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Very bad. Eyes have been nonstop watery, sneezing a ton, and nose has been….wet lol.


This site has been helpful for me to understand what specific pollen is high that day. https://allerma.com/pollen-count/bay-area-ca/


Totally, peaked friday for me, getting better.


The forecast has it going crazy again end of this week ☠️


Where do you check this forecast? Didn’t even know pollen forecasts were a thing.


https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/san-francisco/94103/allergies-weather/347629 There’s a dropdown next to Tree Pollen to change to other allergens.


PollenWise app!






I should probably be dead. It was especially bad during the warm weather and improved a bit when we got some fog, but hasn't totally calmed down.


I took a walk on the embarcadero and was sneezing every 20 steps. I've never had it this bad.


I’m in San Jose, went for a hike at Calero and couldn’t stop sneezing, and my eyes were so itchy/watery I couldn’t see. Of course, suddenly there was a rattlesnake in the middle of the path, on the one hike where I could barely use my eyes. 😅


Hey quick question. Mine have been the worst this year too, I got a Pfizer vaccine and booster. Little conspiracy I’m developing but did you also?


I'll indulge same for me.


Tbh if you’ve gotten covid, that also can trigger/worsen allergies. Given the potency of infection compared to the vaccine, it’s the likelier cause.


Thanks for the reply!


Yw dude. I’ve always had spring allergies my whole life and it’s kinda funny seeing everyone suddenly also develop them. I mean it sucks, I want those allergy shots bc the seasons are becoming atrocious. But ya Covid is no joke on the immune system. There are some people affected by the vaccine but it’s orders of magnitude fewer than those who develop these lil souvenirs by actuall infection itself.


You counted?


I’ve been a sneeze factory. It’s gotten embarrassing at work.


my coworker said “bless you” after i sneezed a couple times but eventually stopped and before i left home they said bless you x53. they counted how many times i sneezed and blessed me all at once 😭


For the first time in 42 years on this planet, I woke up from a dead sleep to sneeze and then go back to sleep. This is has been the worst season of allergies in my entire life.


Hey quick question. Mine have been the worst this year too, I got a Pfizer vaccine and booster. Little conspiracy I’m developing but did you also?


Very bad. One of the worse years I can remember


Hey quick question. Mine have been the worst this year too, I got a Pfizer vaccine and booster. Little conspiracy I’m developing but did you also?


I’m literally dying. It’s been so bad this year, I can feel my lungs crying. Nose is constantly dry and running at the same time. Raw to the touch and always bleeding. Eyes are watering and scratching, sneezing non stop till my lungs hurt. Coughing, and coupled with the heat sleeping at night is almost unbearable. Soon as I start sneezing I might as well get up cause I know it won’t stop. I’m in Sac by the way. It’s usually pretty bad but this year is as bad as when we had the fires. Wearing a mask seems to help but it’s still such a pain to deal with.


Every time we visit family in Sac my allergies flare up. It's pollen hell up there.


Cause Sac is just a pit that everything sits in. Every time I get out to the hills you can just see the layers of shit that just sits on us and hardly moves. Least in the bay there’s a constant breeze. And with the major construction going on the last few years it’s been absolutely miserable.


Hey quick question. Mine have been the worst this year too, I got a Pfizer vaccine and booster. Little conspiracy I’m developing but did you also?


No, I’ve also had allergies since way before any of that stuff occurred. It’s just been progressively worse most years and very much location dependent. When I go to the coast I instantly breathe better.


Thanks for the reply!


Yup. Off the charts this year. I want to scratch my eyes out. And that’s after taking meds and eye drops.


What kind of eye drops do you get? This is the first season that got me left with extremely itchy and watery eyes during the morning. I'm dying..


Pataday drops changed my life


I use Opcon A. You can get them at most supermarkets or pharmacies. Most years they work perfectly fine, this years a bit different though.


Hey quick question. Mine have been the worst this year too, I got a Pfizer vaccine and booster. Little conspiracy I’m developing but did you also?


Yes!! Terrible. I went from my usual Claritin to Allegra and ordered some Flonase. They’ve been so bad I was thinking of seeing an allergist too.


Ha I went the other way around. Flonase was doing an ok job with my nose, but my eyes were going crazy so I started taking Allegra as well. Now I'm doing both Flonase and Allegra and feeling much better.


Try adding AstePro. It only recently became OTC (2022), and every allergist I’ve talked to said that it is the most effective antihistamine by far. You can also take it alongside the pill form anti-histamines like Allegra to essentially “double up.” And, it doesn’t take weeks to kick in like steroid nasal sprays (which you can also combine it with), more like 10 minutes. The only downside is that there is a learning curve to taking it. It’s a fairly significant amount of liquid, and you need to tilt your head forward and only breath in slowly. Two sprays each nostril morning and night. If you get it wrong and it goes down the back of your throat, it’s an absolutely terrible 15 minutes taste-wise haha.




The prescription that worked for me is Singulair and my regular GP doctor was able to prescribe it. Allergists can run tests and help diagnose the causes of allergy. That said, getting a referral from GP to an allergist is usually reserved for people who have allergies with life threatening and serious symptoms. For me, it was asthma and the allergist was great at getting me treated.


::wheezes in agreement::






Does Flonase work beyond the nose? I’ve also been getting really itchy, red eyes this year, in addition to sneezing and snot. I wake up looking like I’ve just smoked a pound of weed.


Fexofenadine - got it at Kaiser pharmacy and it’s helped a ton!


I have to use Zatador or Pataday eye drops (antihistamine eye drops) multiple times a day and rinse my face and eyes multiple times a day to wash off any allergen build up. You can buy both from the drugstore.


You’re amazing, thank you!


This has been my experience.


I don’t know if it’s placebo (though I think the idea is similar to allergy shots so maybe it’s legit), but ever since a friend told me to have a spoonful of raw local honey each day starting about a month before my usual allergy season starts, my allergies have been WAY more manageable. I used to be pretty miserable from like February to August even taking daily generic Claritin or Zyrtec (one would stop working after a few months so I’d switch to the other until it stopped and then switch back), but now the honey seems to take care of most of it and a Zyrtec takes care of the rest, more or less. I was SUPER skeptical of it when I tried it but I was feeling pretty desperate and hey, it’s honey so it didn’t seem like I had much to lose. If I forget and start partway through the season then it helps a little but not majorly. Starting before the season makes a big difference for me at least (I just do it year round now). I was told once to be careful if you put it in tea or something, but that letting it steep for several minutes first should let the tea cool down enough to not damage whatever it is in the honey that helps. Around here I’ve been using Bay Area Bee Company. Edit to add that before that (and since) I’ve also used a HEPA air purifier inside to make a safer space, and since learning about and using N95s/KN95s for COVID I’ve noticed they help with the residual breakthrough allergy symptoms too. The honey was by far the biggest game changer for me though. I don’t even care if it’s placebo.


I second the local honey. I’m not sure why because technically it’s not clinically proven but it helps A LOT. 


fexofenadine (allegra) + nasal steroid (Triamcinolone (nasacort) or Fluticasone (flonase))


I have no affiliation with this company, but it changed my life. Worth every penny - https://www.wyndly.com


The only thing that helps when mine are unbearable is Sudafed or the generic Pseudoephedrine and rest mixed with Zyrtec/allertec and Benadryl at night.


Zyrtec is stronger than Allegra/Claritin. If you’re coughing bc of post nasal drip, you might wanna get Zyrtec-D (avail behind the counter only). My combo is Zyrtec + Flonase. Zyrtec-D + Flonase on bad days.


Xyzal is the best for me - but no matter what you wanna take your allergy pill well before the sun comes out. Try waking up around 5-6am tomorrow and popping your antihistamines /flonase before you really wake up. I’ll bet you notice a huge improvement.


SO BAD. I am unwell.


No for real, I thought I had caught a virus at first… I felt I’ll before taking allergy meds


Thought I caught a virus too. I’ll try some allergy meds


Not alone.


Yeah, the sunny days last week were pretty bad. I ended up doubling up on my usual antihistamine which I usually don't do, and before that I'd been trying to *reduce* it to see if that would help my dry eyes but so much for that.


Way bad.


It’s been the worst I’ve had in years. When will it stop???


Hey quick question. Mine have been the worst this year too, I got a Pfizer vaccine and booster. Little conspiracy I’m developing but did you also?


I had the worst allergies in years this year. I blamed it on moving next to the park, it got so bad with watery eyes, I gave myself pink eye.


Last Wednesday and Thursday was horrible


Meds my dude! They help quite a bit.


For some people, not all people. For me, this year, my usual Claritin did nothing. Allegra brings down the symptoms, but doesn’t get rid of them.


Sorry to hear that. So for, over the counter stuff holds for me. Maybe try something with a prescription? 


Oh I have a whole routine going with Zyrtec, nasal spray, and a nasal rinse. It’s the only reason I’m functional haha.


Glad you’re on top of it! 


It’s so bad that my cat even is having major sneeze fits and coughing. Have to give her Zyrtec daily as well!


Lol most of us are using one or more meds…it’s been so bad this year they haven’t been making much of a difference for me


Hey quick question. Mine have been the worst this year too, I got a Pfizer vaccine and booster. Little conspiracy I’m developing but did you also?


Lol yes that is right there on conspiracy lane, friend 🤗


Thanks for the reply


My dumb ass has been working in my outdoor office, with 6 trees and a wisteria bush all up in my face and bees everywhere. And for whatever reason, I never think to get claritin. So just sneezing like a dummy all day and trying to scratch the back of my throat with my tongue.


I was like this last week. I think it's the extreme temperatures activating the flowers and plants. It was pretty hot last week followed by cold.


Haven't noticed it to be any worse than usual... That said, I should be in bed, but, have a 4-year daughter and a father with dementia to support.


Yea started Friday and better by today


it's been debilitating for me. I have been using my neti pot everyday and i put a few sprays of afrin in the saline solution. it usually works but sometimes that doesn't even do anything and i have to sedate myself with benadryl


I’ve been sleepy all day due to Benadryl


Really bad! I don't get typical allergy symptoms like runny nose and watery eyes, I get extremely lethargic. I barely ever set an alarm for myself on the weekends because I naturally wake up at a reasonable hour and I almost slept until noon on Sunday morning, my eyes felt like they had weights on them. The Pollenwise app has been helping me track it but just like every form of allergen that gets me (tree pollen, dust, mold) has been through the roof for weeks.


Terrible. I wake up every night coughing hard. 24hr Allegra pill has to be used twice a day, spray and eye drops.


This is one of those times we all need to mask outdoors, preferably at least a KN95 mask to filter out the pollen you breathe in. Remember the wildfire smoke? Same thing, wear a high quality mask and lower your risk of inhaling the smoke pollution.


If you have a friend with a Costco card, the Kirkland brand allergy meds are like $10 for 365 pills. Totally worth it just to have on hand for times like this.


[It’s Not Your Imagination. Your Allergies Are Getting Worse.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/opinion/allergies-climate-change.html?unlocked_article_code=1.r00.V3OW.9ZTeqBFmcZhM&smid=url-share)


Definitely bad season so far. Air purifier and cold mist humidifier on full blast made a huge difference last week. Still get hit with sniffles just taking the trash outside, but saves the need for meds for sure.


I’ve never had allergies this bad. It’s almost like this is a new strain of pollen. Any docs in here who could explain what’s happening and why it’s so bad?


Hey quick question. Mine have been the worst this year too, I got a Pfizer vaccine and booster. Little conspiracy I’m developing but did you also?


Bro stop watching those YouTube videos. I got MRNA vaccine. It does not connect. Lol


Thanks for the reply!


Dude, this is like the 7th comment you’ve left on this post pushing your “little conspiracy” anti-vax agenda… [ever heard of Google?](https://www.aamc.org/news/do-seasonal-allergies-seem-be-getting-worse-blame-climate-change) Get new material, you’re boring 🤡


Interesting. Took me about three minutes of copy and pasting. As I said in my previous comment(s) I am vaccinated. And just curious to see what other have said. Very boring work but it’s honest and I can appreciate it.


I'm on the complete opposite side of the USA from you, but at least where I live, this has been a record breaking year for high pollen days. Maybe it's the same where you are?


Yep, very high tree pollen count https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/san-francisco/94103/allergies-weather/347629


Hmm. I'm out in Bernal Heights. I have some residual allergies and only am affected by the most severe days but my house also contains a pathetic soul who is a virtual bellwether for allergens... No sign of problems.


So bad I think I'm sick most of the time. So much fatigue.


yup, and I caught something on a flight back to the bay, so I'm getting hit with a double whammy. No more PTO either, so I can't even take a sick day...


Does anyone else feel like they have allergies but they don’t have the typical symptoms? It’s like I have this annoying ass pressure and dryness with my eyes, it’s like a headache but not, plus headache meds don’t help, my ear pops. I notice it’s worse whenever it’s windy. I don’t know what allergy meds to try, it’s so frustrating.


yes...I have been snorting lines of Claritin like I'm at public works at 4 a.m. in the morning.


Haven’t had it for a while but kicking in last few days. Your not alone we are all affected by it.




Not dead but allergies are killing me


Wasn't sure what allergies were like as I've never really felt one other than mild lactose intolerance. Now I got lung butter shots into the back of my mask and violent sneezes. Nyquil and caffeine for further long term internal discomfort!


Omg yes


ive never had issues with allergies in the past, this is my first spring in sf and ive been sneezing like crazy lately and ive been so itchy everywhere


Try Ayurveda. Kerala Ayurveda in Milpitas has incredibly effective natural remedies for this. Check it out. A science based on thousands of years of human lived experience.


Yup. Until last week, I haven’t had an allergy attack since moving here from the east coast 8 years ago. The sneezing is relentless.


Oh dude, I’m glad you posted this. I started cat sitting another cat a week ago, and a few days later my allergies started going crazy in a way they haven’t in years. I couldn’t tell if it was pollen or the cat. Good to know it’s pollen!


Yes, holy crap. Saturday I had commencement down in Berkeley and I had my head down in my lap the whole time because my eyes were so watery. 😵‍💫


Sooo bad last week with the warm weather and the wind


I have no known allergies. But wondering if they finally appeared late in life.


Allegra 180 and rubbing vicks Vaporub under my nose. My theory is that the Vicks traps any dust and allergens from entering my nose


Yeah article dropped today in nytimes saying in 2018 7.5% had allergies. Now it’s 25% of americans. Warmer weather the growing season is longer for plants starts sooner and ends later


Myself and many of my friends have discussed how this season has been the worst for us in years.


It was actually really bad. For some reason I do have an itchy sore throat. And it doesn’t turns into cough and colds but man! It’s just so weird.


Im taking Zyrtec 2x. Nasacort 2x, Azelastine 2x, Chlorotrimetron 3x, and Zaditor 2x and I still feel like crap. POLLEN IS POISON!!☠️ this year 😫😫


It bad.


Oh good, it's not just me.


fexofenadine (allegra) + nasal steroid (Triamcinolone (nasacort) or Fluticasone (flonase))


It’s soooooooo bad my allergies so bad I think it caused a sinus infection which some how moved over to a mild flu out of no where not sure if that’s a thing or possible but by Thursday I had to leave work early and pretty much was out rest of my work week


Thankfully I'm fine. Very grateful to not have allergies, but I feel for everyone who does. Sounds awful. I chalk it up to growing up in a place where pollen was so thick you would wake up to a layer of yellow on cars that had been parked for the day.


I was just back home in SF for a visit until a week ago. (Now back working in Europe) Allergies KILLED me while there (OK, I exaggerate (a bit)) and now, a week later, a continent away, I'm only beginning to recover.


Worst I’ve had in a couple of years. Zyrtec and a good air purifier are helping.


It’s better today but I’m not over it yet! The weekend was hell!! And oddly, my wife had bad allergies too and she rarely has them. So yeah, you’re not the only one as you can see from the comments. We stand with you with itchy eyes and runny noses!!!


YES it was miserable and Kaiser was weirdly gate keeping prednisone For 4 days I could not function at all despite multiple OTC meds 6 years in the city and this is the first time I ever experienced it


I’m in San Jose but yup, last week was actually brutal. I don’t remember the last time they were this bad and I was doped up on Allegra and Flonase.


yeah dude over in east bay and it's terrible too - I stopped taking allergy meds like 20 years ago with no issues until this last month. I've been taking Zyrtec or Claritin every single day with only moderate success, sometimes at double doses!


Over here in New Mexico and we are dying from seasonal allergies. Almost everyone! Sending thoughts and prayers to San Fran lol


They’ve been the worst in 25 years for me. Eyes, nose and throat allergies off the charts this year!


Probably the worst it’s ever been. I’m dying over here


Yes. I'm fuckin miserable. My generic zyrtec iz only doing so much. Doesn't help with the increasing sticker shock on allergy meds


Hell yes! I went years without having any significant allergies. This year it’s hitting me like when I first moved to the area in early 2000s


I will be a little baby crying about it. My entire face is burning. My nose is stuffed, but has been running so much I ripped my skin from wiping so much. 😭😭


Omg they’re the worst they’ve ever been after living here for 10 years. I thought I had the flu or something.


I found you. My people!!


I emailed my doctor and she recommended Flonase and while I don’t love spraying into my nose it’s been such a game changer paired with eye drops. Highly recommend to try


Visiting my parents on the peninsula and I’ve been going to bed with super itchy eyes every night. The worst.


Well, I thought I had caught some cold when I woke up sneezing incessantly on Friday AM, and have been a bio-generator factory since, but maybe it was allergies, since I have no other common cold symptoms? I mean seriously, my allergies haven’t been more than excessive sniffles and an occasional sneeze in the past, so I didn’t think this could be them…


Yes! Every morning I wake up sneezing and eyes itching. It’s been no fun.


Yeah, I know exactly when it started. I took my dog out for a walk on Wednesday and started sneezing a lot. Been happening since then. Other than one-off days once in a while, I haven't been affected by allergies in years.


I thought I had awful allergies a couple weeks ago, turned out to be Covid though


Study was conducted that found that climate change is related to an increase in pollen in North America. Not sure about links here so the research article title is: Projected climate-driven changes in pollen emission season length and magnitude over the continental United States Also one from Harvard: Allergies are getting worse with climate change




Yes, both here and San Diego. We travel back and forth each month by private plane. What helps me is taking AllerFex (Costco’s version of Allegra) in the morning along with one Walgreens Mucus Relief three times a day and two Wal-fed D Nasal decongestant twice a day. I still wake up slightly congested but it goes away an hour after the meds. Many of my San Diego friends are having the same symptoms, though there appears to be a separate issue of some virus other than Covid going around down there that includes cough, congestion and malaise with no fever. I haven’t gotten that thankfully. (Ironically enough, my husband and I have never gotten Covid).


I got wrecked yesterday in the sunset too. Never really had allergies too bad before damn were my eyes itchy


Started like 10 days ago in central CA.


Worst allergies in years 


I typically have bad allergies. Been dealing with them every year since I was a child. Now in my 30s, it just all went away. I've not had an episode for last 5-6 years (knocking on wood). This year I've had many friends and colleagues complain how bad their allergies have become all while I've not been hit with it. So maybe the pollen is higher this year thanks to previous years rains that could be the cause.


Also, look at the vegetation. It's out of control and the public agencies are not taking care of any of it. They just day global warming


Yes, I’ve been dying the last couple of days. I have an appointment with the allergist tomorrow to set up the shots so I am unable to take any allergy medicine 😢




Xyzal at 6am before I really wake up makes all the difference in the world. You wanna take your allergy pill before the sun comes out - the Histamic response is the first in a long line of signaling pathways and if it’s already begun then medicine is way less effective.


Yes, allergies have been horrible the past month. Dying.




Died down during the pandemic because I was outside less and there weren't several hundred cars stirring up shit into the air.   But traffic's back and so are the allergies.


thursday night last week i woke up in the middle of the night to have a sneezing fit, like 6 huge sneezes back to back to back, couldnt get back to sleep i think my dog thought i was dying ive been taking a zyrtec+allegra combo which has been handling it much better than either one on their own


I’ve finally found my people. 🥹 but fr, allergies so bad it got me taking Covid tests again 😭😭😭


3 days ago only lasted a day fortunately


I work in the city and live in Marin. I was absolutely dying last week in the city, and fine when I went back home


Mine have been terrible this season


Yeah, it has been horrible. I normally don't get affected by allergies but this past week has been so bad, nonstop sneezing. Claritin/Zyrtec aren't doing shit for me.


I believe we are seeing an increase in allergies and severity of allergies due to our immune systems being disrupted by something we were told was safe and effective. It is now manifesting in allergies, persistent illnesses and aggressive cancers, especially in the young. Here's a paper that explains it. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X


Even down in Monterey I’ve been sneezing like crazy and my throat has been itching something awful. Literally the first time I’ve had allergies in years.


If I had to guess, this super bloom of all the invasive Spanish mustard is the cause. Thats those 5-foot yellow flower plants you see everywhere.


There’s something about sf… here, I must carry tissues 24/7. Growing up I thought sniffles was just a fact of life till I moved elsewhere found I had zero allergies and lived like a normal person. Anyone else only have allergies here?


It’s been pain, I was gonna go to a party this weekend too but man what am I gonna do?




Generic Zyrtec my friend. I wouldn't make it without it. https://www.costco.com/kirkland-signature-aller-tec%2c-365-tablets.product.11312465.html


Central Richmond here! There are literally no plants on my block but whatever is in the air has been irritating the hell out of my & my husband’s eyes and nose 🥲 haven’t had allergies this bad or painful since I worked at a winery in the middle of an oak forest! Whatever pollen that is in the air is *sharp* and rude 🙃


Maybe you have mold.


Try looking up pollen count to plan ahead for allergies.


Blame chesa


I had the worst allergies of my life living in SF. I’ll probably never live there again solely for the terrible allergies. A lot of buildings are old and moldy too which makes everything worse.