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That man has never used an axe


He’s going to be at it for at least a month or two at that rate.


Legend has it, he’s still slapping that 4x4 with his axe to this day


He'd have better luck using another 4x4


He's not even against no right turns. He just found this super awesome axe on the side of the road and, well, he can't chop down the metal poll now can he?


Wouldn’t surprise me if this actually the case. This guy is out there training for iron man.


Well, he can’t chop down the wood like this either. Might as well try the metal pole


That old man is going to be sore for a month or two lmao


My thoughts too.. he had to use an axe for the dramatic effect, which actually is the most effeminate axing style I've seen. Ffs I would've brought my Milwaukee circular saw and do the same in less than 30 seconds


sawzall for me.


Yeah. I immediately thought I would have brought my sawzall with a demo blade for this particular task. An ax is just making life difficult here.


Sawzall with a PRUNING blade and that cut is literally 8 to 10 seconds. Camera would've just recorded a dude walking away from a felled police state entrapment device!


City must have had too many collisions at the interscetion historically and a no right red was the solution.


You can see from the motion of the post, you could probably just wiggle it out easier than ‘axing’ it.


Furious Gimli noises


Looks way more like a golf swing.


It is RB after all.


He probably lives in Seven Strokes. I mean Seven Oaks.


He’s probably used a lot of whisky though.


100% on point. Between the doughy physique, the limp-wristed grip, and the half-exhausted golf swing, this is this man’s first time using an axe. When I was in the fire academy, swinging an axe like this would earn you an hour of hitting the dirt with a sledgehammer to learn proper technique.


My biggest resolve to get into better shape is knowing how Reddit will describe my public mental breakdown.


Hahahaha, my dude, the Jerma avatar makes this 5 times better. Perfect image, lol


First they put electricity and gas by pipes into homes and then 4 generations later you get these week-ass men who can’t split a log (or hold their whisky for that matter)


In that case "A" for effort


Not used an ax and probably not fit enough to use it properly.




He’s gonna get the axe head stuck in his shin with those wild swings. His hands at the very edge of the handle too. Not good technique, buddy.


I’m a 120 lbs female and I could swing it harder than that ffs


[He should get lessons from this girl](https://youtube.com/@NicoleCoenen?si=GZWt4Q01AQDOW_KM)


Okie dokie


...some say he is still at it chopping today


Came here for this.


Or a sawzall


He has pretty good aim he’s just taking an awful angle.


His biggest issue is he thinks he’s swinging a baseball bat. Your dominant hand should slide from the base of the axe head to meet your other hand at the base of the handle as you swing. Like a sledgehammer, not a golf club.


Bro is outing himself as "guy trying to look tough but definitely gonna tuck a Polo into khakis on Monday morning"


Wait till someone shows him a reciprocating saw….zzzzzt. Battery powered tools are gonna blow this suckers mind!


As my mum would say “he’s making a meal of that” Probably a splitter axe and not a chopping axe.. or maybe he’s just shit


Bad technique, he's just kinda flailing at it a bit, and the axe head looks like it might be rusted over, and therefore probably isn't sharp.


Or an electric saw with a battery. Down in 30 seconds. I would say this man has never fixed anything in his house or done any kind of manual labour. Probably makes 500k a year off of dividends and sitting on his ass and is outraged he had to wait for a light to change.


If he had, he would've brought a reciprocating saw.


No he's a retired Washington state lumberjack!!! The post isn't even cemented in.... OMG.


Nobody tell him


...am a firefighter, can confirm.


DeWalt, Milwaukee, Ryobi ... one of their marketing departments has a golden opportunity her to sell some battery-operated power tools.


Dood is too old to not understand how life works. He gets a $400 ticket for that right turn. So now he'll get a $5000 fine for destroying govt property.


Yeah it’s also not legal to do illegal things just cause you removed the sign. That logic always shocked me.


If they didn't know who removed the sign does it not change anything if there were no markings? Like for someone coming along before it's replaced


any reasonable judge would throw this ticket straight in the trash if they knew the sign had been removed without authorization. you might get ticketed by the cop who sees you doing it but if you explain your situation to the judge and the prosecutor they'd probably throw it out. you have a lot better chance of arguing your case in court than you do with the cop


materialistic fact practice connect vase rotten rob squeamish brave zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this all the way. i got a ticket for a charge that would've cost me over 500 and 2 points on my license and when i was in the courthouse for my hearing the prosecutor called me like 5 minutes before i went into the courtroom and asked me if i would settle for a civil infraction that cost me like 150 and no points. if you show up in court for your hearing and mind your manners you'll usually get most charges reduced drastically or dropped, at least when it comes to traffic tickets


Was riding my motorcycle off post at Ft Sill, got onto the highway and it was a cold day so I leaned my bike right and left to warm up the sidewalls on my tires after making sure no one was to the side or behind, sheriff came flying out behind some trees and pulled me over and chewed my ass and gave me a reckless driving ticket that would have been very expensive plus then I'd have to go get my punishment from my command. Go to courthouse and ask to speak to the prosecutor on my case, asked him if he rode and he said he did. I explained what I did and he just looked at me for a moment and said to wait in his office. He went and talked to the judge who apparently also rode and he came back and said it's been dismissed and to pretend it didn't happen and he would make sure my command didn't hear anything from his office about it.


Yeah but when they hold people for days while the lawyers figure it out and they lose their job, get evicted, unable to pay their bills and then they are told “oh no you are innocent you can go back to your life now…” is the problem


Yeah that makes no sense. If there's not a sign to not turn, it's the law allowing, you can make a right on red. It's one thing if something is genuinely illegal and there's a sign just reminding, but this is not one of those instances.


What traffic court is gonna be like “you should’ve known there used to be a sign there and what it said” tho.


Maybe because there is also a sign on the light telling you the same thing.


I got out of a speeding ticket because of this. Lived in the area, knew the limit, got pulled over for speeding, but the sign had disappeared at some unknown point prior and the charges got dropped. Worked out nicely


We can only hope.


You mean 5400 bucks for doing both.


He’s playing the odds. Maybe he thinks he can avoid 13+ tickets before they can replace the sign.


There are several other signs… he would need tools and a ladder to get to. He’s a tool.


You’re too young to understand how unhinged middle aged man anger worked. He knows about the fine. He clearly is jus trying to make a pointless


Not sure if that's a typo or a joke, but it works.




He’s about as sharp as that axe


And that axe is about as sharp as he is.


And my axe!


That ax could dull as hell, and still take down that post real quick if he knew how to use an ax


Bernardo center Dr exit off the 15? Yeah you'd want that. Road comes in at such an acute angle you won't have enough time to react when a car comes barrelling down.


Just wait until he tries to chop down the light mast with the same sign on it on the far side of the road.


Was gonna say, is he gonna grab the other one?


pretty sure if someone got hit and then died because of the accident on that turn because of someone turning on red this video could mean a murder charge for the guy with the axe. Not a lawyer


No, murder doesn't fit. As also not-a-lawyer, it sounds a lot like negligent homicide. But, I'm very sure it's not murder.


It's fine, with that chopping technique he'll still be there when the police find the viral video on Facebook and go check it out.


Especially with how fast people come down that hill, and how hard it can be to see them under the overpass on a sunny day.


This. Plus, it's a pretty steep grade. Also, the fact that RB is full of geriatrics. Actually got into a fender bender here because the guy turned on red and then changed his mind and slammed his brakes on. Still my fault, but lived right down the street, so was used to gauging the intersection.


Exactly this.


That’s actually pretty fucked up, that no turn on red sign is there for a reason. Accident incoming…






Second oof




Ahh so the sign worked


This has happened more than once at one of the intersections I use coming home, and now I have the choice of unsafely turning or getting beeped at for 2 mins because the driver behind me doesn’t know/care


Idc, they can be mad. I'm still going to observe the signs.


Worst Christmas tree lot ever


Underrated comment


He's turning red.




On red.




He's the asshole that honks behind you when he's not at the front of a "no turn on red" lane. Just for that I hope he gets caught.


Prolly rollin around with his high-beams on, too.


I've noticed this more and more. Also, people without their headlights on at all. I'm really confused about this since there's an auto feature on most cars. If you need high-beams to see in regular light, you need glasses.


LED bulbs are brighter than the previous standard bulbs. All headlights are bright now.


Is it an SD thing to ride around with high beams on the freeway, flash’em, and speed thru recklessly? I’ve only had it happen in SD. I assume it’s rich kids.


Those signs are there for a reason, man... People who honk around them shouldn't be driving.


This intersection in RB is constantly a few lucky moments from death daily. Cops have been out giving tickets for people turning on reds, but it’s scary how sharp that turn and blindspot are. Hope this dummy has to pay to put it back up.


It would be so satisfying if they actually made him put up another sign too lol


Did anyone report this moron? There is a reason for that sign. He's going to get someone killed. I hope he has to pay to have the sign replaced and be sentenced to do community service.


That would be the lightest possible consequence. He’s committing a premeditated felony. He could get five years in prison.


Cite the section of the California Penal Code he's violating that is a "premeditated felony" which also has a mandatory 5-year sentence. In my view, he's violating PC 594 which is a misdemeanor.


Shouldve called the cops. Sure they'd take 30 minutes to arrive but I'd bet he'd still be chopping when they finally show up.


I'd call 911 and say "unhinged man wielding an axe".


F*** these entitled dudes - someone please make this motherf***er face some real consequences.




If I’m a cop, I’d simply compare this video to pictures of those who got tickets the last 3 months. Very high probability they can solve this one in a few minutes.


lol must be nice he has this much free time too




He could potentially be charged for manslaughter if there is a fatal accident.


Grandpa gone wild.


Someone take him back to the Remington club


Lawrence Welk Resort Village?


What an idiot. Usually when I'm looking around when there's a "no right turn on red" sign I think, "yep, that would be really dangerous if there were cars coming." Not only is he committing vandalism, he's going to put drivers in potential danger.


He thinks the world revolves around him.


This story is from Los Peñasquitos but it matches this Rancho Bernardo energy. I was at a community meeting and this woman was absolutely aghast that the city made the bike lanes *protected* instead of just having a buffer with painted lines. She was upset that they added plastic bollards. Why? Because she had been a part of the group that got that road landscaped and it no longer looked good with this plastic posts and their reflective stickers. “Why was this needed?” she pleaded. “I only see that road is only used by one or two - maybe three - cyclists *a day*,” she claimed. Honestly - the ignorance was astounding. Do you not realize that cyclists might use that road when you aren’t actively driving on it?? The cherry on top, for me, though, was when she claimed the reflective stickers on the posts were as blinding as headlights. Same energy as taking an axe to a “no right turn on red” sign. Same entitlement that the world should conform to your whims. Same disregard for safety. Anyone reading this far: show up to your local planning group meetings. The people who regularly go to those things need a sanity check on their attempted tyrancy.


> show up to your local planning group meetings. Strongly support this. The folks that do show up are those who have a lot of free time (retirees) and have nothing but negative energy for their community. Imagine something that'd make your neighborhood better like bike lanes or a park being protested because *gasp* that will bring children into the area. These people are a handful of years away from being buried or cremated and yet they're the ones controlling the narrative in communities simply because they have the time and energy to participate.


>Strongly support this. The folks that do show up are those who have a lot of free time (retirees) and have nothing but negative energy for their community. Imagine something that'd make your neighborhood better like bike lanes or a park being protested because > >gasp > > that will bring children into the area. These people are a handful of years away from being buried or cremated and yet they're the ones controlling the narrative in communities simply because they have the time and energy to participate. Not sure if this attracted all the HOAs to RB or if these people moved there because of the HOAs. Either way they both suck, which is why I never moved there.


For a good *gasp*, just bring up affordable housing


I live close to but not in RB. The amount of elder, white entitlement energy in RB is on another level. These people are a menace. I'm serious.


the RB Nextdoor is absolutely unhinged. The RBI held a concert for 1 hour last month and the entire Karen community nearly staged a mutiny because they couldn’t handle the volume. Literally swarmed the police station with calls.


Look up the current chair of the RB planning group and “dog park” if you wanna read between the lines for some salacious gossip


That man needs some power tools for Christmas


In broad daylight, no less.


Paul Bunyan just needs to wiggle it out.


That sign is loose af, it be easier on him just to pull it out, lol


That’s definitely gonna cause a couple accidents


🤣 he feels strongly about the situation!


I guess he likes to turn on red


I miss soupplantation!


Me too, but what??? What's the connection....lol.


Wasn’t there one near there?


Yes, there was a Souplantation here. We miss it too! :( Edit: spelling


Why is he swinging that axe like it’s a golf club? Oh wait..


Over-privilege and self-entitled is no excuse to destroy public property. Your cell awaits, dumbtard.


He shallows the club nicely. He'll do great on the senior tour




McDonald’s flag flying above the US flag


Looks like the US flag is half mast. I'm pretty sure if the ensign is half masted the CA flag should be as well. I'm not sure what the rules are for the nation-state of McDonald's.


$5 says grandpa has a Don't tread on me flag flying at his house.


Yep, and a red ball cap too.


The Karenocity is strong with that one.


He doesn't know that sign is there for his safety. Signs aren't there to inconvenience drivers. If he feels otherwise he can contact San Diego City. I've delt with the city, from my experience they're surprising efficient.


Tell me you have gotten tickets there without telling me you have gotten tickets there.


Big “why won’t my council member return my calls” energy


Karma is a bitch


The sign won.


Bruh, doing it in broad daylight too


Easy there, Paul Bunyan!


UPDATE https://preview.redd.it/j2xd3eqq2x2c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4161679c91013ca7bf456d1397c9ba001100490a It looks like the city was out here assessing the damage. It also looks like he took out the sign on the median. I wonder if the city would like to get a hold of the video 🤔


that’s one dull axe.


Dull axe.






Sure looks like a splitting axe instead of a chopping axe.


Don’t tell him that.


How can you tell? the head looks pretty thin to me, like a chopping axe. he is just using it kinda shittaly


I've never seen American toxic masculinity so perfectly encapsulated. It's the totally unhinged response to something that protects the community, it's the completely inept use of a pretty simple tool, it's the righteous confidence that he's so in the right that he doesn't even hide his identity.


That axe isn't very sharp.


May as well be using a baseball bat.


I don’t think you are supposed chop the sign when the light is red. At least that’s the way I read the rules.


Horrible form.


Legend has it, he's still chipping away at that sign to this day. Dude needs a Sawzall.


This man golfs


That is the most unathletic dude ever.


Did anyone axe him what he’s doin?


Why is the McDonald’s flag flying higher than the American flag?


![gif](giphy|cl72XB7TqPdjq7uQ3S) United States of McDonald’s


I just drove by the intersection. He did it. The crazy son of a bitch, he did it.


At least the local citizenry are safe from the guy unless anyone wants to give this dude 45 minutes and a Geritol IV to wait for him to manage to chop them up


Late Stage Car Brain


Wow that guys technique is aweful


There's a cross drilled hole already at the bottom of post! It's literally designed to fall over


Clearly has never had that sharpened


“And when George Washington was asked if he chopped down the no turn on red sign he replied ‘I cannot tell a lie.’”


It's probably less illegal to just make the right, no?


Never seen someone use an axe so effectively like it was a hammer


So has anyone (OP?) sent this video to the city with a time and date? I'd like to see this fucker face some consequences.


My home town. Someone’s grandfather


You chop at a angle... If you gonna create chaos, At least do it right.


Would that be manslaughter if someone died turning right after he did that?


I don’t know which is duller, that ax or that moron.


Man there’s a lot of things to get this angry at. But not taking a right on red not on of them.


as an RB local, can confirm.


Poor technique doesn’t make up for a dull ax


I thought this was a ‘Florida man’ situation at first glance


No one told him it would be much much harder than wielding a keyboard.


Entitled asshole.


Him:Turning right in red is my constitutional right! Also him:Not that constitution, we are actually using an 1879 naval agreement. You can tell by the fringe on the flag


If anyone is wondering, he took down two signs. https://preview.redd.it/jra5ad2k2s2c1.jpeg?width=1101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce40adb78c8224ed4b30fececfc81fd2a5bc6e77


The saddest thing about this is his total lack of any skill with that ax.


Just a waste of time. It turned green before he got the sign down.


Never underestimate motorist entitlement


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) Every day I find more reasons to be in so many other places where sanity still breathes.


That’s at the bottom of the exit from north bound 15 turning east onto Bernardo Center drive. There’s also a “no turn on red” sign if you want to go west onto Bernardo Center drive from southbound 15. I know both intersections well. People fly up *and* down Bernardo Center Dr… Plus there’s terrible visibility. Both signs make sense.


So, our tax dollars get to go to repairing that sign. Yippee! I live near Rancho Bernardo and I avoid going there: an old person is invariably rude to me. I'm an old person myself!