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She’s manipulating you into being her “help” you’re not a bartender you’re a guard don’t EVER do extra work that you’re not supposed to don’t get rid of your balls to make work friends bro.


Lotta guesswork there - I didn't see OP mention his employers' expectations. 


I’m not expected to do anything except check IDs, pat guys down, observe the site and remove whoever needs to be removed.


I’d stick to that then, if anything happens while you’re doing the bartender a favor they’ll nail you to a cross


He’s a fuckin bouncer so he’s certainly not expected to bartend


Right? Not sure how anybody could get confused on expected job role of a Bouncer, lol.


people are downvoting you, but you're right that people are assuming a lot about the regulations this guy works under and also this woman's intentions in asking a small favor. but it's worth noting that, in at least some states in america, it's totally illegal for security to be serving drinks to customers. i worked for a security company that provided security guards (except they insisted on everyone calling us "security officers" because it made them feel more important) to bars, and it was made very clear to me that taking food/drinks to customers was somehow in violation of the state's liquor commission's rules, and that i was not to do it and that bar staff should never be asking me to do it (no one ever did)


If you helped her and something happened while you helped, your ass would be on the line. Do your job not hers cuz doing hers could cost you yours.


She splitting tips ?


My sentiments exactly


Does your area have any liquor license laws? Because I know in my area if someone carries a drink to a table and they don't have their liquor service certificate (which is basically a 1 day course where they go over all the legal and safety issues with serving liquor, including when to cut people off, DUI liability and identifying when people are drunk... it's not complicated , but it *is* important), the restaurant or bar will get MASSIVELY fined. You're not in the wrong either way, nor are you out of line asking for water. Also, I would never bounce in a place by myself. That's asking for an incident to happen.


I’m in NYC I’m not sure about the specific law, but I’m sure I’m not even allowed to serve the drink anyway. That would make sense. Also I agree that I shouldn’t work this site alone. I took this site on with the perception that this was just a quiet lounge with mainly regulars that attend. I’ve been here for two years and it actually was really quiet and stress free at first but they recently started promoting and doing happy hour so that brings in a random, unpredictable crowd every day. It gets crazy on the weekends now so I spoke to my boss and said that I need to step away from working weekends. He’s the one that suggested that we get an extra guy in here on the weekends to back me up, so that’s what we’re doing now. Other than that it’s just me on the weekdays.


Just curious, and I'm really not trying to be a dick by asking this, but.....how the hell do you live in that place? It sounds like it's in a countdown to the next Apocalypse right now or something. Awful governor, awful mayor.....I mean, I can't complain because I live in Oregon, but fuck I'd rather live here than there. And I fucking hate this place.


Been here my whole life it’s really not bad. Politicians are usually idiots, have had dickhead mayors and governors since the beginning. Doesn’t stop anything I’m doing.


Fair enough. Good luck to you. I'm just glad I'm not working there right now with that crime wave, oof. Sounds brutal, and I imagine it's as bad for Security as it is for the Police.


lol stay in the west coast. it's safer there for you softie


You're right....it's much safer when you're allowed to be armed.


Yeah just tell the Uvalde kids that ;). Good guys with a gun surely proved that theory! I’m happy I have a gun, but thankfully I’m not a gun nut like you thinking if I step outside without it I’m dead lol


Your point is a reasonable one, but that is a particularly bad example because the citizens of the community were literally stopped with force by the government from intervening. There were in fact lots of armed good citizens willing and able to engage the shooter. They were cuffed, tackled, and even tased to prevent them from stopping the threat. The very people that anti gun folks want to be solely responsible for our safety, and able to be armed, the police, are the ones who not only *didnt* act to save those children, but they are also the ones who used force to *physically prevent* your so called “good guys with guns” from ending the massacre.


Jesus, you read WAAAYYY too into that. Get help. And fuck off kid.


Sounds like they might be taking advantage of you. Pay increase?


This should be top comment. This is an excellent response.


No they won't bro, who tf is going to snitch on him for brining a drink to a table for one second


This is going to sound super 🤓 but this is from experience. All it takes is one second. He gets hurt, company can claim the injury wasn't work related (Happened while working for 🔴🔴🔴) Someone comes in when he was supposed to do entry control, that's his ass (happened while working for Paragon) He brings the drink over, any problems and it's on him (While moonlighting) Anytime you step away from your duties, you open yourself up to liability in every sense. The easiest way to avoid unnecessary liability, stay in your lane. People want to be helpful, but security ain't about being helpful it's a policy and rule based organization.


Yeah ok, getting hurt by bringing a drink, that's hilarious. Too rigid imo, I know rules are rules but sometimes special circumstances can by pass rules. But hey to each their own I suppose


To each their own. But, in my 12 years working in security, every time you step away from protocol, that's the equivalent of having people who don't like you ammunition so that in the future, they can leverage it against you to either kick you or get rid of you. No good deed goes unpunished.


You have to have a liquor license to bring a drink to a table, if he would do that, and there was a cop or excise police in there, the attorney for the bar would have his hands full!


Also isn’t there like food and drink certifications you have to take before you’re allowed to serve food? I worked service once and I remember being sent to a day long course to get my certificate. If you’re security, you’re probably not cleared for it


Absolutely required to take a course on serving drinks and that is a pretty hefty fine getting caught without it.


Lots of local municipalities and states have different laws regarding this, my city just ended our "liquor card" requirement, which was mostly "pay the city 45 dollars to the city to run a background check.


Good to know. Both of mine were paid for by the company so I’m not sure how much they charge but the class was 8 hours on a pc in a closet basically


Michigan only requires a certified supervisor to be on duty. Any employee over 21 can serve drinks at that point.


What state are we talking here? I’ve never heard of this requirement. I was a bartender at 18 in MA. The only prerequisite was that I was 18…


Then you were working for a company that wasn't abiding by the law. Massachusetts has a certification requirement for serving alcohol.


Quick Google search shows otherwise. Some insurers require it, but I’ve been bartending with and without a TIPS certification for almost 20 years at numerous businesses. Also, I’ve applied for event permitting in several jurisdictions in MA, some requiring TIPS, some not.


Weirdly it is by city and/or county in Mass, I see. Many of my staff in RI also have MA certifications.


Washington state has MAST (Mandatory Alcohol Server Training) training that every employee that touches alcohol must take every 5 years.


I believe it. Not here to argue no state has it, here to argue that not every state has it


Can't do it. Security Guards doing a certain amount of non-Security functions are acting as a "Staffing Agency" in States like NY, is a violation, and is actually one of the Test Questions when taking the Watch, Guard, Patrol Exam. Lawsuit happy Unions would love to file suit over encroaching into another occupation. Acting outside of the "Regular Course of Business" as a Security Guard could nullify credibility of Reports written during your employment there.


You made the right decision. You don’t want to set that precedent. I’d help her kill a spider or something but that’s about it.


I wouldnt even do THAT.


You would be at fault to accept, and you can always retort "would you help me at the door if a nasty drunk 6 foot guy was trying to come in?"


In a past career I was a bartender, then bar manager, then restaurant manager, and finally general manager of two separate restaurants. You did the right thing. Asking for water does not equate to now having to be a barback. A) that takes you away from doing your own job and B) you don’t get tips so you’re not even getting paid for that work. For yourself I would be concerned about setting a precedent (as you are) and for management I would be concerned about an employee not doing their job. I’m all for teamwork but I’d argue you shouldn’t even be bussing tables on slow days unless your manager is ok with it. If I hired you to stand at the door, check IDs, etc that’s what I want you doing personally. My bussers can bus tables and my bartender or bar back can deliver drinks. Bring a water bottle for yourself for next time and call it a day.


Don't do anything outside of your duties, it never ends with one favor, you absolutely made the correct decision. One guy at hotel I was working at was trying to get me to run credit cards for the front desk😂


So, two things with this. I worked places where we helped with a LOT of tasks. 1. We always helped haul trash at the end of the night. Happy to do it. 2. We would, if we were well staffed or it was an easier night, help "bar back", that is cut limes for the beers, uncrate stuff and stock it, things like that. 3. Sometimes, we would sweep and mop etc. BUT... You NEVER, EVER, put your actual employed bouncer to serving drinks unless you really don't NEED a full-time bouncer anyway. Especially if they are alone. That does 2 things which are very bad for everyone. 1. It distracts them DURING the night, so shit can go down they are not prepared for. 2. It creates the wrong impression of them with the customers, which makes de-escalation and problem solving harder when things go down later. Just one old guys opinion/experience. That said, in the moment, she probably didn't know or understand that, and it really is a conversation that needs to be had outside of service times so that everyone is on the same page.


Helping with trash and table clearing/sweeping/mopping at the end of the night usually got me out of there faster… instead of waiting til 4 or 5 I was usually out by 330… I wouldn’t haul cases of beer or bring bottles from the storage for the bartenders but I’d help haul ice water and soda/canned mixers for set ups from storage room. But that extra stuff is only done if it’s slow and you don’t see anything that is a potential problem.


Worked in a college town. The doorstaff were also bar backs and would help serve drinks if/when they could if they were "going that way." Literally had a girl getting kicked out with her friends and she got slap happy with the bouncer so he grabbed her arm to lead her out and she goes "You're not a real bouncer. I saw you handing out shots. Get your fucking hands off me. Where are you taking me?" and then start yelling "Rape! Rapist! Rape! He's raping me!" which turned into the skkkkrrrt \*record stops\* moment. Everyone in the bar staring as two dudes try to kick out 5 drunk girls and the bartenders do nothing to help (because why would they?) You either have bouncers, or you have bar backs. They can't be both.


I never under any circumstances hold an alcohol container in my hand while working in any capacity. All it takes is one picture and the internet doesn’t care that you weren’t actually consuming it. She can kick rocks.


“Hey before you mix that next drink help me kick out this group of violent drunk dudes”


***slams down Uno Reverse card***


No, I don't think you should


Not in the industry, this thread popped up in my feed, but I agree with your principal on it. It "is just terrible optics wise". If I was a guest, I'd find it a little strange if the bouncer brought me the drink. I'm pretty laid back too, some people might take offense to it. Honestly tho, I would wonder if she was speaking in code, and didn't like our table, or we had done something wrong (being too loud) and she was sending a warning message.


Industry veteran of a decade Plus, can confirm. People look at us and think that we are useless. And 99% of the time, they're right. But we're paid for that 1% of the time where they are useless, but we aren't. I've done cpr, I've kicked out unsavory guests, I've managed building evacuations due to certain conditions whether it be Halon activation, smoke, or annual fire drill. I've enforced bolos and controlled access for a wide variety of clients, and I screened individuals coming into Federal facilities. With exception of the screenings, those other things are emergencies that only come up 1% of the time. But every time, I suddenly go from Paul blart to Superman in the client's eyes and show them that I'm mote than just a pretty face.


Quid pro quo with a little "give an inch take a mile" sprinkled on top is a recipe for disaster. Bring a water bottle to work OP.


"Hey! Take this drink to table 5" "I'm sorry, but that is not listed in my post orders and I've been asked to do only what's on the posts orders for safety purposes. If you want me to do something outside of my post orders you will need to contact my boss and update them. As well as pay"


You are a bouncer, not a bartender; this literally ain't your job.


You’re paid to be paying attention. Especially when working solo.


You are there to keep a lid on the shenanigans. You ain’t a server. You pick up empties so people don’t use them on you.


Is she gonna split her tips? Probably not. Is she going to help you kick patrons out that cause problems? Definitely not. Doing anything outside your job description opens the door to you just doing everything. It will give you no benefit, and it will open you up to SERIOUS liability.


I would imagine that the state's ABC would have a huge issue with that


No in executive protection they never help the VIP with menial stuff and have assistant do it, because protecting the principal is priority. Any time spent not doing security duties is vulnerability. Same with your job. They should not rely on you for labor, unless it’s security related and sets a bad precedence. Not only that, but if something were to happen and a post-mortem analysis was done showing you were doing something else when an event happened, your actions would be rightfully questioned. If it’s a further issue, maybe bring up to management and bring up your concerns. Walk them through scenario of above and show them possible liability of them having you do a wait-staff job and some event were to happen (they usually understand in those terms rather than abstract philosophy). It’s all very logical. Also don’t fall for strawman argument of it being an ego thing. You have very different focuses.


I don't feel like it's a good look for anyone other than the bartender/server to help a table. What if these folks were overserved and it comes out it was from security? No bueno.


Where I'm from you literally aren't *allowed* to do tasks beyond your license. We don't get SmartServe in Ontario to help serve drinks, for example. Try to maintain a kind demeanor about it and understand where they are coming from; likely the employer is under-staffing to save money. It's the employer's fault.


I do bouncing work and not once I did bartender shit tell her that’s not your job


Hell no your gut on the optics was spot on.


NGL when I read the title I was thinking he was going to tell a story about the bartender getting the shit beat out of her and him not stepping in. Now I see it is because he didn't wait tables. Screw her.


That was my assumption too.


Does she tip you out for your “help”?


Idk about your state but in mine you need a license to serve alcohol.


Easiest response to this is, “how much of your tips are you going to split with me?”


Don’t you have to be certified to serve alcohol? The bar could get in trouble if you were caught doing that. At least here in Texas anyways


Next time she asks, say yes and then proceed to grab all of the glasses with one hand with the tips of your fingers inside of the glass. Serving isn't just handing stuff to customers.


Ask her to watch the door for you.


You're not her food runner. You're there to work the door.


1. A lot of states require certification to serve alcohol to paying customers. 2. You’re a security guard, you should not be handling an open alcoholic beverage while on duty, full stop.


You do your job. She’s making 3x what you are speaking to your manager and ask what your duties are and let her know she’s not your manager. I’m a bar tender and I’m not required to but I tip out all my security and I help them with their side work at the end of the night. I also help them with any unruly fuckers. Granted I’m large but still.


In most states, if you get caught serving drinks (even just carrying them to the table) without a liquor license you can be fined. Here is Oklahoma's: Section 6-117 - Engaging in activities or performing transactions or acts without proper license - Penalties Any person who shall knowingly engage in any activity or perform any transaction or act for which a license is required under the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, not having such license, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and for the first offense, upon conviction, be fined not more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) and imprisoned for not less than thirty (30) days nor more than six (6) months, and for a second or subsequent offense shall be guilty of a felony and be fined not more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), or imprisoned in the State Penitentiary for not more than one (1) year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.


Her argument would fall apart if you asked her to reciprocate "working together" when a fight broke out.


Maybe that particular patron was creepy and she didn't want another interaction with them.


If that's the case, she has the right to deny them service.


Apologize to her. Tell her it will not happen again. But the next time shit goes down, throw her in the flight


I have always wondered for security guards and whatnot how much you guys have to "go the extra mile" even though your job is not someone elses to do. Like walking people to cars, holding a door open, giving reminders to employees if you see them.... I don't know, everything under the sun could be delegated to the security guard I guess. then I figured if you didn't keep up, you just get let go for the next schmuck.


She is entitled.. it's not your job plus if you are seen by your manager walking around with a drink in your hand you will get in trouble


When I was a bouncer I'd bus tables because it was a good way to help out the bar tenders and walk the floor as well as remove dangerous items from any fight that might break out. I had a beer bottle busted over my head once, I was really lucky that it shattered and only scratched my ear, but I've seen people get hit and 1. It doesn't shatter and they end up with a concussion or 2. it shatters and cuts them all down their scalp/head/face. So, I bus tables to remove beer bottles from the equation and help out. But I wouldn't deliver drinks.


Nobody lashes put at who matters the people above her lol she needs help guide her towards the culprit. The owner not staffing


Just saying as a barback she is being inappropriate. I will hold a door open for security guards, but I'm not kicking ppl out inappropriate have yall do it In the same respect, I'll be cleaning the bar lmfao. I will say at my club, Security has to like empty ash trays, and a few duties at the end of the night. Sometimes I see them pick up cups that are finished but they certainly don't look like they have to. But they would never be delivering drinks


In many states you legally can't do that, she should know that


You're a bouncer you bounce not serve nothing you did was incorrect and in fact serving the drink would have been inappropriate


I'm not in security, so I don't know why this popped up on my feed, but as a sometimes bar patron I can say it would weird me out if the bouncers were doing anything other than, you know, being bouncers.


Ask her to bounce someone for you


That's all you need "I saw security with a drink.."


C'mon man just simpout and be a server security guard 😂😂😂


Gaslighting.... you are there to constantly and constantly take the "temperature" of the room. Getting caught up in service takes toy away from your primary foundation.


She wants to see if you’ll be her bitch boy. Put your foot down now or anything bad that happens to you will be all your fault


I have worked the door for several bars, and it's not unusual to help serve customers when the servers are slammed. I have seen guys do the same thing you did, and I don't judge you for reacting the way you did. Just saying that I would not have had a problem. Y'all are a team. Sometimes you have to help each other out.


You got a live one. Fuck her entitled ass. Talk to the boss about it.


She has probably gotten some security guards to do it for her in the past . My guess is through flirting, and when that doesn't work , pity . You batted the fuck out of her , rightfully so. So now she is throwing a hissy fit, because she is finally working with a professional security guard . You did perfect. I would've done the same .


Golden vagina syndrome




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No its her job to serve you drinks, like you said. Its your job to keep to place secure, You can't do your job if shes running you around all over the place, you're not the server, you're not the bartender. You're the security guard. If you're distracted with guests when something goes down, and they have "bad security" the place will get sued, you get blamed and terminated.


You’re not her bar back and you’re right it could easily be a slippery slope. Next time it’s slow you’ll be cutting lime wedges.


Yeah no fuck that. She needs to do her job and you do yours. That's why she's paid to bartend and you're paid to guard. Imagine if you had taken that drink over to the table and that customer said "Thanks, oh can I get my check?" Now you have to go back to the bartender and tell her that guy wants a check and she'll probably say "oh can you take that to him?" You drop off the check to the customer and next thing you know you're looking around and see a bunch of highschool aged kids hanging out in the bar.


Dude I did security very briefly for a mental health clinic, and one of the young front desk ladies complained about me once because she was taking the trash out one night (her responsibility) and I was posted up outside ( where I was supposed to be), and as she comes out she says "oh don't worry about me, I got it" in a sarcastic tone. I just laughed it off and told her to have a good night. Well it turns out she was pregnant (she didn't tell me that) and she made a huge Stink about how it was dark out, she was pregnant, I refused to help her and I even laughed at her, etc. Some people are just entitled and can't tolerate being told no.


This is why I left my last bouncer job, I was interviewed and hired to keep people safe and be security yet you guys are bitching I’m not stocking shit or cleaning the bathrooms right, yeah no, I can get paid better and deal with less bullshit working for a company


You aren't a bartender if she wants help she can split tips


If you aren't a licensed alcohol handler, you can't legally serve alcohol and potentially avoided you and your employer getting hit with big fines.


When I did uniformed security at bars/restaurants that served alcohol the only time I was allowed to touch an alcoholic beverage during hours of operations was when cutting someone off and asking them to leave the building… or at the end of the night when service stopped or to prevent the beverage from leaving the building/patio area. I am not a bartender. I’m not a server… I don’t hold those licenses/certificates through our state board here where I am… I could get in trouble legally if something happened later in the night(ex: drunken brawl, dwi, dwi accident with injuries) and cameras are reviewed and footage taken as evidence… and I’m seen giving”serving” them alcohol… not worth it.


Barback and bouncer for years never served a drink. Pick up empties sure. Not your job don't let someone make it. Can't do everything.


Just tell her "It's your job, you dolt. You are here to SERVE and I am here to SECURE the premises against any and all threats, domestic or foreign. Grow up doll face, that shit eating bitch grin will only get you punched."


Go to management. You should have brought it up to your supervisor right away.


Nah she’s in the wrong


Go ABOVE HER HEAD, (which is "any swinging dick"). Report her To management .


Take it and say it’s on the house as you walk out.


Don't you need to be certified to serve alcohol in a legit business establishment? SafeServ or something?


i used to do security at a bar. we were explicitly forbidden from doing this in the state i worked in. the bar and security company i worked for could both be penalized. otherwise, if i had been in a situation where i asked a bartender to pour me some water and she asked me to run a drink on the way back to my post, i'd just do it. some people get entitled and manipulative if you do favors for them, but sometimes people are just appreciative and will be happier to help you out as well.


Look into your local laws but as a security guard at an establishment that serves alcohol you might not be legally allowed to touch a container carrying alcohol.


I’d be upset to have the bouncer bring my drink/food. Super un-professional. I’d wonder if the same happens with the food, “just help me with this dish, don’t worry about the hairnet”


Unless your area has some weird laws about it, take the damn drink over.


Longtime Bar/Restaurant manager here. You absolutely should not be serving drinks. Management needs to handle this one. So many reasons.


I’m a business executive and have never worked in a restaurant or bar (for some reason the Reddit algorithm sent me this post). But I’m shocked she would have the gall to ask, let alone make this a hill to die on. She is 100% in the wrong. You’re security, not her waiter. And stating that she won’t give you a water in the future is full asshole on her part. I think this should go to management so they can clarify roles here.


Next time a fight breaks out, ask her to do your job too lmao


Bring a bottle of water from now on and avoid that person they’re toxic as hell


Screw that, if it's not directly security related, and/or not specifically outlined in my post orders, I ain't doing it.


Your job is the following, Check id Remain at but not over capacity Be vigilant of customer alcohol levels Clear glass from tables that are navigating toward being obstructive Remove patrons from establishment that become obstructive Your job is not the following, Cleaning up after you close ie drinks, bathrooms, trash Bussing drinks, servicing drinks, taking orders If the bartender is not willing to understand those guidelines, then outline them within your contract (hoping you have one) to the client ie owner. If the owner is unwilling to relay said guidelines to his staff, remember you are not his staff, you are appointed by the state to uphold their security's laws and statutes then find work elsewhere. If you don't do the following you are opening yourself up to a whole host of legal issues and problems (which as outlined in your post you are aware of) others however don't seem to understand that. (For those that choose the need to downvote, pick a different career, this one is not for you) Best of luck in your career and stay safe and vigilant out there.


You should work with your co-workers and it should be reciprocal. That being said, you are in the right. If you are willing, and have in the past helped her with things, i.e. teamwork, then she has no right to respond this way. Your reasoning is perfectly sound. A wannabe tough guy seeing a bouncer bring drinks will think he can clown. Plus, in the end, its not your job. She also can't and would not be willing to help with your job, so maybe she should think about how much help she asks for.


If she’s not tipping you out tell her to F off does she help you check ids?


She sounds like a strong power woman that doesn't need a man to help her.


im pretty sure that skirts around being illegal aswell, a security guard serving someone alcohol is NOT good look


Tough call. Coin flip. It’s not a big deal but it is a slippery slope


I would’ve helped. I don’t know why everyone here is not my jobbing so hard


As a solo bouncer one second away from the door can cause you so many problems down the line


The responses to this are wild. She didn’t ask you to become a server, she asked you to bring one drink to someone on your way.


Which is against the law in some states, the one I reside in included.


That’s how it starts


YTA, stop being lazy and help out, with security we often get asked to do multiple shit that isn't our job, but it's better imo to keep a good vibe going then to create conflict, you don't know, maybe she breaks you off some cash on a day you help her out alot


Nah you’re the asshole because you think I’m obligated to do shit that’s not in my job description. A “ good vibe “ goes both ways, I’m not gonna be pushed over to appease the feelings of a coworker who isn’t even my superior. Maybe you’re the type of person to go against your principles in hopes that someone “breaks you off” one day, but that’s not how I operate.


You sound fun at parties, strict as hell, wannabee cop over here, relax clown, it's some bs security job its not that serious. I bet you're unliked by all staff. Too lazy to help, probably out of shape and fat. Get bent


Your whole entire comment is made up of incorrect assumptions and I can see that you’re just trying to get a reaction. Have a nice day 🤡


>Man gets asked to bring a drink to a table and throws a tantrum about “she’s not even my superior” Fucking lmao


Maybe she consider you a bartender candidate. Probably make triple what you do. Did you pay for the water?


No she definitely was just being lazy. And no, I don’t pay. Waters are free for staff.