• By -


Saskatchewan cannot afford the SaskParty


No, but the lobbyists can.


Hey now, people around here don't like hearing the hard truths.


And they will all run to Calgary or America when things go belly up


with full pensions


Just like Dwain Lingenfelter did?


'Ya but,... ah derrr... Trudeau! šŸ˜ šŸ„“'




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Fascism has come to Saskatchewan. Tommy Douglas is spinning in his grave.


He warned us multiple times


Yet if he were alive today, him and Ross Thatcher would lead each otherā€™s parties.


To be fair it's been in this country throughout my whole adulthood at the very least.




Username checks out


"Let me remind you what fascism is. It need not wear a brown shirt or a green shirt. It may even wear a dress shirt. Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege." - TC Douglas


ā€œSterilization of the mentally and physically defective has long been advocated, but only recently has it seeped into the public consciousness. From the day when Plato wrote his Republic to the present, eugenists [sic] have advanced various solutions to the problem of the defective, but sterilization seems to meet the requirements of the situation most aptly.ā€ - TC Douglas


From Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy\_Douglas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Douglas) "During the 1968 Federal Election, Douglas describedĀ [homosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality)Ā as a treatable illness by saying it was "a mental illness... \[and\] a psychiatric condition", as theĀ [American Psychiatric Association](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Psychiatric_Association). Rather than treating it as a criminal offence with imprisonment, Douglas believed it could be treated by psychiatrists and social workers. This view of homosexuality was mainstream at the time, but has since raised questions about how historical figures are remembered.[^(\[48\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Douglas#cite_note-49)[^(\[49\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Douglas#cite_note-50)Ā Nevertheless, Douglas would vote in favor of Bill C-150 in 1969, which decriminalized homosexuality." In his own words: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M\_3PV\_vqCIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_3PV_vqCIA) Now I'm fine with LGBT adults / young adults, but I agree with the pronoun policy of the government. And my point here is everyone loves to toss around Tommy D would think this about x issue. Are you sure?


Seems like he was on the right path, but still had some flawed ideas. Which, is honestly on par for a guy who wrote favourably about eugenics. The hope is that *like eugenics*, he'd see the devastating effect his ideas on homosxuality have on society. Edit: young adults and adults. . . Children, too right?


Lead it with in 1968. People are different in 2024. Im sure Douglas would be too. If he wasnt, hed be voted out like anybody else.


You agree with child abuse huh


Blocked for fascism.


Itā€™s lovely how people downvote the truth about Tommy Douglas. The man was a - religious minister who ā€œIn 1933, he received a Master of Arts in sociology from McMaster University for his thesis, ā€œThe Problems of the Subnormal Family.ā€ In the thesis, Douglas recommended several eugenic policies, including the sterilization of ā€œmental defectives and those incurably diseased.ā€ His ideas were not unique, as two Canadian provinces (and 32 American states) passed sexual-sterilization legislation in the 1920s and 1930sā€. But he repented and is a hero. On the other hand, people are literally beating up statues of select Prime Ministers while voting for ones that will throw them in jail in a heartbeat. Funny folks we are.


Its just really weird to take someones thoughts from 1968 and say theyd think those exact thoughts Life isnt a vaccuum and life has context but this is an easy point for you to throw out cause history doesnt change. But his political party has. So has the research on eugenics so what?


Yet, John A McDonald among others, who never got a chance to recant are demonized. We could bring nearly any political figure up and Iā€™m 100% sure, that knowing what we do now, would realize they made mistakes and wrong choices. But, Douglas gets the Order of Canada, McDonald gets beheaded.


This. Douglas is the left's Christ figure, so he is 100% beyond scrutiny.


1996* - Saskatchewan became the last province to close a residential school. We're a trashy province lol.




Oh crazy, this is Mandela effect for me big time. I swear I learned it as 1995 and fact checked it on several occasions and remembered it as 1995 because it's my birth year. Maybe misremembering that it was "the year after my birth" instead or something. I'll update my database thanks šŸ‘


What database?


The one in my head


Ah ic. Classic.


That was more of a federal government than provincial, delaying what should have happened eons before. Still Saskatchewan was dead last. It still took till 1999 for the department responsible for residential school to finally show there were bo remaining ones in the country.


Took even longer than that for the general public to start believing.


That it did. I grew up farming against one of the reserves. I played ball and hockey with a lot do the guys, spent time with them and their families and my family had close ties going back to my grandparents. I was fortunate to grow up and experience the culture and to hear the history both good and bad. I was always perplexed why I never learned about the residential school in school being it was a. Rather large part of the history of Canada and Saskatchewan. Iā€™m fortunate that I grew up where and how I did as because racism was unacceptable in my family and I was raised that no one is above another. I strive daily to make sure my kids donā€™t grow up like so many have.


Your trash. Just because residential schools existed doesn't mean Saskatchewan and the people of today are to blame or should be shamed for a history they had nothing to do with.


Buddy, strike a nerve did I? Nationalism has pitfalls. We're all in this together.




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And why did it stay open for so long?


And still they are proud of themselves! The delusion is thick


We're #1! We're #1! Oh, wait...




Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m late to the conversation. What happened? You seem knowledgeable on the topic, or at least willing to do the leg work to research it.


I keep saying, New Brunswick passed their anti-trans kids policy in July 2023, almost four full months before Saskatchewan did.


True, but did they pass a policy nobody is fighting or did they, like Moe, evoke the notwithstanding clause admitting its in violation of the charter as well as the provincial human rights code.


We need to do what the US has failed to, eliminate religion from politics.


Moe needs to go now,, urban population and unionized working class should all channel their aggression onto the ballot box and vote for change. they are the ones most affected by this anti urban and union workers regime


Are unions even relevant anymore?


yes, but only for some.


Speaking from experience, it seems to me that the unions only exist now for the sake of the union and not for the sake of the membership.


Exactly- itā€™s just a money grabbing scheme for the people working for the union


False. New Brunswick did it first.


NDP needs to get away from the ideological political games and just talk about the abysmal track record of the Saskatchewan Party. Theyā€™ve done nothing to better the province in 17 years and taken us to a deficit of more than 30 billion dollars. Thereā€™s no way for Moe to hide that.


I agree with your first part of the first sentence but attack ads just rallies the NDP base but does nothing to flip voters, when Ryan M came to talk in my town rural it was all attacks and nothing rural actually cared about. Know what they say about doing the same thing over and over again expecting different resultsā€¦. The only semi useful thing announced so far is the anti donations from unions or corps promise the addition of unions to the line raised some rural eye brows. More economic and taxation plans and funding if the ā€œwe will do better at x y z ā€œ is needed. Rebrand and rename from NDP to distance from Jagmeet wouldnā€™t hurt either.


They have also violated the charter rights of the disabled by forcing people on the Said program to take there CCP before age 65


You mean protect vulnerable children. We dont let kids make long term, irreversible decisions about their body when theyre still figuring out who they are. Its why we dont let kids gamble or drink or smoke, or get tattoos.


What about their parents?


What are you even asking? What about them? Context helps.


The laws being passed restrict parents from providing those services. They also prevent things like students being referred to by their preferred pronouns.


I dont know about the first part, but the 2nd part is only if the parents arent aware or havent consented which is how it should be. Parents > Teachers. What you just said is good, not a complaint.


Parents > Teachers. Even when a child is being abuses?


For 1, they address that in the new laws. For 2, in situations of actual abuse, why arent the children taken away? Theres a lot of things people call abuse nowadays that laughably are not abuse. To say "There are a few kids who get abused" isnt a reason to scrap the entire rule. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater etc.


>For 2, in situations of actual abuse, why arent the children taken away Because the alternative is a lot better for the children. Any child who doesn't trust their parents with sharing their preferred pronouns and is taken away because of abuse if those pronouns are revealed is 100 percent better off living a somewhat secret life. Being out into care takes a lot of evidence, is generally horrible, and insanely expensive. Or we could just let children have a degree of autonomy.


Sure if my kid doesnt want to go to school, they shouldnt have to, because autonomy right? If my kid wants to get drunk and smoke weed, why not, autonomy right? And how is letting a child stay with an abusive parent better than not? Why is it better to leave them with their abuser? Maybe, just fucking maybe, we both want to protect kids, but we disagree on how to do that. Just fucking maybe, you shouldnt vilify people who simply disagree with your approach. I commend Scott Moe and his party for taking the initiative to protect kids. Right now there is an actual incentive for people to "Identify as trans". Theyre celebrated and held in high regard. They get kudos and hugs and attaboys. Oh youre a white male? Fuck you, you disgusting filth. OH YOURE NONBINARY NOW!??! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! CLASS PIZZA PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! And then when theyre infertile at 25 and they go "Why the fuck did you let me do this to myself?"


>Sure if my kid doesnt want to go to school, they shouldnt have to, because autonomy right? If my kid wants to get drunk and smoke weed, why not, autonomy right? Are you equating a child choosing their own pronouns to these things? >And how is letting a child stay with an abusive parent better than not? Why is it better to leave them with their abuser? In the real world, abuse occurs on a spectrum, some of it more tolerable than others, and only the most obvious types being actionable by child services. In that same real world, there are huge numbers of LGBTQ kids who might have perfectly safe home lives as long as their parents don't find out about their gender identity or sexuality. >Maybe, just fucking maybe, we both want to protect kids, but we disagree on how to do that. Just fucking maybe, you shouldnt vilify people who simply disagree with your approach This is a red flag here. I didn't accuse you of anything, but me doty think the lady protest too much. >Right now there is an actual incentive for people to "Identify as trans". Theyre celebrated and held in high regard. A lie. > Oh youre a white male? Fuck you, you disgusting filth. OH YOURE NONBINARY NOW!??! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! CLASS PIZZA PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! A lie. >And then when theyre infertile at 25 and they go "Why the fuck did you let me do this to myself?" The regret rate of surgical transition is less than knee surgery..I guess we should ban that too. Your viewpoint became very gross very quickly.


This! šŸ‘†based!




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Donā€™t follow the politics much. What did he do in 2023?




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Hey hey! Ho ho! Potato Moe has got to go!


As a saskachewan citizen, I fully support his decision. Childrens brains arent developed enough make decisions like that. Do it if you still want to when you're an adult.




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random fact: scott moe is my dads cousin, making us technically related edit: spelling


Children so vulnerable you want them to make decisions without the involvement of their own parents. šŸ« 


The pronoun policy is not about protecting kids. There was an amendment proposed and voted down by the SP that would have made an exemption for kids that would be put in danger if they were outed to their parents.


Youā€™re responding to a point I didnā€™t make.


if the child is coming to the teacher before or instead of the parents there is a reason for that.


Itā€™s almost as if the actual problem should be addressed. Secreting a social transition isnā€™t the way to do that.


why not both? deal with the dangerous parents but also deal with Why a child doesn't feel comfortable in their own skin.


Works for me. This policy does neither thing.


Scott Moe killed a lady


oh no the kids cant cut their cocks off. how terrible


This place is such an echo chamber.


This place is such an echo chamber.


This place is such an echo chamber.






i mean speaking from my own experience it'd certainly make being trans feel less cool and counter-culture if old farts stopped getting their panties twisted about it. but good luck with that, the older crowd love yellin about shit that don't matter.


Oh, it's all over reddit. It's both amusing and cringey watching them hype each other's bs while downvoting any opposing comments. Like a hivemind, they collectively feel threatened by facts. Now watch them converge.


You people are such babies! He won the electionā€¦ā€¦ get over it or get out!


If children are capable of making decisions about their own well being, why do we need a young offenderā€™s act? Child labour laws? If your child wants to drive a car do you hand over the keys? Any child who is afraid to ā€œbe outedā€ should be immediately removed from the obviously abusive home they are living in.


I assume you have no children at this point then


I have 2 and 2 grandchildren. They have never expressed interest in being someone other than they were born as.


Oh they just have no intention of letting you know about it. You seem like such a welcoming person to be aroundā€¦šŸ™„


Perhaps as welcoming as you are judgemental. Have a good life.


Thanks! I will.


Lol you're proving how judgemental you are right now. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£














Iā€™m happy for your children and grandchildren, I wouldnā€™t want them to deal with your intolerance. Not to mention the burden of educating you


As I suspected, the common sense and correct answer has been downvoted. Typical Reddit liberal, delusional echo chamber.


"It couldn't possibly mean our opinions are unpopular. OBVIOUSLY this means everyone else is wrong." also if this was a true echo chamber, your comment wouldn't be stickin around in the comment section. Grow a damn spine.


Translation: this sub isn't a regressive right-wing circlejerk like conspiracy sub or Canada_sub I frequent.


Itā€™s Mob mentality. People are so afraid of being politically incorrect that they are willing to do what they did at the Salem Witch Trials 1) Accuse you of being a witch 2) Toss you in the water, 3) if you drown, oops, you werenā€™t a witch. If you donā€™t drown, 4) they hang you because youā€™re a witch. Either way, you lose. But they claim victory! I live for downvotes.


Yall really get hard seeing yourselves as victims, huh?


Victims šŸ¤­ I stay away from freaks who canā€™t even look at themselves in a mirror without loathing. Acceptance is in the eye of the beholder.








Muh libruls




Comments that are overly disrespectful or completely lacking in substance are not allowed.


What rights are being taken away?


You could just Google the bill. The rights are listed right in there. > this section is declared to operate notwithstanding sections 2, 7 and 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. > this section operates notwithstanding The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, 2018, particularly sections 4, 5 and 13.




Thank you! I doubt theyā€™ll look at it sadly.


Are children not allowed to use their preferred pronouns/name anymore?


Google before asking stupid questions.


You must know the answer then! ;)


Get a hobby.


Learn not to get upset over imaginary things.


Legislation is imaginary.






All I see is a bunch of filibuster




Please enlighten me, friend.




Ok, and none of that changes. You can be offended all you want, but no one is losing rights.




There is nothing wrong with it. The teacher just needs parental permission. Other than that, the child, friends, other family members, or Co-workers can call them whatever they prefer. I agree that the notwithstanding clause was dumb. For all the issues in the province, they sure got that passed real quick. But at the end of the day, no rights have been lost.




Stop being disingenuously obtuse, the legislation specifically said rights are lost but here you are pretending reality just isnā€™t for you.




I answered. Theyā€™re listed in the Bill. Itā€™s called reading.




Are you going to argue with the Bill now about its contents?




**Bill 137**: this section operates notwithstanding The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, 2018, including section 13, the human right to education. **Rational humans**: yikes. Suspending the human right to education in order to get your bill through isnā€™t great. **You**: noT a SIngLe HUmAn riGHt iS imPacTed **Bill 137**: No, no, I clearly said the human right to education. Also sections 4 (freedom of conscience) and 5 (freedom of expression). And 2, 7, and 15 of the Charter. **You**: NO. **Rational humans**: *facepalm into oblivion*


Correction: teachers lost some rights, having the government telling them how to do their job.




This is halarious!






Children of conservatives, there you go.




1. A think tank is something very different. I believe you mean an echo chamber. 2. It's highly ironic of you to say when r/Canada_sub is one of your popular subreddits. 3. Bigot


Yeah, check the profiles of some of the people making "being trans is a trendy thing!" in this post and a fair amount of them are active on Canada_sub. Go on any mainstream Canadian sub, and almost all of them hate and poke fun of Canada_subbers because of stuff like the BS they are parroting in this very post.


parents that are mentally ill enough to go to church and follow that system of child abuse.


Conservatives keep losing in the opinion of the general populous and immediately turn themselves into victims. cry a damn river about it, none of us care.


Scott Moe did no such thing. I for one am sick & tired of folks like Ms. Beck making over dramatic claims in order to further a certain agenda. Sheā€™s more activist than politician. Stop misrepresenting the over exposure of children to sexual topics as a way of ā€œprotectingā€ them from their parents. Enough already. Time to call a spade a spade. Any adult that ā€œfeelsā€ it appropriate to expose children to sex, gender, etc. under the guise of teaching ā€œacceptanceā€ is the opposite of keeping them safe from child sexual abuse. It bastardizes the concept so badly that it opens up kids to grooming & anyone from the woke/ alphabet mafia that screams that its ā€œhateā€ to oppose this type of ā€œteachingā€ need to be kept far away from children. Why isnā€™t a visit to a child psychiatrist, part of so-called gender affirming care?


You wouldnā€™t believe this if you had anyone close to you who had been SAā€™ed as a child. Every year thousands of preteens in North America are taught sex Ed, and realize theyā€™d been SAā€™d by family members. Sex Ed is necessary. Sorry sex education has undermined centuries of child abuse by religious leaders /s


The first step of medical gender affirming care IS a visit to a qualified therapist. Come on now, if you are going to spew nonsense, maybe look at the steps of gender affirming care for children FIRST. Iā€™m so tired of people like you saying this grooming crap when you have no clue.


Correct, gender affirming care should include mental health care as well. You are completely right! But there is a certain political party that has been slashing budgets for both healthcare and school boards, both of which provide child psychiatrists if the budget allows. I hope this coming election you use your vote wisely and vote for the party that would provide funding for proper gender affirming care.


Give your head a shake!!!


Whatā€™s this referring to?


scott moe killed a woman


So did Caitlyn Jenner and she won ā€œwomanā€ of the year




I have no horse in this discussion as I don't have kids but this seems like such a weird stance to make in a election year. Better to undo all of these things after you win instead of dividing the voting and rallying the NDP Base.... I know I will get down voted for this but... winning the election should be the priority right now. Rural will be a tough sell don't give them reasons for pause. Can make all the changes you want when you win.... losing with your head held high is great and all but....


Real thorough timeline Carlaā€¦. ā€œLetā€™s just pick three things to make the one thing seem like a big thing, thatā€™ll change everything.ā€ ā€œGreat idea boss! Iā€™ll put it on your X now!ā€ This point could be made without the grandstanding of SK history. Also, this policy isnā€™t fascism by any metric or definition. That kind of misguided and overstepped rhetoric really just causes more division and polarization.


Vulnerable to _what_ specifically, as it relates to the topic? Can you cite some sources?




Please donā€™t tell me you think Wikipedia is a valid resource for information šŸ˜‚


Wikipedia cites sources. If you have difficulty reading I can understand why you might have overlooked that fact.


More like protecting kids from creepy teachers peddling conversion therapy and gender bullshit. We fought so hard to abolish antiquated notions of gender and assholes like you keep trying to bring it back.


If it was actually about protecting kids he would go after the churches. But he has proven time and again he is pro child grooming when he funds places like Christian Legacy Academy.


I donā€™t think Christianity is a problem, the problem comes from schools in general. I went to public school and there were plenty of teachers that assaulted kids. Should the government defund all schools? Maybe they have no place being in charge of schooling in the first place. In my opinion education should be a municipal jurisdiction. Besides, why call the ministers for abuse? Call the police. Crime is federal jurisdiction.


schools in general get called out and punished for it but Christianity in general gets a pass and escapes punishment repeatedly


Tell us you donā€™t know what gender is without telling us you donā€™t know what gender is


Gender is made up. Old gender norms and new gender delusions. Theyā€™re prescriptions and expectations for how someone ought to live and act. Stifling and unnecessary. Iā€™m human. I have the free will to like what I like and live the way that suits me best. Your small-minded need to categorize everything is nothing but epistemic viciousness. Your ideas can die with all the rest of those that live on fantasy over reality.


Gender is a social construct but so are things like time and language. There are biological factors involved with gender identity, polygenic and epigenetic factors specifically linked to trans people for example. Trans people arenā€™t a monolith but are generally in favour of breaking gender roles and norms. Trans men, trans women, and non-binary people can be masculine, feminine, and androgynous. You arenā€™t assigned a gender identity based on stereotypes. Ultimately trans people donā€™t want peopleā€™s identities to be defined by their genitals. Youā€™re enforcing what you claim to oppose


(Clutches pearls and shakes fist at cloud)



