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I think the issue with studying here is there’s really no benefit unless you love Korea. The university quality is about average as you’d see in the US outside a select few, the government doesn’t really care for the universities themselves, and Korea has no plans for expanding the university experience to anywhere outside of Seoul. Its best as an exchange program


I agree! Thank you for your opinion :)


Sorry if it makes it seem like it’s bad. I enjoy my time here and glad I did, but there needs to be some drastic changes outside just the universities if they want to compete internationally.


No! We already recognize it too. We will try to provide a better environment. Thank you !


개인이나 기업이 풀 수 있는 문제가 아닙니다..


Hi! Thank you for your opinion. Of course, I don't think it will solve all the problems. However, there are many services available in the world, and they offer convenience in certain areas. (For example, a timetable management application makes my school easier.) I am not an individual or a company, and I do not seek profits. I am just part of a team of developers, and we have come up with several alternatives for international students who are already in college in Korea. (Design is over, too.) What I am curious about is the opinions based on the actual experiences of international students!


개인이나 기업이 시작해서 개선할 수 있는 문제도 많아요. 이런 말을 하려면 그렇게 생각한 이유나 대안을 제시하든 해야지 그냥 안 된다고 하면 꼰대인 겁니다. 글쓴이는 작은 문제가 있으면 개선하려는 거 같은데 굳이 이렇게 달아서 자기 수준으로 끌어내려야 하나요? 예를 들어 정보 관련해서 번역이 문제라면 번역을 도와주는 사소한 방식을 캠퍼스에 도입해도 되는 거고요


그건 님이 외국인이 아니니까 하는 생각이고요.. 실제로 한국이 외국인 유치를 하려면 상당히 PC주의적으로 변해야 하는데 그러면 아마 다들 거품물고 반대할걸요


의견 감사합니다. 현재 한국은 이미 2027년까지 외국인 유학생 30만 명 유치를 목표로 하고있습니다! 저는 이 과정에서 현재 해결되지 못한 관리 문제가 더 악화될 것이라고 생각하고 조금이라도 개선하려 합니다. :)


학교 정보를 번역본으로 더 간결하게 제공하는 것도 대안에 있습니다! 의견 감사합니다 :)


I have few friends who did study abroad in seoul, but before I share this link- I think you should include information of researcher and institution in your surveys


Ok! Thank you for your opinion.


As an American, it wouldn’t be fair for me to say that Korea isn’t accommodating to foreigners because we do way less at our university than I seen done during my year abroad there. The prices however almost matches US prices and although it is cheaper to live there, it’s almost impossible to get a part time job. They should focus more on targeting countries where the quality of living is lower and provide them with more opportunities for them to receive money in terms of increasing foreign students. When it comes to higher countries, they should focus on studying abroad rather. It’s less of a commitment and does wonders to promote the country and economy.


Thank you for your opinion! Can you reply to your comments and feedback in Google form?


"I want to solve this problem." lol. Good luck.


Thank you, and we are expecting to complete the development in early September!


Are you Korean?


Yes! I am a college student majoring in computer engineering.


What university/college?


i'm in dongguk university


So... I can understand that English is not your first language. But did you really not have someone to take a second opinion from in regards to the form? Even if no friends, Professor GPT is there offering his services for free. >Is there any other service you think you need? Tell me. (Give me a score.) Like... what?!!


I used a translator because I am not good at English. The service I was going to talk about here is App or Web. This is because in Korea, everything that helps is called 'service'. Can you tell me another good word?


"Are there any additional services or types of apps/websites you think foreigners need? Please let us know and rank them in order of importance"


Thank you for your kindness!


I'm curious to know, have you experienced any cultural or language barriers while studying in Korea that led to difficulties in adapting to the university life?