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I love them all ❤️


Look at those beautiful old babies! Loving the colorful tip on the large calico’s tail! And the glowing eyes of the void in the back? He’s pretending to be just a shadow. I can feel your anxiety about them. Love and frustration. This group always has good ideas. I do hope you, and your old ladies, find some relief!


I didn't even see the black cat. They look very healthy still.


Haha, yep he’s incognito! They really are quite healthy still. I’m grateful for that.


Thank you so much! Yep, that girl is thicc! Haha


God they are absolutely majestic!


Awww, thank you so much!!!


Do they pee in the same places every time? If so try puppy pads. I'm assuming you have already got them checked over by the vet in case of UTIs, kidney problems etc.


This all the way. When my old gal Daisy got towards the end she started going to the bathroom in the same spots around the living room. Puppy pads were a total game changer.


Thanks for the lead! There is one room in particular that is the worst. Yes, we’ve been to the vet. They think they are both arthritic.


My senior gal did really well treating her arthritis with a combo of glucosamine treats and Adequan (injections you do at home, so easy!). Pee pads also helped a lot when she couldn't squat down anymore. Do they have a litter box with a low entry point? Maybe it's hard for them to climb in?


Ask if your vet would give them the Solensia shot! It’s newer and for cats with arthritis. We gave it to our older cats for a while and it’s amazing what it did. Towards the end of their life though, I don’t think it was helping as much. We also had a problem with one of ours peeing outside of the litter box. I think it was both a mixture of arthritis and dementia. Look up the symptoms for dementia. It’s highly possible at that age to be experiencing symptoms for it too.


Co-signing for Solensia. Little Kiwi's arthritis has been creeping up slowly and there were things she had stopped doing over time that jumped right back into her repertoire after her first injection -- such as when she was pleased, her tail would stand up straight and the happier she was, the further down it would come until it was hitting the top of her head. Seeing her do that again lifted my heart.


Thank you!


Have you tried very low litter pans? Also, part of the issue if you have a three story home is that the arthritic cats can’t walk up or down the steps fast enough to use the litter box. As much as you have managed to avoid a litter box in the main level, unless you want your house to keep smelling of pee, it’s time to put a low height box on the main level. Place it where they tend to pee the most. I bet you will see a difference. Placing a litter box where my parent’s cat wanted to pee solved that issue.


Yes this, I used puppy pads when my cat had urinary crystals and took a brief break from using the litter box properly. Worked great, easy cleanup, not expensive


Excellent advice. When our elderly cat went blind, we put a couple of pee pads in potential hot spots. She realized right away they were for her and that was the end of any accidents.


And when they are done you will wish for the good old days when geriatric cats stunk up the house. I do.


Aww, you are right. ❤️


I know that... my boy is def in his old age.


Make sure to clean with enzymatic cleaners. Have you tried low opening boxes? Sometimes cats with arthritis will abandon boxes that require a higher opening. Have you tried switching litter brands/types? Sometimes senior cats prefer a change of granules as some can be more uncomfortable as they age. I’d try one of doc Easley’s for senior cats and/or kitten attract. Is there a certain floor/area they keep peeling? What about pee pads, especially on the main floor?


Thank you!


Plastic storage bin can be cut to make a great easy to get into litter box.


Could washable puppy pads be an option? When my kittens were babies, I got a couple really big ones to keep under their enclosure, and they worked well for absorbing their accidents while they learned about litter boxes. Maybe you could put some of those in their most commonly used areas?


Excellent, I didn’t know there were washable ones. Thanks a lot!


I second this. Washable pads under the litter pans and wherever they are peeing was a big help for my elderly girl.


Can you recommend a good brand for washable puppy pads? I didn’t even know that was a thing.


I got ones from "paw inspired" on Amazon. I don't really have a comparison, but they worked well and held up in the wash great.


I found litter box cabinets really useful for adding boxes to rooms that otherwise a litter box wouldn’t have worked in. I line the interior with puppy pads, leave the door open/off when i don’t have company, but I would close it if I had people over. Otherwise it’s identifying problem areas, and blocking them off from those spots while providing nearby alternatives. I had a cat that would pee in my floor vents when she was not feeling well, so I bought wire baskets to put over the vents that made them inaccessible to her. You can also try things like cat attract, or try switching litters. The older mine got, the more sensitive they were about texture, so I had to have a very fine grained litter. Sustainably yours small grain size worked well for us.


Ok so roping off bad areas helps? Great to know! Peeing in the floor vents?! Ish, that’s a rough one! Oh my. Thanks so much for all the advice.


Is the main floor where they usually hang out? You may have to put litter boxes there if that’s the case. I had to cut off a part of an existing litter box so my elderly cat wouldn’t have to step so high to get in. I added another box to my apartment when she got to about 19-20 and my place is only 700 sq ft. The things we do for our cats!


They do hang on the main floor quite a bit but we don’t have accidents on the main floor. Which seems odd? The cats don’t get along great either so I also don’t know how much is behavioral. I’ll happily rob your idea to modify a litter box to make it easier for the old kitties. Thanks!


Maybe going from the main floor to one of the other ones is too far?


Are the litter boxes easy to get in and out of? Are you cleaning the boxes often enough? Are you following the n + 1 rule of having enough litter boxes? Could they be experiencing UTIs? My old baby has arthritis and rather than daily arthritis meds, she’s getting monthly Solensia injections. It’s not cheap but she’s still mobile for a 17 year old.


Thank you. Yes, 4 boxes in the house for 3 cats. I need to make modifications though. My female is still over 15 pounds despite losing a decent amount of weight…til she gets to 15, I’d have to buy her 2 solensia shots a month. Then I have a whole other cat to think of too! I haven’t been able to sign up for the financial burden of it.


Understandable, it’s so pricey!


See if your vet carries Adequan and if you can purchase a bottle to administer at home. That’s what my clinic does, and I have 3 of my cats on it. Solensia was too expensive even with a discount.


Great, thank you!


Feed more wet food. I swear it's helped my cats live longer Cats evolved in the desert. They concentrate their urine and pull it from their kidneys as they need it. Feeding constant dry pulls urine and can lead to kidney disease.


Thank you, I do feel it makes a difference too. I try to give them wet food somewhat regularly.


We have a large litter box that has a very low section as an entrance for kitties who may otherwise have difficulty. We had an elderly, totally blind kitty who just could not make it to a box. I would walk around a few times a day with a swiffer and enzyme cleaner. This was near the end for her so we tried to be patient and leave litter boxes and puppy pads around the house for her. We couldn't think of another solution. For our currently 14 year old cats, the low profile box and the litter robot with steps seems to be working ok. You may have to try to a few options to find one that works for your kitties.


Our baby had bad arthritis everywhere and I spent a lot of time figuring things out. What you can afford to do will depend on your budget though: - Try a different (lower) litter box - different litter. Ideally one that’s smaller, like sand. - clean up old pee spots with an enzyme cleaner that is made specifically for cat pee - ask your vet about different pain medication options / increasing medication - infrared heating mats made for pets - Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) - we bought a handheld device for at home and it really seemed to work - supplements and food specifically formulated for joint health and arthritis support - make little steps up to places they used to love going but now struggle to or can’t get to anymore - offer water and food on multiple floors too if possible


Wonderful, thanks!


When was their last vet visit? Not using the litterbox despite having boxes everywhere is often a symptom of something more serious.


We are on a regular schedule due to their age. Nothing obvious has popped up yet other than mobility pain.


Does the vet know they’ve stopped using their litterbox? If not, I would definitely let them know as soon as possible and have them run some tests. I’d be pretty concerned if my cat completely stopped using their litterbox, especially after adding more boxes. Another thing to consider is Feliway diffusers, which release calming pheromones for cats. The vet recommended I try it when my 19 year old cat would occasionally pee on the floor (he gets upset when we are out too long). We put it where he usually pees and it immediately fixed the problem for us. However, the diffusers would only work if stress is the reason they are not using their litterbox. I highly suggest talking to your vet about it if you have not already.


Where are they peeing? Is it on specific stuff every time? Are they having accidents or is it behavioral? What kind of litter do you use? How large are the boxes? How tall are the boxes? What kind of mobility issues do they have?


The hot spot is my office upstairs. My bedroom is also on that floor and there has been an accident or two there as well. They don’t get along very well, I do wonder how much could be behavioral. They all get jealous of each other when one is getting attention from me. I do need to cut my litter boxes down. Some of the problem though is I’ve witnessed the female in the litter box peeing while standing up so she doesn’t have to squat….pee was spraying all over my carpet. Thank you for the help.


What does their not getting along look like? How many litter boxes do they have? Are the litter boxes in high traffic areas? It sounds like low entry boxes with high walls will help in at least one instance.


Standing up? Are they definitely peeing rather than spraying?


Another vote for puppy pads. Try using non clay litter as well. We use wood pellets and it works great and is inexpensive. And mainly, doesn’t smell. Try CBD or hemp oil for the arthritis. And make sure they’re checked for kidney disease or other urinary issues. Pet Wellbeing has great products that can hemp with both issues.


I *love* pine pellets. No smell!


In the winter we buy big bags of wood pellets for stoves. We get a 20kg (44lbs) bag for less than $8. Sometimes in the spring we can stock up as they put it on clearance for about $5 a bag.


The farm stores have pine pellet bedding for $7.50. It's great for horses too.


Thank you!!


I got my cat a special litter box with lower sides when she got older. It was pricey but she never had any accidents, so totally worth it.


My elderly cat would pee on the floor, poop in the litter box. If it’s carpet, I would take a carpet cleaner and use a splash of bleach (half a cap full) and then mix with some dawn soap, wash the carpet with it. Let it dry, wash the carpet again but also with baking soda or borax (had better luck with borax) and it would take the smell out (had my dad and plenty of people over who agreed). I’d clean what I could daily, and weekly shampoo the carpet. If it’s in the same area, use a puppy pad. It’ll help prevent it from getting into the floors. Or get a very low to the floor litter box


Feliway is a pheromone that calms them down and can help with peeing in unwanted areas, also take them to the vet and get them checked for UTIs/cystitis - my cat who is older NEVER pees outside his box & he started peeing on my sons clothes on the floor & I took him in & he had both a uti/cystitis (cystitis makes them pee blood and makes it very uncomfortable for them to use the bathroom on regular liter) & I would find a spot on the floor that doesn’t have a box. The typical rule for liter boxes is one per cat plus one.


Our boy is 15 and we use feliway plug ins plus cystease and glucosamine daily. For him it seems to be anxiety that makes him want to wee in the house, so the cystease and feliway plug ins have made a big difference. The glucosamine has helped his joints, but we also have little stairs for him to get on our bed as it's quite high up. Have you had their bloods and urine reviewed recently? At that age there are lots of older cat things that can be impacting them.


Puppy pads is the way. My old lady pees on them near the trays most of the time, poops on em too. Just such a great idea for the geriatric sore hips crowd.


My boy is 20 and I highly encourage cat diapers. It's allowed us to give him run of the house again!!


Solensia injections monthly for arthritis might be better than a daily pain med. It made a HUGE difference for my old lady. Have you had recent blood tests done to screen for kidney issues? Try "anti-icky-poo" scentless cleaner. It's really good! Good luck! your cats are lovely!


Thank you so much!


There is an injected medication called solensia which is a monoclonal antibody for arthritis. Absolute gamer changer for our girl. Of course you’d have to ask your vet if it’s the right medical choice for your kitties.


Have you talked to the vet about the new arthritis shot for cats? I swear it is magic. My cat is only 14 but polydactyl so her bone configuration is quite messed up so her arthritis started early. But within 48 hours of her shot she is running around again like a kitten! It lasts about 2 months or so too.


Good to know, thanks!


Suggest vet visit (as orhers have w glucosamine or similar), then confining the cats to just a few rooms, whatever works for your floor plan. They won't have to walk far or think hard about finding litterbox, esp if they are having dementia, confusion, etc. I might even pick them up and gently put them in their box a couple times per day as I was walking by.


Lots of good advice here. My only additional thought is to use something like a plastic under bed storage box that has really low sides instead of a litter box.


You’ll probably have to take the L and make room for more boxes. At least then you can scoop them and it won’t smell. Are they on pain meds for the arthritis? Do the boxes have low sides? How long ago were they at the vet? Urinary problems can come on quickly:(


Solensia is a great option for arthritis. It’s worked wonders on our 14 almost 15 year old cat. He jumps up on top of everything again and runs up the stairs rather than the slow hobble he was doing. We did also buy some rabbit litter boxes because theyre big and have a low wide opening for older cats


I’ve heard of owners of arthritic cats using shallow litterboxes or trays so the cats can get in easier. Have you already tried that?


Due to arthritis you might need to reconsider the litter box downstairs. I use pee pads around my litter boxes … I also have a rancher and put one box in my laundry room and one in the computer room.


Please discuss this with your vet. If potty issues are mobility related, then treatment for arthritis may help. My Dax gets Solensia injections. Litter boxes are available that have a lower entrance for senior kitties. My senior cat (18) uses https://preview.redd.it/s05tywvkom9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=648cd9d03172492db55378807f1d1f78002c323b a litter box with a washable puppy mat. Suits her and saves us a lot of trouble. For us it has been trial and error. I am going to miss her when her time comes. We have lost three cats in the last few years. Nermal (16) died from complications of diabetes. Petra (13) died at the emergency vet. Miss Patch (16) died at home. She was Dax and Petra’s momcat. And I lost my Ashes (15) from kidney failure. I tell Dax how grateful I am for her 18+ years of love.


My kitties loved to 21 and 24 respectively. There’s more life left in them. Ask your vet.


Oh my goodness, that’s old!!! You must have taken such good care of them. ❤️


Thank you. I tried. All indoor babies and very much loved. Bottle fed foster fails :).


I hear you! It's really frustrating and it's hard not to get agitated when your house has a hint of wee. What pain meds are they both taking? Is it still at the correct Ievel for their needs? Arthritis is a progressive disease so they may be in pain and reluctant to clamber into a dirty tray. I have two elderly cats and have resorted to placing puppy training pads under and around the dirty trays. It does look a bit unsightly but catches dribbles and any mishaps, so a small price to pay. I think. Also, my two elderly cats are on Antinol joint supplements, which really help with their painful and inflamed joints, making it less of an effort to pee in the tray. Since taking them, now 9/10 times they do their business where they should!


My cats get daily Cosequin. I feed a grain free diet, mostly homemade raw. If they spend time on the main floor add a litter box, stairs are really hard on arthritic knees. Keep them at a good weight. Overweight puts more stress on aching joints. Litter makes a difference too. Good clumping litter like Worlds Best makes it easier to scoop the pee balls. I have six cats and 3 foster kittens


Hi, I don't have experience with this, but my oldest boy is getting to the age where I need to start thinking about this and I've started developing some plans. What I was considering is a washing machine pan with puppy pads, and also offering the option of a low-entry litter box. I also was considering putting their current boxes in washing machine pans or clothes storage tupperware bins because they just kick litter everywhere, but haven't tried it. Feel free to steal this idea if it helps!


have you tried a GLM supplement for the arthritis? it could really help with the litter issues


I use a large clear storage bins as litter boxes with a low opening cut out on one side, low enough that my cat doesn’t need to do anything more than walk pretty normally into it. We put pee pads under the entrance so there’s no issues cleaning up if they pee over the edge accidentally (which one of my older cats did constantly). Also, I think have litter boxes on every floor is necessary, even though it isn’t convenient or nice looking. Even a small litter box is better than none. monthly solensia injections helped both my old girls’ arthritis tremendously!