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No. The worst types? Those are the posts where the supervisor is a dick that escalates things or threatens 911 while you're doing your job. The worst posts are also the extremely high crime posts that security companies have no right to take. Crackhead valley for example, which I'll write about someday.


I've worked armed and solo at Crackhead Haven for a long time Never again will I work for any agency that posts solo at high risk sites. And the client expected us to be their PMCs and use lethal force whenever possible. Every single day was basically gambling my life against my paycheck against a prison cell. Ridiculous.


Did it pay well at least? If not, it’s no surprise security has like a 400% turn over rate


This is the way. Also it is my life lol.


You have me curious about crackhead valley. How about the cliff notes version?


Medical clinic post, a dialysis center, next to a hospital. Crackheads, prostitutes, John's, homeless (not the good kind), meth heads. The back and front lot had no gate, just a parking fence in the front so everyone assumes it's public property, and the post supervisor had no de-escalation experience other than "I'll call the cops", and last foot note: it shared part of the back lot with an apartment complex and the people in the complex would get upset when I'd do my job. I'm thinking of making a long winded post about my first year as a guard.


Please do make that long-winded post about year one


Are you working for the same company I am as well?


Personally i hate high-rises. The apartments are close enough to were people smoking inside their apartment can bother other people. Imagine paying 6,000 dollars a month in rent and you can't party or smoke in your apartment? Or better yet, imagine paying 6,000 dollars a month in rent and security can't get them to stop smoking or partying next door? Per usual, management doesn't care, as long as they get their rent money, the lease is signed.


Oh, hell yes to truck gate posts. Just started one myself. I have never done security prior to this, but I have done tons of customer service. All I do really is check trucks into the inbound system, have people sign papers, patrol the facility on a routine schedule, and mind the main gates so employees can exit and enter. But the best part is, on overnights, once the docks close, it's almost nothing but down time. I exist as a deterrent (to animals really, a bunch of cats roam the area) and as an on-site contact if someone needs 911 called, and I have two other people with me to rotate patrols. For me, this is great. I'm in college, and my boss does not care if I work on assignments or play games overnight as long as the work gets done. My post has no wifi, so I am about to pay for an unlimited data plan. But that's some first world problems shit. My coworkers are all decent people. I really have very little to complain about.


Retail where you HAVE to stand for the entire shift


Never again will I do this. I put up with retail security doing pointless receipt check for about 7 months and I hated it. All standing, and I’m basically a damn scarecrow.


My post itself was fine, the staff was cool and the patrons hardly noticed me (I was armed and not for LP) but yeah had to stand for 11 hours each day. My second most hated is any time I had to search bags or personnel, there’s ALWAYS someone giving you shit and it’s obvious they’re not bringing in anything prohibited, but give you pushback because they’re above being searched.


Walmart ap?


Worse. Third party security




I second this. I worked in-house uniformed LP and there was a point in time where corporate was really emphasizing “maintaining a presence up front”. It didn’t last for long since so many people complained.


The worst type of post is one where I would not be able to read my books in peace.


Retail. If you stand there like a statue like the contract states then you're bored and client management gets pissed because "What are we paying you for?' And start asking you to stock shelves and shit. 


Unarmed security at a poor apartment complex riddled with transients and gang members. Never going back to doing that.


I only do federal armed contracts ($$$), but if you wanna know about one of the worst OP, talk to some of these hospital guys.


Hospital security was fun as hell… Especially if they also host the city morgue. I’ve carried more bodies than a professional hit man. Lol.


Hospital security currently, more dead bodies than when I was a cop.


Ya we also had a big psyc ward, and large ER…. Full moons on weekends was a zoo. Definitely was good experience when starting out one’s career path.


Lol well no duh that's usually where the dead bodies go first.


So basically if you're really messed up in the head and should be exiled from society you'll really enjoy being hospital security?


7/11 unarmed post during the night .


Pls find a better post man


No other jobs let me smoke green grass on the job and the store owner doesn't mind.


Just stay safe brotha, I know 2 people who worked at 7/11 night security and it didn’t end up going well for them.


Man that's nothin. Try working warehouse employee access control as unarmed guard. Those and the ones where you stand all day in retail stores should be outlawed


Retail. You stand and watch people come in with their significant others and family/friends and shop and you can only hope that you don’t run into anybody you know in real life to see how pitiful your life has turned out making $15.50 and holding the door open for people for a living.


Bro... you need a beer/hug?


It’s not that bad if you’re still young in school or whatever


You make $15.50?!?!?! Fml 🤦🏽‍♂️


Aw yeah and then they expect you to be all nice and smiling lol


For me, it’s the emergency room desk. Everyone hates going thru the metal detector, the coughing/vomiting/groaning, being asked endless questions ugh I dread being there for 8hrs.


Y’all have metal detectors at your hospitals?


Yes for the er patients & visitors have to be screened before going back. I used to think it was overkill but we’ve gotten so many weapons (knives, kubatons, pepper spray).


Yeah, there one that has that...they post security guard within 100 meter of each other...while the lucky one is riding around in the golf cart... Then the worst one is the Shopping Center. While it is "Observe & Report", the police requires you to make contact and to make a request before police can come out. Then, it'll be ages before they'll come out. Then, you got the state laws working against you, especially in California's "Freedom of Speech"...but that doesn't involve crack/meth/heroin. So I just tell them to leave, else, the cops will be *really really* interested in those crack pipes in their pocket that will test positive for it anyway.


Anything unarmed. Fuck that


Unarmed guards are treated like they're literally nothing




I once worked unarmed solo at a low-income housing complex. I had previously worked at that site as part of a three man armed crew. One night someone threw a Molotov cocktail through our office window while we were in the office writing reports. We were able to put it out with a fire extinguisher before it got out of control. Some of the residents recognized me from the previous company, but left me alone. Go figure


Any kind of mass transit/apartment complex site is generally no fun- usually dealing with some very tough customers.


i wouldn’t say the worst, but still pretty bad. i work in a very hot state and have to sit in my personal car during the blazing hours of the day with the AC on full blast. not compensated for the gas usage and it can get very uncomfortable


Lol I would suck someone off for a security job that chill.


Worst I've heard is residential unarmed in the hood. Second would be political protests unarmed.


Section 8 projects alone at night. Did that shit for 9 months before I checked out. Guard shacks can be difficult, depending on the location. Same company as above, I got stuck in a guard house where not only did I have to check people in and out, but somehow I also had to go document every single semi-trailer on the lot, and none of them were EVER where they were supposed to be. And meanwhile you've got people waiting to get in at the gate for their morning shift. Fuck that. It was a nightmare. Thankfully my boss moved me elsewhere....Section 8 projects. But I would still take those projects over that goddamn guard shack. A company I worked for before all of this had a nice quiet shack at night in Terminal 6 in Portland, where everybody knew everybody. The pay was shit and it was BORING as hell. But it really wasn't bad, unless you worked a day shift and didn't know the regulars, who just blew by you without giving their name. Which of course was always my fault lol. The night shift was awesome though, loved it.


Brother at my little guard shack right now some of the wealthy residents are huge assholes. Last night one of the older ones yelled at me and said we have to get our shit together because it's annoying to have to go through the check in process. He's a resident. He can buy this transponder thing that just lets him go through. He's mega wealthy. He rather not spend 40 bucks on it and just be pissy about entering.


You don't have to name names, but....CEO, or celebrity? Or both?


One that asks a question with an arbitrary answer.


The worst type of detail is when you are bodyguard for a client who’s budget does not meet the threat level… Sketchy as fuck. But typically in this situation they are a noble figure in religion or politics, or a batterd family. So at least there is some level of satisfaction in the job.


The one bank post I’ve done was standing at the door basically watching paint dry for 8 hours


I hated truck gates. I liked hospitals, I liked the mall...but the best post I've ever had was firearms/explosives detection k9 handler.


What made truck gates lame


I was in management the first time I worked a truck gate, so I was covering overnights/weekends when I couldn't bribe someone to cover the call off. It was boring work. I started in more active work first gig was a Beer garden in millennium Park and that sucked because I was just out of the Marines with a bit of a drinking problem so I was always thirsty and i did detail work for hotels. Then I switched to transit k9. Got out of the business for a couple years and came back to doing hotels, then a boring ass office building and over into malls and then management, was field management, then took over an armed corporate account, went to a retail account, ran a hospital and then got onto the explosives k9 unit so I liked being active...