• By -


You got this, you are beyond beautiful with the most amazing smile πŸ™‚


Thank you πŸ’“πŸ’“


Looking perfect as always


Thank you πŸ’œπŸ’œ


Welcome! Did you have a great weekend ?


Celebrate the little wins!


Exactly πŸ’ž baby steps


Wow I'm in love so beautiful


You look great


Thank you πŸ’


You got this. πŸ‘‹πŸ”₯


Thanks bb I’m not sure but I’ll keep trying πŸ–€


You can do more than you think. Happy to listen if you need a friendly ear. πŸ‘‹πŸ˜…


If you were truly a space cadet and could visit any place in the universe, where would you go?


Staying positive while being positively gorgeous


Wishing you the best!


im so glad to see your face! ❀️


you’re so hot wow, pms open?


Very cute


Lovely pics. Whatever it is you will overcome! 😊


You look very good for an average girl 😍


You drop this πŸ’


You have such a beautiful smile 😍


You are very beautiful baby. I would love to get to know you.


Missed you too. Wow. One day at a time. Exercise AND keep a priority to do list and knock them out 1 by 1 and your accomplishments will lead to the confidence you seek.


Your so gorgeous 😍😍🌹


I mean you are beautiful so no need for our validation but keep up the good work


You got this. You are looking beautiful 😍


Happy to see you back. Hope you had a fantastic day!!




You are absolutely gorgeous πŸ”₯


Missed you too


really nice outfit!




Hello u/No_Emotion113, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have a great day :)




Hello u/Maryann_not4u, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*