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Yes your dog should be fine.


Under law as long as the SD can still task and willing/able to perform their duties, they can do whatever as long as they are not misbehaving.


All my service dogs have been & are carried in a specific dog carrier bag, as they have been & are miniature poodles (Lands End has the best one I've found). There's no rule in the ADA that says a service dog needs to be four on the floor. Wagons sound like a fun change for any service dog, anyway! Go for it!


As others have said it's legal, should be fine, but I would be prepared for some questions, any decent person will probably be happy that you're putting in the effort/awkwardness to pull a wagon over having her feet get too hot and I at least have a rule against appeasing un-decent people and telling them so. A farmers market is probably also one of the better trips for the set up due to like space/general public expectation to see some ”bougie" dogs and just dogs in general. In an off topic I'm curious what sort of wagon you have thought just like from my mental image of like a little red wagon vs those big fancy things they make for transporting kids now.


It’s a black one I got from Walmart! I’ll edit this comment if I can find a photo of it. Think fancy one for moving kids. Though- I use it for groceries usually as I live in a high tise


They can't ride in shopping carts on a store but personally owned wagon is fine. The ada really doesn't specify one way or another on that one


As in regards to your booties I don't know if the policy applies but when I got my guide dog from the school I got him from we got a letter from ruff wear one offering service dogs discounts but also we're told if any of our booties that we ordered from them were lost we could contact them and either order one specific shoe or even possibly get replacements for the shoes that were lost, I'm not sure where you got your shoes and I'm sure that rough wear would require some sort of documentation, stating that your dog is indeed a service animal before they would honor the discount so I'm not super knowledgeable in this area


The nice thing about RuffWear, you buy in twos. If one is lost, it would not hurt to have a spare laying around.


Yeah, you should be good. I rode my SD around in the store in a wagon simply because I walked to the store with the wagon to use for groceries and I wasn't about to leave my wagon outdoors and the aisles were too narrow to have her walk beside me. So, in the wagon you go Celi. (She's a 75 pound rough collie) Much more frivolous reason than yours. And no one cared. Got a few "aww look at the big puppy in the wagon"'s here and there but not much else other than that.




We have removed your comment because we found the information it contained to be incorrect or it was an opinion stated as fact (rule 3). By law, a vest is not required. Also, if one of the boots has been lost, using something like vetwrap as a makeshift boot may cause the dog discomfort and also appear as though you are working an injured animal. Since OP has a wagon and has stated their dog can work from the wagon, this is a reasonable compromise to protect the dog’s feet from the heat until a replacement boot(s) can be obtained. Lastly, the comment to “do it only once” is completely unnecessary. The reason we remove comments like this is to keep bad advice or information from spreading further, especially on our subreddit. If the comment/post is corrected, it can be reinstated (just reply to this comment to let us know). If you believe you are indeed correct, please find a reputable source that supports your comment and [Message the Moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/service_dogs).


Just to clarify, in California a service dog is "considered \[a\] service \[animal\] whether or not they have been licensed" \[1\] A handler can be required to license and vaccinate a service dog if all dogs in the state, county, etc. are required to be licensed and/or vaccinated. A dog can be carried \[2\], and as far as I can tell there is nothing preventing an SD from being in a stroller or wagon. So while it doesn't seem that you are legally allowed to use a wagon, you don't seem to be legally prevented from doing so. Service animals are not required to wear a vest \[3\] or any other markings to the sign on the wagon is not necessary and I believe it would likely look a bit dodgy, especially if it is hand-written. In lieu of the Equine Tape, you should be able to find CoBan or self-adhesive bandaging at most drug stores. If you want to use the wagon, I'd go with whatever markings you typically use put your SD in the wagon and go about your day. People are going to judge or fake-spot or not and I can't see a sign helping either way. \[1\] [CA DMV Service Animals](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/driver-education-and-safety/educational-materials/fast-facts/service-animals-ffdmv-5/) \[2\] [Frequently Asked Questions about Service Animals and the ADA (PDF)](https://archive.ada.gov/regs2010/service_animal_qa.pdf) \[3\] [ADA Service Animals](https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/)


This OP seems to be concerned with 2 things: 1. Not being hassled for not walking her dog but identifying it as a service dog while it rides in a wagon. 2. What can they do about the missing shoe. 1. Your link about DMV is not appropriate as they are not going to DMV. DMV is the Dept. Of Motor Vehicles, which has nothing to do with setting laws for SDs. 2. I was simply trying to give some suggestions so OP doesn't repeatedly get hassled for people mistaking her service dog as a non-working dog, as it rides in a wagon. 3. Equine Tape IS SELF STICKING vetwrap and does NOT STICK TO THE HAIR. Maybe prior to disparaging, it would be best to be sure you know what you are speaking about. This kind of tape was originally made for horses, but spread to human and other animals. 4. OP says NOTHING AT ALL that there is any identifying signs/statements on the wagon. You assume OP does. I simply assumed OP didn't, as OP seemed worried about being hassled at one of CA's Farmer's Markets, which me & my own service dog were hassled at, so I am familiar. 5. I realize you do not have to have any type of identifier, but there are times it makes it easier, especially with groups unfamiliar with the law. 6. Most jurisdictions, if not all, require that ANY AND ALL DOGS be licensed. I was telling OP about a license that may/probably is available to them to be used as a tool to explain what SD laws are. 7. I addressed the issues that OP seemed to be having, or was concerned about. Rather than doing that, IMHO, you were just trying to disprove/argue with a fellow disabled person who happens to understand what OP was saying and actually do know the SD (really should be service animal) laws, as I have been training and advocating for them in CA for several years.


Stop being so rude to others about simple things when it’s you who is wrong. Cohesive bandage- "Coban" by 3M is commonly used as a wrap on limbs because it will stick to itself and not loosen. Due to its elastic qualities, coban is often used as a compression bandage. It is used both on humans and animals. For animal use, it is marketed under a variety of trade names such as "Vetrap" by 3M. It is commonly used on horses and other animals because it will not stick to hair so it is easily removed.


You should be fine my mom’s dog was kicked, and paralyzed. He used to ride in a wagon and go with her because he could still alert from the wagon. We were in California and it was fine from our experience.




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