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2 months post op here. I also had a thoracic curve. Life is starting to feel a bit more normal now, but I am still weak and limited in what I can do. But I’m glad I had this done. It’s a big and painful surgery and I was very worried about it as well. If you have more specific questions let me know!


Hey! Really worried about the recovery process. I work out (running, swimming, surfing, lifting) pretty much every day, and can’t imagine taking months off. Would love to hear exactly what you can and cannot do at your stage.


At this stage I can’t run or lift anything heavy. I’m doing physical therapy and can only carry about 15lbs right now, it makes all my back and shoulder muscles feel like they’re on fire. In this surgery they cut through a lot of muscle and nerves so it takes a lot of time for those things to repair and restrengthen. Swimming is fine once your incision is fully closed. I don’t imagine I could surf right now. I’ve never surfed before but from seeing it done, I don’t think a swift movement from lying on your stomach to standing upright on the board would really be doable. Or if you fell off the board and hit the water with any weird impact it may hurt your back that’s still recovering. Unfortunately I think a lot of the activities you do will have to be set aside for quite some time while you heal. But, if you are careful with yourself and follow a good rehabilitation plan you should be able to return to all of those things stronger than ever :) this procedure does require a lot of down time but it can be a good investment in your health.


I would also love to know this!


8.5 years post-op here. Went from 68 degrees to 12. The recovery process is long but now, it never really stops me. I'm actually more flexible than I was before.


I’ll lyk in October lol


Please do! !remindme 6 months


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My X-ray looked exactly like yours, I had a 55 degree curve at 13 years old with a large rib hump, that had progress 5-10 more degrees before my fusion a year later (growth spurt curved my spine hard and fast). Played soccer and baseball in high school post fusion. Now I’m 28 and living a normal life. Relatively pain free. Just got done playing volleyball 20 minutes ago. There are some downsides, but they’re far outweighed by the positives fusion brings. I can’t play football or bungee jump. Sometimes I wake up with a sore shoulder, cause I’m a side sleeper, and not being to rotate my back gets annoying in bed. I do have pain whenever I have to do things bent over for long periods, like pulling weeds in the yard or cleaning the cats’ litter box. But it’s easily manageable once you learn the limits of your new back. Edit: to answer your other question, recovery is a bitch, no way around it. Be glad you’re getting it done now and not on your 30s or later. First month is the hardest, after that it gets much easier. The skin of my back was numb to the touch for about 2 years after surgery. Now I have full sensation back there


Thanks for your response. I’m also a very active person. I’m a runner, gym-goer and surf regularly. I’m wondering about how these kinds of things change post op. How long did it take for you to get back to sports, if you can remember? Also, are there any other unexpected ways that spinal fusion interferes with your normal life?


Everyone is different, so be sure to ask your doc how long he thinks you should rest. Mine told me to wait 6 months post op before I could play sports and do general physical activities. I go to the gym, but the main exercise I still can’t do is dead lifts. I also tend to avoid the free weight squat rack, but the guided machine is ok. Besides that I can’t think of major ways the surgery impacts daily life. It’s just a bunch of little things you find out along the way, like having to readjust your car’s side mirrors, because physically turning to check your blind spot is a lot harder post op.


I had the surgery when I was 16 and I am 40 now. I am a metal sculptor and weld and lift heavy stuff all day and I for the most part feel great!