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In Serbia it's even appropriate to have alcohol as breakfast. You'll be fine.


Cigarette, domaća kafa and rakija for breakfast


[Philobeddoe3](https://www.reddit.com/user/Philobeddoe3/), this is a true comment. Here, we even have alcohol with alcohol. Not that we're alcoholics; we just have a different "drinking" culture than the rest of the world.


We don't have a concept of "appropriate", you do you


Lepo receno Well said


Dude, we practically invented having a glass of rakija with breakfast. To "disinfect" your insides, or to help with digestion as our grandfather's would say. 😁


Rakija yes, for "circulation" or to open the appetite. Beer or wine with breakfast, I haven't seen that.


Well, white wine has the same acidity as yogurt. So, Burek and white wine is great combination! [science!](https://youtu.be/l4zYuffYd50?si=j0m4ihxFonDv_Bu6&t=37)


You see a lot of things working in a resraurant. Dude's from Ireland, yes? I believe they are prohibited from serving alcohol till some time in the morning, yet here he is, asking stupid questions...


https://preview.redd.it/r0jtzxwo7j3d1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d9b6e61c9ed7e7579362e988c855cd556cdb19d The thread next to this one is, is Serbia full of functional alcoholics so you will be fine.


Bro we start drinking from age of 10 and look to slow down by 21, when americans can start legally


What about "Alcohol FOR breakfast"? Jokes aside, if it's some spirit-like alcohol, for example rakija, you can almost say it's common in southern parts of Serbia, in small, family owned B&B style accommodations. Coffe is also a go-to with "domaća rakija" and everyone makes the best rakija ever. Also called "ljuta" Having beer for breakfast is not really something common, nor do I really remember seeing anyone having it, that was not labeled as low-key alcoholism. Cocktails are not really something you will get much as well, since people here don't really do cocktails here. What, through the years of experience, have seem to figure out is acceptable with Food & Drink pairing is something like this Breakfast - rakija or vinjak, but vinjak not so much lately Lunch - beer/red wine Dinner - white wine/red wine (sometimes beer, but wine is more common)


funny how beer for breakfast would be seen as alcoholic but rakija is 100% socially acceptable :) but you are right!


Well, if it's beer, it's usually 0.5 liters of alcohol. If it's rakija it's "just" .03... Who caaares about the alcohol content of each type, that's for rooks


It's not 0.5l of alcohol, but 25 ml of alcohol. A shot of rakija has around 12-18 ml of alcohol.


I was thinking about volume of liquid, not in alcohol content or the quantity of alcohol ammount in type of drinks. But yeah.


It's not funny considering you have to pour half a litre of disgusting shit into yourself along with whatever food you are having. It would make you slow, groggy and relaxed, unproductive. Rakija on the other hand wakes you up, jumpstarts your systems and gives you some extra cold resistance and energy. It also takes less space in your digestive organs so you can drink water and coffee along with it. It just makes more sense for breakfast to drink Rakija than beer.


People drink a shit ton of cocktails here, at least in Belgrade. I agree with everything else.


Does ljuta mean that rakija is spicy? Or it means that contains high % of spirit?


Does ljuta mean that rakija is spicy? Or it means that it contains high % of spirit?


The second one, basically. When you drink it, it burns your throat down to the liver, you can almost feel it going down. Not almost, you CAN feel it. But it's not burning as fire, but burning sensation more like. Our rakija, the one that my grandad makes at least is up to, but not always, 42%, sometimes to 45 proof. It goes down to 27 or something like that for more fruity ones. But 42 is golden standard, if u ask him. And yeah, it's considered "ljuta"


I see, thanks! Though, I do not drink at all )


This is great example of early breakfast with alcohol. Cheers mate :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4UDT\_vRKGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4UDT_vRKGI)




Jim Lahey is a drunk bastard!


Fucking Lahey!


It's even rude if you're not drunk before noon.


Beer in the morning, I would literally kill myself to do that. One rakija is good in the morning. But enjoy what you like, I think nobody will see you as an alcoholic, don't worry.


You can drink hard short drinks like: rakija, pelin, jeger. - and that is best before breakfast. With breakfast is coffe. Beer is not for before afternoon. And than is common in Serbia and Croatia.


I think in Dalmatia they start on the white wine in the morning and continue throughout the day.


I have only known alcoholic grandparents aka baby boomers to drink hard liquor (or any alcohol) in the morning. If you are on vacation - do whatever you like. why do you care what other people think of you?


as everyone else stated, no, you won't be, but also you have every right to have whatever you please for your own money, cheers, enjoy your stay.


Yeah, many people will start the day with a shot of rakija which is a 40% spirit fruit destilate. Just don't get hammered by noon. If you are visibly intoxicated in public during the day that's kind of frowned upon.


I don't drink alcohol for breakfast. I drink a cup of milk.


That's only your problem.


Alcohol IS breakfast but switch over to rakija or 4-in-1 coffee while here.


Alchol is our breakfast so don't worry, you'll fit right in


Hahahahha ask any old serbian granny what her prefered breakfast is and 90% will tell you coffee with a good Rakija (fruit brandy). If there's a country where no one will bat an eye when you order alcohol for breakfast then it's Serbia or most of the balkans. Don't worry friend and enjoy your breakfast drink!


"I woke up this morning and got myself a beer. The future is uncertain and the end is always near. Let it roll..." I like the beer in the morrning attitude because it reminds me of that song, but we rarely do it. Most people already mentioned that it's kinda part of our culture to have 1-3 strong rakija shots in the morning. Either with coffee or with breakfast (dry meat, ham, bacon and hard white cheese).


Alcohol before breakfast is traditional.




Morning coffee without rakija on the side is called "the widow"


Ona rakija as an aperitive before the breakfast would make you a Serb by tradition


wait wait wait hold on lets roll back… Its not normal to have a drink in the morning in your neck of the woods?


My friend, there is no amount of alcohol or day of time you can drink at where people would care if you are alcoholic. Most of the people here have problems with drinking, they drink 2 shots of Rakija for good morning.


Serbs reading this post ![gif](giphy|abJQukJ1NIAHS)


We teach our little todlers to lick beer from glass causee VALJA SE (appropriate), guess you can drink freely without someone judging you


Ingredients for common Serbian breakfast are rakija, cookie and a dog. Dog eats a cookie of course.


Go ahead, with breakfast, with snacks, when traveling, when napping, when playing sport, when cooking, when watching movie, glass of rakia at least per activity.


Having alcohol with breakfast is not a cultural question, only medical.


You can't drink your morning coffee without at least one rakija shot.


You should have some before breakfast with coffee and cigarettes. That is your breakfast. This is the way.


We only have sex with breakfast . We drink afterwards to forget . The sex, not the breakfast .


Alcohol WITH breakfast? No! Alcohol AS breakfast? Hell yeah! Actually for the first time in my life I started drinkiing beer in my local cafana at 10am and having breakfast only after that. Welcome to Balkans!


My parents drink one rakija with their morning coffe everyday


It's a routine.


We dont eat cereal with milk, we dip it in rakija instead /s


Appropriate? More like mandatory


Cigarettes, alcohol and coffee.....the holly trinity of serbian breakfast🤣😅


we dont give a .....