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there's a discount code from the "Write Now With Scrivener" podcast (PODCAST for 20% off), and they do discounts annually for participants and winners of Nanowrimo. the price went up some time ago, by maybe $10, but it's still a bargain considering it's a one-time purchase.


winning nanowrimo usually gets you a discount


So does "winning" after Nanowrimo, if you're not up to waiting until November.


There's Nanowrimo next month, actually! It's April, July, November!


If you have an older version there's also an update discount, I went from 1 to 3 and got a chunk cut off the price.


Usually if you "win" Nanowrimo in November you can get it for like 20% off. That's what I did years ago


I think the student discount is on honor system.


You can get discounts through the scrivener podcast. https://podcast.scrivenerapp.com/


I think the NaNoWriMo coupons are the largest discount available and on all platforms except iOS. Sometimes people have leftovers from when they win and already own it. I might have an extra one if you're interested. Supposedly it's not too late to create a challenge for the camp event from a few months ago and still win the code.


It's 60 dollars. And you actually get to own it. Like you can keep using it (effectively) forever. That's fucking cheap. How much do you think it should be? What do **you** do for a living? Would you do it for half that? Writing good software is hard, and this is good software. Don't be fucking cheap.


I agree that it is cheap for what it offers. But may I suggest that it may not be worth the price for a hobbyist. I think it’s very valuable for people who are taking a professional angle on their writing. For example, storing up vignettes in search of a context, which you are confident will come along in due time. My professional intentions? I’m taking notes to make written tarot readings more efficient (78 cards! Endless spreads!) and collecting resources and vignettes for a couple of historical novels.


Clearly, you've never had a low income, so you've never known what it's like to have to choose between essential goods and discretionary goods. $60 USD can buy a meaningful amount of groceries, car fuel, medicine, and other necessities. When unemployed or at a low income, people have to choose carefully what they buy, so that they do not run low on money needed for essentials. You've obviously never had any financial difficulty, so you don't understand the proper value of money.


What, the people who are writing this software to feed their own families don't deserve to eat also? $60 for a piece of software this sophisticated is chump change. This isn't food that someone has to have to live. It's *discretionary spending*. Don't have the 60? Use fucking Notepad. Or any of the free things out there. There are **lots**. But Scrivener doesn't owe you something that's even cheaper than the already dirt-cheap price. Go away.


You completely missed the point. Like, every single point I was making. You were arguing that 60 dollars is a trivial amount of money, which may be true for pretentious rich kids like yourself, but isn't true for other people. For some people in the world, for whom you clearly have no sympathy, 60 dollars is a meaningful amount, which must be spent only after responsible deliberation. The OP asked a harmless question about the price of the software, and you decided to insult them as if they were some kind of thief trying to take advantage of the developer. You have profound deficiencies in both intelligence and sympathy if this has to be explained to you.


Wow. The irony of being so deep in your Dunning-Kruger rearhole that you managed to miss my point while ranting about how I missed your point. Money is relative. Yes, 200 dollars is a lot of money for some people. But 200 for... **a car**? *That runs*? That's \*\*not\*\* "a lot of money" - relatively speaking. For a car, that's dirt-fucking cheap. Just like 60 dollars for some badass software that does stuff nobody else can do... is **not a lot of money. It's... dirt-fucking cheap.** Evernote wants like $10 a month. That's $120 a year and you have to KEEP FUCKING PAYING. Scrivener is one of the few companies around that let you actually **own the product**. Sure, you may not get updates but that bitch still **works**. And I'm not stuck paying someone every damn month for something that I may or may not need often. Go yell at a cloud or something and then maybe try touching grass because you're out there. I mean, really fucking out there.


The OP asking about sales does not imply that they think the software is too expensive. They are simply saying that the price is not affordable for them at this specific time (being unemployed), so they were curious about any sales. The OP was not saying that 60 dollars is an unacceptable price for this kind of software, yet this is the point that you imagined they were making, and you decided to very disrespectfully attack them for it. Here's a quote to that effect from your original comment: "Don't be fucking cheap." YOU could not comprehend the very simple question in the original post, and you decided to berate the poster for an entirely contrived reason. Why are you even posting on a community for a word processor? I would think that literacy would be a prerequisite for participating in this community.


>The OP asking about sales does not imply that they think the software is too expensive. Sure... except for the part *where they said they thought it was too expensive*: **"Ngl, I was sticker-shocked."** But you just keep on ignoring **what they actually said** (*maybe you only read the title*???) if you feel it helps you not be wrong on the internet, and keep on accusing ***other people*** of being unable to read, thus falling even deeper into your Dunning-Kruger hole of overestimation of your own abilities to do so with any accuracy.


I would avoid Scrivener. Too many problems with it. I use Dabble instead.


Then why are you here?