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Hit up any Walmart…and you’ll find the rest of us who don’t fit your label.


Lemon Grove & National City. Check us out there 🤣




As someone who lives in National city. No lie was said here


El Cajon is worse


I grew up in City Heights and Nasty City!! Love the ppl


What OP sees is that on average, people here are far more healthy and fit than people on average elsewhere. Even going to Walmart, you'll find the situation in San Diego much more healthy and fit than a Walmart in most other places in the US. People talk about wealth, which is part of it, but even within that metric you'll see things are better here. For example, air travel is something that few can afford, and many adults in the US have never traveled by plane. Using populations who travel by air as a proxy for middle to upper incomes, one of the most surprising experiences for me was a flight from San Diego to New Orleans and the radical difference of the appearance of being fit between the airport populations. The reality is that on average the weather, the culture, the availability of fresh food, and the activities here in San Diego really do promote a healthier lifestyle. Healthier people are more attractive people.


Yep. I thought the same thing when I moved from NC to the Boulder, CO area. There’s money and people are just more into fitness and outdoor activities.


r/bigtiddygothgf would disagree


some of the FINEST women I have ever seen have been in Walmart and Target around SD actually. like no joke they look better than most of the IG and tiktok influencers.


Oceanside Target near the 78. Never disappointed.


That's a quality Walmart that you're insulting!


Target is different. Target is a hub for hot women.


Target had been here for forever; Walmart was something new when it came in in San Diego and doesn't attract the same crowd. Target is just a generic store in our eyes, while Walmart is... Walmart.


Sure, but there's an impossible amount of good looking girls in ~~Sudbury~~ Target.


We're just being silly. Everyone is beautiful in their own unique ways 🥰


You’re lovely.


Idk man I always run into some stunning people on my weekly trip on Oceanside




What are ya talking about, there are so many fine thickies at Walmart lol.


Don’t forget East County! Source: I live here.


Bullshit. College Grove shoutout to the hunnies


The unattractive people are here on Reddit.


![gif](giphy|xMEfsXnEBCjz3ypopg|downsized) 😭




You’re not wrong but you don’t have to call us out


[I'm in this post and I don't like it!](https://i.imgur.com/uAMNdLR.png)


Every year each zip code has a beauty pageant. If you are in the bottom 25% you have to move at least one zip code east.


El Cajon 😂


Brawley. At least folks in El Cajon still have most of their teeth.


Bro what did brawley do to you lol they're not even in the county


Blythe is worse


> Every year each zip code has a beauty pageant. If you are in the bottom 25% you have to move at least one zip code east. Well legally no but your rent gets increased 25% that year and every year you're in that bracket until you get priced out or hotted back in.


"hotted back in" I'm dead!


Bottom 20% you gotta move to Klantee


Or San Ysidro


Klantee is just fine. My sister lives there. It is just the tattoos.


Can confirm, this guys sister is hot.




It's the fish tacos


All those omega-3s are good for the skin


I’m afraid to ask where you arrived from!


I'm guessing Midwest or the South. I don't think there's more beautiful people here necessarily, but it is a fact that the average BMI is a lot lower here than many places in the Midwest or South.


Came from Midwest and felt the same way as OP. Don’t get me started with Encinitas


I'm from Seattle. The weather has a lot to do with it. Definitely more down here of the current phase of attraction.


Weather certainly helps - less pale skin, more skin exposed.


Middle earth


I moved from SD to Austin. Shockingly large number of fat people here, especially in San Antonio.


Are you really shocked tho?


san antonio got some big ol women


We were all contestants on the Bachelor or Bachelorette.


There *is* an alarming density of Bachelor(ette) contestants here. I once saw a dude at Costco who I thought I must recognize from my building only to realize that he was just on the Bachelorette.


We also are the home of big Ed so ya know we have the opposite too


I swear that this dude is on the exact same schedule as me because I KEEP RUNNING INTO HIM. I saw him at a Padres game, Puesto in Mission Valley, Costco, that gas station off of Texas Street, and walking in Seaport Village. This was all in like the last year or so and I don't even live in any of those areas lol


So funny… Literally all the contestants from San Diego 😂


Started full timing in an RV this year and spent the last 6 months traveling the country. Outside of San Diego, which is where I lived all my life, I am one sexy mother f$&ker. Around San Diego I’m a solid 5.


I feel this


I’ve been a San Diego native my whole life and just felt pretty average. My wife and I moved to Wisconsin for 2 years for a work contract and I had people on the bus asking me if I was a model or movie star. Nice ego boost LOL


Honestly, I’ve lived here most of my life and lived a few other places too. Most people are fairly active, surfing, hiking, biking, running, yoga, Jiu Jitsu, there are a million year round options. Most people eat fairly healthy diets. Given the cost to live here most people are fairly affluent. Biggest difference I saw between SD and LA is that most people here are natural and don’t undergo a ton of cosmetic surgery to try and hit some unattainable ideal. (Yes, I’m aware that tons of people still get surgery here)


Lots of plastic in those Del Martians


There are lots of people getting enhancements around town. They just don’t get it in San Diego. They go to tj because they got a friend of a friend that got a make over or they go to LA.


The sun. It’s actually known to make smiles brighter, being outdoorsy means people usually are more fit. From there, it’s people trying to keep up. I would joke with my wife I was a Sacramento 8 and a Santa Barbara 4. Just highlighting how much more beautiful people were near the beach


Awww thanks. I’m a total 10, but in pesos.


We can’t afford to live here AND eat well


Most of the things to do in San Diego are outside and physical activities. That lends itself to people ending up being in good physical shape. I cared about my appearance when I was single because I wanted to look good for the dating scene. I’m in a relationship now, so now I want to look good for my partner. We work out together, hike, cook together as both of us are on keto, and are active in the community. There’s also a lot of options for cosmetic surgery. I got a hair transplant from one of the best surgeons in the nation and the leader of a board for international hair transplant surgeons. He was in La Jolla 25 minutes from my front door.


Where do you get the hair transplant from?


Dr Carman at La Jolla Hair Restoration Medical Center. You can do a free, in person consultation with him. If you’re interested in a transplant, meet with multiple surgeons to get a feel for one that has your goal in mind.


instanbul - all inclusive 3500


How much was the hair transplant?


I paid $6600 for about 1200 grafts in my crown. While that sounds expensive, most other surgeons were suggesting 2500 (as high as 3200) grafts averaging $12,000. They wanted to lower my hair line and other things I didn’t want (I’ve had a Ryan Reynolds forehead since I was a kid). He suggested the least amount of grafts among the 7 surgeons I met with, explained why, and now 9 months later I’m very happy with my results. The crown takes 12-18 months to see complete results, so should only get better with time.


Mine was 12000 for 2100 grafts worth it.


Who is the best cosmetic surgeon? Asking for a friend


Depends on what you want to get done. I’ve had friends get veneers and ass implants done in Tijuana, Botox here in San Diego is inexpensive and lots of qualified options, my ex’s dad had blepharoplasty (eye bags removed) done here in San Diego.


This comment also reminds me of Denver.


Boulder has the highest percentage of super fit people I've ever seen. I visit once or twice a year and I'm not sure I've EVER seen an overweight person.


Attractive people make more money Attractive people can more easily afford to live here Attractive people make babies with each other, and they grow up to be attractive as well (Also, if you’re comparing to a smaller city, diversity helps. If you’re comparing to a colder city, sunshine helps.)


Also, year round beach weather enables people to be more active and fit and forces them to always have something of a beach body. On the east coast you have winter where you just sit inside and eat. Those extra winter calories add up over time.


Are attractive people more likely to get u/cum_on_doorknob?


Yes. And TheButtFunk.


These people need to learn to wash up...


This is the correct answer. It gets uglier the further from the coast you go.


Aww shit, now I understand why I don't make as much as I thought I could. Man, way to kick a guy when he's down.


It’s very easy actually. Step 1 be attractive. Step 2 don’t but unattractive.


Honestly this is it. In LA you have every small town homecoming king/queen coming to LA to be a star..... this began when Hollywood happened...so you have a lot of very attractive people throughout the years finding each other and having kids, then the kids are just "californians" and they may move N or S of LA.....and generations of that, add to it it takes money to live in S. Ca and always has, you get a good looking population...and now 3 or 4 generations into it, you also get a lot of mixed people which imo only adds attractiveness to people. In SD it's true you have a lot of men who are very wealthy who have married very attractive women and it continues for generations. Wealth/Beauty.


So you're saying, I have no chance?


This, but also, rich men that can afford to live here attract women who make it their profession to be desirable. Rich men can also afford clothing and procedures for both themselves and their wives. Rich people also eat healthier and have access to gyms and free time. People that think highly of themselves often invest in their appearance, health, status, and wealth. This then creates a cultural goal post that is experienced by others. For people visiting, I'm sure quite a few return home thinking, "I'm going to start working out".


Rich older women also tend to date up in terms of looks and can afford nice procedures for themselves.


selection bias, there's plenty of us ugly people here too.


Us uglies stay inside because the hot people make us feel insecure.


Hot people report me for being creepy but I’m just ugly


Hajahahahahah. Go to the fair. I guarantee you that we are not as attractive as it appears. You are probably only seeing the small percentage of physically fit people showing off on the boardwalk etc.


Yeah, the rest of us are inside working during daylight hours


Everyone gets better looking the closer you to the Beach and wealth.


Glad you’re enjoying your trip! When you go inland you’ll find the rest of us.




A lot of us aren't good looking too :) But in general the weather is fairly nice year-round, so people can go outside and do things. (Plus we have far fewer days you can hide yourself in a bunch of winter clothes)


Not being able to hide a belly under a jacket year round definitely plays a big role.


Tanned fat looks better than pasty white fat. At least that’s what I tell myself.




Is this the new slogan for Papa John’s?


Lots of wealth. Once you get into the real poor areas of the fly over states, you realize how good food is a luxury.


You haven't been to El Cajon or Lakeside yet


You haven't seen the hot middle eastern women.


Don't forget Santee.


It was probably better some ten years ago. More natural looking beauty, not that artificial duck-faced kind of beauty.


I think being so multicultural it brings in a bunch of different good looking people. I was born and raised in SD but im middle eastern and people always think im some exotic European lol


This is also part of it. 1/3 of San Diego is Hispanic, and there's a lot of racial mixing among Asian, Latino, and generic Whites. Hybrid vigor helps indeed.


I was born this way.


LOL where the hell are you? By the beach or other rich areas of town? Cause I guarantee you the NORMAL income level people ain't all gorgeous. I'm definitely not. Take a stroll through El Cajon, Lemon Grove, or just visit any Walmart and you'll see how MOST of us look. 😂


lol, everyone drives nice, clean cars too. Quite a shock coming from Colorado where an old pickup or Subaru with a cracked windshield is de rigueur.


Our cars have never felt ice or the pain of roadsalt. Where I am in CA for better or worse the police won't let you drive around with a broken windshield.


It’s the California burritos. They’re the elixir of youth


Sounds like someone just left the PB trader joes.


Most people are at least a 7 if they're not fat. San Diego encourages physical activity year round due to weather, so most people are reasonably fit. Also, there are a lot of rich folks here. Rich folks tend to me more attractive for a variety of reasons.


Gonna call my mom and tell her I’m at least a 7, probably an 8 in a tailored suit. Thanks friend!








San Diego were the men are beautiful in the women are strong


That's Hillcrest


Thats because we have the Filipinos and the Mexicans making hot babies together


I feel personally attacked by this post.


If you need a dose of reality and need someone to balance out all the good looking people I can go outside today.


Im doing my part to bring north county down 😈


It’s because we eat burritos.


First off: Thanks. Secondly, I think it really depends on the area that you are visiting. If you are in the city of San Diego, which includes neighborhoods such as downtown, hillcrest, mission hills, mission bay, etc. Then YES, a lot of attractive/beautiful. My theory is the following: San Diego is one of the most expensive cities to live in the US. A lot of rich people live here, especially in the aforementioned areas. Overall richer people have better work life balance, and access to many resources that allows them to stay healthy, do recreational activities, and perhaps even work out. All of these factors are very important for a person to feel healthy and to feel/be beautiful.


As a native, I didn't understand this until I started traveling. I mean, I knew in general that Southern California was a special place, but it wasn't until I started going to, say, Dayton, OH for a convention in the mid-2000s that I discovered that... the rest of the world (and specifically the rest of the US) doesn't look like us. As others have said, the outdoor culture has a big role here -- we're able to actually go out and do things -- but that doesn't explain all of it. If there's pressure to look good, people will try to look good, so there's a lot of mutual reinforcement going on. (I've noticed that in a few folks who've moved away ... outside of things like getting into relationships, having kids, and getting older, some who are still single have ended up ... not taking care of themselves as much, for lack of a better phrase.) The mere concept of like-attracting-like and genetics also cannot be dismissed here. Natives are attractive and end up having kids that inherit the genetics of both. ​ This is something I've also found is important to let people who are thinking of moving here know... San Diego (all of So Cal, but San Diego in particular) is competitively attractive, and if you're coming here as a singleton thinking that it will be as easy to meet a future significant other as you might in a generic large American city, understand that there's a \*lot\* of competition and you really need to be on your A-game if you're not used to an environment like this. Sucks to have to spell it out like that, but it's better than people being truly shocked once they get here and have already made the decision to move.


I experienced the same thing while traveling to Missouri. It seemed that as many women wore “Big Dog” clothing as the men did. The majority seemed to be 50-150 pounds overweight and unhealthy in appearance wearing Big Dog shirts or old tee shirts that were freebies provided by work or from some event.


I’m from MO and you’re right


Diverse population..Also people here are pretty fit, considering the number of gyms and outdoor activities that are available. Not to mention a huge military hub where being fit is a requirement(sometimes). There's a few other factors, but I see those as the main reasons.


If diversity was all it took, the people in NYC wouldn’t look so busted lol


West of the 5 this is correct. Cities attract wealth and talent of various kinds and those people commingle . In San Diego , after two or three generations of good weather, good food and the ability to participate in outdoor activities year round, the population gets an upgrade in the looks department.


3 major universities (UCSD, SDSU, USD), the Olympic training facility, great outdoor weather, and large military presence means a lot of young, fit people. I'll never leave.


We're not all good looking. When I was a kid my mom wouldn't let me stand near any windows. She was afraid I'd frighten the neighbors.


I wonder where you are coming from. People is SD come in all shades from good looking to downright repulsive and everything in between.


Catch me and my weak jawline in Lakeside


in SD I’m a 7/10 anywhere else I’d be a 9


There must be a technical term for that.


Not sure but I know what you're saying. Miami, NYC, and LA fit whatever that term is as well. Very attractive and well off people live there as well.


Have you been to SDSU? There's a high concentration of attractive people there.


I’d pick SDSU over Harvard any day, purely for the dating scene.


Crazy username you got there 😂


Well... yeah. The other SD school, UCSD is one of the best schools in the country for certain academics, but SDSU has much better looking people.


My god yes. My cousin moved here for school and she was like WTF everyone is so good looking


Imo there is lots of social pressure to look great. You can be an 8/10 in LA and only a 5-6/10 here in SD. It really pushes you to be the best version of yourself to compete.


I think you have it the other way around


Lots of people think that who arent from LA cuz when think of LA they think of like 4 cities in north western LA. In most of LA people arent fit like they are in SD. Most of LA is just endless suburbia.


That’s a very fair point. There’s a lot more to LA than Hollywood and Brentwood.


Speaking for myself, it's superb genetics.


Beach culture. Love it


The ones that aren’t are confined to this sub


Regular mortals are around - just not in the places you're going. However, SD is absolutely a place for physically attractive specimens. The reason is - lot's of Sun and an outdoor culture. Factor that in with a global melting pot of affluent people that eat well and take care of themselves. San Diego is very competitive in many ways and normal people end up bellow the median curve in a lot of things (not just looks).


It’s because I left and it brought San Diego’s attractiveness level up.


Spend a day at the Del Mar fair


The sun.


In all seriousness, the colleges in San Diego tend to attract the fit, pretty girls from all over, that like the beach/party life. Many stay afterwards to work. The city itself also attracts attractive people. Was in downtown last night to visit my daughter. Her roommate moved from out of state and was probably the best looking girl in her small town. The waiter where we ate was this GQ looking dude from Italy, probably here trying to be a model or something. It’s similar to LA in those respects.




Its san diego Bitch :)


lol have you watched a padre game? People here are ugly af too.


If you aren't hot, you can't start an OnlyFans. If you can't start an OnlyFans, you can't afford San Diego.


We keep the uggos indoors


Attractive people tend to move to California and the genetics mix from there


Money and outdoors activities can do that to a city.


The ugly stay at home (me)


I am very ugly and live here, but I’m relegated to north county, so…


It’s a very active city. Hiking, surfing, jogging


I thought the same when I first moved here from Sac! My theory is it’s cuz we have nearly year-round beach body weather, so people tend to stay more fit. Beyond that, probably that SoCal had more of a culture of trying to look good and dress well.


I guess you haven't seen me yet. I've moved to SD in 1995.


You must not be in the east county 😂. {I’m from east country before y’all come for me}


My dad visited me in San Diego from Idaho and he said everyone looks so healthy here. Anecdotally, there are a lot of smokers and druggies in some smaller landlocked towns, also maybe less emphasis on healthy eating and activities. Plus California tends to have the stereotype of people who take care of their hair and skin and even have some procedures done So maybe the combo of all of that?


You’re on vacation. Everyone’s better looking when you’re on vacay and they’re reasonably unavailable to you bc of your short time in a location


can anyone compare SD to LA in terms of appearance and valuing appearance? I lived in LA for a few years and I definitely found it superficial


Tom from blink 182 used to always say this.


I'm a sexy mother fucker


Literally just came back from SD yesterday and was just thinking this


Lots and lots of wealthy trophy wives here


We get Botox and live off sunshine and vibes


The amount of people with minor botox/plastic surgery is more than you think or realize.


you must have on rose colored glasses & only visiting the most exclusive places, or maybe you could share your good drugs with the rest of us................


If you can afford to live in san diego you're probably well off. You probably grew up well off. You've been eatting healthy, grew up doing a variety of sports, you've seen a dentist regularly your entire life. The air quality is better by the coast, compared to the inland valleys. The differences are more pronounced for the older people. You can afford skin treatments, hair implants, a personal trainer. You're seeing health provided by wealth. Also the weather is great year round. You can go for a jog/bike ride anytime of the year without it being too hot or too cold. Because of the nice weather people wear less and so looking good wearing less is important also, so people care more and take care of themselves. Go to walmart in el cajon, you'll see the difference. Hang out in santa monica and then go to riverside, its the same.


I haven't been out in a while


I've always said the best looking men all live in San Diego.


What? You should have seen 10+ years ago. A lot of the good looking people left lol. Most of the people in San Diego now are mid, at most.


I liked the person who said I was “at least a 7” better, tbh.


we are the most beautiful city


San Diego 7zzz 🥵


I feel closer to beach, you work out more, take better care of self, less addictions.


The climate makes it easy to be outdoorsy - people are attracted to health. Plus California is healthy food conscious. Also this is quite a biotech and medical town so a lot of people are working in an industry that creates awareness of health issues and I think they tend to look after themselves better. But money is a massive factor. Being poor is stressful and very bad for your health in America. People in Detroit or Akron don’t have the options we do.


Hah... you must be referring to a specific area...


you must be on a layer # 3


Because some of the ugly ones— we moved to the desert


Weather is everything. I am about to fly back to SD from a week in Philadelphia. We sat around. Got dark at 4pm, it was cold and all I wanted to do was crawl in bed.


Commenters: we aren't good looking Commenters IRL: https://preview.redd.it/qdcjlljas60c1.png?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88407d4f00727c3349858a31a95cec03afad787d


You’re on vacation. Everyone’s better looking when you’re on vacay and they’re reasonably unavailable to you bc of your short time in a location


Just having got back from my first trip to San Diego from the east coast- it sunny and nice all the time so people can get outside all the time. Where I live, the humidity and dew points are oppressive 10/12 months of the year. It has rained every weekend since September. Going back to the humidity bc I think this is a bigger factor than most realize. Most warm months which is like 9/12 where I live, it’s not uncommon for me to take 2 or 3 showers a day bc of how much sweat and grossness has happened. On my recent trip to SD it was simply so nice and dry I couldn’t believe it.


Go walk around the SDSU campus. Its known for its “talent”