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I get you. I usually hate bad smells especially body odor but there's been a couple times where some people just naturally smell good


Wait so it is a thingg.


This is a thing, and I think actually a decent way of knowing if you’re compatible (at least biologically) with someone. For example, I love my boyfriend’s natural odor. I can’t get enough. More than just sexual it also gives me a lot of comfort, and I love being around him. My ex, however - I HATED the way he smelled. If he didn’t shower I didn’t want to be around him. I should have taken that as a hint that we weren’t compatible before wasting so many years.


Part of the reason I left a guy was coz he smelled so sour to me, after a while. It wasn’t a cleanliness issue, just his personal scent.


I worked with a guy who always smelled like a freshly opened can of peanuts. It was highly unpleasant to me.


I’ve heard I smell like french fries. I have had this said to me both positively and negatively lmao.




Yes!!! My husband laughs at me when I huff his armpits (we’re both allergic to deodorant so sometimes they get a bit smelly) but even though it’s a “bad” smell it just smells safe and loving to me.


lol no hate I completely understand what you’re saying, but you using “huff” just has me picturing you huffing his pits like a drug fiend huffing random chemicals in a bag to get a slight buzz lol. Sorry, just had to share lmao


I mean….you’re not entirely wrong 🤣


Yeah definitely and nothing to be ashamed of, maybe he even feels that same way about you!


They could sniffty-nine.


Schfifty five


In all seriousness- I’ve had this happen with women, their raw scent if you will, and it can be very alluring - there’s scientific papers saying this is one element for finding a compatible mate- your nose knows - I for one don’t like heavy scents like perfumes / colognes - those have to be subtle after all it’s not like you can spend your whole life spraying yourself with them - So what is left under all that? Aside from soaps and even detergents on your clothes -


I seem to recall a show on Discovery back in the 90s/00s about this very thing. Specifically an experiment where women were given a survey ranking white T-shirts that each had been worn by a different man and which scent they were attracted to. It was wild seeing the test subjects meet each other and one couple in particular were instantly attracted and started making out.


Sounded real until the last sentence lol


Supposedly there's several elements at play. One is good old pheromones, just chemicals we release to attract a mate. But with that I read somewhere (I'd have to dig for source but too lazy and tired right now.) that our bodies immune systems also carry a scent and we are typically attracted to others who have almost an opposite immune system. With the idea being the evolutionary driving force leads to offspring with stronger immune systems taking the best from both worlds kind of. Usually see it with my wife and I, I'll get sick but she doesn't and vice versa.


I’ve been browsing Reddit for a couple of years now and this is one of maybe 4 comments that has legitimately caught me off guard and made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that!


My girlfriend says she is obsessed with the smell of my breath. Not after brushing, just my natural breath. She describes it as intoxicating and “made just for her.” After we kiss, she takes the opportunity to just sniff my breath. Seems strange but I find it endearing and flattering. She calls it my super power lol.


I say the same thing to my boyfriend!! His breath always smells good I love it.




One of my ex's smelled like strawberries. It wasn't just me though. I've seen several people at once comment on how nice her perfume is when she wasn't actually wearing any and that was in fact her bo. This was in a crowded room full of sweaty people, so smelling nice was a high bar at that moment.


>I've seen several people at once comment on how nice her perfume is when she wasn't actually wearing any and that was in fact her bo. As a guy who gets comments about how nice my "cologne" smells quite often, it's my deodorant.


my bf smells like cinnamon when he sweats. I dont know how ...or why... he doesnt even like cinnamon so its not like its a part of his diet. meanwhile i smell like a bunch of humid onions thanks i hate it


Could be a sign of diabetes. Bromhidrosis.


See my other comment about my wife and my “scent” haha. But yea it’s definitely a thing, my theory is that everyone does in fact have their own mild “smell/ scent” and that you mostly don’t notice it because most peoples particular scent just isn’t appealing to you specifically. But then you run into one of the few whose “scent” is attractive to you and it’s like “woah, this is delicious” haha


Totally a thing, I’ve had people tell me on a few occasions that they enjoyed smelling me after going on a run or otherwise being active.


I have heard that those whose smells we find attractive are the best mates to have children with. It's all biology.


There’s even a whole thing called “smell dating”, where you wear a t-shirt for a few days then send it back to be sent to potential matches.  https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/apr/27/smell-dating-does-sniffing-out-potential-lovers


I wonder what the success rate is dating that way?


I was wondering that, too. Unfortunately, they didn't go into that in the article or on the service's website, and everything I can find about it is from 2016, so I'm not too confident about its efficacy!


well yeah of course, we were still doing bloodletting in 2016..


You mean you *aren't* still doing bloodletting?


Likely not much better than regular dating people you find visually attractive. Those are markers for who you'd like to have babies with, and unlikely to inform if you're compatible in any other way


If I remember right there was in interesting study where they asked women to rank pictures of attractive men. Then they asked a different group of women to rank the smell of Tshirts (which were from those men but no pictures or anything) the results found that the smell and visual rank overlapped almost perfectly. Super crazy.


that's crazy, because I'd guess the visual component has a lot more socialization associated with it


Sounds like an integrity check is encoded in body scent


0 out of 7


Can’t be worse than it currently is…


Same success rate as any dating. 🥴


Yes OP, have his babies.


I think all he could do is swallow his babies.




Took a while to find this. Was a big deal 30 years ago. [Major Histo-compatibility Complex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_histocompatibility_complex) In 1995, Claus Wedekind found that in a group of female college students who smelled T-shirts worn by male students for two nights (without deodorant, cologne, or scented soaps), by far most women chose shirts worn by men of dissimilar MHCs, a preference reversed if the women were on oral contraceptives.[35] In 2005 in a group of 58 subjects, women were more indecisive when presented with MHCs like their own,[36] although with oral contraceptives, the women showed no particular preference.[37] No studies show the extent to which odor preference determines mate selection (or vice versa).


Well they’re both dudes, so…


Why did I read this in Kramer’s voice?


"It's all biology, jerry"


Sadly, I doubt OP (M21) is going to have many children with the man who sat beside him one day...




Yup, OP's biology agrees with his pheromones, case closed they should mate


Well, being two dudes, biologically they cannot.


They can still have fun trying




![gif](giphy|GAXMzzd2XElnG) You missed the "Uh"


Arnold Schwarzenegger got pregnant anything is possible


I said mate not procreate


Can’t procreate there, mate


I am childfree, but still will not be attracted to a man unless his scent (not BO) is attractive to me.


I broke up with a guy in high-school because his sent was like sour milk to me. He was very attractive in every other way but I couldn't see myself living with that torture every day.


Shouldnt that only work with people you can actually biologically have children with? I have heard about this theory before but a dude isnt a best mate for another dude to have biological children with Edit: this comment was in no way meant to be hostile against anyone, stop looking for fights everywhere


Reminds me of those hypotheses that say gay animal parents pick up after dead or struggling parents and help raise their young


If you think about humans as a colony species. Some non reproducing members who focus on other achievements rather than getting bogged down with family raising can be advantage to the species as a whole. I may have been playing too much civ 6 lately.


\*sniff\* you know I think we'd make the most beautiful Giant Death Robots together <3


Nothing about what happens at the genetic level with our brains is cut and dry. It's all fucking weird.


Thats the thing with theories. Theyre theories. I am very sensitive to smells and I can find a smell to be absolutely intoxicating and not feel any attraction towards the person at all.


But he's also a guy. There is a subset of gay guys obsessed with sweaty man pits.


When I met my kids dad I couldn't stop smelling him.


my wife smells me all the time, i find it off putting, but endearing too.


I like my wife's smell, but only when she showers (and depression means she can go days at a time without showering). Oh, and I can identify ovulation and pregnancy by smell, which is... not a superpower that is socially acceptable to use.


>Oh, and I can identify ovulation and pregnancy by smell, which is... not a superpower that is socially acceptable to use. I can identify ovulation, pregnancy, and most often, menstruation by smell too! I used to think that was completely normal and everybody could do it, but after "calling" a couple of pregnancies, I quickly gathered that it's not. It makes people feel (understandably) uncomfortable. So now I just keep it to myself. And reddit, I guess.


What are the differences? What are the smells like? This is very fascinating


I don't really know how to describe it at all, but I'll give it a shot: So when a woman is ovulating, thats not really a distinct or unique smell to me. She just kind of smells... stronger? Like it's her normal smell, just way more intense. When a woman is pregnant, that one *is* a distinct and unique smell. I, unfortunately, lack the vocabulary to describe the smell. But it is *very powerful*, I can't be in the same room as a pregnant woman without noticing it. Hell, I can't be in the same aisle as a pregnant woman in a grocery store without noticing it. As a child, I remember thinking the smell was overwhelming and unpleasant but it no longer bothers me. When a woman is menstruating. It's a combination of her normal smell and a unique one. Her normal smell will still be present (unlike during ovulation, it will be very subtle and mild) but there's also a distinct smell layered over it. The distinct smell is *kind of* like the smell of blood, but its also just a little bit different. Some time ago, I made a comment that said something like: "Regular arterial blood has an iron-like 'freshness' to it. Menstrual blood tastes like pennies" If you replace the word "tastes" with the word "smells", I think it actually does a pretty good job of describing the distinction I'm talking about. I'm not great at describing things, but I swear its not as bad as it sounds. I've also noticed that things like birth control will completely change a woman's "normal" smell. Which I've always found weird.


Just curious does the “strong” ovulation smell remind you of raw potatoes or wet potato chips?


Wet potato chips is a great way to describe it!


You have the olfactory superpower like the woman who can smell Parkinson’s


I read your penny comment when you first made it and couldn’t agree more.


You aren't alone here. Yeah the pregnant smell is an unusual one i can't really describe it either but kinda almost like a sickly sweet laundry detergent.


It’s just… after a while you know what your partners vagina smells like. You can smell when it’s altered from that, so it’s hard to say what it smells like across the board cause It’s gonna vary with each persons individual scent. Acidic, metallic, freshness, intensity. Intensely fresh for ovulation, intenseness drops after the period. Let’s be honest, taste can come into play bigtime, plus you get the texture of the fluids (we did natural family planning and I know what each stage should feel/look like).


This person said they've called a couple pregnancies which tells me they called it based on their body odor I think. I doubt they're tasting vaginas to figure out if someone is pregnant.




Slightly different but I can smell a fever. It's never failed, often before they realize they have a fever. I can smell it not just near them but also in a room the person has been in for an extended amount of time. It's a deep sickly sweet smell, it would probably be a good smell if I didn't associate it with someone being sick. There's nothing else that smells like it. I think it's a genetic thing because I thought it was normal until I mentioned it to someone outside of my family and they thought I was weird for wanting to wash clothes/sheets because they reeked of fever.


My husband can tell when women are pregnant (I mean before they have a baby bump). I even remember a specific argument where, when I was newly pregnant, and despite already knowing of my husband’s weird skill, I insisted to him that I was NOT pregnant, and that, I quote, **women know their own bodies!** 🫣


What does ovulation smell like??




Hey me too! And no it's not a cool thing to tell everyone someone is pregnant by accident mid conversation cuz you noticed the scent.... It's me I'm the dumbass


Same. She just jams her face into my armpit, and just lives there for several seconds. When she deployed to Iraq, I was required to regularly send t-shirts zipped up into a zip lock bag. As a dude, I just don't get it, but this dude abides I suppose.


I met a girl at a party when I was a student. I'm really not the typical ladies man, but she latched onto me all night. I remember sitting outside with her, smoking a cigarette while she kept sniffing my neck and apologising for it. She was a wonderful girl and I still miss her sometimes, that's one of my happiest memories.


So, did you hook up?


Despite coming out as gay when I was 15, my female friends used to do stuff like that and tell me I smelled good, “like a tree.” When I was doing an apprenticeship that involved aromatherapy more recently, in my early 30s, the same kind of thing happened only they were more subtle about it 🙈Now I’m a hobbyist perfumer 🤓


Do you had a thing for smells before? I feel like people don’t have any smell except if they do not shower / put a lot of perfume


Not like this. He didn't wear cologne. It was literally just his scent


My wife does the same thing. She says she loves my smell


It means you're compatible. Ask him out.


You can't be compatible if the guy isn't gay


But he s a gay


Settle down, Mario. OP stated he’s gay but we don’t know anything about the good smelling dude.


Why do we need to know? Ask him out. If he declines you shot your shot. If he's offended you know you won't be friends. Just have the fortitude to deal with the results.


It's June. We're all gay.


It isn't that simple for gay men, unfortunately. Unless you wanna put yourself in a position to potentially be hate crimed or publicly humiliated.


My friend, you may like men


I am gay…. Was just weirded out by how bo smelled good.


It happens to me to as a straight man - but only with women's BO.


Lucky you! I have never encountered a BO I liked, lady or not.


Yeah any time I smell BO my brain immediately thinks of my sister's absolutely rank shin guards. She would peel those things off her legs after a game and the whole car would just be stench. No thank you that's a permanent life long turn off


That’s not BO though is it ? I think that’s just wet shin guard smell (ie leaving something wet and starts to stink)


Oh in that case it makes scents.




Oh that makes way more sense. I’m surprised that you have only discovered musk to this point that attracted you haha


I cannot tell you how relieved I am to read that statement. I was worried that you might not have come to that conclusion yet.


baby you are gay and are just now realizing gay people love man smell???? welcome to the club…


literally 😭 it's biologyyyy


like there is whole ass armpit huffing porn in the gay community


Congrats, you got biology'd.


>I’m am gay I am am gay


This exact same thing happened to me! I was at Lowe’s and this guy walked by and I smelled him and I was just like Hmmm Mennnnnnnn and nothing like it ever happened again. He wasn’t my type or anything either


I had this happen to me in a home Depot. I smelled him around the corner. I looked around and found the scent, it was some older dude that worked there. I gtfo and left the store quite confused lol. Def not my type.


Hahaha cracking me up


I gotta find a better cologne cause wtf


I think it's all about how your body mixes with a certain smell. I'm also looking for that holy grail. It's hard to find for yourself, because you can't really smell yourself the same as others can.


Dude there was this girl I met in college who I knew was bad news but her smell was so intoxicating I only hung out with her a few times but gottdamn I couldve just stood in her room like it was Jimmy Johns I've never felt such an animal attraction to someone before or since


Experienced the exact same thing except it was always in class. Animal attraction or “primal” attraction is the best way I can describe it. Sure as hell made it hard to focus in class.


> gottdamn I couldve just stood in her room like it was Jimmy Johns this is the funniest thing i've heard in a while, thank you


Haha yes! Sometimes my primal ape brain just suddenly goes off shooting sparks around random people and it usually starts with smells for me! I’m often attracted to unconventionally attractive people (factory or farm people, us salt of the earth types) and when they have a clean, flowery healthy smell of earth and orchards it drives me nuts. Makes this monkey jump!


It happened to me (35m) one time too. I met a client at a show (mining expo) and the dude had the most amazing scent. I think that in this case, it was a cologne and not his natural odor but man, It was like a rug being pulled from under your feet.


>Was absolutely entranced by this man’s body odor It happened to me once too. A mate gave his sport wear to switch and for some reason I found the musky odour so satisfying. The combination of that particular deodorant and the sweat from playing in the sun was truly heavenly 💀. I'm like wow


Certain type of polyester + dark temptation axe deodorant + sweat has left me wondering whats going on for a long time because the smells lights up my brain like a lightbulb. It's only that one work shirt, all of the others don't smell.


Love the detailed description of the smell 🤣


Right? This man needs to be hired to write perfume and cologne descriptions ASAP. He has a *gift*


It was so poetic! I want a man to write such things about me 😂


I thought it was a shit post tbh based on how specific it was lol


You couldn’t torture this information out of me


Lmaoo is it that bad??😭😭


I mean it’s just honestly weirder that it’s *not* a fetish thing


Not a fetish thing YET


Yeah, something has awoken in OP and he's gonna spend the rest of his life chasing that high lol


Absolutely NOT a fetish thing, I can’t stress that enough. I’m oddly obsessed with this minor encounter, can’t stop thinking about it, and came here to post about it in intricate detail, but it’s definitely not’s fetish thing. Don’t make this weird, just let me sniff your pitts.


Meh. I've been there. Some people naturally smell very nice. Idk.


It \*is\* a fetish. He just doesn't want it to be labelled as such.


Yeah why else with the poetry about morning dew


It’s a niche fragrance note lol. Didn’t mean for it to sound so romantic


Also yeah you should totally write the scent descriptors for candles and such. It was pure poetry!


You pretty much described love at first sniff.


This is the correct take


Thats just because the porn industry cant monetize it.


So my son's mother after our second date after a hike buried her face in my shoulder/arm pit and said I love your pheromones. We're not together anymore but I remind her that she did this occasionally and she blushes. It's normal, pheromones help attract partners


Did you get his number? Was he wearing braces?


What a weirdly specific question. I do not remember😂


No bc this is how I pick out my partners now. My current I can’t say bf bc we’re not together yet smells SO good even with smoke smells stuck to him and all sweaty from being in the woods. Mine. 🤣😂


Lmao I have a fwb who I could never date just bc his bo doesn’t agree with my olfaction


Wait, so you do like dudes? GO GET THAT MAN.


It would make me question my sexuality (I'm a bisexual woman, it would not be weird fir me), but if I wereva straight woman and felt the other lady's sweat smelled addicting I would be surprised.


The bit where you tried to describe it actually sent me.


Yeah, I actually had a "similar experience" to this but grosser, and I absolutely refuse to speak it aloud


Tell us what you did you degenerate!


You fraidy cat.


Bruh. Hahahaha!!! I would’ve taken that shit to the grave and even then I would’ve kept it a secret.


OP, please find that guy and take him out for coffee. I want to know more. I think it may be scent derived from deodorant mixed with sweat/his BO. But whatever it is, I want in!


I'm willing to bet that the guy in OP's story is vegan/vegetarian. When I stopped eating meat and junk food my body odor changed drastically. To the point I don't need to wear deodorant (I still do, it's just more optional now). It changed from that rank sour smell to kind of a light musk that OP's describing.


My psychotic abusive ex-boyfriend, there was something about his scent that almost put me in a spell of amnesia when I was around him, when I was away from him the fog cleared and I saw how much of a piece of shit he was, but when I was in his presence it's like it was all sunshine and rainbows. It was like voodoo or magic or something, that's the best way I can explain it.


I feel that way about my wife. Chemical attraction is very strong. And it can be sexual or just bonding/comfort. And if you aren’t otherwise attracted to men, it could just be a good combo of scents - like how herbs and spices have appealing combinations in cooking. I also read fresher sweat, in the first twenty minutes smells better to people (before bacteria has a chance to start making it too stinky)


Thats interesting about sweat, and yea my wife and I fully believe we are “chemically bonded” for lack of a better term. We love each others particular smells, I definitely think it makes a romantic connection much stronger and easier. Oxytocin is also a helluva drug haha, even just hugging my wife or the cute affectionate touches we give around the house still give me the fuzzies years later 🥰


The way my hubby smells , i cant get enough. its comforting, alluring, safe and home. Some people smell divine to us and others doesnt.


I’ve never smelled my husband smelling bad, ever! He even tells me he’s stinky and I’m like, nope. My sons however!! Very stinky. I love biology and how it works like that.


Biology is interesting.


Hormones can do it. Whenever I run trenbolone I think I smell awful but people say I smell amazing and my success rate increases. I'm far from the only person that has had that experience.


My ex roommate was on tren and showering after him was heaven ☠️


You are describing pheromones and you may also be ovulating. Nature is freaky


This dudes definitely ovulating XDD


I wouldn't think too much of it. Very plainly, it just means you two have very different DNAs. We tend to not be attracted to pheromones too similar to ours (e.g siblings'), precisely bc evolution wants us to mate with diverse DNAs to prevent occasional issues that are more likely to happen with sets of similar genes Idk if you see him again just say he smells nice. Youll make his day and, who knows, could be the fun beginning of a friendship or more


Naa it’d be crazy to compliment someone’s smell when they themselves know they smell like sweat😂


Lol idk I'd be flattered!


I once asked a coworker what cologne they were wearing because they smelled amazing. He responded with "sweat"


This is kinda hot


its not wrong to be gay


This guy putting the “moans” in “pheromones”


It's not wrong to be hetero and still be able to find other people attractive


It’s a beautiful thing indeed!!


Be gay. Be gay. It’s the only way!


My favorite place to snuggle is my wife's underarm. It's definitely a thing!!


Pheromones. I love the smell of my husband.


You described it so beautifully.


I mean this in all sincerity, I’m most impressed by the way you poetically described the scent. Like I could never find such words!


Picturing a human smelling another humans ass as dogs would do 😂💀


Honestly would save a lot of time if it were socially acceptable.


had the same thing happen with my partner. was addicted to his smell for the longest time.


Me and my wife love each others BO. Totally normal for those you have chemistry with


I’ve experienced some thing similar.  I met a women a while back. I noticed immediately that she had this amazing smell to her. Got to the point where I could tell you if she was around before I saw/heard her bc I would smell her first. As an added bonus, she’s proven to be an amazing person and we always stop and chat when we see each other. 


Ask him out. You're def into him


Read about body odour and the major histocompatibility complex. You should probably marry the dude.


I was on a plane yesterday and this guy gets on with the absolute worst body odor I've ever spelled in my life.  He had a tank top on too.  He goes in the back of the plane and sits down and I hear people saying that he absolutely stuck and they weren't sitting next to him.  Luckily the flight wasn't full so stewardess let everybody moved away from him.  When the plane landed and everybody stood up I could smell it so bad I was about to vomit.  And he was like six rows behind me.  Everybody around him had their nose covered with something and he was in a big rush to get off the plane for some reason.  He should not have been even allowed to board the plane in the first place.


I notice the smell of some people, but not others. (Just being in the room ofc, I don't sniff people lmao) I can instantly recognize the smell of 2 of my 3 brothers, one I hate it and the other it's okay. My first girlfriend smelled a certain way and I really didn't like it, after being with her for a day it was all I could smell for a week! But relationships aren't based on smells alone. My second gf smelled incredibly nice, and I loved being with her. I still have one of her shirt and smell it sometimes, I don't think about her or anything, it just. smells. super. fucking. good. We have a nose, and it's perfectly natural to be able to distinguish people by smell and even like some of them. Some people have a better nose for it than others too, without going into any fetish. chances are if you've lived with someone for a long time, you can identify their smell. I'd like to point out it has nothing to do with cleanliness nor pheromones! (No serious study has ever proven that humans use pheromones for communication or seduction) At least I'm glad no one told me I smelled bad lol. Also it's not something I'll ever tell anyone but my partner, because it sounds like some weird fetishist thing .


I think by “ jittery” you mean “ horny”


Are you gay? Because gays love to smell each other and this doesn’t seem all that odd to me


I’m gay and I hate smelling other people normally. I can’t stand locker rooms either for the same reason.


Happy pride month my man


Well I wanna smell this guy too now


OP discovering pheromones in real time


Someone’s pheromones got you going