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6/30 multiple booms about 5-15mins apart, last one around 10:15pm. Heard from Twin Lakes area. Sounded bigger than a firework!


It's people firing off fireworks at the Holdfast Lounge, aka the Blue Lounge. They nearly burned down my residence with that one, got hit with something when I went out to see what was going on. They're doing it all the time in this neighborhood, fucking sucks.


6/26 Seabright huge metallic noise \~1:30pm followed by sirens; fire truck, multiple cop cars converging near corner of E Cliff & Murray. Cops running up side of house that seemed to be source of noise. Sounded way bigger than fireworks.


6/23 10:30pm near Ocean St…why is every night like this?? 🫠


10:40pm on Saturday, 6/22


Just one big deep bang? Thats what I heard


We heard it in Pasatiempo! Crazy sound.


watsonville, it's been pretty much all day, most recent 10:50 ish. literally sounds like an explosion, and then smaller ones sound almost like gunfire. been waking me up :/


Loud bang in Rio Del Mar at 3:29am on 6/16/24. Sounded like something huge being dropped from high up.


One loud bang followed by a series of smaller ones (roughly five) in Neary Lagoon, minutes after midnight


Three loud bangs in seabright past 10 minutes, second bang was accompanied by a car alarm or car honk somewhere




Yeah they woke me up, super fucking loud. None of my cats were even phased.


Crazy loud plane takeoff sound in Seabright??


loud ass fireworks over downtown. who the hell is setting off fireworks at midnight


series of bangs a few blocks from el Jardin in live oak. sounds like fireworks, maybe? 9pm 5/18


I've been hearing continuous bangs, like distant fireworks, for the last five or ten minutes. North end of downtown.


100th Anniversary Firework Show at the Boardwalk 


Not a bang but couldn’t tell if I just heard thunder or another F-35 fly by on the west side at 12:56pm today, 05/15


car just went off of west cliff a half hour (?) ish ago just saw a video on instagram. apparently car chase ended in a pickup going over the cliffs and landing upside down on the rocks at Mitchell's 🙁


Sounded like two gunshots just now (5/10 @ 7:20pm) on the Westside, Woodrow and Alta


Sounded like a straight up bomb in Soquel. What.


My neighbor thinks a transformer blew by 41st Safeway, couldn’t say, but wowza it was loud and felt comparable to an aerial earthquake to me. Maybe that was the shockwave?


What was that. It shook my house.


Big bang near downtown closer to Myrtle Street and Center Street. 8:10 pm. Single loud pop. Sounded very much like a gun shot to me. I’ve shot guns few times before.


Many more occurring 8:37


Heard them too, police arrested some guy right outside my house!


Was this near Well Within Spa? Some friends reported hearing and seeing a quick loud bang around 750pm yesterday


Someone lights them off close to me over in twin lakes


Bang in seabright tonight followed by partial power outage at tramonti and surrounding restaurants. Explosion was very loud? Did anyone hear


11:13pm EXTREMELY loud boom. Felt it. Just one big giant sound followed by silence. No sirens or dogs barking or anything. Thoughts?


I couldn't tell. It was a loud one! I heard it close to downtown.


Another loud bang at 11:13pm


Heard this too on seabright. It shook the house


That was insane!!! Heard and felt it on Park and Logan.


Heard and felt near Seabright and Murray. Seemed to originate from the NE. Nothing on PulsePoint, or USGS.




Multiple alarms blaring in west of campus area. Is it fire alarm? Car alarms? Been going on for about 15 minutes


Lockheed Martin corporation used to be up in Santa Cruz mountains not too long ago…maybe they were testing some stuff out? 😬


Large explosion in midtown. A couple car alarms went off following the noise. Any ideas?


I saw it when I was driving, looked like fireworks in my rearview mirror.


4 large flashes in the night sky around 23:10 on March 16?


Looked like a transformer explosion or something. Bright blue lights


That's my expectation. The third flash was way more green. People are reporting power outages as well so that adds up.


What was that bang (two of them)? Midtown/Seabright 2/10/24 11:02pm


Heard in loudly in Prospect Heights area. Sounded like it came from.the direction of Goss/Freeway.


Woke up my whole house (Grunewald Ct)


This was very close to the freeway I actually saw the lights and felt vibrations


Anyone hear an explosion last night? On the westside. I think it was around midnight.


Wow, 10:54 PM 12/31 and I just heard my first bang, somewhere around the north end of downtown. It was wimpy. Oh, there's another. Downtown maybe at the foot of Mission. Clock tower, I'll bet.




Yup idk what it was though


I heard a sound very loudly dt- flats area around 6pm


It was nov 7,’23 anyone hear it too?


Anyone hear that loud explosion in Soquel on or nearby old San Jose road? 10:20pm ish


Yep, sounded closer and louder than usual


11pm beach flats next to the boardwalk, sounded like a series of bangs


Did anyone just hear a really loud boom? That kinda sounded like a bomb? In lower ocean neighborhood


Ya, I was thinking that maybe it was one of those mortar fireworks but didn't actually work correctly, like the kinda scattering sparkly stage not activating and all the boom concentrated in the earlier stage. That could be one possibility I feel like I've bee hearing more of those this last year


Can we please get a "WHAT IS THAT SMOKE SMELL?" thread stickied? There are constant threads asking about what the smoke/smoke smell in the air is from, when it is very easy to use Watch Duty or google to find out about prescribed burns in the area. I get people are freaked out, but it's pretty annoying to see multiple threads about the same prescribed burn.


air raid siren heard near downtown around 1:40am?


Live oak at 10:03 near Brommer st park.


Last night in La Selva, 3 booms and a flash


Upper west side just now?


I just heard it too


Near UTP, off Meder, loud pops almost every night, tonight around midnight. I feel bad for elderly neighbors and their dogs. Anyone else hearing these?


Yes I did, with a big flash of light right before it


Heard what I’m pretty sure was gunshots near the corner of seabright Ave and soquel avenue (down soquel Ave going towards Capitola) at 4:30pm. 4 or 5 loud pops in a row and people around definitey started briskly walking or driving away and looking around. Reported it to scpd. Anyone else hear or see anything?


Loud bang heard from upper west side 12:57am, July 25th. Sounded pretty far away… maybe towards beach flats/boardwalk area but I have no clue. Another one in same direction at 12:58am, not as loud.


When will these fucking fireworks end? As a dog owner of an extremely anxious pup, I’m so tired of it.


Some pops (sounded like single firework bangs) by the metro bus station, 21:24 6/30/2023, I keep hearing them almost every night, does anybody know what's making them???? Edit: two more a few minutes later, 21:26, heard a crackle after. Guess it's fireworks, no clue why there's so many each night (Two more as I'm typing this at 21:27)


Big boom just now. 21:17 6/29/23 Pleasure point. Sound travelled SE from the W Not that anyone cares.


Big boom last night around 4:45am in Boulder Creek. Someone online posting that they saw a possible meteorite? Anyone know if we had a celestial encounter last night?


there was like... a loud bang somewhere like a few minutes ago idk 😐


Transformer pop on portola this evening or what? Powers out at 35th shortly after what sounded like a large mortar shot.


Quite a few pops tonight -- sounded like gun fire to me -- in live oak near the dog shelter.


Loud pop sound 5:51 am May 6th 2023 seemed to come from Morrissey or Prospect Heights area.


Anyone hear that bang in Scott’s Valley near the 17 and granite creak road? Power went out immediately after so I’m assuming it was a transformer.


Anyone hear that at Rachel Carson College


As to what causes some of these bangs: ar night, I was standing on my balcony in Cedar street about 1 year ago and saw a driving car shooting two explosive cartridges near the tent of a homeless person. They both exploded in the air and did not seem to cause direct harm, but the bangs were impressive. The car was a rusty pickup truck. Unfortunately, before I could get out my phone and take a picture, they drove off around the corner. Did anyone else experience something similar?


Just heard a huge bang, shook everyone’s windows on my block


Same thing on the west side in circles. There were a bunch of these around 2. Was that an earthquake? Edit; this was last night, not three days ago


I was up and hanging outside on my porch at about two am last night. All of a sudden a blinding light, followed by a boom that I could feel in my bones. Also setting off car alarms. This lightning and thunder continued for a little while but that first one was a doozy! (In Aptos)


I think a bolt hit behind my house in Soquel. There was a tree exploded in front of someone’s house.


Id love to see a picture of the exploded tree 🙌


I’ll try and walk down there later. It’s all cleaned up. But you can definitely see burn marks.


More context: Im in the Emmeline area and most of the neighbors who felt it are in the same area.


7:50pm huge bang in the Ocean st/emmeline area. followed by screeching car sounds


Ben Lomond mega bang bout 5 to 10 min ago anyone got any ifo


8:55 pm bang heard in seabright


2/2 1:23am - huge boom upper west side…


I live downtown and it shook my building. Once my fight-or-flight reaction was over, I noted the time (1:26am). This is not the first time a loud boom woke me up in the dead of night since moving to downtown Santa Cruz in August 2021.


i also heard a huge one just now downtown


Yeah that was probably it. It sounded somewhat distant


1/29/23 around 11:15pm, heard near Safeway. Anyone else?


Sounded like two loud bangs near Natural Bridges right at that time.


Two of them on the west side. Though from here it sounded like someone dumping their worn out sex robots into a dumpster. And it's still 1/28 for a few more minutes.


1/23/23 live oak 17th and felt around 3 am sounded like a pretty big boom/explosion?


I woke up to this and am in Seabright. Wtf was that? My dog is so scared


I saw a flash of light like lightning near simpkins pool on the last explosion


Last night at the same time?


Damn.. anyone know what it was?


1/22/23 upper westside 12:24am. One big boom…


Someone fired a massive mortar from in front of Pacific Rock Gym. After what happened here last night, complete trash.


how do you know this? also heard little booms before woke everyone up…


I saw it walking up to Days, it scared the shit out of me and my friend and we walked around the corner to check it out and there was a bunch of smoke right in the corner in front of the gym. Heard more fireworks in the distance, so possible we're talking about more than one. But this one was huge.


I saw a big flash of light like lightning out towards pony park across the tracks.


Several bangs in Seabright? Not usually one to mistake fireworks for gunshots, but those sounded like gunfire near Days Edit: was actually gunshots.


1/15 big boom in Soquel 8:15pm.


This is really a thing lol 😆


1/9/23 at 1:52am. Loud and deep boom around California street


Woke up to grab a pee and a glass of water just in time to hear it, near Laurel/downtown. Big reverberating explosion sound, not a tree falling. Transformer maybe? But the power is still on here. In any other weather I'd chalk it up to some idiot discovering that they still have an unexploded M80 from last July.


1/3/23 Upper westside 11:45pm. Kind of sounded like fireworks but who knows


Sounded deeper and more resonating than fireworks to me. Almost like large metal equipment dropped from a height. Weird


I agree with that… it’s always so hard to know what it could be.


heard this last night too, there was a short pop before each loud one and they both echoed for ~5 seconds


11:45 PM 1/3/23 Laurel street near the high school?


that was LOUD


Two very loud bangs at 11:45 PM on the west side. Any ideas?


Just heard a big bang near Frederick street/seabright area. Potentially a mortar firework or something else


12/21, 6:30ish, westside near bay st.


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This is downtown, around 8:30 pm. Power went out and I then heard a distant bang; must have been a transformer. "Bang" was to the north. The power came back in less than a minute, so they must have rerouted power.


Explosion was close to us. We are near the Boys and Girls club. Power came back on in about 90 seconds.


not a bang but my power went out near downtown


Just heard 2 loud noises by the beach flats. Hoping it's not gun shots.


Loud explosion heard on the upper west side that woke me up. Any ideas?


Loud bang by Beach Hill @ 12:42 AM. It was the loudest it's been (somehow louder than the one two nights ago).


Loud bang just now (10:45p) downtown Santa Cruz.


anyone else see the burst of light too?


I saw it. And felt it. No way that was just a firework.


In Capitola, woke up just now to an attempted catalytic convertor robbery. Neighbors called it in, suspects were pursued but got away


SUNDAY OCT 9, EVENING: THE BANGS YOU'RE HEARING are from the Rudolph Monte benefit fireworks show over toward Aptos.


Just heard possible guns and a ton of cop cars in Soquel. Sounded pretty far away though!


I work in the area and while I didn't have direct line of sight I was under a skylight and saw a lot of flashing lights, like fireworks. Pretty sure the sirens were just an unfortunate coincidence! Been quiet since.


Heard that too. Came here to see if anyone knows what’s up


One large bang around 38th and portola around 9:20pm?


I heard multiple shots in Midtown.


Anyone hear multiple bangs/gun shots around 30 minutes ago near downtown?


I heard that in Midtown -- near Whole Foods area. Just now.


GSW near Riverside bridge/beach flats. Air ambulance just landed at Boardwalk parking lot.


okay boardwalk area last night, there were definitely like 8 shots fired followed by a loud police presence. Anyone else hear this at like 12:30am?


I was waiting at the bus stop near the entrance of UCSC yesterday night at around 12:20 AM, and I heard what sounded like gunshots. There was one initial gunshot then 3-4 right after each other. After that, I heard some rustling in the bushes and ran across the street and hid. It might have been the most scared I’ve ever been in my life. Not sure if they were gunshots though since I haven’t seen anyone talk about it, but they sounded very much like them.


Just heard a few loud booms (4/5 booms). I live in the Seabright area, close to the beach. I can't tell if they were fireworks or gun shots. I couldn't hear any fizzling sounds like what happens after fireworks but maybe I'm just too far away.


Last night about 11:35 there was a very loud explosion or blast. It seemed close. We are on Paul Minnie Avenue in Live Oak.


heard a SERIOUSLY loud explosion sound near the Morrissey Ave Safeway. 1:13am is a great time for an alien invasion :/


I heard that one, never found out what it was. Loud AF though


The time matches up with this icbm out of Vandenberg. http://mailman.qth.net/pipermail/launch-alert/2022-September/001396.html


the sound came from much closer than three hours away, and it was probably a minutes or so before i actually posted the message- so closer to 1:11 or 1:12am. good for the air force though, it’s reassuring to know that it’s so easy to start a global nuclear war <3


Well that sure was something. Cluster of smaller bangs followed by a couple pretty big ones. Heard in at least a 3-4 mile radius based on others reports


Wonder if it was a possible meteorite 🤔


Oooh that could be it. Glad it didn’t end up like that big one in Russia some years back.


Heard the multiple loud bangs all the way in capitola area


Just heard them up Happy Valley. Weird almost cluster and then one large one?


Yeah! That’s what I heard here.


Weird. Not seeing anything on PulsePoint or hearing anything on scanner


Seabright loud bangs who dat


Okay what the hell was that?! A few small booms and then one huge one??


Yep definitely sounded like sonic booms


I’m near the Mystery Spot. Came from town, maybe Seabright direction




Same here, ground shaking near the base of the 17…


Heard a fuck ton of booms near ocean and Clay


Heard them from up near the Mystery Spot


Jesus fuck, it's m80s. What is wrong with you people? Mystery solved you dorks. This has been going on forever in Santa Cruz.


Huge bang — largest one yet— at 12:01 AM. Harvey West / pogonip area. 😳


Crazy loud, deep boom just now heard in Happy Valley- sounded like it came from the direction of Old San Jose Rd. anyone else? 10:13pm Friday night (8/19)


There are bangs ALL the time in Live Oak. I don’t even bother trying to figure it out anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


LOUD bang near pacific and front street


I heard a bang in my local town centre, after multiple days of research , found out it was a car that ploughed barriers and a local bar at 100mph


Big Bang (sounded like fireworks) right near pacific avenue next to Zoccoli’s at around 12:30pm. I hope they blow off a finger but they’re able to reattach it. Sincerely, anyone who takes their dog downtown or has ptsd.


Not a bang last night but crazy loud chanting and yelling and then a huge blast from a really loud police horn that sounded loud enough to be an air raid warning. Wtf was going on downtown?


5am, two large booms around Prospect Heights 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Bro has paranoia its probably someone shooting a gofer or something.


11:45pm - downtown near the arena...i dont think that was fireworks....


Last night in the vicinity of San Lorenzo park, some assholes were setting them off every few minutes for a good half hour. Do the cops just not give a shit anymore? I wouldn't be so salty about it if it wasn't at 1 in the fucking morning. Why don't these assclowns ever do it before fucking midnight? I swear, if I ever catch one of these SOBs, we're going to find out what happens when fireworks are used rectally.


Is anybody heating that?! It was like 20 plus loud bangs that sounded like gun shots. Near western at 12:50am


Yes! Just posted about it. There were more just now.


Upper west side 12:40 am. Were those fireworks or gun shots? Multiple bangs. The echo made me think gunshot.


6/23/22 \~1:30AM Three shots fired in alley way between Elm and Maple, next to the Mission. Argument broke out, three guys started shooting at each other from opposite ends of the street. Vehicle spotted fleeing the scene by witnesses.


That sure sounds like Louden Nelson