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Wooden Spoon was charging a 5% "SF Cost Adjustment Fee" back in January, good to know that they've stopped but I wonder if they did so in anticipation of the junk fee law taking effect. https://preview.redd.it/8ni6tgalwm5d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83358fa9b46e8041656d763bcf17eb59517d2d32


Also I'd be fine if they charged a 5% Sound Reduction Fee, it's like eating brunch on an airport runway in there.


*But I wonder if they did so in anticipation of the junk fee law taking effect.* They simply raised their food prices which is what everybody else is going to do when the mandates (edit: surcharges) are squelched.


Which is good, right? Now there won't be a surprise


Very unfortunately, this may not actually happen. Check out the link in the comment above.


Yeah. That's the point.


[We’ll see about that.](https://sfstandard.com/2024/06/06/san-francisco-haney-wiener-sb1528/) Contact your government representative asap.


No thanks. But you go ahead.


You know what they say, breakfast is the most expensive meal of the day


Eggs are $0.15 and take 30 seconds to cook. Ha


Eggs can be upwards of $.50 cents.


But they don't have to be.


And labor is 20+ an hour per person.


Organic grade AA eggs are 67c a piece at Safeway


Espresso martini is the new Bloody Mary.


And it's so much better. Granted, I despise celery with all my heart. It's the devil's lettuce.


I'm team Carajillo all day. ![gif](giphy|cPCk19IE6oavS)


It always was superior to the Bloody Mary.


A good bloody Mary is amazing.


It’s built into the cappuccino


For real haha $7 is crazy. Even fancy coffee shops don’t charge that.


$25 for huevos divorciados? It's just 2 sunny side up eggs with red salsa and green salsa with beans on the side and a few tortillas. No wonder I've dialed down going out for breakfast in the last year.


They get away with charging $25 for some damn eggs and salsa because people actually buy into these shenanigans.


You're basically paying for rent. For the landlord that leases to the restaurant and to the landlords of the employees. As long as it's insanely expensive to lease and live, independent local business costs will reflect that.


Well, the pancakes are "only" $16...


r/Georgism for the solution


Recipe for failure. Only a ultramaroon would pay ~$180 for breakfast for 5.


I had this at Gallardos last week for $12


Cappuccinos are $7 now?????????


Am I crazy or I feel like this is pretty standard?? I get a drip coffee at blue bottle and it’s near 5 dollars for a small


It is probably not far off from more expensive places like The Mill.   I think I paid $5 at Richfield, Red Bay,  and Andytown for a cappuccino within the past month.     But all these places are counter service. presumably you got table service which is more labor intensive with price to reflect. 


$7 latte feels standard but a cappuccino is less milk hence id expect $6 or less


I bought an espresso machine a little over a year ago and have legit already paid it off in savings from buying lattes. I've probably made 500 lattes at a cost of around $2 each, probably saving $4-5 each time.


I think even $2 is an overestimate. Surely milk and coffee beans can't be that expensive yet.


It's closer to $1.75, including electricity and water.


But a roaster and roast your own beans, save even more.


You're not paying for the milk you're paying for the labor. It still takes time to make the espresso and steam the milk. Now tell me why coffee cost $3.50.


Yes, if you go to a "specialty" shop


Owner here. Ready for downvotes! - Yes we removed it in anticipation of the changes. - Yes we raised some prices but not across the board. Some went up 10% some 0%, it evens out to a 5% increase - Yes its expensive (seeming) we feel you, we also have to pay higher prices for everything it takes to put a meal in front of a customer in a nice setting. - No we don't see much profit, youd be pretty surprised at how little.


Can you comment on what percentage of your revenue goes on rent vs employee wages?


About 50% is rent and wages


$25 for eggs benedict 🙆‍♂️


Pasta Supply Co. doesn’t have hidden fees and is a tip-free establishment! Food is amazing as well.


This subreddit has been asking, rightly so, for fees to be folded into prices and for restaurants to have transparent prices so consumers can make informed decisions. Here is a post about a restaurant that did exactly that and more than half of the comments are about how it's so laughably expensive. People commenting on the price of the cappuccino are exactly why restaurants want to keep their obscure pricing. Don't like it? Don't go. They aren't deceiving you anymore.


The comments went in such a negative direction, which I was not expecting. People are also acting as if they paid for this breakfast lol


Agreed. I want to know if a place is too expensive for me instead of being surprised by an additional $10+ in fees after I've eaten the meal. If I know that eggs Benedict cost this, I can make a decision to order or not.


Thank you posting, we genuinely had a good laugh at complaints about higher prices. I wish they were lower too but the model is at a breaking point.


Thank you.....that's in line with what a good restaurant meal costs nowadays. There are probably plenty of cheaper restaurants close to this one....either go to those, cook at home, or find yourself a nice breakfast burrito on the street. But for God's sake, quit whining people.


It's because the place has less than 20 employees.


Bingo. They're not subject to some regulations.


I’m about to get divorciado’d from dining out. It still crazy


That’s great to hear! As another commenter has noted, Wooden Spoon used to add surcharges, but they must have stopped more recently Relatedly, some friends and I are drafting an [initiative ordinance](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/1Xv06kExYu) to close this newly-introduced loophole in San Francisco. If anyone else wants to help please get in touch


Five dollars for a fucking iced tea. Shit is out of hand.


They don't put bourbon in it or nothing?


I see what you did there.


Omg I'm dying laughing. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Would rather it be $4.75 with a 5% hidden fee tbh


Yeah, every time these are posted people always say "just put the fees into the cost of the item!" Then they bitch about the cost of the item.


I mean, I'd still have sticker shock at 4.50 for an iced tea. But I also don't live in the city so maybe it's less abnormal there. The food items were just about what I'd expect, the drinks were not.


So you'd rather them charge less than add a percentage surcharge afterward?


yea, but this should be everything - service tips included.


That’s 20 minutes at minimum wage. Pretty sure it was more expensive by that metric a few years ago.


Most of these places just pay the tax. Usually built in to the price already.


As it should be… hence the transparent prices 😃


Government mandates should be a separate line item and not built into the price. I want to know exactly what city hall is forcing onto a business that I'm patronizing.


No they shouldn’t. I want the cost of my meal to be exactly what is listed on the menu. If you want it broken down, by all means ask the restaurant.


Separate line items for government mandated fees helps me avoid supporting cities and brings awareness to outrageous consumer fees and taxes .Look at TNs LBD sin tax. If that was built-in to the price, I wouldn't be the wiser but since it's a line item, now I have zero desire to visit Tennessee in the future.


Separate line items is how we got on the situation we’re in where every restaurant has a stack of separate line items, and it’s impossible for the average person to tell what is a mandated tax vs what has simply been tacked on by the restaurant because the cost of goods has gone up but they don’t want to raise their prices. So now along with a 20% tip (ask me how I feel about this new tipping culture we’re in), every meal out has an additional cohort of charges that isn’t factored in. To say nothing that most restaurants try and be sneaky by calculating the recommended tip on the total and not the cost of goods alone. In any country in the world the restaurant would be on the hook for false advertising, but somehow it flies here in America, because it’s the norm, and some people such as yourself want separate line items. All taxes, fees, and surcharges should be factored into the menu prices. If that means the menu items become priced so high that less people go out to eat, then restaurants and restauranteur associations can lobby to bring those taxes and fees down. And that way people aren’t going to be misled into what the cost of their meal is. That’s the way it is in every other country in the world, because they’ve all universally recognized it’s better that way.


When will this crowd figure out that “Europeans do it” is convincing to nobody outside their little America self hating bubbles It’s interesting you talk about restaraunts and association lobbying to reduce taxes, even though his post is about *consumers* ability to lobby the government. Do you share his concern for the information of the consumer at all? He’s making a case for something separate from fees levied by the establishment


“Little America self hating bubbles”? Oh go away with your ridiculous sweeping generalizations. Like it’s impossible to like the country without criticizing one thing about it in the hope of making it better. “Europe bad! MURICA!” No, actually I don’t. It’s funny how you picked out that one point only, and disregarded all the points I made that already answer your question - how I believe that in fact it is better for the consumer. I already outlined the reasons why, I won’t do it again for you. Now pipe down and let the adults talk.


I agree, people need to know why restaurants are charging so much or they'll blame it on "corporate greed"


Yaz it's the same thing for outrageous taxes cities impose on lodging and rental cars.


They are free to breakdown how much of the price comes from government mandates and taxes on the receipt or menu, but the prices should reflect the actual cost and not hide behind deceptive surcharges.  Price transparency is an important component of markets and making consumers read the fine print and do math to figure out the actual price makes the market inefficient and favor firms over consumers.


I just can’t agree with this. Have you ever been to a country that has exactly one true price, on the menu? Order 2 €20 dishes and pay in 4x10€ notes and walk away? It’s so much easier. You know what you’re paying. Never deal with coins or weird amounts. You’ll never want to go back, weird anti-taxation ideology or no.


There's no "mandate" by the SF government. "SF mandate" is a fake term created by restaurants to increase the price by some random %. That's why "SF mandate" is a different amount at different restaurants. It has nothing to do with the government.


The wooden spoon is awesome! The food is fabulous. Highly rated.


That’s not even that crazy, they got a lot of food. That’s enough for probably 5 or 6 people


If you check my post history I complained about the mandate listed from them a few months ago. But on my receipt the french toast and pancakes were both $2 cheaper. They’ve increased prices by over 10% it seems. Consumer just can’t win in this.


I’m confused, many of the people who are against the mandated taxes say to just incorporate it in the menu, but when a restaurant does that people are upset?


Ppl just want something to whine about


haha, I forgot I'm on reddit so that tracks LOL


I think if it were incorporated at 5% I wouldn’t have the issue with it.


The more important point is that it is much easier to vote with your wallet if all the actual prices are stated upfront. If they hit you with surprise taxes and fees, you're stuck paying the bill at least that one time instead of having the opportunity to pick another place based on the pricing.


> They’ve increased prices by over 10% it seems. Consumer just can’t win in this. Then play capitalism and don't eat there if it's too expensive. They will now charge whatever people are willing to pay.


From the looks of it looks like they implemented the mandate towards the menu price 😂


Wow looks like a regular check for once. 👀


Oh its amazing they can still survive without all that miscelleneous charges. Truly a Christmas in June miracle!


I’d say Wooden Spoon is one of the best breakfast spots in SF. Yes it’s pricey, but what isn’t these days.


Those prices are ridiculous. Glad I don't go out to eat anymore.


$25 eggs benny nice


It costs $150 Dollars for 3 people to get breakfast.


Looks like 5 breakfasts to me


They just added it to the menu price. I imagine everyone is currently working to adjust their menus since July 1st is coming soon. So much new printing






Top of the cap to the person ordering an espresso martini for breakfast.


Food that you can literally cook in 5 min using the cheapest ingredients known to man. Get out of here.


Little sushi bar in the Richmond!! The food was super good too.


Is that in US dollars?


LOL you had a $147 breakfast?


LOL I must have had too many brunches in the city because I feel like 36 for 4 people feels standard??


Seems like a great price!


Seemed like a good time at a reasonable price and now I actually want to go there.


it is stated in all caps, “BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT”


Yeah, Wooden Spoon is a pretty good deal for the neighborhood!


search the sub, has been discussed regularly.


$25 huevos.... I can get 3 boxes of that from safeway... freerange


restaurants provide more than raw product


Cool! Thanks for letting me know about a restaurant that I’ll never go to now.


Wait a minute. I’m getting downvoted because I won’t pay $25 for 2 eggs and salsa? Ummm…ok. Have fun with that.




you work at walmart your opinion is worthless


You’re a pussy that can’t defend himself in person keyboard warrior 💀


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