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They should've been sentenced to be the guys' butler!


Is this customary in your legal system?


Again with the oranges!


You need to go


I really wanted Bob Sacomano to finally make an appearance.


That woulda been somethin


After Bob Sacamano's praising their friendship in court judge Vandelay would let Kramer walk out as a free man


That actually could have been funny


I honestly thought that they’d do that when I was watching it.


It’s not for everybody, but I liked it just fine. I don’t watch it a lot, but I think it’s as good of an ending for the show as there could’ve been. I just think a lot of people don’t like closure in comedy shows.


How do you do a FINALE! for a show about nothing, where no one changes or learns anything or hugs? There was no way to do a FINALE! that maintained the tone of the show.


You mean like “LIZA!”


I just can’t get past how stupid the good Samaritan law is.


I prefer it over some of the weaker episodes in season 9


Fine with it Just naming the judge Art Vandelay was enough


It was fine as a nostalgic rollout of old characters, but it really wasn’t that funny overall and that’s why it let me down. I rewatched it recently and didn’t laugh out loud once. Most other episodes get me at least a couple times.


I just watched it, and I did lol at Jerry’s prison stand-up.


I thought it was so great to have all those characters come back. I especially enjoyed the soup nazi appearing.


They needed to get Crazy Joe Devola back as well!


I love Bookman, probably my favourite one time character, but yeah seeing everyone they wronged come back and deliver justice was fun


I think ultimately the concept is better than the actual execution of the episode. Like I love the idea of the finale and I think it's the best way to end the show and those characters, but the actual episode itself isn't the most enjoyable thing to watch


I was in my late teens when it aired. I watched it live and loved it. You couldn’t end that show on a sentimental note, but you still had to have an epic ending and not an anti-climax. I really don’t think there was a better way to do it.


I like the idea, I just don't think it's very funny or ever find myself laughing at it very often.


thats the show!


I think you may have something here.


At the time I remember I didn't like that they trotted out a bunch of old characters considering the shows before the finale were clip shows.


I was 18 when it aired and didn’t like it. Over time the general plot of them facing consequences for being pricks has started to bother me less, but I still don’t like how it’s kind of clip-showish in a way.


It’s a smart ending and a smart audience will appreciate it!!


Better than jerk store? I think not mojambo.


This is why I hate writing with a large group!


I love me an beaten George


George is gettin' upset!!


The biggest bit of trivia I recall about the finally episodes is that Nancy Sinatra was such a fan, she missed her father Franks death because she was watching it and not in hospital with him. Duno if it’s true but made me laugh.


I totally agree. I thought it was a really clever way to bring back so much of all the fun old episodes without doing some stupid clip show or something. And it solidified what we always knew but was never said: these people really are a group of total assholes haha


I was in the young demographic (19) when the finale aired. I liked it but had no other finales to compare it to, at least none that I remember. The fact that I still remember it says something about it as well.


The concept is fine, I just wish they did more with it. Like, we didn’t even see the gang take the stand, the cross examination would have been awesome. It was just underwhelming.


Wow the first time I've ever seen a legitimate criticism of the finale instead of just mindless hate! Good job


I love how Larry David basically did the same finale for Curb. I hope it was a middle finger to haters.


Lerry left seinfeld a few years prior


He returned to write the finale.


I watched that least season as it aired live as a child and I remember the finale was disappointing to me. It had its laughs but I was hoping for more. I think the last season as a whole left me wanting cause they started leaning so much into continuity and it felt less and less like OG Seinfeld as it went on


Agreed. I just didn't find the finale to be nearly as funny as I expected. I don't remember chuckling a whole lot. I applaud the attempt to go big ... bringing back all those characters ... but the humor wasn't sustained the way it is in other episodes, at least for me.


When I first saw it as a syndication and the next episode playing immediately was the pilot I thought to myself, wait that was the finale?


I agree, I was shocked when my AMerican friend told me it was panned on release! For me it tied everything to gether nicely and it was great to see all those old faces on last time!


It's a clip show and it's a bad one.


The clip show part of it was what didn't work for me. I was fine with bringing back all the characters they were jerks too but they didn't need to have the flashback clip to show who each one of them was. A bit more faith in the audience would have gone a long way, and would have opened up more time for more jokes.


It wasn't funny, and clip shows in general show an utter lack of creativity


It wasn’t hated. People just expected a climax, which is kind of impossible with a sitcom.


So many people expect a climax but never experience one…


"I went from having orgasms immediately to taking forever. You could do your taxes in the time it takes me to have an orgasm."


I liked it


Liking it is the new hating it.


Puddy should have seen a sequestered juror out at an Italian restaurant and got the whole case thrown out.


A big part of the dislike comes because they aired an hour long clip show right before the finale. So the finale felt like a clip show instead of a series of call backs.


Same. I wouldn't change a thing.


This is the perfect follow up piece to the finale (works especially well if you were a big fan of OZ): [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18kvo](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18kvo)


I love it. I remember it from when I was a kid, the only show I can say that about. No other finale made that kind of impression


Pretty good chow, huh.


if you were alive at the time you would have have understood the disappointment


If NBC had figured out a way to not have The Chronicle (a clip episode of the entire series) before The Finale (essentially a clip episode using clips as part of witness testimony in a trial), that would have been preferable. Even with a few issues, The Finale is a good episode, but far from the best way to end a series in comparison to others.


Its the least funny episode of the series. 'You know, he's doing him a favor. Its less money for him to buy food'.


I liked it. I don’t get the hate.


No one wants a lazy clip show episode at all, let alone for the series finale. That's really all it came down to.


It couldn’t be made today. There would be cries of fat shaming. Even at the time I felt a little uncomfortable watching it.


I was 13. I watched it at home with my family gathered around the TV. Crazy how so many fans weren’t alive when Seinfeld was on


Loved it!




I love it too, saw it when they aired it! My only complaint about it is the song by Green Day lol. It just doesn't seem to fit, but I've still watched that episode a hundred times!


I like it okay, myself.


It's hard to create a giant amazing last episode for a show that never had a bad episode to begin with


A lot of people by the last episode had never seen the pilot episode, so the reference flew over MOST heads.


I loved it too. All the cameos, Estelle trying to bribe judges VanDelay, and using the button placement convo from the first episode. Genius.


The finale was so/so but I did like how the show began and ended with the same discussion on the button location on the shirt.


The Curb Seinfeld episode was better in the ten minutes they showed.


I liked it too.


I remember mostly that the people were more slightly disappointed than hated it. It was the media that ran with it being hated.


Watched it at a small theater. Hated it. Most of the other people there also hated it based on the amount of popcorn & empty cups thrown at the screen.


I thought the finale should've centered around Babu's return to the US, & exacting his revenge on each of them one by one until he got to Jerry. Like SAW, but funny.


I think its hated because the show ended.


I also thought it was brilliant I don't understand the hate


an episode with Jackie Chiles hated, tell me it ain't so


I think people actually hated that the show ended..


They go to prison because they aren't good people, a (good Samaritan law). when the French press didn't assist in Princess Diana' fatal car crash. Meh. Diana was a stupid twit since never wore a seatbelt. Stupid. Probably the big bitch would be alive if she'd worn her seatbelt.


It wasn’t that hated at the time. It became more of a thing when Curb began using it as a gag. It was funny and LD was held responsible for it in comedic way.


curb finale > seinfeld finale


Two completely different shows.


impossible to not draw comparisons, particularly the finales


You just like saying finale don't you?


It’s finalé, with an accent Ragu or whatever.


It’s fun to say finale. Can you pass me the finale? I want finale!


I was a big fan watched many episodes of the show when they first aired as a kid/ teen.  The finale kind of makes sense story wise and works and all that…but it just wasn’t that funny and was just sort of a bad episode.  Probably my main gripe at this point tbh.  If I rewatch the series these days I basically never watch it amongst a few other episodes 


It was great. Nerds on the internet are never happy


It was too existential for some🩵.


I loved it. It was.the perfect for the four. Problem is suddenly everyone is a director, script writer, everyone knows how a show they had no credits ob must end. I watch TV to be amused. Do the ending was fine. Because LD and JS created a great show and ended it perfectly


I just recently watched the Seinfeld show. I hated the end.


Yea it crazy everybody don’t share your opinion


It was beyond stink.


It’s a good show but it’s a little hard to watch now considering how many times they say and do things that are not pc now.


Dis you eatide ERS special


I wouldn't mind it if the episode was at least funny. It's the least funny and cringiest episode in the entire series. But at least it doesn't ruin the whole story like the HIMYM finale.


Curb did the same thing but better