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I better not see anyone upset about this pick up. This is exactly what our team needed. Chris Paul will be an excellent mentor for our young guards and he will add to the development of Wemby. Having a PG who knows how to run an offense will benefit the whole team. Sure he’s 39 years old and probably a liability on the defensive end, but just being in that circle of Pop, Manu, Tim and David is only going to help Wemby. Great pick up for the Spurs. Who knows, maybe after he retires he’ll stay around the Spurs organization.


Also going to be a great trade piece mid season if not in playoff contention


He'll be 40 come next playoffs. I would like to hope there's a handshake coaching deal for next season and we have no reason to let him go work for another franchise in between.


He is too rich to coach


He only is able to play until Mid season that’s when he gets injured and sits!


Facts fools look it up


Every year! For last 5


Dude way more than that. He is ALWAYS hurt at the end of the season, the one time he wasn’t he made the finals and choked. Never been a fan. Hope he changes my mind.


I was at first. He's too old and injury prone. He's never healthy in the playoffs. But after thinking about it, he can average 0 pts and 20 assists a game and I'd be perfectly fine with that. Everyone will definitely benefit from his passing because passing was probably our biggest weakness.


Once again putting Hall of Famers around Wemby.


What a cheesy ass first sentence lmao


Why would anybody be mad at this pick up?? He could’ve gone elsewhere. It’s reported that he turn down the lakers offer to join the Spurs. Also we all know what happened draft. A good chunk of the fandom was upset about the pick. This makes up for it a bit.


I think he is mad with your writing sample


"I better not see anyone upset" Or else what lmaooo


I explained to you twice why there’s no reason to be upset. It’s just a statement not a threat. Why are you taking it so literal


i better not see you reply to me again 🤡🤡🤡


Bro what are you even mad about. You’re the only clown here 🤡🤡🤡


So goofy lmao




It’s only a one year deal so I’m not that mad


Why would you be mad in the first place???


If the spurs signed him to a long or overpriced contract i would be mad. a one year, cheap rental is a good. he can spend a year mentoring, we protect ourselves from a decline and keep the books open for the next few years, as well as have a trade deadline asset if necessary


Yh mad the wrong term


probably one of the biggest signings in spurs history no joke lmao. Not only in name notoriety but for the veteran leadership he’s about to bring to the team. Very excited for this pickup.


Wow! Biggest signing in spurs history oh wait one of sorry…bruh y’all on some crazy shit! I mean I know we been really bad for a minute but damn!


Besides LMA, name 2 bigger signings


Robert Horry Danny Green Bruce Bowen Avery Johnson


Lmfao seriously? This has to be a troll


You know nothing about ball lol




Micheal Finley, maybe p.gasol


Those were our best signings in the last 30 years imo but I don't think as good as CP3. Finley is up there tho cuz he did help win one


Dog we have never been known to sign free agents 💀. Even with the dynasty the biggest FA signings they had was a 37 year old T mac and Stephen Jackson lmfao.


Alright alright alright. We have our point god mentor. Now let’s pick up a deadeye 3&D wing, or a veteran big man mentor and start learning how to win.


Also, man I love this move beyond just getting a mentor at PG. This move pretty much ensures that the Hawks cant deal Ice Trae and they are sure to be mediocre again next season. Plus we own all their picks. Hoo boy, making chess moves in SA.


If Duncan and Manu are mentoring Wemby on the side and he’s playing with Gobert in the Olympics, I think he’s getting tons of school. I’m more worried about these other Spurs. Can CP3 help Stephon Castle become the next SGA? We need to see Jeremy Sochan improve on offense or otherwise, he’ll really only be a weapon off the bench for us. Is Vassell really good or was he good because it was a bad team? What are we going to do about our 3 spot? Everyone wants to trade KJ but what are him and Collins actually worth? I really would like this year to gage how good this team is before we go trying to trade for any win-now pieces, especially if it involves giving up assets. What do you think?


Oh yeah for sure. I’d like to limit trading early this season. We have a few guys in Year 3 which is historically a time period where big jumps in performance are made. But if we find a perfect fit or scenario I am not opposed to trading this season. My comment was meant to find maybe a second vet free agent that can either upgrade the Center (looking at you Zach) and provide mentorship to VW or a FA vet that upgrades our wing spot.


It’s kind of surprisingly perfect. He’s going to set up and facilitate for a once in a generation big man who’s 7’4 with great hands. One of the great pure point guards of our time/all time - at the tail end of his career - gets to sail into the sunset playing with a beautiful organization and dishing and lobbing to the 7’4 French dude who’s about to run the league in a few years. His assist numbers will flourish, his presence for the youngins’ will be great. We don’t need his scoring, and that’s okay. His scoring has dipped anyways, but the ability to set up offenses and organize the half court , dish good passes in the post etc… Paul can absolutely flourish in this role. I understand any doubters. He’s had a wacky few seasons during the back end of his career. But it’s all situational. His scoring and athleticism won’t be needed here. The Spurs saved themselves this offseason by not throwing money or overpaying just to do it. Next years free agency is the one they can make their big move in, it’s a far superior class. This is a perfect move to continue the development of a young team. Paul is the vet who can do this. His relationship with Pop, and his friendship with former Wake alumn Duncan is a solid indicator.


I really like this move, Castle can learn from one of the best. Wemby is going to be feed nicely!


Considering what SGA has said about playing with Paul I think Castle is lucky as hell. Great player to learn from.


Castle getting the shai treatment this is so fucking perfect


Castle/Wemby vs SGA/Holmgren in 2-3 years is going to be a war.


Yeah it will, damn!


This is good for Wemby, someone who is a pass first PG. They needed a PG vet to let Wemby shine


I like this signing. He brings veteran leadership.


Great signing will mentor the young kids


Perfect guy to set up Castle and VW for future success. His season in OKC was excellent for SGA


Holy shit 🤯


Fabulous! Pop has worked with all these guys. He knows what is best for the team until he proves me otherwise.


Exactly what the team needs. Fantastic move.


High IQ


VERY excited for this. His best years may be behind him, but he can forever set up great plays and should be an incredible veteran influence on the young team.


I think what might be the most brilliant part of this signing is that maybe this turns into Chris Paul becoming an assistant coach to Popovich and maybe even taking over once Pop decides to retire


Cool. I've always liked Chris Paul. I know some Spurs fans hate him, but I'm not among them.


I’m not exaggerating to say CP3 is my fav PG of all time. He might be on a rapid pace of regression, but I will still take him with a heartbeat.


This is a great pickup, minimal risk, potentially good for growth, The question now is, do we stop here?


Wise decision


Sure he's old but considering what's left outside of Castle and Wemby this can only he great. Spurs are desperate for some talent and we didn't even have to give anything up.


I would rather have James Harden but this isn't bad I guess


If I’m Russell Westbrook and I can’t get $4m/yr while CP3 gets $11m and Harden gets $70m, I’m retiring.


Exactly what the youngsters we have need. I truly think CP3 is excited to play with Wemby as well. Looking forward to see how our youth develop with his guidance.


Ok Victor. This is how you “accidentally” punch another player in the nuts.


This is a great sign that the Spurs are looking to win now! They gotta sign one more big or 3-D strong wing tho. Wonder who is next?




Everyone complaining, please let me know what current player on the roster can consistently throw entry passes to Wemby.


Good for him, but they need to get rid of Sochan or find a proper big at the 4.


The best part is we still have plenty of cap room, and could pick up others. There are a LOT of good players who would love to play with CP3 & Wemby if only for bragging rights.




I thought he was still with the Warriors? Didn't he go to the Warriors just so he can win a championship?


I loved what he did for the Warriors this year. Probably played a big part in Podz making All-Rookie. It’s gonna be fun watching the Spurs dominate.


Paul George next? 3 yr deal




Fuck this


Fuck that