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Reef sharks right? They're so majestic. We did a similar dive in roatan! Highly recommend.


This is a sandbar shark. Beautiful to see indeed.


Oh interesting! I thought they looked a little different. Same demeanor, I'm guessing? Not a huge fan of people as food unless provoked or see something shiny, etc?


Yes same demeanor. They were not bothered by us. Very relaxing experience.


Love it! So, good diving there?


Sorry just saw this! Yes absolutely it felt great and I felt safe diving around there.


amazing pics !


Thank you 🙏🙏


4th pic is the best dorsal fin I’ve seen.


What shop did you dive with? Awesome pix. I've dove off East Coast FL many times from Wedt Palm, Jupiter, Riviera Beach etc. But never saw a shark even during a lemon shark dive one January.


Gung ho divers! Those guys are awesome and go out every weekend!


did they use bait to bring the sharks in?


They did.


That is illegal in Florida, so hopefully it was outside of Florida waters. I think that sort of thing is dangerous to people and especially to sharks - if they are being fed.


Oh yeah we were past Florida waters. You are right the people that take you must take you outside Florida waters.


There are a bunch of baited shark dive charters off of Florida so it’s not illegal.


It IS illegal in Florida, you are mistaken. At least one individual was prosecuted for it locally.


Ummm do you live here? Because I do and frequent their charters. It is NOT illegal to do baited shark dives. Look up their businesses. You think they’d run if it were illegal? They are businesses and they run daily. So it IS legal.


FYI: It is specifically forbidden: https://myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/recreational/fish-feeding/#:\~:text=Regulations%20for%20Feeding%20Fish%2C%20Shark%2C%20or%20other%20Marine%20Species&text=%22Chumming%22%20is%20not%20permitted%20when,piers%20or%20from%20a%20vessel. # Regulations for Feeding Fish, Shark, or other Marine Species Feeding fish, sharks or other marine species while diving or snorkeling is prohibited. It is also prohibited to operate a boat that is hired to carry passengers to any area within state waters to engage in fish feeding while divers are in the water. In these circumstances, fish feeding means the introduction of any food or other substances into the water by a diver or snorkeler for the purpose of feeding or attracting marine species.   [https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/diver-operators-accused-of-illegally-feeding-sharks/](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/diver-operators-accused-of-illegally-feeding-sharks/)


Honey go look at the laws and WHY shark baited charters are and HAVE been running for over a decade and let me tell you - they run daily and are just off the coasts of Jupiter. Maybe Google them and ask them why they aren’t out of business. I know it’s hard to admit when you’re wrong. But you’re wrong. They’d be out of business if it were illegal which it is NOT. Sorry it’s tough bud, but look up those charters. They run every. Single. Day. And they’re very successful. Sorry about your ego. Maybe go do one with them then you’ll see how busy they are. LOL your insistence made me and my girls laugh so hard. You don’t even live here. Give it a rest.


Did you read the links I provided?


I believe what I know and I know all the charter runners and they operate LEGALLY. So no I’m not going to be swayed by some internet links you want to throw. Maybe call those charters and ask them how they’re running LEGALLY as a business in this state - oh because it IS LEGAL. They’re all over social media advertising their legal business and do runs daily so - sorry your little links don’t matter. It’s what we know about our state and it is legal here to run baited shark dives. Literally all of them would be out of business if it were illegal. So then think really hard about why they run their businesses on a daily basis now. Maybe just maybe bc you’re not correct. Call them up yourself and ask if you’re so hell bent on the interwebs backing your misinformation up. Go call them up and ask them yourself since you don’t believe me and I only go dive with them every month so what do I know 😂


It is a great experience. I did that in Turks & Caicos and to think sharks passed me like 6 feet in front of me curious other would think I’m crazy for doing that. Like you, I hope to see other sharks that I would be more fair full to see like tiger and hammerheads.


Awesome man! Would love to go to Turks one day!


I was wondering why these photos stood out to me so much and then I saw that you used film! These are amazing. Great job!!


Thank you so much but this was actually shot on a digital camera made by fujifilm. The Fujifilm cameras definitely have a film look to them so it’s very easy to confuse the images with actual film.


Ohhhh gotcha! That makes more sense haha. Regardless, they look awesome!


What camera did you use?


Fujifilm xt4


Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing!!


Thank you so much!


What’s going on here. Those pics look like AI drawings.


Nah all pics by be