dabble in some character growth and a good plot. As a man, I don't require a male hero for it to be a good tale. It needs to be a good tale. Do I want good tales about guys too? Sure, but that has nothing to do with whether or not this other tale is any good. It could be a neutral gender alien plant species, as long as the writing is good.


It’s funny, if I ever imagine myself being a part of the story, I tend to picture myself *alongside* the heroes, not in their shoes. The exception might be in video games where the protagonist is more or less meant to be a self-insert for the player, but even then that isn’t always the case. This only reinforces my belief that people who can’t enjoy a story if they can’t envision themselves in the protagonist’s place are severely lacking in imagination.


I forgot what game it was, but it wanted to stick to human-like characters, stating players wouldn't be able to essentially self insert. I think self inserting is easy enough, imagining being something else entirely. Moving in ways that wouldn't work in a human body. Having different needs for continuation of life.


Totally. I mean Children of time has me rooting for the spiders lmao


I don't know this, I will need to check it out.


I will never understand the argument that 'its not realistic for a woman to be a good fighter' in action centered fantasy. I really don't understand why so many people seem to have a clog in their brain that lets them accept men doing superhuman feats that would be impossible for any real man while enduring punishment that would put a real human in a hospital/morgue without even getting a bruise then suddenly the brakes kick in when they see a woman start doing things that should be impossible for her. It really sounds like a you problem to me and not something that is the movie's fault. Plenty of other people have zero problem suspending their disbelief and acknowledging that 'of course its unrealistic, its an action scene in a work of fiction not something grounded in reality'.


Pretty sure Rey's arc had literally nothing to do with the fact that she was a woman. Like... I can't think of anything that would change if she were a man, besides the fact that the anti-woke crowd would go even more insane when she makes out with Adam Driver


"so it's sexism" "ESSAY RESPONSE" is always funny


"Men charging into battle side by side with other men". Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. 


Betcha he REALLY likes the battle scenes from 300. All those oiled, sweaty, mostly naked muscle men...


Oh without a doubt. He watches it in slow motion. Or.....well....SLOWER slow motion. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 


With lotion and tissues handy, I'm certain.




Betcha misunderstood starship troopers and was complaining about fallout being "woke"


The fact that some of these people dont understand satire is a really scary thought. But then again we live in a world where morons praise Walter White, Frank Underwood, and Patrick Bateman unironically. Hell, some idiots were trying to say Harry Truman was a "badass" because of how Christopher Nolan depicted him in Oppenheimer. 


Ha ha you know, just typical HETEROSEXUAL male fantasies. /s


Oh 100%. Nothing like a good ol' heterosexual day dream of men riding...into battle side by side and against other men. Preferably hot, sexy, muscular half naked men. Definitely a heterosexual fantasy....


"Do you like movies about gladiators?"


I don't understand the idea that men can't relate to female characters, it's literally never made sense to me. Some of the characters I've related to the most in movies and games have been female.


“Lightsabers cutting rebels in half” is a surprisingly telling sentence for these sort of people, it shows us that they watched Star Wars and sided with the space Nazis. In other words: they’re idiots. I’ll take my doctorate now, thanks!


“I could be empathetic, I just don’t want to!” is a super villain defining line. Seriously, I’d expect that from a Marvel villain.


"But I don't **want** to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs."


"I could let you live, I just don't want to" probably someone already put this on a villain mouth.


I think the ironic thing is that they claim to hate gay people while being so in love with other men that they hate seeing women.


I think the worst thing here from a narrative perspective here is the kind of movie he is describing he wants to watch. Like it just sounds so boring to have mindless action with at stakes or purpose (it’s also not what any Star Wars film under Lucas was like as well as the Disney products have if plenty of action, arguably more mindless then Lucas’s stuff). Though I would not expect a chud like this to have media literacy if it beat him over the head! And considering Lucas can be a borderline communist politically sometimes I never understood how people felt Star Wars was ever not “woke.” Also I know using a definition can be a logical fallacy but… in Merriam-Webster defines misogyny as hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women…. So by definition what is happening here is misogyny as the only reason he won’t watch it is a prejudice against women… he literally says he doesn’t like it because of him not wanting to watch women. This isn’t rocket science right? I’m not crazy?


These guys will say with all seriousness that only men can be Jedi warriors, and then accuse everyone else of having a "gender ideology".


Lightsabers cutting rebels in half. Rebels. FUCKING REBELS The dude is admitting that he loves violence perpetrated by the bad guys. These are the same dudes who are like “I want an ultra violent Star Wars with competent Stormtroopers gutting and raping villagers and at the end, they kill all the rebels and win the war” not realizing that is the dumbest, most fucking idiotic movie of all time. The fact that they empathize and relate to the villains in EVERYTHING means that on some level, they KNOW that they are evil, and evil people that do evil things because they’re evil are just fucking idiots. Even Hitler had a fucking ideology, dumbasses, he wasn’t murdering Jews because he liked the evilness of it.


“I don’t think I should have to empathize with leads who don’t look like me” My brother in Christ, EVERYONE ELSE has had to do exactly that if they wanted to enjoy movies, comics, etc for centuries! It’s not that hard once you get over yourself!


I wish people knew historically men were seen as emotional and women as the logical and calm sex. Go back to Shakespeare, that was the world view back then. It just goes to show it's all bullshit and perceptions change about genders all the time.


Bro’s like “yeah I could beat a woman with my bare hands. Yes even if she had the force And a lightsaber that’s just biology.”


I’m always a little amused by people who hold up primal instinct as a way to *excuse* how they think. That instinct can be held responsible for *some* initial *feelings* that we, humans, have to various situations. We also have a highly developed logic center of our brains, which is capable of thinking through (and *past*) those gut-feelings and arriving at different conclusions. I’m also embarrassed by people like this who overshadow honest criticism with their drivel. There are elements of the Acolyte that aren’t wonderful and deserve criticism, but the idea that it ruins Star Wars is *asinine.* For one thing, it’s got the best characterization Star Wars has had in live action since Lucas sold the franchise. *Period.* The acting’s usually good, the story is interesting. I can’t conclusively say I think it’s a *“good show,”* only because three episodes aren’t enough to judge the whole project. That said, I’m enjoying the heck out of the ride!! I think, maybe, this armchair critic could use a cold shower and a rewatch of Clone Wars. Not every Star Wars project *needs to be* for everyone.


The Acolyte is the “mask off” moment. No plausible deniability anymore. We know what they’re upset about and it isn’t “bad writing”.


It’s always amusing watching them bend over backwards to make it about everything EXCEPT their racism and sexism..


Representation matters, they know this, they just don't want anyone else to get it


My favorite is him mentioning he likes seeing "rebels get cut in half" where he's admitting to siding with the empire/sith and is entirely missing every point Star Wars ever tried to make.


Wonder what would happen if Alien/Aliens released these days. I guarantee it would get review bombed. 


how are you going to literally say that you don't want to empathize with women and then try and say it's because of "disinterest" and not sexism?


Him: it's not sExIsM Also him: * says the sexism *


"What did he say?" "I don't know. Something about being an incel."


Were the witches of dathomir a lesbian colony?


No but they kept the men as slaves and if a father, fathered, two sons he got killed. Basically amazons from myth


I can’t read his points over the wailing of his insecurities.


me when I'm definitely not sexist


Magic powers and laser swords are ok but women using these things is not? The Force and lightsabers obviate nearly every advantage men have in melee combat so I'm having a hard time believing it's anything more than misogyny.


Ok but lesbian space colonies would and is peak Star Wars. The fact he can't see that shows how this dude is a complete waste of air.


“It’s not sexism! I just see women as inferior beings incapable of doing literally anything, and would prefer to never see them doing anything at all because they are not men. I think men are better to watch than women because women are fundamentally unserious and stupid at their core. Don’t you understand? There’s nothing sexist about that.”


>Women can't be knights ![gif](giphy|3og0Iu18IjSxELFYd2)


How much of the alt-right would disappear if chodes could maturely accept that you’re never going to feel the same way about media you consume as a child than media you consume as an adult?


Whatever happened to "we love Ripley and Sarah Connor"?! Anyway, this guy needs to talk to Yoda. War not make one great. Also he acts like Disney invented female Jedi or something, when the prequels had a ton of them.


Why does this comment remind me of Mac from it’s always sunny in Philadelphia? ![gif](giphy|3o7bu35SebTEtyU5YA|downsized)


These people are just another verity of boomers.


Also going full mask off fascist as he wants lightsabers cutting rebels in half. Someone forgot which side hes pretending to like.


He doesn’t want to emphasize with women in the entertainment he watches.  Then he must have really hated aliens and terminator 2. 


What a dense motherfucker lmao. Just completely refusing to acknowledge the subconscious biases causing him to have these “interests” or “preferences”.


Here I was, actually interested in a Jedi storyline because it involved force users that aren't just Jedi or Sith because the idea of an energy that flows through all living things in the galaxy that people are not only aware of but some are able interact with it if not outright control it only having two schools of thought that are both extreme polar opposites of each other across an entire galaxy consisting of countless species and cultures is the most unrealistic part of the force, even more than all the space magic. Also, having the Jedi that has been presented as being the most reasonable and understanding and compassionate be the one to deny the accusation that the Jedi take children despite it being very well established (including in this very show) that the Jedi ONLY take children, and that the children they're interested in taking are almost too old to take, was one of the best "actually the Jedi are terrible and the closest they ever got to being good prior to the destruction of the order was when they were merely incompetent" moments I've seen the series do yet.


The patriarchy fucks everyone


“I can, I just actively refuse to do so” Ok but that’s worse. You do get how that’s worse, right?


God this shit is so unbearably exhausting. It’s Star Wars. One of the most bland forms of media out there these days. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. It doesn’t warrant this constant, daily arguing.


Bro like these people never outgrew playing with their action figures and now expect everyone else to cater to that.


I don’t want to sound homophobic here, but it really just sounds like this gay is using sexism to cope with his latent gay thoughts lmao


"It's the same thing that make you wanna follow the guy running into a dangerous area", YOU MEAN FUCKING ***STUPIDITY***????? cause that's what that is. If it's not your job, and I don't mean "you're job as a man" cause that's whatever tf you feel it to be, I mean "paycheck and taxes" job, then you're not a helping, YOU'RE IN THE WAY.


This guy shakes in his boots in front of Mark Hamill. That's my only takeaway


What is it about the Star Wars fandom that makes the fanbase so obsessed with being miserable? I subscribe to a few people on YouTube talking about Acolyte as if they actually went into it for enjoyment but the recommended content I get is the absolutely batshit miserable folks with the worst most shameless thumbnails.


More scared of Mark Hamill over Gina? Prolly scared he'd catch the "woke mind-virus" from good Ole Mark . Dude just sounds like a pussy. What's his day to day like? Leaves house, sees geriatric grandad with 2 grandbabbies: "Nope, too scary." Proceeds to go back into the house to eat alpha brain by the handful and angrily fight with redditors.


They arent fans to begin with .. it's like what ewan said during kenobi  these people that say all this toxic shit are not fans and are not welcome 


Man the wonders therapy would do to this guy


“Yes, it is automatic” so, so close…


"But I'm not sexist." That guy probably.


I fear for this guys son if he ever has one. Going to continue that cycle of men suppressing shit and forcing him to be "rah rah MANLY!" or something equally dumb.


he says "lightsabers cutting down rebels" implying he is pro-empire. makes sense. fascist fuck.


It's almost impressive the mental gymnastics they have to go through to sounds like they're not saying what they're saying.


It's not because of a women lead (or gay or black lead) they'll insist for so many things, and yet at the same time paradoxically admit that's exactly what it is. They'll insist they didn't dislike Captain Marvel because she's a woman. And yet admit they don't like that they don't like female leads. They'll say that it's actually women's fault for not seeing these movies or whatever, whilst saying they don't care for women's leads and men should be the ones catered to. They're just sexist and they don't like to use that term about their blatant biases because they know they're arseholes.


I wanna watch MEN, I wanna see their BIG SWEATY MUSCLES, I wanna TOUCH MYSELF to MEN in MY STARWARS, I DONT like WOMEN


reminds me of a guy I encountered a long time ago on the GW2 forums. His entire mindset was that any fictional world must abide by the real world history/facets. So having more female leaders then male leaders was inherently unnatural and must be explained in detail why it is so, or it's just unnatural and bad writing/storytelling because it doesn't relate to humanity. Doesn't matter this world doesn't have British people or issues with skin color, or as much sexism, it has to equal RL. "There is no right number of female leaders, but there is a wrong number" Funny enough, he never responded to the questions about why he cares so much about females in leadership roles but isn't complaining about equal numbers of male and female soldiers fighting on the front lines. And yes, he was a huge Jordan Peterson fan.


“[I want to see] lightsabers cutting rebels in half.” Whaaaaaat, they’re unironically rooting for the facists to win? I’m super surprised.


I’m trying to explain I’m a dumb animal acting on instinct and fear and no one can make me evolve, why don’t you get that???


Honestly, this shitty fanbase is why I fell out of love with Star Wars.


'The way I feel is a biological truth' is just the height of lazy thinking.


Feel like the the only thing these guys hate more than a female lead is acknowledging why they can't stop fixating on male characters. It's kinda sad for them.


r/copypasta  Like it's so blatantly misogynist bullshit that's it's actually funny when you realize it's all because *woman exists*  "why woman not man me angry"


I'm just bummed that I don't care about Star Wars anymore. It just all became so toxic and everything's just even more about The Force now, which was always the least interesting part of the setting for me.


That dude needs to know that pride time to come out of the closet


I'm loving what I've seen (2 episodes) of The Acolyte so far. It feels like Star Wars to me. A fun adventure story which isn't taking itself too seriously. The actress for both the main characters is really good.


At best (and believe me, I'm giving him a lot of leeway here), he has very specific tastes and interests in fiction. Because of that, it's on him to look for that content himself. It's not on creators, writers, directors, etc, to cater to his very narrow tastes.