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Well he doesn’t like amanda cause she was the new girl i guess, jill tried to kill him, perez was probably because she hid and faked her death, and idk about the love triangle. But tbh pretty much everyone has been cheated on and they haven’t become rampage killers 😭😭


It’s not like Hoffman was a normal person


Yeah, john made him go insane by giving him that power. Tbh i can guarantee hoffman has always been some sort of control freak but john made it wayyyy worse


Hes mad strahm broke up w him 😢😢😢


Hoffman didn’t like Amanda because she was cocky. Hoffman didn’t like Jill because she tried to kill him Perez got killed because Hoffman wanted to kill any loose ends. The Lovers Triangle was Gordon’s “initiation” trap.


He disliked Jill before that. “I control the games. We never speak.”


What makes you think that's out of dislike rather than basically not risking exposure/incrimination/complication/etc. the likes of which some evident "friendship" between a decorated police officer and a serial killer's ex-wife might cause?


The way he acted annoyed around her 


He acts like that around nearly everyone. Rigg, for instance, presumably someone he's known for many years, he doesn't seem particularly "happy" with. Even some relative exceptions where he acts a bit warmer like Pamela, Perez/Erickson (before they started closing in), etc. one could argue he was primarily following procedure and humoring them.


Personally I think he’s widowed. My canon is that he was a stone cold cop (like he is now) but fell in love and changed for the better, then after his wife passed away his sister was his rock, and the only family he had left. Then after his sister died, he snapped


I think Hoffman always wanted to work alone with Jigsaw. That's why he asks him in Saw 5 ( a flashback ) why he needs Amanda in the game. Amanda would be another person that Hoffman would eventually have to deal with. He hates Jill because she wanted to kill him and/or left him to die in a trap without a key, lol. Perez was a loose end that could threat Hoffman's anonymity


John and Hoffman were supposed to be seen in the crowd, implying at a minimum Jigsaw planned the trap


So that trap was a flashback too?


it was supposed to be John and Gordon, not john and hoffman, but yes it was meant to be a flashback


“Hey John, buddy, why are we testing college kids who got cheated on instead of rapists, pedos, or gang members in this city?” “Uh I don’t know Gordon but check out this hot chick get sawed in half lol.”


You want "rapists, pedos or gang members" to have a chance at redemption? I'd imagine Gordon understood the underlying philosophy better than that by then, especially since what he'd gone through had apparently caused Gordon to cherish his life in some form.


Yes, but for some reason they didn’t include John and Hoffman. So the canonity of it is ambiguous


Well the love triangle trap was actually planned and made by john. There is a deleted scene somewhere in twisted pictures vault of John and Hoffman appearing in the crowd when Dina gets cut in half but they just didn’t include it in the final cut for some unexplained reason.


I thought they didn't get around to filming John and *Gordon* being revealed as being at the trap?