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Are you looking to join one or looking to start one? I've not seen any specific to women, but if you're looking for the former, a couple of the libraries have silent book clubs (I think Chinatown and Richmond), and there's another in SF that meets at obscenity bar once a month and meets virtually once a month as well and it's predominantly women. They're on IG: @silentbookclubsf


They’re on Facebook too. Look for Silent Book Club San Francisco.


Okay, I’m interested! Typically I don’t like book clubs because I kinda just like going with the flow of whatever I feel like reading but this reading club idea sounds nice! Could you post a TikTok link for reference? I haven’t seen the videos you are mentioning but sounds fun!


https://www.tiktok.com/@alltheradreads/video/7287672704067554603 I've been seeing many like this. People getting together to read in cafes or parks.


I would love to join!


I would be interested in this!


I’d love to join!


Would love to join to


>I've seen tiktoks about this in New York. Tiktik is a sliver of reality. Limited frame, best case scenario, <30 year olds. Sure it can work but don't expect much. Can't you do this at a cafe, library etc.? What's the point if you are reading different books? Honest question. Do you talk about your books or just read in silent and don't take to each other? Super curious.


There are tons of chapters of "silent book clubs" and they can be pretty well attended. People like them and they like reading and discussing books. Often with traditional book clubs you might read books you're not that into which cuts into reading time for books you're more excited about. Silent book clubs give a bit of both—a chance to talk about what you're reading and socialize, and you get to read a book you chose


I feel like SF is too expensive to do this in. Could see it happen more often in the burbs, cheaper areas, or charge a fee vs having many people squat for 2 hours with a cup of tea. Maybe if it's off-peak days/times but will it be well attended. Are these like once a week, month or quarter or? If it works, it works! Best of luck!


In spite of your feelings, people are currently doing it in SF. Like literally just last Sunday there was a get together.


I’m would love to join :)


Sounds amazing! How do I join in?


I'd love to join too if someone starts one