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There is an app called one sec, it stops you from accessing reels or YT shorts for a set period of time This delaying is very useful to prevent casual scrolling


Wow I get what you meant by that thanks a lot


You can set up a YouTube reminder in the app and make sure to set the time to 5 minutes instead of 30 as a reminder pop up every 5 minutes will disrupt your dopamine flow and may help in reducing the addiction. Or else substitute watching YouTube with some new habit like reading books, just keep your mobile in a different room while you read so. Or do an outdoor activity ig to substitute your source or dopamine...


Productivity is basically motivation for getting started and staying on task. I'll tell you proven methods. This is useful for all kinds of things you don't feel like doing. If a task seems like it's too big, think of it as a series of tasks that you can take on one at a time, and start with something really, really easy. Homework - start by proofreading a paper or by previewing a chapter you're about to read, looking at headings, sub-headings, etc. If you find yourself dawdling, wasting time while you're working, here's a simple fix. Decide how much time it will take to get a task done and do it in that time, watching the clock.


The great thing is that you know exactly what you need to get rid of you just have to go all in on that. Delete yt shorts and any other social media you use that you feel is wasting your time. If this is too much you could start with setting screen times, but honestly just go all in. You’re going to have times where you’re bored and the transition will feel strange, but you need time to find hobbies to replace this with. Running, music, art, sports, photography, reading, even video games are all better hobbies that will get you away from screens or at the very least not have your brain rotting. Don’t be afraid of trying new things that you normally wouldn’t do. When you do have downtime watch more educational content or at least videos/movies that have longer runtimes and use your brain a little. Hope this helps and remember boredom leads to life changing ideas


I will say that plenty of adults struggle with this so dont be too hard on yourself. The One Sec app sounds good but this is a relatively new vice that most of us will be dealing with for decades to come. Even old people get hooked on reels and tiktoks extremely easily