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Yeah, parking is always a sore spot for people. I was shocked earlier today when someone I gave a handicapped parking citation to didn’t come in to complain about it. Maybe they think it isn’t a real ticket and just threw it away lol


Campus is something that I want. I'm stuck at residential spot. It can be very stressful at times especially dealing with different characters.


Ah yeah, I always thought residential would be especially rough since you’re dealing with people in their homes/community, so I can imagine they could get really defensive and you can’t really easily trespass them like you could at a business since they live there. If you’re looking to work in educational security, I would recommend looking on schooljobs.com, edjoin.com and also directly on nearby school district/college/university websites’ HR or career pages. In my experience, they don’t always post openings on the big job search sites for whatever reason. I only have experience with a community college, but I think it’s a nice sweet spot in the field; we don’t deal with juveniles and all the associated headaches like K-12 school security does, and we also don’t have to deal with a resident student population/dorms and all the underage drinking, sexual assault, etc. that comes with that like 4-year university/college security does. I would also consider if you want to work at a public vs. private school. I’m at a public college, so we get the great benefits, pension, union, etc. of being a government worker, but the downside is that we have to be much more knowledgable on stuff like constitutional rights & restrictions (since they apply to us) and it is tougher to kick people off public property vs private property.


Mine is toxicity amongst the guards. Let alone no respect and talking down to supervisors.


I'm the only guard there. So, I have no back up. 911 takes forever. Campus or lobby area in corporate or warehouse or truck yard. Is something I want. I can't deal with pressure sometimes, so I get anxiety. But, I can control myself and remain calm.


Parking Enforcement is my absolute least favorite part of the job, maybe 2nd least favorite after dealing with dead kids. The Admin at my last hospital was very gung-ho about parking enforcement, going so far as towing employee vehicles and contracting a tow company to have a truck on site 24/7. Thankfully my current hospital has a dedicated parking enforcement department, and we have nothing to do with it.


I did location shoots for a while. The production company pays the city to reserve a section of street for their use. The production company has their own people put out cones when the permit takes effect. We generally started 24/7 posts at the same time. Our main duties were to make sure no one parked in the permitted section and to watch the production vehicles when they showed up. The amount of people who would get out, move cones, and park, right in front of me as I told them no parking was insane. I towed a lot of cars. Everyone was always only going to be "5 minutes", or "I pay taxes!". One lady confidently told me she was a lawyer and walked away. She got towed. I don't know what she was expecting. Dealing with these idiots was terrible.


I would love doing that. Just dead pan look them in the face, "I'm just doing my job, sir." Then proceed to plaster another sticker on the car when it shows back up again, because we all know it will. I wouldn't give a shit if the tow doesn't come, I'm still gonna make sure everyone gets a sticker. Who doesn't like getting stickers right?!


I changed the way I enforce parking. I used to find people parked illegally and tell them to move. It was always a problem. Now I make eye contact with them and casually say "don't worry about it, I'll move it." It works every time.