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We need somebody from Atlantia in here to answer your question specifically. Different Kingdoms have different fighting/marshalling cultures. In An Tir, for example, a pretty hefty percentage of our marshals are not fighters, and many of them have never put on kit at all. It's considered a service path job, no swords required. If you walked up in a pretty dress and asked to marshal, someone would check your paperwork to make sure you know the rules, and then hand you a stripey stick. Other kingdoms assume that their marshals fight, or at least did so at some point. I don't know where Atlantia falls on that spectrum.


Oh, and we do set up specific marshalling classes. They're a fairly frequent occurrence here, both at fight practices and events.


Our rules say you have to be authorized in the discipline to get a warrant as marshal in it, but exceptions can be made by the Kingdom Earl Marshal. But I believe the folks who do that can't sign off on authorizations.


Atlantian here, possibly in your local group if you are who I think you are based on your username. 😛 Technically speaking you have to be authorized in the discipline in order to be a warranted marshal for that discipline, per the Kingdom Earl Marshal Policy. That being said, I believe it's possible that the KEM could waive that requirement but I imagine that would have to be an extreme case. But you'd need to contact the KEM to get final word on the interpretation of that rule. " Warrants Prospective marshals must undergo an apprenticeship in a specific discipline in order to supervise that discipline. In rare instances this requirement may be waived or modified at the KEM’s or relevant discipline DEM’s discretion. The KEM encourages all marshals to cross-train in as many disciplines as possible. A marshal may not be warranted in disciplines in which they are not authorized to participate. This requirement may be waived, at the KEM’s or DEM for the discipline’s discretion." Link to document: https://marshal.atlantia.sca.org/paperwork/


I will definitely never be able to be authorized. I was just hoping to be able to provide the service so more fighters can fight :( And yes, I am who you think I am ;)


"Undergo an apprenticeship in a specific discipline" does not necessarily mean "be a warranted fighter in that discipline". It may mean 'be trained to marshal in THAT SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE, including x number of times being a deputy marshal for the event'. Otherwise this rule could not be applied to archery or thrown weapons - both martial activities that do not have authorization but DO have marshal warrants and fall under the jurisdiction of the Earl Marshal. This is the kind of question it might pay to ask over on Facebook in someplace like Merry Rose to get the Kingdom Earl Marshal to weigh in directly, but my understanding previous to this was that anyone could train to be a marshal, even if they aren't authorized.


It is preferred, but not required that you be a fighter. Talk to your local group's Knight Marshal and let them know you are interested in the MiT Program. In the meantime you can head to the Atlantian Marshal's page and create your warrant account.


I don't remember if it is a rule or not, but the Calontir tradition (much stronger than a rule) is that you either are or were a participant to be a warranted marshal. (Not sure at all about equestrian, but certainly armored and steel.) However, we do have a tradition of constables, who basically keep the fighters within the field of play and out of the spectators, calling holds and such. They don't do inspections or authorizations, but help keep fighters and spectators safe. And they are just people willing to help, no training required.


At Pennsic, the "constable" as you describe it is sometimes called a "line Marshall" and they're especially helpful for the bigger battles with an enormous "edge", lots of spectators, and a large volume of dead walking out. Often, fencers step in as line marshalls for heavy battles and heavy fighters step in for fencing battles.


The one exception is for Youth Combat. You cannot be authorized in the fighting discipline (for obvious reasons). It’s somewhat preferable to be trained in certain fighting skills to be able to teach, but authorization is not required.


Going to have to check with an Atlantian marshall for specifics on that kingdom, but I know some things you don't have to DO in order to marshal for it. You just have to know the rules and safety standards.


Strictly speaking there is no reason a non fighter could become a marshall. However most marshalls are fighters because fighters usually become marshalls after being fighters for a while. There are no "classes" to become a marshall, you just learn the rules and two marshalls have to agree that you know the rules.


Different kingdoms have different rules. Atlantia requires two classes and being a Marshal in Training for at least 4 events.