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Glad she's okay but sorry she's such a drama queen!


“Me? Am I the drama???” 😮 Always a relief to know she’s fine and just not feeling like playing and finishing her meals during the heatwave. At least Banshee got some cuddle time with the staff 😅


The heat is rough on our girls! Hopefully your heatwave breaks soon - ours is finally heading back down to normal temperatures :)


Today was the last really hot day for us. Tomorrow will still be warm but from Sunday on we’re expecting more Samoyed friendly temperatures.


She’s been struggling with tiredness and lack of appetite during the weather, but when I spotted the tiniest hint of discharge after her recent heat cycle, we were due for a checkup. After 2 hours and all types of tests, the vet ruled that she’s just too warm. Still, 400€ well spent for peace of mind.


Awww. I’m glad she is ok. What a cutie. Mine sleeps a lot during the hotter months. I got worried a bit, but then I learned that it’s normal. Just make sure she has plenty of water.


Yeah, I wouldn’t have gone to the vet just for her being sleepier. But she was in heat mid July til early August and I spotted a little bit of discharge on her vulva. Got a bit panicked it might be pyrometra, but all was well in that area.


Look at that face, she knows she's a diva! 😂


Oh no that’s terrible. Drama mama


Hot Pup Summer




What happened to your free healthcare?


If this remark is meant to be shitty, then I hope you step in dog poop with new shoes, and that you don’t find out until the end of the day, when you wonder why people give you stonky looks and your car smells inexplicably like shit.


Mine gets the exact same way except with storm clouds and generally cloudy weather.


drama llama (actually drama dog but it doesnt rhyme lol)


Roohi's been so picky about everything from food to chews to dog pals... the last week or so that the temperatures have started climbing down she's been going back to her old devouring self. Kinda amazed how much they get affected by the weather.


Omg, vezz has been extra picky and sleepy the last two months. Of course it’s because of the summer. Man, learning new things every day about my dog thanks to this sub.